Vissah when i was playing gruul for a while you may want to switch 2 of the Rootbound crag to just basic lands because i would run into having two of those in hand or something occasionally which being gruul you can't afford to miss your 1 drops.
First I have come to not like torpor orb ( or really hushwing that much) maybe molten rain since it hurts many more decks and can buy you a turn+ to pull out the win. but given your list volcanic fallout doesn't seem to fit either since there are quite a few of your own creatures it kills. Reclamation sage with destructive revelry seems really redundant and unnecessary unless your meta has a lot of BOTH boggles and Affinity (if its super packed with affinity use ancient grudge instead of Reclamation sage, if boggles is all over the place use Back to Nature.) I do like Domri in my build curves out nice and both abilities can be very relevant.
Another 3-1 in the dailies with my 1CMC zoo deck ( same as last time so i will skip posting the deck unless asked to do so)
Match 1: UB Control 2-1,(1-0) HE won game one with a bunch of wrath effects, and eventually a batterskull. Game two he was mana screwed at 2 ands for the majority of the game. Game three I set u early and kept him on the defence by the time he got a wrath effect off i had him at 6 so i bolted him and waited for hi to tap out with batterskull to bolt him again.
Match 2: UR Delver 2-1,(2-0) Game one kept him on the defensive till i could pull off the win. Took a risky hand game 2 with only a temple garden...drew into two more temple gardens and drew all red cards. Game three took the aggressive rout since i was on the pay and he couldn't keep up.
Match 3: Infect 2-1 (3-0) Game one beat him in speed, game two he beat me with wild defiance, game three Got out an early creature and bolted all his creatures his last turn he had blighted agent, i waited until he tapped out to path his blighted agent and revelry his inkmoth nexus as bringing him to 9 so my goblin guide and wild nacatl could kill him with help from a Ghor-Clan Rampager.
Match 4: Affinity 1-2 (3-1) Was faster than him game one, a little removal to keep him down. Game two he got cranial plating and ran me out of removal and got enough damage in the turn before i could kill him. Game three had him next turn he had etched champion out and 1x Cranial plating then drops 2x more Cranial Plating on said champion to get in the 14 damage he needed.
All in all good day with 3-1 and almost pulling out 4-0.
R1: UWR Control / Midrange
He started 0-1 because he was too late.
Match 1 i had a bad opener and ran soon out of gas while he stavilizes.
Match 2 i dropped a lot of stuff and smashed him down to 0.
R2: Burn
Guess what, i didn't have Leyline, so he shot me down in no time. 0-2
R3: G Stompy
Match 1 he had no land drop till T3 so i got creature after creature and killed him.
Match 2 he was awesome fast, with some Giants and other FAtties.
Match 3 he dropped a T2 BTE, but that was too slow either.
R4: Blue Moon
Yeah, Match 1 he got Moon T3 and i has huge problems keeping the pressure on.
Match 2 was a fight, but i managed to bolt him down to 0.
Match 3 was awkward, we both ran out of gas while he had Shackles on board.
I managed to establish some threats until he got Batterskull. I didn't draw my Revelry and soon gave up.
I tried mistcutter hydra for a while in other builds and ultimately went to skylasher for mana curve purporses. also if you are in white i currently run 2 Kor Firewalker (in addition to leyline) in my 1 drop zoo, but if you are just splashing white the double mana may be hard to come by.
Yep. burn is very much layline or not for us. And the blue moon matchup gets better with the new fetches soon.
As burn/rdw is somewhat popular currently, what do you (well open question to anyone really) think about siding few Circle of Protection: Red* with Leyline of Sanctity? Trying to figure out sideboard for my GW Stompy, and the issue with Layline is that even when you have 4 of them in sideboard, odds to get one in opening hand is only around 40% and if you don't get one, 4th turn play it is at earliest.
*) I know there are burn spells that prevent from preventing damage, and that there is at least one black burn spell. On the other hand, cop:red works against critters as well.
just saw the Zoolon vid of Lantern. I Like the card a lot, but finally not happy with the List.
I'd like the Eidolon with a few Zoo Elements and RW Burn Stuff (Lightning Helix,Boros Charm) but don't know where to begin.
My Idea is basically this:
Drop a T1 Threat (Wild Nacatl, Loam Lion, Kird Ape, Goblin Guide), T2 an Eidolon and then go on with Burn, a little bit of Lifegain (Ooze, Helix) and as mentioned by Lantern, Grim Lavamancer for repetitive damage. My next thoughts rely on Blood Moon to shut down greedy Mana-based decks. the whole Deck will be an Approach to combine Zoo, Hatebear and Burn Stuff.
So what do you think 'bout the overall Masterplan? Is it just too much at all or maybe worth considering to sleeve it up?
