Primers are the hearts and souls of the Modern subforums (that and the banlist thread...), and we rely on users to keep those primers active and informative. Whether you want to make a primer for a new deck or take over an existing primer that looks inactive, this thread will give you the steps you need to follow to start contributing to the forums.
Using the forum's "Search" feature, check to see if the primer already exists. If it's a more common deck, also browse Developing Competitive, Tier 2, and Tier 1.
If the deck/primer doesn't exist, you can make a new thread to get it started.
If you are ready to post the thread, post it in Deck Creation. Threads posted to Developing Competitive/Tier 2/Tier 1 without moderator permission will be moved
You can work on your primer in the Test Forum, a private space for users to build primers.
All primers require, at minimum, a decklist, an explanation of individual card choices, some basic discussion of deck strategy, and a section on matchups and sideboarding.
You may take over any primer that has not been updated within the last 6 months.
You must have 100+ posts on your account.
Your account must be at least 6+ months old.
You must have consistent Modern subforum activity on your account, averaging at least 3 posts per week for the past month.
Your account must be in good standing (none/minimal warning/infraction history, especially as related to flaming/trolling)
PM the user (with the mods on the PM chain) and ask if he's okay with turning over the thread to you.
One of the mods will respond to the PM within a few days to provide additional explanation to the OP.
If the mod has any questions about your ability to take on the primer, this is when they'll voice them to you.
If the user hasn't replied within 7 days, the primer will become yours. Depending on technical limitations, you will either take over the existing thread, or be asked to start a new thread.
CREATING A NEW PRIMER Necessary Primer info with Sample Primer
When creating a primer, there are certain criteria of what MUST be in it, as well as a multitude of things you can add to make it better and more in depth. Below is what you must include in any primer thread.
Explanation of Choices
Overall game plan of the deck/Guide to playing it.
Match-up and side boarding guide
Other great things to add would be:
Banner Image of the Deck
Table of Contents
History of Deck and Big Event Placements
Links to similar decks and older versions of the thread
Overview of the Deck
Heres where you'd want to take the time to explain your decks goals. How does it win the game? Is it reactive or proactive? Why choose this deck over another?
Card Choices Creature - Creatures are pretty good. They can block and attack. I'd rate this 5 out of 5 Spells - Spells are pretty good, but not as good as Creatures. But they still have there use. Lands - I'll level with you. Lands are terrible. But we have nothing else that fills the same role. So we have to use it.
Guide to Playing the Deck
If you had some kind of combo, or the deck itself was just very hard to play correctly, this is where you'd go indepth with how to play said combo, or synergy. This is different from the over view because it should be very detailed about how to win, or what card combinations can take over a game, and how to play that combo and protect it.
Heres where you want to talk about how your deck interacts with the meta game. Does it prey on the little interaction of modern? Maybe punishes greedy mana decks with cards like Blood Moon? Explain its match ups and if it is good or not and why.
Sideboarding and Alternate Card Choices
This is the section for you to go into recommended sideboards, and other cards to think about when building this deck. Explain what matches these cards are good for, and whither its a better main deck choice or sideboard choice.
Necessary Primer info with Sample Primer
When creating a primer, there are certain criteria of what MUST be in it, as well as a multitude of things you can add to make it better and more in depth. Below is what you must include in any primer thread.
Sample Primer With Code
Sample Primer
Overview of the Deck
Heres where you'd want to take the time to explain your decks goals. How does it win the game? Is it reactive or proactive? Why choose this deck over another?
4 Creature
4 Creature
4 Creature
4 Creature
4 Creature
4 Creature
4 Spells
4 Spells
4 Spells
4 Spells
4 Lands
4 Lands
4 Lands
8 Lands
Card Choices
Guide to Playing the Deck
If you had some kind of combo, or the deck itself was just very hard to play correctly, this is where you'd go indepth with how to play said combo, or synergy. This is different from the over view because it should be very detailed about how to win, or what card combinations can take over a game, and how to play that combo and protect it.
Heres where you want to talk about how your deck interacts with the meta game. Does it prey on the little interaction of modern? Maybe punishes greedy mana decks with cards like Blood Moon? Explain its match ups and if it is good or not and why.
Sideboarding and Alternate Card Choices
This is the section for you to go into recommended sideboards, and other cards to think about when building this deck. Explain what matches these cards are good for, and whither its a better main deck choice or sideboard choice.
You can find the code for this primer template here. Start out by using it, and in the future if you want to add to your primer then you can find all of the sites code here in this google doc.