I personally wouldn't consider this budget, as you have the fetch lands in there...
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Be a lemming hunter. Don't be a lemming. Really, all you had to do was explain to him the popularity metric, not give him the lemming hunter manifesto...
That looks like how I'd run it ~ not owning goyfs either. The only difference for me would probably be 4 boros charm, 2 PtE, with 1-2 extra paths in the SB.
I think your list is probably at the apex of what goyf-less can achieve, and it'll all come down to your sideboard and intelligent meta analysis.
EDIT: As for whether the list is "budget," IMO, goyfless with fetches is my budget version of the list; I can never see my self spending or trading for those cards. In fact, I picked up $40 sets of catacombs, mesas, and tarns back in mid 2012 specifically to pursue "budget" decks like legacy/modern burn and living end ~ both very cheap at the time. I'd wager a lot of folks just managed to get and keep fetches back when zendikar was around, and even then are still being priced out of many modern decks due to the cost of goyfs, bobs, hierarchs, LotV, etc...
To me, this is a good start, until I get enough trade bait or money saved up for the 8 fetches. I'm still working on tweaking the build a bit, just to get the optimal line-up. So far, this has worked well. Any opinions?
Be a lemming hunter. Don't be a lemming. Really, all you had to do was explain to him the popularity metric, not give him the lemming hunter manifesto...
I'm not a big fan of going tri-color (nacatl, smiter, PtE) in a list without fetches; I think it's better to go full on gruul in that case. I think also seeing a sideboard would be helpful in discussing your list, so as to determine such things like whether your 3x MD pillars are a call for your specific meta vs a hypothetical one.
EDIT: here's an "inexpensive" goyfless, gruul deck that did well on mtgo a few days ago. This could probably be run effectively without fetches, although the set of searing blazes could probably use a second look due to the reduced chance of achieving off-turn landfall triggers.
Hey Ya'll. I got Zoo on MTGO. I will be doing some games as a budget version soon. I'll do a goyfless version, and a fetchless verison, and a gruul zoo version.
Since there are almost literally zero cards that can use colorless mana (only flinthoof boar), shouldn't brushland/karplusan forest simply be 4x city of brass? Provides better fixing, and you're going to take damage every time you tap a painland anyway. (would add maybe $4 to list)
For the 50 buck list I was litterally cutting every corner humanly possible. Its a starting place for you to build up too. Id not have done forked. WHile I like how efficent it is, pillar is there for finks and voice. If your not needing the exile effect, its fine as forked.
Be a lemming hunter. Don't be a lemming. Really, all you had to do was explain to him the popularity metric, not give him the lemming hunter manifesto...
Thanks for the heads up, destroyermaker. I maintain a deck hangar for all my modern cards and decks, and it'll be fun seeing if I can branch zoo out into stompy as an archetype I can run.
Nice to see budget Zoo decks doing well. And if you can afford it, having a playset of Stomping Ground and Copperline Gorge really helps. Hehe, animal friends. I love all the silly nicknames people are coming up with.
Right, he is. You'd need to make the creatures more constant be either going 4 of him or none of him. I've found that gernally speaking, as long as you have 6ish 1 cmc multicolor dudes, and 4 burning tree, with 4 him, you're probably fine.
For your sideboard I'd suggest having these slots at least if you're going in completely blind:
3 slots for grave hate.
3 slots for arti/enchantment hate
3 slots for removal hate (Mutagenic Growth/Vines of Vastwood)
3-6 slots for what ever hurts your meta.
BTW for Sideboard options I found in my stompy decks That a 1 or 2 of Bow of Nylea, Helps against a lot of the hate walls and spellskites that come in by giving your 2/3 power atackers deathtouch, plus most of the modes are relevant for different match ups Stay classy Green and other colors
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Be a lemming hunter. Don't be a lemming.
Really, all you had to do was explain to him the popularity metric, not give him the lemming hunter manifesto...
Originally posted by MemoryLapse and DotMatrix
I think your list is probably at the apex of what goyf-less can achieve, and it'll all come down to your sideboard and intelligent meta analysis.
