You lose some speed going from gruul to naya but you gain a ton of stablity. Thats basicly the main difference between the budget list I provide and naya. Id say full shocks is about... 75% good to turn on lions apes and cats. 4 fetches, 12 shocks is when you start getting up to 90%. from there your basicly only adding in 1% per fetch.
Thanks , because 75% seems slightly better than having multi colored 1 drops ( that get bolted etc...) than Hackblade being horrible two dreop. I was leaning more towrds the lion ape, approach becasue some decks still run pyroclasm over anger of the gods, and 3 toughness is out of a handfull of burn cards range, as well as surviving Goblin Guide thalia and most other hate bears. Will play Loxodon Smiter over Woolly Thoctar with as much discard and Lilianas, as well as mana leaks that are floating around.
With the amount of Path to Exile and midrange I see, I always have at least one basic land of each color just so if I do need to Fetch for a Land later it can be used right away. Also not have to take too much damage or have it come in tapped or to grab it early against Burn and mirror. 3 turns of Fetchs into Shocks is 9 damage, ouch!
Seems much more consistent evolving E1 to 3, Strangleroot is pretty easy to get out and swings with haste for 2 regardless. The Ram-Gang seems to fit right in the curve. And Thrun wins some late games versus control, may switch him to the side though. Seems quick enough to win versus many combo decks before they can go off, and versus control creatures are cheap enough where you can power one or two past counters then just fight to keep them alive, if they get greedy cast choke on them.
Lantern, what are your thoughts on HugeElfBoys's naya list two posts up? I'm in a similar situation - full shocks but no fetches - and will probably try out something similar. I have the fastlands, but am wondering if they'll be better than basics in those 4 land slots, or if I should just go with 12 shocks and 8 basics.
Stompy has more staying potential, gruul zoo is rush aggro. Thats the difference. Green is slower but more stable, gruul is fast and explosive.
Elf's list seems fine. Though if I could Id replace the fleecemane with pridemages, and go up in rampagers. maybe -1 smiter for a full set. Having 4 shocks of each can make up for lack of fetches. I mean its not as good, but its most diffently alright.
Pridemage doesnt "evolve" e1, but e1 still attacks for 3 with it out due to exalted, and your affinity, storm, ad nuesum, twin, pod matchup all get better by having it in the main.
Also, Id fit 3 choke in the side if you can. its stupid good in the meta right now.
I ran think deck at a recent PTQ. While not "budget" persay. It has no goyfs, not close to enough fetchlands, no Geists/tribal flames, snapcasters etc. Ran 4-3 Lost to an AngelPod deck that made Top 8, lost to a Tron deck where I mulliganed to oblivion and lost to another pod deck where I never got to white mana in either game. Beat Tarmo Twin, beat Jund, beat a B/W token style deck and beat a red/white burn deck.
I think the list is solid. You could forgo the fetches with copperline Gorges and one more Sacred Foundry. You could avoid the Fulminators with some number other cards, but they are really valuable versus Tron and Scapeshift.
Sorry I haven't responded sooner. Stompy is about having the strongest creature at each slot keeping you a step or two above opponent, where as gruul is about having the faster creature at each slot. Gruul kills quick matches up better versus top tier fast decks like storm. Stompy has much more late game options and answers. I enjoy both, have had a lot of success with stompy but haven't played in tournaments with gruul, but similar win loss records in practice. Think of what type of have you want to play and act accordingly. This is why I am moving to naya it seems to be the in between of the two; faster on average than stompy more late game than gruul.
Im some what in the same feeling. The Gruul speed is amazing and Stompy is a house. Im running more a Naya build or Gruul with W splash for Path to Exile to help deal with the likes of Wurmcoil Engine and stuff better that I cant just Burn out with Gruul but I do lose another card to Burn the player with the spell it replaces to finish off a player. Its just about finding the right balance and being happy with it.
Actually testing now with three qasali pridemage doing pretty decent. Well be better when I have the stability of fetch lands. Also scraped scar lands for basic lands since I run lion ape nacatl.
Loam Lion isn't good enough without at least 7 fetches. Not sure why you guys don't run Raging Ravine, the card is a budget house! Burning Tree Emissary is where you want to be right now if you're on the budget angle. The card will beat mana screw in many games. I can't tell you how many times I didn't have red/green but BTE let me keep deploying threats like Kird Ape, Loxodon Smiter and Nacatyl
Domri should continue to fall until rotation, and then bottom out around october. Unless you're desperate to play him, I think it's probably worth it just to wait. Domri's 3CMC is one of the major selling points for him in this archetype.
