Just wondering if a Concordant Crossroads or 2 would be worth a run if you can get it down and end up casting Empty the Warrens your tokens swing in straight away.
Bwahaha! I actually know Jeremy. He showed up to that event with one of those folded up rule sheets from the Fat Packs. During the match's he would put it out and start reading it out loud. Things like the combat step and explain that he just started playing two days ago. (I doubt revised was two days ago.) Then we would combo out for the win. lol
On the Bribery I was told he actually used it against Reanimator to use there own Griselbrand against them to combo out.
has anyone been testing the recross the paths version of belcher? ive played belcher for 4 years now and love the deck and know it probably better than any other legacy deck. however ive only recently begun to test the recross the paths version. it honestly seems silly how good it is and how many times you just win from states where you shouldnt be able to.
4-0 yesterday with. Pretty basic version of belcher, standard wish list with -1 chrome and +1 pyretic,faced junk, pox, d&t and fish, fish was rough, I did combo out thru a daze fow and stifle though...
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Currently playing in Modern: BBB8Rack
Currently Playing in Legacy:
"Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake"
Went 3-1 last night, really considering cutting past in flames from the board because I have NEVER wished for it or had a reason to board it in. The only reasoning I could think for running it would be some extreme corner cases
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Currently playing in Modern: BBB8Rack
Currently Playing in Legacy:
"Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake"
Here is my updated version of 5 color belcher. I love my little niche sideboard. Having the 4th wish and land grant allow for more keepable hands, along with trash for treasure.
Since I am once again taking Blecher to a SCG Open in a month or so and I am hopefully, if I can find them, running the wish based one I was wondering if anyone has down any side boarding guides for it. With the wishless list I would cut my Street Wraiths for side boarding in the REB/Pyroblast but with out those cards I am not sure what I should be boarding out for the inevitable blue decks I will be facing.
Hi everyone - I just got my foruth LED, so I'm going to be trying out this belcher list, but there's something I don't understand - can anyone quickly explain when and why the street wraith and pyretic ritual in the sideboard? When would I even want to bring those in? I think street wraith has something to do with the one recross the paths? The primer in the OP doesn't have anything on either of these cards. Thanks!
That is an odd list for sure. No idea why those are in the board but things like a one of Empty the Warren is not included when you are running the Burning Wishes. I would love to hear what the person has to say about that board as well.
I have been Cutting with Belcher this last year.
Jeremy Chestnut
19th at scg open Seattle in march.
Round 1- Infect 2-0
Round 2- Dredge 2-0
Round 3- Imperial Painter 2-0
Round 4- Reanimator 1-2
Round 5- ANT-2-0
Round 6- Gonlins. 2-0
Round 7- Hightide 0-2
Round 8- R/u Painter 2-0
Round 9- Reanimitor 2-1
Lost to Feline Longmore round 7 for top 8 contention.
8th place at an IQ in Sandiego
R1- ANT 1-2
R2- Maverick 2-0
R3- Miracles 2-0
R4- Maverick 1-2
R5- Dredge 2-0
Rtop8 Omnitell 0-2
Lost to omnitell, 3 mb flusterstorn and 7 natural counters, plus cunning wish package, HARDEST MATCHES are High tide and omnitell
Top8;1-URW Delver 2-1
Top8;2- U/R Painter 2-0
Top8;3- Black Reanimator Concession to 2nd place.
lost to infect on a failed blecher pop. first and only for me out of 100's of games
Im taking this Deck to The scg invitational in December. Its strong in the format right now against everything. Blue Decks require caution, but this deck does the best whe nyou just go for it. It isnt respected as a'real" legacy contender, but it think it has potential.
Hi guys
i'm very new to this deck. i am going to play a tournament "Danish Legacy Masters" on sunday.
i am going to borrow this deck from a mate, have never played it before, only just watched videos on youtube..
is there anything i need to consider or be aware of, ofc i need to do the math when i try to go off..
anything would be of great help
Well, one matchup-specific tip I can offer is valid against Show and Tell decks.
