I agree. When I get even just 1 win con, the deck practically plays out in 1 or 2 turns. It's just nuts. I am running 4 Belcher, 4 Wish and 3 EtW, but I just have the worst luck with opening hands and mulling.
Otherwise, I love the deck. You're right, in an aggro meta this thing just destroys everything. Control is rough. No question about it.
Hmmmm. I'm not sure. Try a different shuffling technique? Otherwise, you could always playtest games and see how it goes if you mulligan into a hand where you have your Belcher or other win-condition and not enough mana. I hate doing this, but the few times I've tried it, it worked against the right deck. You just "draw-go" a turn or two - you're opponent usually just assumes you were too scared to mulligan more and took an explosive hand that is lacking a land... until you draw that much needed Lotus Petal, Chrome Mox, or what-have-you and start comboing.
Otherwise - it's just the luck (or bad luck) of the shuffle I suppose. I don't suggest my aforementioned strategy to a lot of people - I just like being risky if I get crappy hands against Goblins, Affinity, and even a few decks like Enchantress or Maverick if it's game 1 and they didn't put out a specific hate card for us.
I think any hand with 5 or more with this deck can go off pretty well on turn 2. 4-card hands are the death of us though.
5 cards can still be okay, like:
Lotus Petal > Rite of Flame > Rite of Flame > Belcher > LED
Land Grant > Tinder Wall > Pyretic Ritual > Desperate Ritual > Empty the Warrens
^ I usually consider E.t.W. "game-winning" if it's 12 or mroe, but having to mulligan down to 5 and being able to put 10 power on board is still good for being 5 cards. It gets better obviously if it's game 2 and we're on the Draw (we typically win game 1) - sometimes we take a shaky 5-cards and that draw turns it into a game-winning 6 cards.
With the exception of miracles, etw for even 8 is usually a win. Even 6 can get you there if they play double fetch.
Fair point. The only match-up that I've felt you had to go all-out is Esper Stoneblade. Kind of hard to do pre-board without Xantid Swarm and Pyroblast, but if/when you manage to fight through the counterspells - storming for 8-10 against Esper can be risky. I've had a few games where they can block and prevent a few damage; They manage their resources good enough where the early-game Batterskull begins to negate our damage enough where they can stabilize (Goblin War Strike is useful in these situations).
just curious, I'm trying a 1-of duress in the board to wish for if I have a spare wish. the idea being try to hit a counter before I play my kill. Any one else try this and have any insight?
*Sigh* Yet another good showing but not good enough. Some many top 8's and top 16's the past year but never did it go all the way there. I woke up right when the first game of the finals was ending, and when I saw Belcher was playing Jund - I figured Belcher had a walk in the park. Just fight past the discard and you're solid.
I've been riding Elves pretty hard lately in Legacy, but I have Belcher ready-to-go for SCG Kansas City in late March. I love Elves and it's well-positioned in the wide-scope of the Legacy format, whereas Belcher is weak against the top decks right now (BUG, Esper Stoneblade, etc.)
The thing is, I live in the midwest. If I know anything about the midwest, it's that 1) we like red, and 2) we like to turn creatures sideways. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a decent amount of Jund, RUG, Goblins, and Burn decks in KC.
I may just go and scout out the scene as much as possible and decide on point. Damn my love for crazy combo decks!
So we lost to targetted discard on games 1 and 3. If Jund is real now, we need answers.
On thesource, using chancellor of the annex was suggested as it counters the first turn thoughtseize and force of will on the play. Leyline of sanctity was also mentioned as an option. My idea was noxious revival. The issue I have with both white spells is you will never be able to cast either without manamorphose. Topdecking them makes for a dead draw, where revival can be used regardless. Thoughts?
Private Mod Note
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Standard: Fog Maze
Modern: WUBRG Infect
Legacy: WUBRG Belcher
5 Color control, aggro and combo. Taste the Rainbow!
So we lost to targetted discard on games 1 and 3. If Jund is real now, we need answers.
On thesource, using chancellor of the annex was suggested as it counters the first turn thoughtseize and force of will on the play. Leyline of sanctity was also mentioned as an option. My idea was noxious revival. The issue I have with both white spells is you will never be able to cast either without manamorphose. Topdecking them makes for a dead draw, where revival can be used regardless. Thoughts?
Compost (?), I see it somewhat like Carpet of Flowers, and it might be worth a little testing as a 2-3 of in discard heavy metas.
I'm not big on the Chancellor, Noxious Revival seems like a better choice since it can be cast for free to build up storm count. Leyline is nice, but more or less dead unless you have it in your opening hand.
My experience has been that I've outrun most discard based strategies, usually losing 1 of the 3 games, but maybe I've just been lucky.