I posted this same list in the stompy Thread; It has a lot of stompy characteristics to it but also took some inspiration from some of my zoo builds. seems to be doing pretty decent play testing versus a lot of decks on MTGO, Just wondering what everyone's opinions are.
If I had the 4th Path i would play it. I am not completely sold on Figure of destiny but it has helped win a few games. Sideboard seems to be jack of all trades given that's what you get when playing online. Seems to be a bit more stable than mono green and a bit more dependable on mana (given i don't have fetches) than my current naya zoo, and much more late game options than Gruul Zoo. Any input would be appretiated.
Anyone thought of leyline of vitality for sideboard against anger of the gods. Brings almost all creatures in naya zoo out of range and the life gain doesn't hurt against aggro and scapeshift decks.
Hi guys, i want to make this deck, sounds fun, i test it on cockatrice and its nice, and this is my first time playing Green so im exiting
I have all the expensive things and all small creatures im going to buy 4x of each (kird, loam, loxodon, boar, ghor clan, experiment one) very cheap so
plus i have 40 shocklands (4 Stomping Ground, 4 Temple Garden, 4 Sacred Foundry), 4x Scavenging Ooze and for sure 4x Path to Exile, 4x Lightning Helix, 4x Lightning Bolt and 4x Boros Charm due to Burn Deck (also Vexing Devil and Goblin Guide)
So, i feel i have all i need to run this deck, saldy dont have any fetchlands, but have some m13 taplands
Can someone tell me a good deck list to run whit all things i have? ( i can get some more things if needed to complete the whole thing)
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Modern: RW R/W Burn WB B/W TokensXU MonuU Tron // UWX UW Tron R GoblinsW Soul SistersRWG Small ZooWUR WUR Geist/Control/Kiki-Resto Combo/NahiriUR Splinter Twin (90% Japanese)/ Grixis TwinRUB UR Delver / Grixis Delver UR Blue MoonBWU Ad NauseamWDeath and TaxesRUB Grixis ControlUMerfolksX Affinity RGB Living End UR Storm/PiF Combo RGX R/G TRON GWU Bant Eldrazi BW Eldrazi and Taxes RUBGoryos Vengeance UB Faeries Legacy:BRx Renimator Playing right now:Standard: Jeskai Control Modern; GoryosVengeance/UBFaeries/Affinity Legacy: BRx Reanimator Pauper: UR Drake (banned) Commander: Merieke Ri Berit Esper
WDeath and TaxesW
4 Experiment One
4 Kird Ape
2 Dryad Militant
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Flinthoof Boar
3 Lightning Mauler
2 Scavenging Ooze
3 Strangleroot Geist
2 Boggart Ram-Gang
4 Ghor-Clan Rampager
1 Thrun, the Last Troll
4 Lightning Bolt
3 Rancor
2 Pillar of Flame
Land 18
4 Copperline Gorge
2 Rootbound Crag
4 Stomping Ground
4 Forest
4 Mountain
3 Ancient Grudge
3 Choke
2 Combust
2 Mutagenic Growth
2 Pillar of Flame
3 Tormod's Crypt
Seems much more consistent evolving E1 to 3, Strangleroot is pretty easy to get out and swings with haste for 2 regardless. The Ram-Gang seems to fit right in the curve. And Thrun wins some late games versus control, may switch him to the side though. Seems quick enough to win versus many combo decks before they can go off, and versus control creatures are cheap enough where you can power one or two past counters then just fight to keep them alive, if they get greedy cast choke on them.
WDeath and TaxesW
4 experiment one
4 loam lion
4 kird ape
4 wild nacatl
2 scavenging ooze
4 flinthoof boar
2 fleecemane lion
3 loxodon smiter
3 ghor-clan rampager
Other spells 10
4 lightning bolt
4 boros charm
2 path to exile
4 stomping grounds
4 sacred foundry
4 temple garden
2 razorverge thicket
2 copperline gorge
2 forest
1 mountain
1 plains
3 ethersworn canonist
3 stony silence
4 rest in peace
3 torpor orb
2 path to exile
WDeath and TaxesW
Cat zoo.
200 bucks.
Yes sir.
Elf's list seems fine. Though if I could Id replace the fleecemane with pridemages, and go up in rampagers. maybe -1 smiter for a full set. Having 4 shocks of each can make up for lack of fetches. I mean its not as good, but its most diffently alright.