Your going to have trouble making more utlity creatures in combonation with beaters and burn. You just simply dont have enough slots. Say you use 16 slots for burn, and 20 for lands, that leaves you with 24 for creatures. Doing a full set of beaters that you mentioned, 4+4+4+4, and 4 eidolon means you have 20 creatures right there, giving you access to 4 slots free for "Hate"
Really, you're going to need to stick to one game plan. I personally was thinking about a 1 drop zoo with edilon and see how it goes. I wouldnt do blood moon right now, because even jund is fixing the mana with basics and better fetches. Blood moon in the side is still maybe fine, but thats as far as Id go. Slip into the blue moon thread, people are saying what a headache testing is now for new modern with the ON fetches.
Your going to have trouble making more utlity creatures in combonation with beaters and burn. You just simply dont have enough slots. Say you use 16 slots for burn, and 20 for lands, that leaves you with 24 for creatures. Doing a full set of beaters that you mentioned, 4+4+4+4, and 4 eidolon means you have 20 creatures right there, giving you access to 4 slots free for "Hate"
Really, you're going to need to stick to one game plan. I personally was thinking about a 1 drop zoo with edilon and see how it goes. I wouldnt do blood moon right now, because even jund is fixing the mana with basics and better fetches. Blood moon in the side is still maybe fine, but thats as far as Id go. Slip into the blue moon thread, people are saying what a headache testing is now for new modern with the ON fetches.
Yeah, well answered. You're right.
What shift do you advise for not having Goyf but willing to run the Eidolon Zoo of your Video?
There's a local near my town in about 6 weeks, where the Price Pool are 70 (!!!) Fetches KTK and the first placed will get the whole 5 Playsets!
I'd like to come up with a few surprises (since everybody there knows i'm running Zoo) and then had the idea of including of the Eidolon yesterday.
I realise the following list is probably totally rubbish and should be burned but I figured I'd see what you guys think of my ultra-budget landfall zoo deck using the "bad" fetches. I'm sorry if this kind of thing has been posted before and I've missed it but here goes:
The whole deck sets you back about $35 according to deckstats with bolts/rancor being about half of that of that. Is this worth considering/pursuing or should I just give up on it?
What do people think about using the Kavu Predator/fiery Justice/Grove of the burnwillows package instead of goyf? I haven't actually gotten around to testing it but I like the potential 3mana one sided board wipe while getting a 7/7 trampler along with the potential to take out troublesome planeswalkers.
Its sub par without punishing fire. I dont suggest it.
@landfall: with out real fetches ita going to be really slow, and hit or miss on nacatl ape and lion. Your better off just playing boros. However, onslaught fetches will be printed soon. Will you be able to get it?
To be honest it's not really a deck I'm planning on making any time soon, I was mostly theory-crafting a cheap landfall deck but yes if I do end up buying it IRL then it would probably be with Kahnslaught fetches.
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WDeath and TaxesW
Modern - Burn
EDH - Neheb the Eternal
4 Goblin Guide
4 Kird Ape
4 Experiment One
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Scavenging Ooze
4 Flinthoof Boar
4 Ghor-Clan Rampager
1 Kitchen Finks
4 Molten Rain
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Pillar of Flame
Lands: 21
4 Copperline George
4 Stomping Grounds
7 Mountain
6 Forest
1 Chandra, Pyromaster
1 Domri Rade
2 Pillar of Flame
4 Reclamation Sage
4 Destructive Revelry
3 Torpor Orb
WDeath and TaxesW
Match 1: UB Control 2-1,(1-0) HE won game one with a bunch of wrath effects, and eventually a batterskull. Game two he was mana screwed at 2 ands for the majority of the game. Game three I set u early and kept him on the defence by the time he got a wrath effect off i had him at 6 so i bolted him and waited for hi to tap out with batterskull to bolt him again.
Match 2: UR Delver 2-1,(2-0) Game one kept him on the defensive till i could pull off the win. Took a risky hand game 2 with only a temple garden...drew into two more temple gardens and drew all red cards. Game three took the aggressive rout since i was on the pay and he couldn't keep up.
Match 3: Infect 2-1 (3-0) Game one beat him in speed, game two he beat me with wild defiance, game three Got out an early creature and bolted all his creatures his last turn he had blighted agent, i waited until he tapped out to path his blighted agent and revelry his inkmoth nexus as bringing him to 9 so my goblin guide and wild nacatl could kill him with help from a Ghor-Clan Rampager.
Match 4: Affinity 1-2 (3-1) Was faster than him game one, a little removal to keep him down. Game two he got cranial plating and ran me out of removal and got enough damage in the turn before i could kill him. Game three had him next turn he had etched champion out and 1x Cranial plating then drops 2x more Cranial Plating on said champion to get in the 14 damage he needed.