Make some effort to resolve a Lion's Eye Diamond. Afterwards, any Charbelcher you can hold in hand will invalidate their Show and Tell. Just drop it in and crack it in all its uncounterable glory.
I plan on playing this deck at GP Jersey in a few weeks! Mostly concerned about the sideboard.
Here's where I'm at now:
3 pyroblast (some peole run REB for some reason....pyroblast>REB because one can add to storm count)
2 carpet of flowers
1 empty the warrens
1 tendrils of agony
1 goblin war strike
1 cave-in (last SCG I won a match vs. affinity because while I was at 3 life and he was at 2 life I was able to wish for this)
last 6 spots looking like:
1 autumn's veil (I assume you cast this first to see if the coast is clear? Sounds better vs. everything but mindbreak trap)
1 foerst
1 sylvan library
1 bribery
2 xathrid swarm
Mostly just concerned with beating the FoW decks....I really like the chancellor of the annex plan though too. Has this done well for people? I plan on testing this stuff out soon. Just want to see if everyone is still thinking about ways to improve the sb!
Hey guys. So I know nobody will know me in the Belcher thread, i've only played this as kind of a "kitchen table" really. But, just had to share what i believe is one of the best turn ones ever, SEVENTY-FOUR goblins off a mull to 6, on the play. This is the reason i love this game.
I think its time to revamp this primer. its 5 years old and still talks a lot about black creature Belcher and green Belcher. In the era of treasure cruise and dig through time. we are in literally the best place for combo ever. i placed top 21st at Seattle premier IQ and i beat 4 Blue decks with force in hand turn one. almost no dazing, no spell pierces, after sideboard we have access to xantid swarm and carpets and its dynamic. we are an after thought and its a great place to be underestimated. As Legacy is on a slight decline we are in a position to surprise everyone and be respected. 2/4 players i played were so upset and wrote belcher off as an auto-win. My loses ironically were to more dynamic combos and their superior draws lol.
I foiled Belcher. I believe my current list is the strongest list for the meta. the ramp is designed for more turn one wins. this makes its more fragile game one, but is reinforced by the sideboard against blue. Guttural response is superior because it can be cast off green mana.
I finally got this deck put together and I don't want to make any mistakes at my next tournament. Question for experienced players, when sideboarding, what do you side out for Carpet of Flowers, Xantid Swarms and Pyroblasts? The deck is pretty tight. I don't think I want to side out mana ramp, but that is essentially what this deck is. 42 mana ramp spells. So what do I side out?
Just wondering if a Concordant Crossroads or 2 would be worth a run if you can get it down and end up casting Empty the Warrens your tokens swing in straight away.
Or is it a wasted slot?
On the Bribery I was told he actually used it against Reanimator to use there own Griselbrand against them to combo out.
Currently playing in Modern:
Currently Playing in Legacy:
"Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake"
In that match up it is better, but milling into a Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite isn't going to win against Reanimator.
what about Duress against Force of Will/Pithing Needle/whatever?
Currently playing in Modern:
Currently Playing in Legacy:
"Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake"
[EDH Non-Primers] Newzuri | Breya
Currently playing in Modern:
Currently Playing in Legacy:
"Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake"
1 empty the warrens
1 goblin war strike
1 reforge the soul
1 past in flames
1 tendrils of agony
1 shattering spree
1 pyroclasm
1 reverent silence
1 bribery
2 pyroblast
3 xantid swarm
im going to be changing clasm to cave-in because there is a lot of D&T in my meta, and cave-in is easier to cast through a thalia
Currently playing in Modern:
Currently Playing in Legacy:
"Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake"
