Midnight release, about 30 people. Four rounds of swisserland. Result- 2-2-0.
Won first game after a gruelingly long game. Palace Siege can be a real pain on the timing of the game. Won second game a bit more cleanly. Both games foe had really nothing. He was playing 15 basics +2 dual. Maybe it happens. But then it happened to him again later in the event.
Second match went nicer. Mulliganed. Mulliganed. Stayed at 5. Won it. Won the second one of that to Lightning Shrieker
Third match went like this... drop land, go. drop land go, drop land go, drop land drop awesomesauce, counter you, kill that, bounce that. And then he plops Sarkhan.
Fourth was close, but still went 0-2 in it. Didn't draw nothing.
Midnight: 70-ish people. Went 3-1 with Temur (They run so many pre-releases that they just cut it at 4 rounds and base prizes off of Win-loss record), riding off the back of Goblin Heelcutter most of the night. How that card is a common is beyond me. It's just incredible. Lost to Jeskai all-removal and dragons.
Also won a fatpack in their random giveaway. Twas a good one.
2-2 winning 2 boosters. Both of the opponents I lost to (and even one I won against!)just had infinite juice. They curved out, had aggressive starts, each had a good mythic, etc just good everything.
I never had a grind out game even as Abzan. Everyone was so aggressive and had the cards and removal to make it so. Still had fun, but it was insane what some of the pools at our sealed were.
55 person midnight: 5-0 choosing Sultai and getting 3 U/B flying rares/mythics and Palace Siege. We split top 8 because they needed a majority of people to want to play it out and only had 2
36 person event. Went 4-0 with Abzan. Had a good pool with Warden of the First Tree (wrecked people), Dromoka and Wildcall (manifested a land everytime). I had a Disowned Ancestor, Typhoid Rat and 2 Archer's Parapets that held people off so I could build up. 2 Grim Contests were very good to me with the Parapets. Playing Abzan again today and then tomorrow at 2HG.
Both my losses were to Sultai, although one of them was just because I was color screwed both games and got run over. The other loss was a very well put together Sultai deck that just had answers to everything I had between counterspells and creature removal.
Citadel Siege is CRAZY in limited, anytime I got it out, my opponents could not stop it and got steamrolled some crazy powerful flier from all of the counters. One match somebody had a Warden of the Fist Tree out and brought the siege out and just tapped it every combat, completely stopping his 8/8 trample lifelink, saving me from losing.
Aven Surveyor saved me from losing games so many times I've lost count. It managed to return a rageform manifest to my opponents hand, a token of Ojutai that my opponent got with supplant form, and pretty much any flying blockers that would stop me from getting damage through.
Fliers were pretty much all I had, and even with only eight creatures in my deck I managed to win 3-0 and went 6-2 on my matches. I got second place only because I lost one match more than 1st place had. Got a bunch of nice cards, so overall, it was a good night.
Steamrolled through Sultai, Jeskai and Abzan, then lost 0-2 to insane Temur, with Atarka and three copies of Sabertooth. However, opened both Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and foil Temporal Trespass in the prize packs. Nice one, methinks.
Got Dromoka (GW dragon) as my prerelease card, and basically rode Savage Punch and Hunt the Weak to victories. So much of the instant speed removal happens inside of the combat step that hunting morphs was very profitable for me. Fortunately no opponent had a Force Away to blow me out.
Temur Sabertooth is stupidly good. I think his activated ability is undercosted by about a mana, but perhaps it will be ok in draft.
Went 3-1-1 with Abzan. Came in 9th, winning only a consolation pack. With b/w mardu creatures, abzan comes out more aggro. My draw and loss were both against Jeskai. The b/w damage is great (harsh sustenance, I think). Absolute all star common in this. Didn't pull money.
Went 5-0 in a 40 person event. I picked Jeskai, but ended up playing WBr.
