The actual rising of prices remind us that there is an important limitation in the possible expansion of Legacy. The prices are only a symptoma of the limited supply of cards. For me, this problem is more important than anything with Duals lands. The duals are key pieces needed to build almost any Legacy deck. There is a limited number of duals in existance. This mean that there is a limited number of persons who can play Legacy at the same time. Let suppose for a second that all the type 2 players decide at the same time they want to play Legacy: only a very few, ready to pay more than the rest, will be able.
This mean that we need a solution if we want to see more player eventualy play Legacy. As thing is, I can see 4 possibilities Wizard can do:
1- Abolish reserve list and reprint key cards. Sure, Wizard will not want to print FoW, Duals, Wasteland or even Goyf for type 2 play but the recent new products (like Duels decks and Form the Vault) show that there is way to do this without messing with type 2. If the reprints is produce at a pace that follow the increase of Legacy player, this can avoid to devaluate too much the cards.
2- Ban duals lands and reprint some cards not on reserve list. Wasteland, FoW and Goyf are not on reserve list. They can be reprinted without breaking the policy. If DCI ban duals lands and reprint those most needed cards, more people will be able to play the format.
3- Allow proxies in sanctioned events. Well I honestly think Wizard will never do this but I must mention it as a possible solution because some people continue to reclaim that.
4- Do nothing. No reprint at all. We just must remember that no more player will soon be able to join the format as long as Wizard do nothing.
So, I want to know what you think, what is the best solution for you?
Reprint legacy staples as cards in FTV expansion or other set.
I'm sure, for the health of the game, more people would perfer that they can afford the powerful legacy cards rather than would be upset that their collection isn't worth as much.
Dual lands are what makes legacy legacy. I don't see them as broken and needing a ban at all.
Proxies is another good idea, like they do in vintage. But I still say reprinting is a better idea. If they do choose to reprint, in the early stages they can also throw in the proxy rule because those reprints may still be expensive.
Buying duals is an investment. You buy them once and you use them for years, whereas in standard you pay bloated up prices for new cards that will almost always lose their value in a short period of time. Then it's time to buy the next new set. Legacy may seem like it's expensive at first but over time it's much cheaper than standard. It's not like you have to buy four of every dual land right away, most players acquire the ones they need for the deck they want to play and expand from there. If you don't want to buy duals, play merfolk, stax, or elves. Just remember, if you do purchase some, in a year or two from now you'll be able to sell them for the same price you paid for them, or more, if you keep your cards in good shape.
I picked "Do nothing". There's no problem with card availability, people just complain about prices like they always have. Eternal formats are still the cheapest formats to play over any significant length of time.
I fail to see how banning duals would be good for the format. If you banned the original duals most people would just switch "next best" versions, most likely the RAV ones which would cause the price of those to go up. That said you would also piss a lot of people off, if you dont have access to the original duals there are a lot of cheaper options (other then playing a mono colored deck) but really my point is I do see how removing cards from the environment would be good.
Do nothing was my vote. I know that I personally don't have a lot of the legadcy staples because I'm just getting into legacy. But as it's been stated before, it's an investmant and is well worth it after a length of time. My 2 cents.
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UUU - Go Go Gadget Ninjitsu! (casual) GGG - Beatdown Elves (casual) (G/R)(G/R)(G/R) - Progenitus/Elfball (legacy) BBB - Crucible Pox (legacy) (B/G)(B/G)(B/G) - Eva Green (legacy)
I'm agree that ACTUALY Legcay don't cost too much. The cost is not the real problem, in my opinion. After all, there is a type 2 card who actually cost more than most of the Duals. And as lot of peoples told many time, over the course of years, Legacy (and even Vintage, btw) cost less than t2.
The real problem is the fact that the format actualy have an absolute limit in the number of players who can play it. If the number of type 2 players double in one year, Wizard will print more of the next sets. The same is not possible in Legacy: if the number of people WANTING to play double, there will be no more cards to accomodate them. The prices will jump again and only those ready to pay more will be able to play.
No more player (or only a few...) mean no more tournement, no more support... Legacy is a blast, the only problem is findind location and opponents to play. The format need to expend. Without mana base (more duals avaible on the market) this is not possible.
I want everybody to understand that more Wizard wait to adress this the more it will be painful. If you see no problem with Underground Sea at 70$, do you see a problem at 150$? at 300$? At one point, stores didnt have any more cards and the prices raise expotentialy. I realy fear that Legacy will turn in a new Vintage, with the basics cards you need to play costing crazy prices or staying in the hands of few, with no possibility to get new players playing the format.
