But with a Leyline in opening hand, I'll not play the 2 first turns, IF the Delirium is in hand in third turn, to make him discard. Until there the game may be lost.
You hide behind bridge, pick off their creatures, discard your own stuff, drop all your Racks/Afflictions, then finish them off with Skeins/Racks/Afflictions in a few short turns. It's a problem for the deck, of course, but totally doable. Anyway, Leyline isn't super common; for a budget deck, you should be willing to accept that occasional weakness.
This deck can't afford any more taplands. You're solving one problem and creating a bigger one.
They've been discussed in the other thread and they're not good enough. I don't think this being a budget deck changes anything. Feel free to test...
If you're playing Mindcrank you're best off just playing the Mindcrank/Duskmantle Guildmage deck.
I understand. Don't take it personally if I reject them; it's only because I've tested the deck exhaustively and I'm confident in what's good and what isn't.
Testing on MWS, I really missed the card Necrogen Mist, as it helps to control on late game, when I'm top deck, and begin to draw lands, while the opponent starts to hold cards in hand.
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B 8rackB G Aggro Elves G UW Ad NauseamBR G Gr Tron R U U Tron U B Monoblack Vampires B BGR Jund BGR
Hey. I'm new to the modern format, but have been a casual player for a good while and have some intrest in making this deck! After looking at this thread and playtesting 1-2 games I have a very rough list that I want some suggestions for...I've posted it below..
Probably not the best list, but there are a few things I wanted to test. Smallpox seems like a nice card. While it may not make the final cut, I wanted to test it before I dump it entirely as having a spell that is both removal and discard at the same time seams like it would be nice to have. With smallpox and Funeral Charm counted as "removal" you have a robust removal suite of 10 kill spells, 7 of which are also discard spells at the same time. Finally, I'm also testing the funeral charm over blackmail or the duress/despise combo as I see potential in it's flexibility. The ability to have -instant speed- discard is nice, as you can immediately put them into top deck mode upon their first draw. The big appeal however, is that while it is mostly a discard spell, it can actually be removal in a pinch. I -really- like the idea of having a card that can be a discard spell but also a way to pick off creatures like, say, Bob, when you need it, hence why I am testing. I may go back to the duress/despise combo or maybe even 4x blackmail, though, but I'd like opinions on which would be better. Also I have little idea what to do with the sideboard since I a new to the whole competitive MTG scene and thus sideboards in general...so any help there is also appreciated.
Anyway...again, this list is very BETA and I am new to modern, so if any of you have ideas or advice on this deck I'd appreciate it!
Funeral Charm isn't great, but we need 6-7 kill effects and it's the best thing we have on a budget if we're not using Lily. You need Charm and Despise/Duress. It's critical we have 8 targeted discard effects; in ways, the deck actually wants more of them, so going below 8 is definitely a bad idea.
The problem with Smallpox is it's bad for a deck like ours with a tight curve. I tested it a lot before and a lot of the time I'd need to make it to three lands but couldn't if I cast Smallpox, and then I'd just die. Sometimes you have to cast the Smallpox to kill their creature but then you'd be screwed in the long game. And sometimes you mostly need it to kill a creature but they have two or more out. It's usually only truly good when it's turn 2 and you have four land (in play/in hand) and they have one creature out. Way too situational. Cut it. It'd be better if we added more land, but then we're cutting things we don't want to/can't afford to, so...
Dismember is a good option, since we're not taking life loss from Thoughtseize and Bitterblossom. I've added it to the primer. I've also swapped Drown in Sorrow for Darkblast in the sideboard (explanation in the primer), and removed Infernal Tutor (it's gotten quite expensive on MTGO and in paper).
Yeah, but I am not sure what to -cut- for the the despise/duress combo since I only run 3 smallpox, not 4. Since I -really- like necrogen mists in testing but if you think it's not worth it I may try cutting that.
No, it's very important to have the 2x Skeins 2x Mists (or some combination of either/both). The sideboard I would change up some: you don't need/want the extra Skeins, and Tormod's Crypt is better than Relic because it's free (and doesn't hurt Raven's Crime). I'd recommend -2 Skeins -2x Relic +4 Crypt. That's a tight list.
