To be honest it's not really a deck I'm planning on making any time soon, I was mostly theory-crafting a cheap landfall deck but yes if I do end up buying it IRL then it would probably be with Kahnslaught fetches.
Well that changes alot of things. then you get 8 real fetches. So its not nearly as "slow." Youd still have to get at least 1 stomping ground, 1 sacred foundry, so your turn 1 nacatl can be a turn 3 3/3. Can't really get around that one.
After that you dont need to waste time with a lush growth, and can run burn in that spot. I'd suggest a 1 of Boros Garrison as reusable gas (drop it bounce itself.) And I know your not trying to make this expesive... But Knight of the reliquary is only 5 bucks each, and makes the whole land fall thing a million times better.
As is, I dont see the deck being any good until you hit at least 50 bucks. No way you're going to pull it off well for less than that. I mean we are talking about a deck thats named after its mana base.
I need to reevaluate the lists anyways now rav has rolled out. He funtions as a beat down that can stay in the game, much like tarmogoyf, ghor doesnt. thats the differece.
I need to reevaluate the lists anyways now rav has rolled out. He funtions as a beat down that can stay in the game, much like tarmogoyf, ghor doesnt. thats the differece.
I was just wondering, because i already have the Rampagers.
vs. Twin:
I know, Gryff and Orb stops them immediately. But i'm serious about Keening Apparition instead of Orb.
It's a 2/2, i do not have to leave mana open during Opp's turn and he's also available in, say Ascendancy Storm.
I also haven't discarded Blind Obedience yet, i just wait to the day, when there will be another matchup he
could become reliable.
regarding Kor Firewalker:
Is it here to fight Burn / RDW or is there anything out there which we couldn't handle with Leyline of Sanctity?
Don't misunderstand me, he's good, but it takes 2 SB-Slots.
regarding Rest in Peace:
Is it just vs. Living End?
It's better than Crypt or Relic IMO, i just want to know if there's another relevant MU.
Molten Rain
I'm wondering why noone is running Fulminator Mage. a 2/2 Body trades 2 Direct Damage.
Are there any real con's to running him?
I can answer the last two questions. The reason so many more people are running Molten Rain instead of Fuliminator Mage is probably because the former is $1.11 and the latter is $42.50. And as for Destructive Revelry, I myself am running 3 in the sideboard, along with 2 Qasali Pridemage in the main. But most people still prefer Ancient Grudge over Revelry.
Has anyone considered Deflecting Palm vs any big damage source decks like... Jund or Tron? Are they even an issue? I'm thinking of jumping into Zoo (got the fetches thanks to Khans!)
Anyway, I've drafted that card and played it in standard and Arbor Colossus got punked twice in the same game. Get a 5/6 or 6/7 Tarmagoyf and you've got value.
i just threw this together right now, i would like some help with the sideboard. I just looked around in this thread for ideas, and i really dont think that its a good sideboard, but i have to start somewhere, right?
The list i stated above went 4-2 against a full price RWU control deck. luckily he had only proxied it, and he is now deciding on a different deck to use.
Well, since Onslaught fetchlands are reprinted in Khans, I have been splashing white in my Zoo deck, so I'll be mainly in the other premier, and will probably be retiring my Gruul Zoo deck. But here is the final version before I part.
I run no Goyfs, no Lavamancer, no Knight, 12 Fetches and i think he could be in a sweet spot in my list.
2-of should be absolutely enough for the first shots.
Ok Dudes, Talk is cheap, so i played a round vs. Agent of Bolas Control.
Convince yourself, it was so funny both matches... Hooting Mandrills casted for 1 Mana...without the Sweeper it hadn't been so cute
did testing with hooters. They arent as good a goyf. Sorry, we all want the dream to be real but it is not. Hooters feels more like smiters, but better in very late games (cheaper, discard and counters irrelivent) Smiter is still better early game, prividing you have the mana, and goyf is still a 2 mana dude who doesnt die to bolt. This guy isnt really a mana dude. Hes more like Serra Avenger he just isnt played until turn 3. Even in a game where you go "fetch, nacatl, pass. Nacatl is bolted. Fetch, bolt, kird pass." thats 4 things in your yard, and you still cant cast him until turn 3. and thats assuming everything goes the grave way.