At the moment I don't really see a problem with the format. Extended and Standard have cards at prices higher than duals(Baneslayer, Tarmogoyf is also in extended) and cards that cost close to what a lot of other Legacy staples do, Dark Depths and Elspeth for example are nearly $30. A Standard Uwr control deck runs nearly as much Legacy Merfolk. Merfolk will likely be playable and around the same value for quite some time, Standard Uwr Control will likely be worth very little after one or two years when reprints and rotations cause the prices of most of the cards to plummet. Almost every mono-color or Belcher deck in Legacy will cost only a bit more or the same as a Tier 1 standard deck and given the good results of Merfolk lately, it is a Tier 1 Legacy deck.
Legacy is expensive, but I have no problems finding any cards that I want. If you are looking to build decks that need more fringe cards like Moat, Tabernacle, Loyal Retainers, etc.. then, yes, it will be hard to find what you need. But as far as more well used staple cards, there are always dozens of each dual land, FoW, Wasteland, etc.. on eBay or in stores at any given time.
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MTG Rules Advisor
I currently play only two formats, what I play in them is:
Legacy: Domain Zoo, RGW Zoo, Merfolk, Solidarity, Mono Black Aggro
EDH: Kagemaro, First to Suffer
I still don't think it would be a bad idea to reprint a few cards. I mean, what's the harm in reprinting just a few cards in an easier to get fashion?
The old fetchlands would at least make sense since Zendikar came out recently, and the duals/fetches reprinted would even help out EDH decks, which a lot of folks at wizards enjoy.
Another great reprint would be Force of Will. But only because it is a blue staple, and staples shouldn't be hard to accuire.
There are still lots of legacy staples floating around from the 90's. The reason staples are going up now is because of the fact that SCG is hosting a whole bunch of legacy tournaments this year and there are 2 grand prix's for legacy as well. So in short legacy is starting to matter a lot more to more people so they are going for staples/duals, FoWs, goyfs, etc. etc.
The solution will be to eventually print the ABUR duals in a FTV esque set so there can be more in circulation. Or printing the ABUR duals in a set and abolishing the reserved list.
Banning dual lands is just plain dumb. There would be no point because everyone would use shocks and those would hop up and the ABUR duals would deflate a little perhaps but banning duals would piss a whole ton of people off seeing as how a playset of every dual land goes for around $1,300 right now.
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"Yawgmoth," Freyalise whispered as she set the bomb, "now you will pay for your treachery."
How about the basic idea that there are Legacy decks that use no reserve list staples, e.g Goblins, Elves, Mono-B Suicide, Berserk Stompy (yes, Berserk was never placed on the Reserve list) that are perfectly playable and occasionally win tourneys. Add in the fact that nothing says that WotC can't print specific playable hosers for any card on the reserve list and thereby lower it's relevance to the Legacy metagame accordingly.
All WotC has to do is put a playable dual-land hoser out in each color to supplement the existing ones that range from playable to unplayable and viola you have a Legacy meta in which owning $1000 worth of dual-lands does not put you head and shoulders above everybody who only owns a partial set or even none at all.
Beating the Legacy format with a blunt object, like banning dual-lands, would just create bruised players and a weaker meta.
i think its best if wizards could just make the whole reserve list abneed from legacy since it would make anyone's card drop because there still heavily played in vintage and it makes it so players are able to have all the staples. Though if the negator thing is true and they abolish the reserve list im fine with that.
How about the basic idea that there are Legacy decks that use no reserve list staples, e.g Goblins, Elves, Mono-B Suicide, Berserk Stompy (yes, Berserk was never placed on the Reserve list) that are perfectly playable and occasionally win tourneys. Add in the fact that nothing says that WotC can't print specific playable hosers for any card on the reserve list and thereby lower it's relevance to the Legacy metagame accordingly.
All WotC has to do is put a playable dual-land hoser out in each color to supplement the existing ones that range from playable to unplayable and viola you have a Legacy meta in which owning $1000 worth of dual-lands does not put you head and shoulders above everybody who only owns a partial set or even none at all.
Beating the Legacy format with a blunt object, like banning dual-lands, would just create bruised players and a weaker meta.
Sure. More Blood Moon, Back to Basics, Price of Progress style cards would definitely be nice.