Someone already mentioned it, but Goblin Heelcutter is quite good, especially if you have a fair amount of removal. Pressure Point was a solid card for me as well, despite only having two prowess guys. Costing only two (rather than three for Crippling Chill) made it fairly easy to cast it without wasting a turn.
I didn't have too much in the way of bombs, but Noxious Dragon is, predictably, really really good, and Mastery of the Unseen won me a game I would have otherwise lost horribly.
I went 4-3, although I reasonably should have been 5-2.
My proudest moment was having a Dragon Bell Monk and Efreet Weaponmaster facing down a Sagu Mauler, with the opponent at 3 life and ready to stabilize or destroy me the next turn. I Waterwhirl'd returning zero creatures to trigger prowess.
I know it's not that deep of a play, but my opponent was so mad that I had sort of got around his hexproof.
I chose the clan because there is virtually no bad promo. I was hoping for Torrent Elemental or Silumgar, so it was a hell of a (initially bad) surprise to see promo Wildcall there.
Anyway, after the initial disappointment I looked through the rest of the packs. The Khans pack gave me on-color (even on-clan) rare in Rakshasa Vizier, I got two Typhoid Rats, two Mistfire Adepts (that card is a BEAST), Gurmag Angler, Marang River Prowler, Dead Drop, Will of the Naga etc. Also, Yasova Dragonclaw, who won me at least three games.ev
The deck functioned suprisingly well and lost only to an insane Jeskai pool (two Reality Shifts, two Sandblast, two Kill Shots...) splashing Sorin and the pilot was insanely lucky (he was good, but the luck was unbelievable). If I had set the table on fire, he would pull a fire engine from his pocket. In the decider I have even fought several turns with a Sorin emblem. On 8 life, four critters on board against lone Wardscale Dragon, my opponent has no cards...and topdecks Flamerush Rider...:-P
After the PR, I signed up for one draft. Pack 1 - Ugin. HECK YEAH. On p1p2 Citadel Siege passed by a friend who seriously misevaluated it. Pack 2 - Sarkhan. In the end, ended up firmly in Abzan, with two Abzan Ascendancy, and won another pack with Shaman of the Great Hunt.
A very fine Saturday.
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100% Vorthos Spike and Storyline Expert
Former Fact Prospector of the Greek Alliance.
Let this great clan rest in peace (2001-2011)
3-3 with Jeskai, #22 out of 72. (It was originally scheduled for 7 rounds, but after 5 rounds the people remaining at 6am unanimously agreed to play 6 instead of 7) Stumbled home at about 7:30.
Got 2 prize packs out of the deal, just opened them today and saw Ugin staring back at me.
Ya... Otherwise my deck was Esper Agro, I used cheap fliers and Runemark auras to win.
In round one, I lost in game three on a massive player mistake. Got Ugin killed for no reason, was pretty embarrassed.
Round 2 vs a newer player, some teaching moments, but mostly a massacre.
Round 3 vs a guy I had never met before, couldn't tell if he was new or not. He was playing Temur, I steam rolled him with 2 Battle Brawlers and Sorin in both games.
Round 4 was preempted by the on set of food poisoning... I spent the round in what was mostly agony. I don't think my health would have allowed me to win though. He played Silumgar, the Drifting Death and kept giving it more +1/+1 counters. Good player, tempo'd well through both matches, I don't feel bad for having lost either way.
Went 2-2 total, picked up one pack as a prize.
... I opened a second Ugin. Between the food poisoning and opening 3 walkers, I'm not participating the rest of the weekend. I don't know whether to call myself lucky or not.
Pressure Point was really good, I completely agree. I did enjoy the Runemarks from each clan though, in Esper I had one of each. Sorin, Sultai Runemark, and Battle Brawler were mostly unstoppable when I got them all out. Sage's Reverie played well with all my other auras as well. I was often attacking for 4 in the air by turn 3 with all my aura pumps.