4x Chrome Mox
4x Goblin Charbelcher
4x Lion's Eye Diamond
4x Lotus Petal
Creature: 12
4x Elvish Spirit Guide
4x Simian Spirit Guide
4x Tinder Wall
Instant: 14
4x Desperate Ritual
2x Manamorphose
4x Pyretic Ritual
4x Seething Song
1x Taiga
Sorcery: 17
3x Burning Wish
3x Empty the Warrens
4x Gitaxian Probe
3x Land Grant
4x Rite of Flame
1x Burning Wish
4x Chancellor of the Annex
1x Empty the Warrens
1x Guttural Response
1x Infernal Tutor
1x Land Grant
1x Tendrils of Agony
1x Trash for Treasure
4x Xantid Swarm
Modern: WUBRG Infect
Legacy: WUBRG Belcher
5 Color control, aggro and combo. Taste the Rainbow!
|One Red Mountain - A adventure in MTG Trading|
|One Red Mountain - A adventure in MTG Trading|
Jeremy Chestnut
19th at scg open Seattle in march.
Round 1- Infect 2-0
Round 2- Dredge 2-0
Round 3- Imperial Painter 2-0
Round 4- Reanimator 1-2
Round 5- ANT-2-0
Round 6- Gonlins. 2-0
Round 7- Hightide 0-2
Round 8- R/u Painter 2-0
Round 9- Reanimitor 2-1
Lost to Feline Longmore round 7 for top 8 contention.
8th place at an IQ in Sandiego
R1- ANT 1-2
R2- Maverick 2-0
R3- Miracles 2-0
R4- Maverick 1-2
R5- Dredge 2-0
Rtop8 Omnitell 0-2
Lost to omnitell, 3 mb flusterstorn and 7 natural counters, plus cunning wish package, HARDEST MATCHES are High tide and omnitell
2nd Place
Sandiego IQ
R1- RUG Delver 2-0
R2- Doomsday 2-0
R3- Merfolk 2-0
R4- Infect 1-2
R5- Tes 2-0
R6- Black reanimator 0-0-3 Draw into top8
Top8;1-URW Delver 2-1
Top8;2- U/R Painter 2-0
Top8;3- Black Reanimator Concession to 2nd place.
lost to infect on a failed blecher pop. first and only for me out of 100's of games
Im taking this Deck to The scg invitational in December. Its strong in the format right now against everything. Blue Decks require caution, but this deck does the best whe nyou just go for it. It isnt respected as a'real" legacy contender, but it think it has potential.
i'm very new to this deck. i am going to play a tournament "Danish Legacy Masters" on sunday.
i am going to borrow this deck from a mate, have never played it before, only just watched videos on youtube..
is there anything i need to consider or be aware of, ofc i need to do the math when i try to go off..
anything would be of great help
Make some effort to resolve a Lion's Eye Diamond. Afterwards, any Charbelcher you can hold in hand will invalidate their Show and Tell. Just drop it in and crack it in all its uncounterable glory.
Overall record: 139-98-15
Total number of matches: 252
Win percentage ignoring draws: 58.649789
Win percentage including draws: 55.158730
Here's where I'm at now:
3 pyroblast (some peole run REB for some reason....pyroblast>REB because one can add to storm count)
2 carpet of flowers
1 empty the warrens
1 tendrils of agony
1 goblin war strike
1 cave-in (last SCG I won a match vs. affinity because while I was at 3 life and he was at 2 life I was able to wish for this)
last 6 spots looking like:
1 autumn's veil (I assume you cast this first to see if the coast is clear? Sounds better vs. everything but mindbreak trap)
1 foerst
1 sylvan library
1 bribery
2 xathrid swarm
Mostly just concerned with beating the FoW decks....I really like the chancellor of the annex plan though too. Has this done well for people? I plan on testing this stuff out soon. Just want to see if everyone is still thinking about ways to improve the sb!
Overall record: 139-98-15
Total number of matches: 252
Win percentage ignoring draws: 58.649789
Win percentage including draws: 55.158730
Thoughts opinions?
Currently Playing:
Burning Reanimator
Eldrazi and Taxes
Bug Threshold
Dead Guy Ale
Combo Zombies
Pyromancer Pox