I feel that we should reprint the legacy staples in those FTV sets or something. However, note that the prices of those FTV sets may jack up as they would be the first Force of Will Foil and/or Underground Sea Foil.
Unless they somehow print a FTV set which are all non foil =\ and in huge quantities so that many people can purchase them, which I feel somewhat unlikely.
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This should help people out who are addressing me in further posts: My name is Tenkai. It's not Tokobo. Thank you. =)
Though if the negator thing is true and they abolish the reserve list im fine with that.
They are not abolishing the reserve list. They are just doing something that is still following the reserve list rules, they just haven't done it this way yet.
All policies described in this document apply only to non-premium, tournament-legal Magic cards. Wizards of the Coast has and may continue to print special versions of cards not meant for regular game play, such as oversized cards.
Many people took this to mean that it only didn't apply if the reprint couldn't be used in a tournament. However, it also apparently means that it doesn't count if the reprint comes in a premium set/bundle/promo.
Here's proof(Hosted on my own imageshack, but not attached so that I don't get warned for image leeching, but I don't give away unneeded spoilers.):
I know it's small, but compare the card on the left with Phyrexian Negator.
They shan't be abolishing the reserved list any time soon, I'd wager, but it doesn't mean they can't reprint some reserved staples like Force of Will in a duel deck or FTV.
Force of Will is not on the reserve list, it is an uncommon, not a rare.
But whether or not they will do away with it or say that Negator counts as premium is yet to be determined. My guess is they will say something on the official site near the release of PvC on the subject.
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MTG Rules Advisor
I currently play only two formats, what I play in them is:
Legacy: Domain Zoo, RGW Zoo, Merfolk, Solidarity, Mono Black Aggro
EDH: Kagemaro, First to Suffer
Force of Will is not on the reserve list, it is an uncommon, not a rare.
But whether or not they will do away with it or say that Negator counts as premium is yet to be determined. My guess is they will say something on the official site near the release of PvC on the subject.
Oh, it isn't? I knew it was an uncommon, but I figured it was reserved. Anyway, they could reprint reserved, deck-specific cards such as Survival of the Fittest.
Oh, it isn't? I knew it was an uncommon, but I figured it was reserved. Anyway, they could reprint reserved, deck-specific cards such as Mana Vault.
Mana Vault is easy to find and banned in Legacy. It also isn't on the reserve list. If you mean Mana Crypt, which is also banned in Legacy, that isn't on the reserve list either, it was a promo-only release and only rares from Alpha-Urza's Destiny that weren't already reprinted in other editions(Those in Chronicles/Renaissance/4th/5th don't show up on the reserve list).
What specific cards are that hard to find? A lot of them are expensive, and things like Tabernacle are crazy expensive, but you can still buy them and most of the crazy expensive ones are all only played in one or two decks.
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MTG Rules Advisor
I currently play only two formats, what I play in them is:
Legacy: Domain Zoo, RGW Zoo, Merfolk, Solidarity, Mono Black Aggro
EDH: Kagemaro, First to Suffer
I feel a bit sour inside, but I went with Ban Duals. They reduce design space and it is far to easy to run "8" real duals of 1 color.
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Out of the blackness and stench of the engulfing swamp emerged a shimmering figure. Only the splattered armor and ichor-stained sword hinted at the unfathomable evil the knight had just laid waste.
Sure. More Blood Moon, Back to Basics, Price of Progress style cards would definitely be nice.
All it would take would be to print a few cards like these:
1WW Karmageddon
Destroy all non-basic Mountains and non-basic Swamps.
1GG Tidal Surge
Destroy all non-basic Islands and non-basic Swamps.
2BB Stinking Cloud
Destroy all non-basic lands.
It really is not hard to bring things into balance once WotC decides they want to do that. The trick is making sure that the colors that are weaker on their own have good answers available against multi-color power.
I intentionally left blue and red out of the rotation because blue doesn't need help at all at this point and also has free counters to stop this stuff and red already has a couple of decks that blow by dual-heavy decks without a lot of trouble in Goblins and Dragon Stompy. WotC only needs to fix the things that are broken.
Nixing something that's bred the healthiest format in magic isn't gonna fix it.
The dual-lands make legacy what it is. It may be difficult to obtain them, but i think it'd be more than worth the 400-odd dollar investment for underground seas to get competitive in this format.