Hi there!
Is it possible to play a Stomping Ground for a Taiga or is it fatal in most cases?
I used to play Stomping Ground before acquiring Taiga and I can't think of a game where the 2 life points were the deciding factor one way or the other. If you don't have the budget for Taiga right now try it out and pick up the dual later when you get the money for it.
Stomping Ground is perfectly acceptable. There has even been a list or two that top 16'ed some SCG Open's with Stomping Grounds.
I played with Stomping Ground for the longest time because I saw no reason why not. Our deck is very "all-in" - you either go off soon or you're dead. The 2-life was never relevant in a match. It functions the same way, and can be grabbed by Land Grant. I won plenty of games, matches, and local tournaments with Stomping Ground as my only land.
I only recently acquired a Taiga by trading in bulk of rares I didn't need or care for. Taiga should be the last card you buy for your list; as far as expensive cards go, acquire Lion's Eye Diamond first, then Burning Wish, then Taiga.
This is my new side board list in anticipation of Jund next weekend in Cincinnati. After testing, noxious isn't as good as I had hoped. It takes a 7 card hand to 6, making you "skip" your first draw, so it is essentially like mulling to 6 and still getting thoutseized.
4 guttural response
4 leyline of sanctity
4 chancellor of the annex
2 pyroblast
1 empty the warrens
I side in guttural and pyroblast vs blue (obviously), and chancellor comes in against blue on the play. It counters fow for the cost of 1 card, where other options like blast, swarm, guttural essentially use 2 cards, 1 for mana and the card itself. Chancellor will also be playing double duty against Jund on the draw to stop thoughtseize, duress and inquisition. Leyline will also be sided here, as it is free and also serves the same function.
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Standard: Fog Maze
Modern: WUBRG Infect
Legacy: WUBRG Belcher
5 Color control, aggro and combo. Taste the Rainbow!
Everyone knows that good luck and good game are such insincere terms that any man who does not connect his right hook with the offender's jaw on the very utterance of such a phrase is no man I would consider as such.
Not to come off as critical, but Leyline of Sanctity hasn't really been an issue for myself as a High Tide player, one time it took me a bit longer than usual to get the combo going, so I forgot that my opponent had 2 Leyline of Sanctiy in play, so I had to Blue sun myself, then counter it, then proceed to Wipe Away then Time Spiral, get to Wipe away again, bounce the 2nd one, then just get to another Blue Sun's Zenith.
Again I don't mean to come off as critical or negative here, I just have never had issues with Leylines and I hope that perspective helps. ^.^
Yesterday, I attended my fist ever legacy event. The tournament ran concurrently with regular FNM, with standard players tripling the amount of legacy players. That said, there was still a solid 16 players sleeving up original duals. For my entrance into legacy, I thought 16 was a good crowd for a DC shop on a Friday night. I always read articles on good “beginner” decks for those entering the coolest format ever—legacy—wielding things such as goblins, merfolk, and dredge. I decided to load up my LED’s and play belcher. I used the exact same decklist as on this primer.
In the end, after duking out for four rounds (the 4th being an additional round the players requested,) I took away second place losing in the “finals” against MUD. This was the top 4 breakdown:
1 Mud
1 Belcher
2 Goblins
The rest of the field was as diverse as it gets. In total there were 3 goblin players, and other decks I saw included omni-tell, UG infect, and twelve post. I wasn’t the only person touting around a “no-land” combo as I saw someone pilot the brand spanking new Balustrade Spy deck. It was tons of fun to watch. It must be completely satisfying to say, “Balustrade Spy trigger” *picks up entire library* “I have no lands in my deck.”
Kapow! Laboratory Maniac got there.
I had my fair share of “I win” moments, which was extremely exhilarating and definitely not found in other formats.
Round 1: Dave, BR agro
As the crowd was fairly crowded, I almost got lost as they were shifting the players around between the tables. In fact, the round had already progressed 2-3 minutes in when I realized the tournament had begun and I was nowhere to be found for my opponent. I quickly sat down across Dave and hastily shuffled up. I win the die roll but I completely brick as I burning wish for empty the warrens but don’t have enough mana to cast it. G2 I had the perfect 7 and fire off the belcher laser for the win. G3 was exceedingly interesting, as since he’s on the play he goes T1 duress and takes my empty the warrens. I’m left with a bunch of mana generating spells and nothing else… but I top deck the burning wish! The goblins bash through dark confidant and goblin guide blockers.