He aint goyf. But hes a good replacement for it, which ususaly you know I dont say that kinda thing. It also means that 1 drop zoo players are free to see new options... But he does cut you off of knight (not the end of the world) grim (again, not the end) Scooze (more relivent) some sided grave hates (rest in peace, which 1 drop zoo can play) but he makes things like mutagenic growth and gut shot better for what its worth. Heres my current budget list. Its 100 dollars in MTGO, 120 in paper, and transitions nicely from 1 drop zoo to full on zoo.
I still think 1 drop zoo is still a totally valid option, but this is doable. COurse hooting does need at least 8 fetches, so you'd have to get at least 4 more fetches to get it to work, doesnt matter what kind.
Shocks and Onslaught fetches are recently reprinted and are currently fairly low. I would recommend trying to work towards something like the manabase below if you can.
Hi everyone. I've really only been playing Standard but am thinking of giving Modern a shot - and Zoo seems like a cool deck to play. For budget reasons I've got no Goyfs nor Goblin Guides, but am hoping to making it semi-competitive at least. Would really appreciate feedback on my build, especially regarding the sideboard since I have no clue what decks I'll face in Modern.
I have been Playing one drop zoo for awhile now, and it's definitely a great start with LOTS of room to improve. First off i would trade the pyroclasms for Volcanic fallout personally, gets off a turn later but the fact that it can't be countered and does 2 damage to players are relevant factors. Personally I would switch the seeker of the way for Kor Firewalker if you want to go with the gain life route (Kor firewalker is AMAZING in current meta with treasure burn and delver everywhere.) I would gear more away from monastery swiftspear and towards either steppe lynx or experiment one which free's up a lot of the support cards for other slots ( eg gut shot and mutagenic growth. but that is personal preference along with the fact i haven't tested the MSS.) But if you want MSS in I would say you have to go all out by maxing out mutagenic growths switching helix etc... for one cost spells(pillar of flames, forked bolt (expensive) rift bolt etc...) and possibly adding hooting mandrills with the uptake in grave size. Other than that the sideboard is pretty good (once you know your meta you can really slide it one way or the other), i prefer to use rest in peace over relic in decks that I don't utilize the grave.
Hi guys. I am a standard player but my local shop are going to organize more modern tournaments than before. I was wondering if I could make some budget Naya, coz I've got 4 Wooded Foothils and 4 Windswept Heath. I am looking for first modern deck in my entire history which is few years (only limited and standard). I know how to play, I have won some gamedays and drafts, but I don't know modern at all. I also got 4 Scavenging Ooze. I can buy few shocklands (not many!), and some other cheap cards. Do you have any suggestion for me? Is zoo deck good deck for starting journey with modern format? Cheers.
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Well that changes alot of things. then you get 8 real fetches. So its not nearly as "slow." Youd still have to get at least 1 stomping ground, 1 sacred foundry, so your turn 1 nacatl can be a turn 3 3/3. Can't really get around that one.
After that you dont need to waste time with a lush growth, and can run burn in that spot. I'd suggest a 1 of Boros Garrison as reusable gas (drop it bounce itself.) And I know your not trying to make this expesive... But Knight of the reliquary is only 5 bucks each, and makes the whole land fall thing a million times better.
As is, I dont see the deck being any good until you hit at least 50 bucks. No way you're going to pull it off well for less than that. I mean we are talking about a deck thats named after its mana base.
Ok, but that's not what i have in mind.
I'd rather try to create a Burn-Control heavy list, primarily running RW.
For this purpose I'd suggest running:
2 Domri Rade
2 Ajani Vengeant
4 Lightning Helix
4 Lightning Bolt
Green @ it's best
I need to reevaluate the lists anyways now rav has rolled out. He funtions as a beat down that can stay in the game, much like tarmogoyf, ghor doesnt. thats the differece.
I was just wondering, because i already have the Rampagers.
Regarding Sideboard again:
maybe i have some crazy imagination what our sideboard should do and shouldn't but i'd like to ask about some choices:
vs. Pod:
Hushwing Gryff, Path, Pillar, Stony Silence and Torpor Orb are our best chances???
vs. Twin:
I know, Gryff and Orb stops them immediately. But i'm serious about Keening Apparition instead of Orb.