I like the name "Stinking Cloud', ha. Also I think we already established how bad of an idea it would be to ban duals. Demand for Ravnica duals would cause their price to increase drastically and essentually nothing is solved but you have a whole lot of people with their undies in a bundle ready to quit the game. It may be a bit of an investment for someone first getting into legacy, but we've all got to start somewhere right? Has anyone who voted to ban duals ever heard of Price of Progress,Wasteland, Blood Moon, or Back to Basics? It would not be hard for wizards to make some cards to level out the playing field whenever they want, it just isn't time yet in their opinion. It's not like dual lands are so scarce that people can't play legacy because they can't get a hold of any. And any one who says this has been living in a cave or doesn't know how to use a computer and probably has no business playing mtg in the first place.
Well this certainly is a real problem. More players wanting to get into the best format imho (legacy) but not enough cards to go around. So lets break this down a bit.
The main barrier to entry for most seems to be of course the dual lands. The dual lands were printed in four sets. Firstly in Alpha and Beta. These printings were extremely limited and are of course highly sort after by collectors due to their scarcity. Players also love them because of their power and lovely black borders. Then unlimited came out with white borders which are considered ugly by most players today. Unlimited cards are also pretty scarce though which makes them more valuable than their final printing, which is of course Revised. There are over ten times as many revised duals out there than ABU combined. Revised was the first base set to actually get a print run that could come close to meeting the demand for cards by players. Unfortunately revised duals happen to be some of the ugliest cards ever printed. White bordered, extremely washed out, ghetto vertical T tap symbol and unnecessarily wordy text box make these cards undesirable except for the fact that they are the cheapest option for players.
So how do Wizards get more cards into circulation? Some have suggested a "From the Vault: Dual Lands" box. This is probably the worst possible way to do it and will piss off a lot of people. Imagine another case of from the vault exiled but with ten times the demand. Players won't be able to get these and dealers will be charging $600 a box or more. Don't forget though that these are lands so everyone will want a playset. So 4x Boxes each. I cannot imagine how crazy things would get. This would mean the cards would be black bordered foils, making them "better" than revised and unlimited and possibly even alpha/beta to some because of them being foil.
Print them in M11 or M12 or whatever at Mythic rarity. This would mean that they would be standard and extended legal. Because Wizards refuse to print any half viable land destruction or even powerful nonbasic hate, standard would be destroyed, every deck running 4 or 5 colors with an assortment of the most powerful cards in each color. This would mean the cards would have black borders, making them "better" than revised.
The best way to do it in my opinion would be to have them randomly inserted in each set. Make them their own new rarity and insert them at a rate of about one per two boxes (one per 72 packs). They must still be hard to get, but not so hard that they are never found. This would have to be done very carefully. But the part that will cause controversy I am sure, is that they NEED to be UGLY. WORSE than revised, which is pretty hard to do. This is the ONLY way to not destroy the market for the real original duals. Each of the 10 duals will have a border that is not black or white but a disgusting shade of BROWN. Each card will have artwork by Drew Tucker. Flavor text for each card will also be geared towards making them undesirable. Here's a mock up.
Wizrds then just have to make a little statement that brown bordered cards are only eternal format legal and the problem is solved. This is the only way I can think of reprinting the duals that won't destroy the value of the Revised ones.
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This mean that we need a solution if we want to see more player eventualy play Legacy. As thing is, I can see 4 possibilities Wizard can do:
1- Abolish reserve list and reprint key cards. Sure, Wizard will not want to print FoW, Duals, Wasteland or even Goyf for type 2 play but the recent new products (like Duels decks and Form the Vault) show that there is way to do this without messing with type 2. If the reprints is produce at a pace that follow the increase of Legacy player, this can avoid to devaluate too much the cards.
2- Ban duals lands and reprint some cards not on reserve list. Wasteland, FoW and Goyf are not on reserve list. They can be reprinted without breaking the policy. If DCI ban duals lands and reprint those most needed cards, more people will be able to play the format.
3- Allow proxies in sanctioned events. Well I honestly think Wizard will never do this but I must mention it as a possible solution because some people continue to reclaim that.
4- Do nothing. No reprint at all. We just must remember that no more player will soon be able to join the format as long as Wizard do nothing.
So, I want to know what you think, what is the best solution for you?
I'm sure, for the health of the game, more people would perfer that they can afford the powerful legacy cards rather than would be upset that their collection isn't worth as much.
Dual lands are what makes legacy legacy. I don't see them as broken and needing a ban at all.
Proxies is another good idea, like they do in vintage. But I still say reprinting is a better idea. If they do choose to reprint, in the early stages they can also throw in the proxy rule because those reprints may still be expensive.