As far as the set up of the prerelease went, I enjoyed that we got mostly new FRF packs and not KTK packs, but with such a small card pool, it felt very odd building a deck. In FRF there are only 60 different common/uncommon creatures for example. The pools felt rather concentrated compared to the sealed events of the past. Mana fixing was almost entirely in the form of replaced basic lands. Just some observations.
What I want to know is where you guys are finding stores that are doing more than three rounds.
I haven't had a satisfying prerelease since Dragon's Maze when the store did 3 rounds best of 2 in each round in 2 headed giant, now every store within driving distance only does best of 1, 3 round 2HG matches, and Best of 2 3 round single player releases.
I would love to just spend all day at a 2 headed giant prerelease, how can I get that to happen?
I felt like my pool was just alright, but I went undefeated for first place (4-0).
I agree with the comments on Hellcutter, and echo them for Dash in general. It was very strong, and won a lot of games. Also Jeskai Barricade was stupendous all day.
My wife opened the alt-art Ugin promo, and I got a foil Monastery Mentor in the prize packs.
Dash works pretty well, most of people (myself included) were happily paying every turn for their hasty creature instead of casting it and losing the first attack. Needless to say Mardu Strike Leader is awesome, he takes over the game if left unchecked, and Kolaghan just wins games out of nowhere. I didn't play Goblin Heelcutter, but it was played against me several times and man, that card is annoying... On the other hand, Archfiend was a bit underwhelming, with a total of 0 sacrifices to him.
I went 4-0 with Abzan in the midnight event and then went 4-0 with Abzan at the noon event. This time my rares were Dragonscale General, which was quite good, Palace Siege, which was good but didn't make a huge difference, Necropolis Fiend, which removed a few pesky creatures and Ojutai, which I splashed blue for and was very solid. I got 6 color fixing lands which made splashing Ojutai possible. I have to give kudos to Harsh Sustenance and Grim Contest for common slot removal in Abzan. They were consistently good for me. Abzan Guide and Abzan Kin-Guard were also important in keeping my life total high, particularly against aggro decks.
My first match was against an Abzan Aggro deck. In the first game I spent my Bathe in Dragonfire to kill an Abzan Falconer and used Sandsteppe Outcast to stabilize and block his 1-drops. However, he was able to land a Wardscale Dragon. I had no more removal in my hand, but while I was at 7 life I was able to cast Dig Through Time, finding my 7th land and Ojutai. Unfortunately, he topdecked Suspension Field before I could tap down the Wardscale Dragon and he killed me. In the second game he completely overwhelmed me with 2 Abzan Falconers, an Ainok Bond-Kin, and another creature that I don't remember.
My second match was against Mardu. In the first game I was able to keep pace with his guys, but he got me down to a low life total. Fortunately, 2 Sandsteppe Outcasts + a Jeskai Charm giving lifelink made me hard for him to kill and I and killed his Kolaghan to force the final damage through. In the second game he got stuck on lands while I developed my board with a Sandsteppe Outcast, an Efreet Weaponmaster, and a Mistfire Weaver. I was able to use several cantrips to give my guys flying to get them past his blockers. He got enough lands and cast Kolaghan, but I stole it with Act of Treason to kill him.
My third match was also against Mardu. In game 1 I was knocked to a low life total, but used Jeskai Charm and Sansteppe Outcasts to get me to a safe life-total. I then cast Ojutai, tapped down his guys, and attacked for the win. In game 2 I morphed 2 Efreet Weaponmasters, killed a couple of his guys, and was able to win pretty easily.
My fourth match was against a bigger Abzan deck. I don't remember the first game much, but Act of Treasoned his Daghatar and killed him with Ojutai. In the second game he ummorphed Rattleclaw Mystic to get a turn 4 Dromoka and then cast Temur Sabertooth. I died 2 turns later. In the third game he was able to kill both of my Efreet Weaponmasters, Ojutai, and most of my Sandsteppe Outcasts. Unfortunately for him, the Dig Through Time that found Ojutai had also found Outpost Siege, which gave me enough card advantage to eventually kill him with Mistfire Adept.