EDIT: As for whether the list is "budget," IMO, goyfless with fetches is my budget version of the list; I can never see my self spending or trading for those cards. In fact, I picked up $40 sets of catacombs, mesas, and tarns back in mid 2012 specifically to pursue "budget" decks like legacy/modern burn and living end ~ both very cheap at the time. I'd wager a lot of folks just managed to get and keep fetches back when zendikar was around, and even then are still being priced out of many modern decks due to the cost of goyfs, bobs, hierarchs, LotV, etc...
"Personally I love high-riak, low-reqars gambles. Life's best with a decent amount of riak. And f*** reqars."
4 Goblin Guide
4 Kird Ape
4 Wild Nacatl
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
2 Scavenging Ooze
2 Hellspark Elemental
4 Loxodon Smiter
4 Ghor-Clan Rampager
3 Path to Exile
3 Pillar of Flame
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Stomping Ground
4 Temple Garden
2 Plains
2 Forest
2 Mountain
To me, this is a good start, until I get enough trade bait or money saved up for the 8 fetches. I'm still working on tweaking the build a bit, just to get the optimal line-up. So far, this has worked well. Any opinions?
Be a lemming hunter. Don't be a lemming.
Really, all you had to do was explain to him the popularity metric, not give him the lemming hunter manifesto...
Originally posted by MemoryLapse and DotMatrix
EDIT: here's an "inexpensive" goyfless, gruul deck that did well on mtgo a few days ago. This could probably be run effectively without fetches, although the set of searing blazes could probably use a second look due to the reduced chance of achieving off-turn landfall triggers.
4 Arid Mesa
1 Forest
4 Misty Rainforest
4 Mountain
2 Scalding Tarn
4 Stomping Ground
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
1 Burning-Tree Shaman
4 Experiment One
4 Flinthoof Boar
4 Ghor-Clan Rampager
4 Goblin Guide
4 Kird Ape
4 Stormblood Berserker
4 Vexing Devil
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Searing Blaze
3 Burning-Tree Shaman
1 Deglamer
2 Dismember
1 Grim Lavamancer
3 Smash to Smithereens
3 Vines of Vastwood
2 Volcanic Fallout
"Personally I love high-riak, low-reqars gambles. Life's best with a decent amount of riak. And f*** reqars."
First, I love this list!
Since there are almost literally zero cards that can use colorless mana (only flinthoof boar), shouldn't brushland/karplusan forest simply be 4x city of brass? Provides better fixing, and you're going to take damage every time you tap a painland anyway. (would add maybe $4 to list)
Separately, I feel like 3-4x ghor-clan rampager should be an auto-include to give a little reach and pseudo-removal. Pillar of flame should maybe be forked bolt? Loxodon smiter might be better than woolly thoctar. (would add perhaps another $4)
4 Leatherback Baloth
4 Experiment One
4 Dryad Militant
3 Strangleroot Geist
2 Scavenging Ooze
1 Thrun, the Last Troll
4 Rancor
4 Vines of Vastwood
3 Giant Growth
2 Beast Within
2 Prey Upon
22 Forest
4 Skylasher
3 Oxidize
3 Pithing Needle
2 Torpor Orb
2 Choke
1 Thragtusk
I ran the numbers, and on tcgplayer, it comes out to about $71 including the lands and shipping. Not bad for a tournament of 307 players.
Be a lemming hunter. Don't be a lemming.
Really, all you had to do was explain to him the popularity metric, not give him the lemming hunter manifesto...
Originally posted by MemoryLapse and DotMatrix
"Personally I love high-riak, low-reqars gambles. Life's best with a decent amount of riak. And f*** reqars."
For your sideboard I'd suggest having these slots at least if you're going in completely blind:
3 slots for grave hate.
3 slots for arti/enchantment hate
3 slots for removal hate (Mutagenic Growth/Vines of Vastwood)
3-6 slots for what ever hurts your meta.
WDeath and TaxesW
WDeath and TaxesW