My trade thread:
Trade Thread
UWGifts TronWU
URBGrixis DelverBRU
0Martello Shops0
Currently looking to buy miscut Homelands, (my wife thinks I'm crazy too).
Semper Gumby (Always Flexible)
UUU - Go Go Gadget Ninjitsu! (casual)
GGG - Beatdown Elves (casual)
(G/R)(G/R)(G/R) - Progenitus/Elfball (legacy)
BBB - Crucible Pox (legacy)
(B/G)(B/G)(B/G) - Eva Green (legacy)
Visit Maelstrom Graphics for awesome signatures and avatars
The real problem is the fact that the format actualy have an absolute limit in the number of players who can play it. If the number of type 2 players double in one year, Wizard will print more of the next sets. The same is not possible in Legacy: if the number of people WANTING to play double, there will be no more cards to accomodate them. The prices will jump again and only those ready to pay more will be able to play.
No more player (or only a few...) mean no more tournement, no more support... Legacy is a blast, the only problem is findind location and opponents to play. The format need to expend. Without mana base (more duals avaible on the market) this is not possible.
I want everybody to understand that more Wizard wait to adress this the more it will be painful. If you see no problem with Underground Sea at 70$, do you see a problem at 150$? at 300$? At one point, stores didnt have any more cards and the prices raise expotentialy. I realy fear that Legacy will turn in a new Vintage, with the basics cards you need to play costing crazy prices or staying in the hands of few, with no possibility to get new players playing the format.
Legacy is expensive, but I have no problems finding any cards that I want. If you are looking to build decks that need more fringe cards like Moat, Tabernacle, Loyal Retainers, etc.. then, yes, it will be hard to find what you need. But as far as more well used staple cards, there are always dozens of each dual land, FoW, Wasteland, etc.. on eBay or in stores at any given time.
I currently play only two formats, what I play in them is:
Legacy: Domain Zoo, RGW Zoo, Merfolk, Solidarity, Mono Black Aggro
EDH: Kagemaro, First to Suffer
The old fetchlands would at least make sense since Zendikar came out recently, and the duals/fetches reprinted would even help out EDH decks, which a lot of folks at wizards enjoy.
Another great reprint would be Force of Will. But only because it is a blue staple, and staples shouldn't be hard to accuire.
The solution will be to eventually print the ABUR duals in a FTV esque set so there can be more in circulation. Or printing the ABUR duals in a set and abolishing the reserved list.
Banning dual lands is just plain dumb. There would be no point because everyone would use shocks and those would hop up and the ABUR duals would deflate a little perhaps but banning duals would piss a whole ton of people off seeing as how a playset of every dual land goes for around $1,300 right now.
Currently Playing:
Use promo sets(Such as GvL and FTV:E) to reprint some expensive cards(not duals) that are on the reserve list. We know this can be done, because:
All WotC has to do is put a playable dual-land hoser out in each color to supplement the existing ones that range from playable to unplayable and viola you have a Legacy meta in which owning $1000 worth of dual-lands does not put you head and shoulders above everybody who only owns a partial set or even none at all.
Beating the Legacy format with a blunt object, like banning dual-lands, would just create bruised players and a weaker meta.
Sure. More Blood Moon, Back to Basics, Price of Progress style cards would definitely be nice.
Unless they somehow print a FTV set which are all non foil =\ and in huge quantities so that many people can purchase them, which I feel somewhat unlikely.
Legacy Competitive
RUSneaky ShowUR(Dismantled)
(Pre-Mystical Tutor Banning)
{RIP:July 1, 2010}
Legacy Casual
UWBag Of TricksWU
GWEnchantressWG(Budget/In construction)
WSoul SistersW
Legacy Casual - Retired
UBT.E.S. - The EGG-pic StormBU
BGrave ExistenceB
Sig by Me =)
Many people took this to mean that it only didn't apply if the reprint couldn't be used in a tournament. However, it also apparently means that it doesn't count if the reprint comes in a premium set/bundle/promo.
Here's proof(Hosted on my own imageshack, but not attached so that I don't get warned for image leeching, but I don't give away unneeded spoilers.):
I know it's small, but compare the card on the left with Phyrexian Negator.
They shan't be abolishing the reserved list any time soon, I'd wager, but it doesn't mean they can't reprint some reserved staples like Force of Will in a duel deck or FTV.