Ok, good to know. The extra skeins where for the leyline, in case I run into it, but if I find my meta happens to be overflowing with leyline(I've never done modern before, so I don't really -know- my local meta yet) I'll just swap decks as I plan on making both this and eventually a $70.99 Mono U tron deck for a grand total of $176.20(provided I shop around for the lowest possible prices/deals), still cheaper then what most modern decks run. The plus side, however, is that for this deck(8Rack) the only cards I need to buy are the bridges, necrogen mists, a single delirium skeins(I only own one) and some of the side deck cards. Other then those cards, I already own the entire deck, so yeah. Likewise, I already own -most- of the tron deck(and in fact already own the most expensive cards I.E Wurmcoil, the double mindslavers, platnium angel etc..) as well, so while both decks will be worth $176.20, I'll be spending a lot less to make them since I already own most of the cards for both from being a long-time casual player.
If you find your meta has a lot of Leyline (unlikely), consider saving up for 2-3 Bitterblossom (which could replace Funeral Charm). They'd be $100-150 total, assuming current prices (they're likely to drop quite a bit in the coming months). If not now, then put the deck aside until you get them.
Cool, man. Glad to hear you'll have two solid Modern decks to start with. They're releasing a $75 BW Tokens event deck May 30, too, if you're interested in that. Either way, it's likely to include Bitterblossom, which will drop the price on it. Hope you like the format and stick with it.
Not really interested in tokens, it's far, far too aggro-y for my tastes. I like to at least have some removal, discard or counters in my deck, which is why I am building the two decks I am rather then say some uber-cheap aggro deck like burn.dek/RDWs or Zoo(which can be made for $50.00) That's why I'm not touching standard. Control gets FAR too expensive in standard(since in that format it's seemingly all about the walkers more often then not.), and in the rare case there actually is a budget control deck in that format you have to worry about it rotating and being replaced by a format in which there is no viable budget control build and your forced to play aggro. As a player who hates aggro(though I am fine with aggro-control, midrange and decks like mono U tron which are offensive but still have a fairly robust removal/counter/discard package.), standard is just not for me because of this, hence why I've decided to make my first foray into FNM with the modern format.
DO you guys think that Waste Not will be a card with not so high price, that can enter in our budget deck? I was think about substitute 2 Ensnaring Bridge for 2 Waste Not.
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Oh definitely. It should help the budget version a lot. I would probably sub all the Bridges for Waste Nots, partly because it makes it much cheaper and partly because Bridge and Waste Not don't play well together.
I've heard some rumors that with the release of Waste Not, Liliana of the Veil may be banned. But just rumors. In fact Waste Not will be a very powerful card for our deck. I'm just afraid about a huge migration to 8rack deck with Waste Not, causing a Leyline Of Sanctity infest on the others deck.
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B 8rackB G Aggro Elves G UW Ad NauseamBR G Gr Tron R U U Tron U B Monoblack Vampires B BGR Jund BGR
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What about a white splash with some Evolving wilds, Plains, Caves of Koilos or Isolated Chapel and some Desmistify, Disenchant, or Curse Breaker?
Cause againt this 8rack deck, Leyline in opening hand it's GG.
B 8rack B
G Aggro Elves G
U W Ad Nauseam BR
G Gr Tron R
U U Tron U
B Monoblack Vampires B
B 8rack B
G Aggro Elves G
U W Ad Nauseam BR
G Gr Tron R
U U Tron U
B Monoblack Vampires B
This deck can't afford any more taplands. You're solving one problem and creating a bigger one.
I'm just trying to help giving some ideas to enhance the deck
B 8rack B
G Aggro Elves G
U W Ad Nauseam BR
G Gr Tron R
U U Tron U
B Monoblack Vampires B
If you're playing Mindcrank you're best off just playing the Mindcrank/Duskmantle Guildmage deck.
I understand. Don't take it personally if I reject them; it's only because I've tested the deck exhaustively and I'm confident in what's good and what isn't.
B 8rack B
G Aggro Elves G
U W Ad Nauseam BR
G Gr Tron R
U U Tron U
B Monoblack Vampires B
B 8rack B
G Aggro Elves G
U W Ad Nauseam BR
G Gr Tron R
U U Tron U
B Monoblack Vampires B
Giving your opponent choices is bad. Welding Jar might be a decent sideboard choice for decks like BGx.