I got 5 prize packs and opened up an alternate art Ugin from the Ugin's Fate pack.
Basically, Dig Through Time, Jeskai Charm, and Efreet Weaponmaster are still great. Monastery Siege and Outpost Siege both were amazing and the extra card advantage and filtering saved me many times. Ojutai is awesome and is probably the second-best dragon in Sealed. Sandsteppe Outcast is my favorite common in the set and was the main reason why I won most of my games. Also, Mistfire Adept and Channel Harm are both amazing.
Went to a second event at a different store. Much smaller, much more casual, much tighter space. :/
Noon exactly, 8 folks. Three rounds of swiss. Result: 2-1-0. Came in 3rd overall. Prize pool was tiny, but eh.
Went Mardu again. Flamerush Rider promo, annnnd another Flamerush Rider. Fricken sweet. Oh what's this? You got two Zapdos! (Kolaghan, the storm's fury) Even sweeter. Also had two more Lightning Shrieker All my fliers were dragons. But with Dash, letting things attack all other the place and stay far away from potential problems, it was fun.
I made one really awful move that I know cost me a game. But that guy went on to grab 2nd, so I don't know if I could have saved myself in the third. Ojutai is a pain in the butt with 6 toughness.
I think I might only do Pre-releases. Ain't got the time nor money to sink into Constructeds, and I had a ball building on finite resources.
Stayed to do some trades, and the only guy sticking around for that was looking for Yasova, Dragoncclaw. I hadn't opened my prize packs yet, so i told him, "Not yet." Sat down and cracked her open. Mega grin. Got a fair trade of new crap I don't want for old crap that I did.
First round, I got the "by" ... thanks to odd number
Second round 2-1
Third round 2-0
Forth round 2-1
Fifth round 2-1
Was really happy to win with my deck. I was mana screwed 2 of my three lost. Was also lucky to win 2 game because of my opponent mana screwed.
Here's my deck. Got Mardu Strike Leader as my Mardu promo, it was also my lone rare in my deck.
So many bomb dragons I just couldn't stop in matches 1 and 4. Matches 2 and 3 I just got to attack with my Lotus Path Djinn and use heaps of combat tricks.
My deck wasn't focused. I didn't pull any big flyers or good wedge cards so I played a heap of manifest and combat tricks which isn't a good combination because I kept manifesting non-creature cards.
My bomb was Sandsteppe Mastodon which came out to bolster a little flyer for a game win in my 4th match but my opponent took the next 2.
I had a really bad sealed pool but I made the most of it by lowering my curve and trying to be aggressive. I actually built Sultai but my black was so bad I replaced it for white and played bant to use Mastery of the Unseen which was just hopeless against big flying beaters.
Really I shouldn't have played green but I was in love with the Mastodon. I lost a few games with it in my hand because it was too hard to cast.
Great learning experience though. Playing with such a bad pool and making the best of it has really made me appreciate the times I have opened good stuff. At Khans I had a sick Abzan deck and at M15 I had a great GW convoke deck. Can't have all the luck all the time.
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Won first game after a gruelingly long game. Palace Siege can be a real pain on the timing of the game. Won second game a bit more cleanly. Both games foe had really nothing. He was playing 15 basics +2 dual. Maybe it happens. But then it happened to him again later in the event.
Second match went nicer. Mulliganed. Mulliganed. Stayed at 5. Won it. Won the second one of that to Lightning Shrieker
Third match went like this... drop land, go. drop land go, drop land go, drop land drop awesomesauce, counter you, kill that, bounce that. And then he plops Sarkhan.
Fourth was close, but still went 0-2 in it. Didn't draw nothing.
Selling some cards I don't want.
Generally less than tcg mid.
Also won a fatpack in their random giveaway. Twas a good one.
I never had a grind out game even as Abzan. Everyone was so aggressive and had the cards and removal to make it so. Still had fun, but it was insane what some of the pools at our sealed were.