But whether or not they will do away with it or say that Negator counts as premium is yet to be determined. My guess is they will say something on the official site near the release of PvC on the subject.
I currently play only two formats, what I play in them is:
Legacy: Domain Zoo, RGW Zoo, Merfolk, Solidarity, Mono Black Aggro
EDH: Kagemaro, First to Suffer
Oh, it isn't? I knew it was an uncommon, but I figured it was reserved. Anyway, they could reprint reserved, deck-specific cards such as Survival of the Fittest.
Mana Vault is easy to find and banned in Legacy. It also isn't on the reserve list. If you mean Mana Crypt, which is also banned in Legacy, that isn't on the reserve list either, it was a promo-only release and only rares from Alpha-Urza's Destiny that weren't already reprinted in other editions(Those in Chronicles/Renaissance/4th/5th don't show up on the reserve list).
What specific cards are that hard to find? A lot of them are expensive, and things like Tabernacle are crazy expensive, but you can still buy them and most of the crazy expensive ones are all only played in one or two decks.
I currently play only two formats, what I play in them is:
Legacy: Domain Zoo, RGW Zoo, Merfolk, Solidarity, Mono Black Aggro
EDH: Kagemaro, First to Suffer
All it would take would be to print a few cards like these:
1WW Karmageddon
Destroy all non-basic Mountains and non-basic Swamps.
1GG Tidal Surge
Destroy all non-basic Islands and non-basic Swamps.
2BB Stinking Cloud
Destroy all non-basic lands.
It really is not hard to bring things into balance once WotC decides they want to do that. The trick is making sure that the colors that are weaker on their own have good answers available against multi-color power.
I intentionally left blue and red out of the rotation because blue doesn't need help at all at this point and also has free counters to stop this stuff and red already has a couple of decks that blow by dual-heavy decks without a lot of trouble in Goblins and Dragon Stompy. WotC only needs to fix the things that are broken.
The dual-lands make legacy what it is. It may be difficult to obtain them, but i think it'd be more than worth the 400-odd dollar investment for underground seas to get competitive in this format.
My trade thread:
The main barrier to entry for most seems to be of course the dual lands. The dual lands were printed in four sets. Firstly in Alpha and Beta. These printings were extremely limited and are of course highly sort after by collectors due to their scarcity. Players also love them because of their power and lovely black borders. Then unlimited came out with white borders which are considered ugly by most players today. Unlimited cards are also pretty scarce though which makes them more valuable than their final printing, which is of course Revised. There are over ten times as many revised duals out there than ABU combined. Revised was the first base set to actually get a print run that could come close to meeting the demand for cards by players. Unfortunately revised duals happen to be some of the ugliest cards ever printed. White bordered, extremely washed out, ghetto vertical T tap symbol and unnecessarily wordy text box make these cards undesirable except for the fact that they are the cheapest option for players.
So how do Wizards get more cards into circulation? Some have suggested a "From the Vault: Dual Lands" box. This is probably the worst possible way to do it and will piss off a lot of people. Imagine another case of from the vault exiled but with ten times the demand. Players won't be able to get these and dealers will be charging $600 a box or more. Don't forget though that these are lands so everyone will want a playset. So 4x Boxes each. I cannot imagine how crazy things would get. This would mean the cards would be black bordered foils, making them "better" than revised and unlimited and possibly even alpha/beta to some because of them being foil.
Print them in M11 or M12 or whatever at Mythic rarity. This would mean that they would be standard and extended legal. Because Wizards refuse to print any half viable land destruction or even powerful nonbasic hate, standard would be destroyed, every deck running 4 or 5 colors with an assortment of the most powerful cards in each color. This would mean the cards would have black borders, making them "better" than revised.
The best way to do it in my opinion would be to have them randomly inserted in each set. Make them their own new rarity and insert them at a rate of about one per two boxes (one per 72 packs). They must still be hard to get, but not so hard that they are never found. This would have to be done very carefully. But the part that will cause controversy I am sure, is that they NEED to be UGLY. WORSE than revised, which is pretty hard to do. This is the ONLY way to not destroy the market for the real original duals. Each of the 10 duals will have a border that is not black or white but a disgusting shade of BROWN. Each card will have artwork by Drew Tucker. Flavor text for each card will also be geared towards making them undesirable. Here's a mock up.
Wizrds then just have to make a little statement that brown bordered cards are only eternal format legal and the problem is solved. This is the only way I can think of reprinting the duals that won't destroy the value of the Revised ones.