Pridemage doesnt "evolve" e1, but e1 still attacks for 3 with it out due to exalted, and your affinity, storm, ad nuesum, twin, pod matchup all get better by having it in the main.
Also, Id fit 3 choke in the side if you can. its stupid good in the meta right now.
3 experiment one
4 kird ape
4 wild nacatl
1 scavenging ooze
4 flinthoof boar
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 loxodon smiter
4 ghor-clan rampager
1 Kitchen Finks
Other spells 10
4 lightning bolt
4 Lightning Helix
2 path to exile
4 stomping grounds
1 Sacred Foundry
4 temple garden
1 razorverge thicket
2 forest
1 mountain
2 Raging Ravine
1 Keesig Wolfrun
1 Rugged Praire
1 Misty Rainforest
1 Arid Mesa
1 Verdant Catacomb
1 Marsh Flats
2 rest in peace
1 Creeping Corrosion
1 Pillar of Flame
1 Kitchen Finks
1 Scavenging Ooze
2 Ancient Grudge
1 Gutteral Response
1 Aven Mindcenser
4 Fulminator Mage
I ran think deck at a recent PTQ. While not "budget" persay. It has no goyfs, not close to enough fetchlands, no Geists/tribal flames, snapcasters etc. Ran 4-3 Lost to an AngelPod deck that made Top 8, lost to a Tron deck where I mulliganed to oblivion and lost to another pod deck where I never got to white mana in either game. Beat Tarmo Twin, beat Jund, beat a B/W token style deck and beat a red/white burn deck.
I think the list is solid. You could forgo the fetches with copperline Gorges and one more Sacred Foundry. You could avoid the Fulminators with some number other cards, but they are really valuable versus Tron and Scapeshift.
WDeath and TaxesW
WDeath and TaxesW
"Personally I love high-riak, low-reqars gambles. Life's best with a decent amount of riak. And f*** reqars."
4 Experiment One
3 Dryad Militant
3 Loam Lion
2 Figure of Destiny
3 Fleecemane Lion
4 Qasali Pridemage
2 Scavenging Ooze
4 Loxodon Smiter
1 Thrun, the Last Troll
3 Brave the Elements
3 Path to Exile
4 Vines of Vastwood
4 Rancor
Lands 20
4 Temple Garden
4 Razorverge Thicket
4 Sunpetal Grove
5 Forest
3 Plains
3 Choke
3 Ethersworn Canonist
1 Obstinate Baloth
3 Rest in Peace
3 Stony Silence
2 Torpor Orb
If I had the 4th Path i would play it. I am not completely sold on Figure of destiny but it has helped win a few games. Sideboard seems to be jack of all trades given that's what you get when playing online. Seems to be a bit more stable than mono green and a bit more dependable on mana (given i don't have fetches) than my current naya zoo, and much more late game options than Gruul Zoo. Any input would be appretiated.
WDeath and TaxesW
"Personally I love high-riak, low-reqars gambles. Life's best with a decent amount of riak. And f*** reqars."
WDeath and TaxesW
WDeath and TaxesW
I have all the expensive things and all small creatures im going to buy 4x of each (kird, loam, loxodon, boar, ghor clan, experiment one) very cheap so
plus i have 40 shocklands (4 Stomping Ground, 4 Temple Garden, 4 Sacred Foundry), 4x Scavenging Ooze and for sure 4x Path to Exile, 4x Lightning Helix, 4x Lightning Bolt and 4x Boros Charm due to Burn Deck (also Vexing Devil and Goblin Guide)
So, i feel i have all i need to run this deck, saldy dont have any fetchlands, but have some m13 taplands
Can someone tell me a good deck list to run whit all things i have? ( i can get some more things if needed to complete the whole thing)
RW R/W Burn WB B/W TokensXU MonuU Tron // UWX UW Tron
R GoblinsW Soul SistersRWG Small ZooWUR WUR Geist/Control/Kiki-Resto Combo/NahiriUR Splinter Twin (90% Japanese)/ Grixis TwinRUB UR Delver / Grixis Delver UR Blue MoonBWU Ad NauseamWDeath and TaxesRUB Grixis ControlUMerfolksX Affinity RGB Living End UR Storm/PiF Combo RGX R/G TRON GWU Bant Eldrazi BW Eldrazi and Taxes RUBGoryos Vengeance UB Faeries
Legacy:BRx Renimator
Playing right now: Standard: Jeskai Control Modern; GoryosVengeance/UBFaeries/Affinity Legacy: BRx Reanimator Pauper: UR Drake (banned) Commander: Merieke Ri Berit Esper