Qarsi High Priest, Sultai Emissary, and 2xJeskai Sage did so much work holding off the Mardu decks until I could start dropping bombs.
Silumgar, the Drifting Death won a few games, destroying all of the warrior tokens from the guy with 2 Mardu Strike Leaders.
Archfiend of Depravity probably won the most games. One opponent cast a Ponyback Brigade while I had it manifested and it killed 5 creatures that turn.
I'm playing another in 8 hours. Not sure what clan I'll choose because I already played a near perfect Sultai pool and want to try something else.
citadel siege was an ALL STAR. Won me most of my games, along with Lotus Path Djinn and Sandsteppe outcast helping me rule the skies early game.
Both my losses were to Sultai, although one of them was just because I was color screwed both games and got run over. The other loss was a very well put together Sultai deck that just had answers to everything I had between counterspells and creature removal.
Rolled with the Jeskai after choosing almost dead last. Pulled Some decent cards, including Shaman of the Great Hunt, Cloudform, Jeskai Runemark, and Dragon Bell Monk.
Went 4-0-1. Intentionally drew to split prize packs, but went first in terms of standing. Not too shabby.
Got a sub par promo in Jeskai Infiltrator, but managed to pull Ojutai, Soul of Winter, Citadel siege, supplant form, and a Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker.
Citadel Siege is CRAZY in limited, anytime I got it out, my opponents could not stop it and got steamrolled some crazy powerful flier from all of the counters. One match somebody had a Warden of the Fist Tree out and brought the siege out and just tapped it every combat, completely stopping his 8/8 trample lifelink, saving me from losing.
Aven Surveyor saved me from losing games so many times I've lost count. It managed to return a rageform manifest to my opponents hand, a token of Ojutai that my opponent got with supplant form, and pretty much any flying blockers that would stop me from getting damage through.
Fliers were pretty much all I had, and even with only eight creatures in my deck I managed to win 3-0 and went 6-2 on my matches. I got second place only because I lost one match more than 1st place had. Got a bunch of nice cards, so overall, it was a good night.
Steamrolled through Sultai, Jeskai and Abzan, then lost 0-2 to insane Temur, with Atarka and three copies of Sabertooth. However, opened both
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and foil Temporal Trespass in the prize packs. Nice one, methinks.
Got Dromoka (GW dragon) as my prerelease card, and basically rode Savage Punch and Hunt the Weak to victories. So much of the instant speed removal happens inside of the combat step that hunting morphs was very profitable for me. Fortunately no opponent had a Force Away to blow me out.
Temur Sabertooth is stupidly good. I think his activated ability is undercosted by about a mana, but perhaps it will be ok in draft.
Someone already mentioned it, but Goblin Heelcutter is quite good, especially if you have a fair amount of removal. Pressure Point was a solid card for me as well, despite only having two prowess guys. Costing only two (rather than three for Crippling Chill) made it fairly easy to cast it without wasting a turn.
I didn't have too much in the way of bombs, but Noxious Dragon is, predictably, really really good, and Mastery of the Unseen won me a game I would have otherwise lost horribly.
My proudest moment was having a Dragon Bell Monk and Efreet Weaponmaster facing down a Sagu Mauler, with the opponent at 3 life and ready to stabilize or destroy me the next turn. I Waterwhirl'd returning zero creatures to trigger prowess.
I know it's not that deep of a play, but my opponent was so mad that I had sort of got around his hexproof.
I chose the clan because there is virtually no bad promo. I was hoping for Torrent Elemental or Silumgar, so it was a hell of a (initially bad) surprise to see promo Wildcall there.