All in all good day with 3-1 and almost pulling out 4-0.
WDeath and TaxesW
4 Verdant Catacombs
2 Stomping Ground
2 Sacred Foundry
2 Temple Garden
1 Plains
1 Forest
1 Mountain
3 Copperline gorge
4 Wild Nacatl
4 Kird Ape
4 Experiment One
4 Burning Tree Emissary
4 Flinthoof Boar
2 Scavenging Ooze
2 Hellspark Elemental
4 Ghor-Clan Rampager
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Path to Exile
R1: UWR Control / Midrange
He started 0-1 because he was too late.
Match 1 i had a bad opener and ran soon out of gas while he stavilizes.
Match 2 i dropped a lot of stuff and smashed him down to 0.
R2: Burn
Guess what, i didn't have Leyline, so he shot me down in no time. 0-2
R3: G Stompy
Match 1 he had no land drop till T3 so i got creature after creature and killed him.
Match 2 he was awesome fast, with some Giants and other FAtties.
Match 3 he dropped a T2 BTE, but that was too slow either.
R4: Blue Moon
Yeah, Match 1 he got Moon T3 and i has huge problems keeping the pressure on.
Match 2 was a fight, but i managed to bolt him down to 0.
Match 3 was awkward, we both ran out of gas while he had Shackles on board.
I managed to establish some threats until he got Batterskull. I didn't draw my Revelry and soon gave up.
Green @ it's best
Is he viable in the Zoo?
Modern - Burn
EDH - Neheb the Eternal
WDeath and TaxesW
Thanx for the tips I will definitly take a look at it.
Modern - Burn
EDH - Neheb the Eternal
just saw the Zoolon vid of Lantern. I Like the card a lot, but finally not happy with the List.
I'd like the Eidolon with a few Zoo Elements and RW Burn Stuff (Lightning Helix,Boros Charm) but don't know where to begin.
My Idea is basically this:
Drop a T1 Threat (Wild Nacatl, Loam Lion, Kird Ape, Goblin Guide), T2 an Eidolon and then go on with Burn, a little bit of Lifegain (Ooze, Helix) and as mentioned by Lantern, Grim Lavamancer for repetitive damage. My next thoughts rely on Blood Moon to shut down greedy Mana-based decks. the whole Deck will be an Approach to combine Zoo, Hatebear and Burn Stuff.
So what do you think 'bout the overall Masterplan? Is it just too much at all or maybe worth considering to sleeve it up?
Green @ it's best
Really, you're going to need to stick to one game plan. I personally was thinking about a 1 drop zoo with edilon and see how it goes. I wouldnt do blood moon right now, because even jund is fixing the mana with basics and better fetches. Blood moon in the side is still maybe fine, but thats as far as Id go. Slip into the blue moon thread, people are saying what a headache testing is now for new modern with the ON fetches.
Yeah, well answered. You're right.
What shift do you advise for not having Goyf but willing to run the Eidolon Zoo of your Video?
There's a local near my town in about 6 weeks, where the Price Pool are 70 (!!!) Fetches KTK and the first placed will get the whole 5 Playsets!
I'd like to come up with a few surprises (since everybody there knows i'm running Zoo) and then had the idea of including of the Eidolon yesterday.
Green @ it's best
4 Loam Lion
4 Kird Ape
4 Goblin Guide
3 Grim Lavamancer
4 Eidolon of the Great Revel
4 Ghor-Clan Rampager
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Path to Exile
4 Lightning Helix
3 Mutagenic Growth
1 Mountain
1 Plains
4 Arid Mesa
4 Stomping Ground
1 Temple Garden
3 Sacred Foundry
4 Scalding Tarn
1 Verdant Catacombs
3 Leyline of Sanctity
2 Kor Firewalker
2 Stony Silence
2 Rest in Peace
2 Path to Exile
2 Molten Rain
2 Destructive Revelry
Thats what Id test. Its based off the list HugeElfBoy uses.
4 Loam Lion
4 Kird Ape
4 Plated Geopede
4 Steppe Lynx
4 Ghor-Clan Rampager
4 Adventuring Gear
4 Lush Growth
4 Lightning Bolt
5 Forest
4 Terramorphic Expanse
4 Evolving Wilds
4 Plains
3 Mountain
The whole deck sets you back about $35 according to deckstats with bolts/rancor being about half of that of that. Is this worth considering/pursuing or should I just give up on it?
@landfall: with out real fetches ita going to be really slow, and hit or miss on nacatl ape and lion. Your better off just playing boros. However, onslaught fetches will be printed soon. Will you be able to get it?
Whats your budget?
Shame since I absolutely love the interaction.
What was the "combo" that broke punishing fire to begin with?