Gx Tron Promoted to Tier 1
Lantern control, RW Prison, Grixis control, Eldrazi Tron, Promoted to Tier 2
Death and taxes, Zoo, Abaan company, placed in tier 3.
Not going to list all the millions of changes I did in the last 7 hours... But Since there was an update:
Tiers updated... ALOT
Some of you may have noticed the tiering updating has lagged behind alot recently. Our data collection manager (ktken) is retiring from staff, so collection has been pretty hard for us. We are changing our systems completly, and over the next month I'll be rolling out the new benchmarks we use to tiering and testing them over the next half a year or so.
So just bare with us for a month, and everything will be clear and tip top shape.
I'm using Mainphasemtg this time around. I still gotta talk to them a bit more to ensure a few things for the long term, but now they weigh paper events and 5-0 results, I feel better about switching to a monthly update.
If everything on this test run goes through the decks will shift more than they used to, but they will be consistant data shifts. Tier 1/2 by diffintion will also be harder to stay in, but easier to get into if the meta is currently favorable for it. Developing Competitive will also more of a "Can still easily take down an FMN with this" place, and getting into that from deck creation will be alot harder.
Company decks move to tier 1
G/X tron, Titan shift, death and taxes, Uw control, living end, azban, Knightfall move to tier 2
R/G breach, merfolk, jund, bant eldrazi, Ad Nauseam, lantern control, jeskai control, moves to tier 3
Tron, Druid/Vizier Company, , Jeskai Control/Queller moved to Tier 1 from Tier 2, Humans moved to Tier 1 from Developing Competative
UW Control moved to Tier 2 from Tier 1, Mardu, Infect, Elves, Bogles, Knightfall/Bant Company, UR Breach/Blue Moon moved to Tier 2 from Developing Competative
Bant Eldrazi, Jeskai Copycat, RW Prison, Ad Naus, 8Rack, Grishoalbrand moved to Tier 3 (pinned in Developing Competative)
Sorry for the long time since updates. Since the MTGO data changes and multiple tierlists falling apart we have turned to using this tierlist by Lejoon (Reddit thread here, also check out his Twitter!).
The forums have been updated in accordance with this thread. We are trying to not use a specific tierlist anymore and instead represent the broader Modern format with the new Established section. If you have questions/concerns/comments please direct them to this thread. Because of Wizards data embargo creating an accurate tierlist is difficult these days, but if you want to get a general idea of what the metagame share of each deck currently is then we suggest looking at external sites that record this data, such as MTGGoldfis or mtgtop8.
Gx Tron Promoted to Tier 1
Lantern control, RW Prison, Grixis control, Eldrazi Tron, Promoted to Tier 2
Death and taxes, Zoo, Abaan company, placed in tier 3.
Some of you may have noticed the tiering updating has lagged behind alot recently. Our data collection manager (ktken) is retiring from staff, so collection has been pretty hard for us. We are changing our systems completly, and over the next month I'll be rolling out the new benchmarks we use to tiering and testing them over the next half a year or so.
So just bare with us for a month, and everything will be clear and tip top shape.
If everything on this test run goes through the decks will shift more than they used to, but they will be consistant data shifts. Tier 1/2 by diffintion will also be harder to stay in, but easier to get into if the meta is currently favorable for it. Developing Competitive will also more of a "Can still easily take down an FMN with this" place, and getting into that from deck creation will be alot harder.
Sorry for the long time since updates. Since the MTGO data changes and multiple tierlists falling apart we have turned to using this tierlist by Lejoon (Reddit thread here, also check out his Twitter!).
MTGO/MTGA: Tyclone
My Primers ~ GWx Vizier Company ~ Knightfall ~ RG Eldrazi ~ Green's Sun's Zenith
More Brews ~ Modern Four Horsemen ~ Gitrog Dredge
MTGO/MTGA: Tyclone
My Primers ~ GWx Vizier Company ~ Knightfall ~ RG Eldrazi ~ Green's Sun's Zenith
More Brews ~ Modern Four Horsemen ~ Gitrog Dredge