Anyway, after the initial disappointment I looked through the rest of the packs. The Khans pack gave me on-color (even on-clan) rare in Rakshasa Vizier, I got two Typhoid Rats, two Mistfire Adepts (that card is a BEAST), Gurmag Angler, Marang River Prowler, Dead Drop, Will of the Naga etc. Also, Yasova Dragonclaw, who won me at least three games.ev
The deck functioned suprisingly well and lost only to an insane Jeskai pool (two Reality Shifts, two Sandblast, two Kill Shots...) splashing Sorin and the pilot was insanely lucky (he was good, but the luck was unbelievable). If I had set the table on fire, he would pull a fire engine from his pocket. In the decider I have even fought several turns with a Sorin emblem. On 8 life, four critters on board against lone Wardscale Dragon, my opponent has no cards...and topdecks Flamerush Rider...:-P
After the PR, I signed up for one draft. Pack 1 - Ugin. HECK YEAH. On p1p2 Citadel Siege passed by a friend who seriously misevaluated it. Pack 2 - Sarkhan. In the end, ended up firmly in Abzan, with two Abzan Ascendancy, and won another pack with Shaman of the Great Hunt.
A very fine Saturday.
Let this great clan rest in peace (2001-2011)
Got 2 prize packs out of the deal, just opened them today and saw Ugin staring back at me.
Got some Taco Bell before hand so I wasn't hungry during.
Clan: Jeskai
Promo: Ojutai, Soul of Winter
Other bombs: Sorin, Solemn Visitor, a second Ojutai, and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon.
Ya... Otherwise my deck was Esper Agro, I used cheap fliers and Runemark auras to win.
In round one, I lost in game three on a massive player mistake. Got Ugin killed for no reason, was pretty embarrassed.
Round 2 vs a newer player, some teaching moments, but mostly a massacre.
Round 3 vs a guy I had never met before, couldn't tell if he was new or not. He was playing Temur, I steam rolled him with 2 Battle Brawlers and Sorin in both games.
Round 4 was preempted by the on set of food poisoning... I spent the round in what was mostly agony. I don't think my health would have allowed me to win though. He played Silumgar, the Drifting Death and kept giving it more +1/+1 counters. Good player, tempo'd well through both matches, I don't feel bad for having lost either way.
Went 2-2 total, picked up one pack as a prize.
... I opened a second Ugin. Between the food poisoning and opening 3 walkers, I'm not participating the rest of the weekend. I don't know whether to call myself lucky or not.
Pressure Point was really good, I completely agree. I did enjoy the Runemarks from each clan though, in Esper I had one of each. Sorin, Sultai Runemark, and Battle Brawler were mostly unstoppable when I got them all out. Sage's Reverie played well with all my other auras as well. I was often attacking for 4 in the air by turn 3 with all my aura pumps.
As far as the set up of the prerelease went, I enjoyed that we got mostly new FRF packs and not KTK packs, but with such a small card pool, it felt very odd building a deck. In FRF there are only 60 different common/uncommon creatures for example. The pools felt rather concentrated compared to the sealed events of the past. Mana fixing was almost entirely in the form of replaced basic lands. Just some observations.
"Reveal a Dragon"
I haven't had a satisfying prerelease since Dragon's Maze when the store did 3 rounds best of 2 in each round in 2 headed giant, now every store within driving distance only does best of 1, 3 round 2HG matches, and Best of 2 3 round single player releases.
I would love to just spend all day at a 2 headed giant prerelease, how can I get that to happen?
1 Crux of Fate
1 End Hostilities
1 Soul Summons
1 Kill Shot
1 Harsh Sustenance
1 Mardu Charm
1 Pressure Point
2 Sandblast
1 Alesha's Vanguard
1 Chief of the Edge
1 Dragon Bell Monk
1 Goblin Heelcutter
1 Jeskai Barricade
1 Mardu Skullhunter
1 Ponyback Brigade
1 Sandsteppe Outcast
1 Sultai Emissary
1 Typhoid Rats
1 Raiders' Spoils
1 Nomad Outpost
2 Scoured Barrens
1 Wind-Scarred Crag
I felt like my pool was just alright, but I went undefeated for first place (4-0).