2x Necrogen Mists
4x Shrieking Affliction
Sorceries [12]:
2x Delirium Skeins
4x Wrench Mind
3x Smallpox
4x Inquisition of Kozilek
4x Raven's Crime
2x Dismember
1x Slaughter Pact
4x Funeral Charm
Artifacts [8]:
4x Ensnaring Bridge
4x The Rack
Lands [22]:
2x Dakmor Salvage
20x Swamp
3x Drown in Sorrow
3x Surgical Extraction
4x Torpor Orb
2x Pithing Needle
3x Nihil Spellbomb
Probably not the best list, but there are a few things I wanted to test. Smallpox seems like a nice card. While it may not make the final cut, I wanted to test it before I dump it entirely as having a spell that is both removal and discard at the same time seams like it would be nice to have. With smallpox and Funeral Charm counted as "removal" you have a robust removal suite of 10 kill spells, 7 of which are also discard spells at the same time. Finally, I'm also testing the funeral charm over blackmail or the duress/despise combo as I see potential in it's flexibility. The ability to have -instant speed- discard is nice, as you can immediately put them into top deck mode upon their first draw. The big appeal however, is that while it is mostly a discard spell, it can actually be removal in a pinch. I -really- like the idea of having a card that can be a discard spell but also a way to pick off creatures like, say, Bob, when you need it, hence why I am testing. I may go back to the duress/despise combo or maybe even 4x blackmail, though, but I'd like opinions on which would be better. Also I have little idea what to do with the sideboard since I a new to the whole competitive MTG scene and thus sideboards in general...so any help there is also appreciated.
Anyway...again, this list is very BETA and I am new to modern, so if any of you have ideas or advice on this deck I'd appreciate it!
The problem with Smallpox is it's bad for a deck like ours with a tight curve. I tested it a lot before and a lot of the time I'd need to make it to three lands but couldn't if I cast Smallpox, and then I'd just die. Sometimes you have to cast the Smallpox to kill their creature but then you'd be screwed in the long game. And sometimes you mostly need it to kill a creature but they have two or more out. It's usually only truly good when it's turn 2 and you have four land (in play/in hand) and they have one creature out. Way too situational. Cut it. It'd be better if we added more land, but then we're cutting things we don't want to/can't afford to, so...
Dismember is a good option, since we're not taking life loss from Thoughtseize and Bitterblossom. I've added it to the primer. I've also swapped Drown in Sorrow for Darkblast in the sideboard (explanation in the primer), and removed Infernal Tutor (it's gotten quite expensive on MTGO and in paper).
Here is my updated list..
2x Necrogen Mists
4x Shrieking Affliction
Sorceries [18]:
2x Delirium Skeins
4x Wrench Mind
2x Duress
2x Despise
4x Inquisition of Kozilek
4x Raven's Crime
2x Dismember
1x Slaughter Pact
3x Funeral Charm
Artifacts [8]:
4x Ensnaring Bridge
4x The Rack
Lands [22]:
2x Dakmor Salvage
20x Swamp
3x Bile Blight
4x Darkblast
4x Sun Droplet
4x Tormod's Crypt
No, it's very important to have the 2x Skeins 2x Mists (or some combination of either/both). The sideboard I would change up some: you don't need/want the extra Skeins, and Tormod's Crypt is better than Relic because it's free (and doesn't hurt Raven's Crime). I'd recommend -2 Skeins -2x Relic +4 Crypt. That's a tight list.
Cool, man. Glad to hear you'll have two solid Modern decks to start with. They're releasing a $75 BW Tokens event deck May 30, too, if you're interested in that. Either way, it's likely to include Bitterblossom, which will drop the price on it. Hope you like the format and stick with it.
B 8rack B
G Aggro Elves G
U W Ad Nauseam BR
G Gr Tron R
U U Tron U
B Monoblack Vampires B
B 8rack B
G Aggro Elves G
U W Ad Nauseam BR
G Gr Tron R
U U Tron U
B Monoblack Vampires B