It's a 2/2, i do not have to leave mana open during Opp's turn and he's also available in, say Ascendancy Storm.
I also haven't discarded Blind Obedience yet, i just wait to the day, when there will be another matchup he
could become reliable.
regarding Kor Firewalker:
Is it here to fight Burn / RDW or is there anything out there which we couldn't handle with Leyline of Sanctity?
Don't misunderstand me, he's good, but it takes 2 SB-Slots.
regarding Rest in Peace:
Is it just vs. Living End?
It's better than Crypt or Relic IMO, i just want to know if there's another relevant MU.
Molten Rain
I'm wondering why noone is running Fulminator Mage. a 2/2 Body trades 2 Direct Damage.
Are there any real con's to running him?
Destructive Revelry
Same as above. Tin Street Hooligan is a 2/1 vs. 2 DirectD.
Puh, lot of questions, hope you might help me.
Green @ it's best
I can answer the last two questions. The reason so many more people are running Molten Rain instead of Fuliminator Mage is probably because the former is $1.11 and the latter is $42.50. And as for Destructive Revelry, I myself am running 3 in the sideboard, along with 2 Qasali Pridemage in the main. But most people still prefer Ancient Grudge over Revelry.
Anyway, I've drafted that card and played it in standard and Arbor Colossus got punked twice in the same game. Get a 5/6 or 6/7 Tarmagoyf and you've got value.
i was thinking
3 Destructive Revelry
3 Molten Rain
2 Ancient Grudge
3 Flame Slash
i just threw this together right now, i would like some help with the sideboard. I just looked around in this thread for ideas, and i really dont think that its a good sideboard, but i have to start somewhere, right?
My maindeck is as follows
4 Forest
1 Plains
4 Razorverge Thicket
4 Stomping Ground
2 Karplusan Forest
2 Brushland
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Experiment One
4 Jund Hackblade
4 Naya Hushblade
4 Flinthoof Boar
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
2 Ghor-Clan Rampager
3 Pillar of Flame
3 Rancor
I already had the Stomping grounds, and in all my testing, rampager works better than the woolly thoctar, so thats why i made that switch.
4 Copperline Gorge
4 Stomping Ground
4 Wooded Foothills
4 Mountain
4 Forest
1 Skarrg, the Rage Pits
4 Experiment One
4 Kird Ape
4 Goblin Guide
4 Scavenging Ooze
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Flinthoof Boar
4 Ghor-Clan Rampager
1 Domri Rade
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Pillar of Flame
2 Dismember
after running the following list for some weeks:
4 Wooded Foothills
4 Windswept Heath
2 Sacred Foundry
2 Stomping Ground
1 Temple Garden
1 Plains
1 Mountain
1 Forest
4 Wild Nacatl
4 goblin Guide
4 Kird Ape
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Flinthoof Boar
3 Ghor-Clan Rampager
4 Lightning bolt
4 Path to Exile
2 Mutagenic Growth
i recognize that this list has a very, very dark Flipside:
I do not have big Butts!
But Naya Colours has a lot of big dudes, so I'd like to include the most obvous Creature at all:
Knight of the Reliquary
So What do you think 'bout cutting 2 Mutagenic for the Knight?
Does have anyone a better idea? do i need to include a 21st Land with this approach?
Green @ it's best
i try this one for testing purposes and i think it could become a threat in my Deck:
Hooting Mandrills
I run no Goyfs, no Lavamancer, no Knight, 12 Fetches and i think he could be in a sweet spot in my list.
2-of should be absolutely enough for the first shots.
Green @ it's best
Convince yourself, it was so funny both matches...
Hooting Mandrills casted for 1 Mana...without the Sweeper it hadn't been so cute
Green @ it's best
I still think 1 drop zoo is still a totally valid option, but this is doable. COurse hooting does need at least 8 fetches, so you'd have to get at least 4 more fetches to get it to work, doesnt matter what kind.
4 Windswept Heath
2 Stomping Ground
2 Sacred Foundry
2 Temple Garden
2 Mountain
2 Plains
2 Forest
WDeath and TaxesW