I agree with the comments on Hellcutter, and echo them for Dash in general. It was very strong, and won a lot of games. Also Jeskai Barricade was stupendous all day.
My wife opened the alt-art Ugin promo, and I got a foil Monastery Mentor in the prize packs.
Nothing insane in my pool, but it had some very playable rares and tons of removal. I got Mardu Strike leader (promo), another Mardu Strike Leader (foil), Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury and Archfiend of Depravity (all of them great for the deck), plus Atarka, World Render, Monastery Siege and Ivorytusk Fortress.
Dash works pretty well, most of people (myself included) were happily paying every turn for their hasty creature instead of casting it and losing the first attack. Needless to say Mardu Strike Leader is awesome, he takes over the game if left unchecked, and Kolaghan just wins games out of nowhere. I didn't play Goblin Heelcutter, but it was played against me several times and man, that card is annoying... On the other hand, Archfiend was a bit underwhelming, with a total of 0 sacrifices to him.
In the end I opened Soulfire Grand Master and Bloodstained Mire in my price packs. Nice.
1 Mistfire Adept
1 Jeskai Charm
1 Monastery Siege
3 Sandsteppe Outcast
2 Efreet Weaponmaster
1 Dig Through Time
2 Refocus
1 Defiant Strike
1 Jeskai Student
1 Arrow Storm
1 Jeskai Barricade
1 Mardu Hordechief
1 Burn Away
1 Will of the Naga
1 Whisk Away
1 Bathe in Dragonfire
1 Channel Harm
1 Outpost Siege
1 Act of Treason
1 Mystic Monastery
2 Wind-Scarred Crag
1 Swiftwater Cliffs
1 Tranquil Cove
4 Mountain
4 Island
3 Plains
My first match was against an Abzan Aggro deck. In the first game I spent my Bathe in Dragonfire to kill an Abzan Falconer and used Sandsteppe Outcast to stabilize and block his 1-drops. However, he was able to land a Wardscale Dragon. I had no more removal in my hand, but while I was at 7 life I was able to cast Dig Through Time, finding my 7th land and Ojutai. Unfortunately, he topdecked Suspension Field before I could tap down the Wardscale Dragon and he killed me. In the second game he completely overwhelmed me with 2 Abzan Falconers, an Ainok Bond-Kin, and another creature that I don't remember.
My second match was against Mardu. In the first game I was able to keep pace with his guys, but he got me down to a low life total. Fortunately, 2 Sandsteppe Outcasts + a Jeskai Charm giving lifelink made me hard for him to kill and I and killed his Kolaghan to force the final damage through. In the second game he got stuck on lands while I developed my board with a Sandsteppe Outcast, an Efreet Weaponmaster, and a Mistfire Weaver. I was able to use several cantrips to give my guys flying to get them past his blockers. He got enough lands and cast Kolaghan, but I stole it with Act of Treason to kill him.
My third match was also against Mardu. In game 1 I was knocked to a low life total, but used Jeskai Charm and Sansteppe Outcasts to get me to a safe life-total. I then cast Ojutai, tapped down his guys, and attacked for the win. In game 2 I morphed 2 Efreet Weaponmasters, killed a couple of his guys, and was able to win pretty easily.
My fourth match was against a bigger Abzan deck. I don't remember the first game much, but Act of Treasoned his Daghatar and killed him with Ojutai. In the second game he ummorphed Rattleclaw Mystic to get a turn 4 Dromoka and then cast Temur Sabertooth. I died 2 turns later. In the third game he was able to kill both of my Efreet Weaponmasters, Ojutai, and most of my Sandsteppe Outcasts. Unfortunately for him, the Dig Through Time that found Ojutai had also found Outpost Siege, which gave me enough card advantage to eventually kill him with Mistfire Adept.
I got 5 prize packs and opened up an alternate art Ugin from the Ugin's Fate pack.
