I think Hackblade might be a problem, because i do have only few multicolored creatures. What is a solid replacement for him?
The List is what i own ATM, i still got 2 Temple GArden but no Foundry, so i'll wait till i put my hands on a playset to upgrade teh Deck to Naya Zoo.
Has anyone problems with the non-interacton between Emissary and Strangleroot Geist?
I would sideboard the dryads (only 2 or 3 total), up the rampagers to 4, and probably put in a couple more cheap burn spells (forked bolt, pillar of flame, rift bolt, depending on your anticipated matchups).
I'm building up to Zoo both Online and Paper, but am wondering, if leaning towards a bit of burn is discouraged? I know we typically will run Lightning Bolt and Path to Exile, but things like Searing Blaze, and Flame Slash see play in some other decks for spot removal and can keep the pressure up while we keep swinging. I've played red for so long, perhaps its just hard to let go...
ok, but the list is evolving ATM because there's a playset Verdant Catacombs ahead this month.
In my playtesting's Crag was ok, i had no problems with it.
Id assume Domri Rade is still superior. Less mana, more "relevant effects" for a zoo deck.
Seems like less dollars too, least my preview says so.
Domri is a better fit. I dont run any Planeswalkers but out of the 3 Domri would be my choice. The 3 mana vs 4 mana cost is significant if your only running 20 Lands. Plus getting those possible extra creatures generated can be really helpful.
ok, but the list is evolving ATM because there's a playset Verdant Catacombs ahead this month.
In my playtesting's Crag was ok, i had no problems with it.
I'm building up to Zoo both Online and Paper, but am wondering, if leaning towards a bit of burn is discouraged? I know we typically will run Lightning Bolt and Path to Exile, but things like Searing Blaze, and Flame Slash see play in some other decks for spot removal and can keep the pressure up while we keep swinging. I've played red for so long, perhaps its just hard to let go...
No its not discouraged when I run my RG build I have a few Searing Blaze. Being able to clear a blocker and deal damage to the face is great. Also several Naya builds use Burn cards like Lightning Helix and Boros Charm. Flame Slash is used by other deck types and many swear by them to deal with a lot of 4 power creatures. I would rather stick with Path to Exile and add Chained to the Rocks over Flame Slash just because it gives you much more versatility to deal with many more creatures.
Ok i scrapped my other decks online in order to make a good zoo deck. My budget was $200 (which goes much further online.) some may say this isn't budget but it is definitly not even close to a full version. Any help with things like land count, or some cheap replacements ( pretty much hit my budget exactly.) Card explanation to follow.
I used one of Lantern's recent full version decks as a template(and just copied the sideboard, because he played this much more than I have.) Will probably change Experiment one to Goblin Guide and add the second King of Oreos (in replacement of smiter) in the next wave. Then start upgrading lands. Unless the deck wins a lot of dailes, I probably will never be able to afford the goyfs.
I think it will do well. I've been playing a number of variations on the zoo theme online the last few days, and the one I'm struggling most against is 8rack actually. I'm just not sure what to do mainboard against that deck.
EDIT: You could still get land screwed, but with 4 fetch's (I only have one, but my budget was far lower than $100 :D) you should be ok, but will be taking a lot of double damage potentially.
EDIT x 2: I'm actually thinking of putting a number of Loxodon Smiter into my list, replacing the disenchant/artifact hate that they will just discard anyway.
SB: 2 Chained to the Rocks
SB: 2 Stony Silence
SB: 3 Leyline of Sanctity
SB: 2 Molten Rain
SB: 2 Vines of Vastwood
SB: 2 Hushwing Gryff
SB: 2 Grim Lavamancer
Just an update, thats my most recent board (with my non budget zoo)
As far as 8 rack goes... I have no clue what 8 rack your playing, or what kinda zoo you've been playing. I've always said that 8 rack should be around 90% in your favor. They litterally can only drop a bridge to hope for a win. If you have pridemages main board, then it gets even worse for them. Rule of thumb I always used was to attack hard, fast, and toss burn oout of my hand, as its not useful. I also dont even attempt to hold anything. the quicker I can over extend the better (ya know, sans damnation)
And as far as 8 rack goes, I remember seeing a lot in tournament practice room but rarely any in the dailies; due to the skull it takes to play it properly. I had favorable matchup with stompy deck which is slower and has no burn and only beast within main to deal with it. That being said I haven't yet played against a version with waste not so I have no clue how much that changes the play of the deck.
Edit: although this is a game in which goyf can be a major wrecking ball since they have all the ways to pump him that you don't (except tribal.)
To this point i'm playing Rb (non-Vial) Goblins and U Tron.
The first Sketch of my Budget Zoo looks like this:
4 Stomping Ground
2 Rootbound Crag
5 Mountain
5 Forest
4 Goblin Guide
4 Dryad Militant
4 Kird Ape
4 Flinthoof Boar
4 Strangleroot Geist
4 Burning Tree Emissary
4 Jund Hackblade
2 Ghor-Clan Rampager
2 Scavenging Ooze
I think Hackblade might be a problem, because i do have only few multicolored creatures. What is a solid replacement for him?
The List is what i own ATM, i still got 2 Temple GArden but no Foundry, so i'll wait till i put my hands on a playset to upgrade teh Deck to Naya Zoo.
Has anyone problems with the non-interacton between Emissary and Strangleroot Geist?
Green @ it's best
"Personally I love high-riak, low-reqars gambles. Life's best with a decent amount of riak. And f*** reqars."
ok, but the list is evolving ATM because there's a playset Verdant Catacombs ahead this month.
In my playtesting's Crag was ok, i had no problems with it.
Green @ it's best
Seems like less dollars too, least my preview says so.
Domri is a better fit. I dont run any Planeswalkers but out of the 3 Domri would be my choice. The 3 mana vs 4 mana cost is significant if your only running 20 Lands. Plus getting those possible extra creatures generated can be really helpful.
When I run my RG build Copperline Gorge has proven its worth over Rootbound Crag. Just like in my RB Burn Blackcleave Cliffs is much better then Dragonskull Summit. Having these cards in the first 3 turns come in untapped is so crucial.
No its not discouraged when I run my RG build I have a few Searing Blaze. Being able to clear a blocker and deal damage to the face is great. Also several Naya builds use Burn cards like Lightning Helix and Boros Charm. Flame Slash is used by other deck types and many swear by them to deal with a lot of 4 power creatures. I would rather stick with Path to Exile and add Chained to the Rocks over Flame Slash just because it gives you much more versatility to deal with many more creatures.
4 Kird Ape
4 Experiment One
4 Wild Nacatl
2 Flinthoof Boar
2 Scavenging Ooze
2 Qasali Pridemage
1 Brimaz, King of Oreskos
1 Loxodon Smiter
4 Ghor-Clan Rampager
Spells 16
4 Path to Exile
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Lightning Helix
4 Boros Charm
4 Arid Mesa
4 Stomping Ground
4 Temple Garden
4 Sacred Foundry
1 Plains
2 Forest
1 Mountain
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Stony Silence
2 Hushwing Gryff
2 Leyline of Sanctity
2 Act of Aggression
2 Choke
3 Grafdigger's Cage
I used one of Lantern's recent full version decks as a template(and just copied the sideboard, because he played this much more than I have.) Will probably change Experiment one to Goblin Guide and add the second King of Oreos (in replacement of smiter) in the next wave. Then start upgrading lands. Unless the deck wins a lot of dailes, I probably will never be able to afford the goyfs.
WDeath and TaxesW
EDIT: You could still get land screwed, but with 4 fetch's (I only have one, but my budget was far lower than $100 :D) you should be ok, but will be taking a lot of double damage potentially.
EDIT x 2: I'm actually thinking of putting a number of Loxodon Smiter into my list, replacing the disenchant/artifact hate that they will just discard anyway.
SB: 2 Stony Silence
SB: 3 Leyline of Sanctity
SB: 2 Molten Rain
SB: 2 Vines of Vastwood
SB: 2 Hushwing Gryff
SB: 2 Grim Lavamancer
Just an update, thats my most recent board (with my non budget zoo)
As far as 8 rack goes... I have no clue what 8 rack your playing, or what kinda zoo you've been playing. I've always said that 8 rack should be around 90% in your favor. They litterally can only drop a bridge to hope for a win. If you have pridemages main board, then it gets even worse for them. Rule of thumb I always used was to attack hard, fast, and toss burn oout of my hand, as its not useful. I also dont even attempt to hold anything. the quicker I can over extend the better (ya know, sans damnation)
I dont have Pridemages yet, will try that next!
WDeath and TaxesW
Edit: although this is a game in which goyf can be a major wrecking ball since they have all the ways to pump him that you don't (except tribal.)
WDeath and TaxesW
Less pod and I got 2 oozes in the main currently. If I cut the ooze, Id be running it again.