Basically, Dig Through Time, Jeskai Charm, and Efreet Weaponmaster are still great. Monastery Siege and Outpost Siege both were amazing and the extra card advantage and filtering saved me many times. Ojutai is awesome and is probably the second-best dragon in Sealed. Sandsteppe Outcast is my favorite common in the set and was the main reason why I won most of my games. Also, Mistfire Adept and Channel Harm are both amazing.
Storm Crow is strictly worse than Seacoast Drake.
Noon exactly, 8 folks. Three rounds of swiss. Result: 2-1-0. Came in 3rd overall. Prize pool was tiny, but eh.
Went Mardu again. Flamerush Rider promo, annnnd another Flamerush Rider. Fricken sweet. Oh what's this? You got two Zapdos! (Kolaghan, the storm's fury) Even sweeter. Also had two more Lightning Shrieker All my fliers were dragons. But with Dash, letting things attack all other the place and stay far away from potential problems, it was fun.
I made one really awful move that I know cost me a game. But that guy went on to grab 2nd, so I don't know if I could have saved myself in the third. Ojutai is a pain in the butt with 6 toughness.
I think I might only do Pre-releases. Ain't got the time nor money to sink into Constructeds, and I had a ball building on finite resources.
Stayed to do some trades, and the only guy sticking around for that was looking for Yasova, Dragoncclaw. I hadn't opened my prize packs yet, so i told him, "Not yet." Sat down and cracked her open. Mega grin. Got a fair trade of new crap I don't want for old crap that I did.
Selling some cards I don't want.
Generally less than tcg mid.
First round, I got the "by" ... thanks to odd number
Second round 2-1
Third round 2-0
Forth round 2-1
Fifth round 2-1
Was really happy to win with my deck. I was mana screwed 2 of my three lost. Was also lucky to win 2 game because of my opponent mana screwed.
Here's my deck. Got Mardu Strike Leader as my Mardu promo, it was also my lone rare in my deck.
3 Typhoid Rats
1 Mardu Strike Leader
1 Unyielding Krumar
1 Gurmag Angler
2 Dragon Bell Monk
2 Sandsteppe Outcast
1 Alabaster Kirin
1 War-Name Aspirant
1 Highspire Mantis
1 Mardu Roughrider
1 Ponyback Brigade
1 Collateral Damage
1 Temur Battle Rage
1 Trumpet Blast
1 Harsh Sustenance
1 Pressure Point
1 Rush of Battle
Enchantment 3
1 Lightform
2 Mardu Runemark
5 Plains
4 Swamp
3 Mountain
1 Nomad Outpost
1 Bloodfell Caves
1 Scoured Barrens
1 Wind-Scarred Crag
And seriously, a 3/3 First Strike Deathtouch Typhoid Rats was awesome... that or a 4/4 Vigilance, First Strike Prowess Dragon Bell Monk
My other "notable" card... they nearly made me go Abzan instead of Mardu.
Clan : Sultai
Promo : Soulflayer
So many bomb dragons I just couldn't stop in matches 1 and 4. Matches 2 and 3 I just got to attack with my Lotus Path Djinn and use heaps of combat tricks.
My deck wasn't focused. I didn't pull any big flyers or good wedge cards so I played a heap of manifest and combat tricks which isn't a good combination because I kept manifesting non-creature cards.
My bomb was Sandsteppe Mastodon which came out to bolster a little flyer for a game win in my 4th match but my opponent took the next 2.
I had a really bad sealed pool but I made the most of it by lowering my curve and trying to be aggressive. I actually built Sultai but my black was so bad I replaced it for white and played bant to use Mastery of the Unseen which was just hopeless against big flying beaters.
Really I shouldn't have played green but I was in love with the Mastodon. I lost a few games with it in my hand because it was too hard to cast.
Great learning experience though. Playing with such a bad pool and making the best of it has really made me appreciate the times I have opened good stuff. At Khans I had a sick Abzan deck and at M15 I had a great GW convoke deck. Can't have all the luck all the time.