Win 2-1
Round 2: Anderson, goblins
This match plays out very similarly to the first one. Game 1 I mull to 5 and he piledrives me to death, but g2 I am able to explode with 16 of my own goblins. Afterwards Anderson tells me for g3 he tried to aggressively mull into chalice for 0, but never found it, even after mulling to 5. G3 begins with him fetching for a badlands then passing the turn, obviously not what he wanted. My 7 looks extremely promising with some rituals and empty the warrens, but as I’m comboing off I manamorphose straight into a belcher and win on the spot.
Win 2-1
Round 3: Jared, goblins
G1 I am able to use an interaction I actually taught myself simply because I didn’t read about it online and discovered it while goldfishing. After generating a modest storm count, I have a burning wish in hand with an LED in play. As burning wish goes on the stack, I sac the LED in response. This allows me to get 3 mana and discard an empty hand, and upon resolution of burning wish I am able to cast empty the warrens with the 3 mana from LED. Seems like pretty normal stuff for legacy, but I thought it was cool I was able to pull it off myself. G2 It was my turn to mull to 5 and all I can muster are 8 goblins. He lands a goblin sharpshooter and demolishes my small squadron of 1/1 tokens. G3 was one of the most fun I have ever had playing Magic, as on T1 I cast land grant revealing LED, Goblin Charbelcher, Tinder Wall, Elvish spirit guide, Desperate Ritual, and Seething Song. He instantly grabs the match slip to fill it out. Auto-scoop to casting one spell? Yeah, I’ll take it.
Win 2-1
Round 4: Daniel, MUD
Daniel actually came here with his brother and had to play him round 1, which he found annoying since he plays with him already back at their house. Daniel was also an incredibly nice guy, having that true aura of being laid-back. I mull to 5 on the play, and I do the very odd thing of merely passing the turn without doing anything. On t3 I go for burning wish for empty and get 10 goblin tokens, but on his turn he slams down a Platinum Emperion from a Metal worker. I eventually draw into enough mana and another burning wish to find Hull Breach from my sideboard, but the turn I kill off the Emperion he kills me with a lodestone golem and some goblin Wielders. I’m thinking I should have left 1 back to block.
G2 was surprisingly interactive for a match between a t1 combo deck and a big mana artifact deck. My 7 looks like it will get me there, as I stick a t1 belcher but don’t have enough mana to activate it right away. I do have a Taiga in play with a tinder wall in hand, so my chances look good. Daniel casually mentions that his hand is truly atrocious, but he draws, plays a cavern of souls… and cast pithing needle naming goblin charbelcher!!! On my turn I draw an elvish spirit guide! Oh the irony. The following turns (10 more or less) are intricate draw goes where he has an active goblin wielder and I’m looking for outs. I eventually get an LED into play and try again to burning wish for hull breach, since he had a chalice on 1 so I thought shattering spree wouldn’t cut it (turns out the copies still go through the chalice.) Doesn’t really matter, as my only source of second mana is a lotus petal and as I go to kill the pithing needle he switches my belcher for the 0 mana rock.
Overall, I had tons of fun playing legacy, particularly the crowd of people playing it had a completely different mindset than the droves of standard players. One interesting observation I had was that most people were equipped with legacy staples, most importantly fetch lands, but people were actually playing Return to Ravnica shock lands in addition to that. I find this to be a cool substitute as by the looks of it people did have original dual lands, but perhaps not a playset so were filling out the later incarnation of dual lands.
Right now, I’m going to get ready for the next local tournament coming up in a few weeks, thanks for reading.
Olivia Voldaren
Sigarda, Host of Herons
Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer
Jhoira of the Ghitu
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
Edric, Spymaster of Trest
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
Rosheen Meanderer
Ghost Council of Orzhova
Vela the Night-Clad
Finally playing this deck proxyless. Thank you, tax returns. Feels good to have the full 75.
I've been tinkering with Elves lately; love the deck, but not sure I fully grasp it's match-ups and correct lines of play, so Belcher may be taken to SCG Kansas City in a few weeks.
I'm not sure how I feel about my sideboard right now; our maindeck is obviously great against aggro and other combo decks, so I figured the SB should be dedicated more towards the blue decks.
Also, Pyroclasm vs Cave-In. Your thoughts? I went with Pyroclasm for now. I figured 'Clasm goes around Gaddock Teeg and they don't 2-for-1 me.
Figured I'd go heavy on the "cannot play spells" cards. Xantid Swarm is vulnerable to Esper Stoneblade as it can be countered or killed (Swords, Vindicate, etc.) so I figured having a full pack of Autumn's Veil's was good.
I think that looks like a fairly solid sideboard to me. I really like Pyroclasm over Cave-In personally, so I would lean that route. I run a full set of Xantid Swarm but I've definitely gone back and forth about that, currently I only run 2x Pyroblast, 2x Carpet of Flowers, and 4x Xantid Swarm for SB hate. I think the main challenge is that while you want to have lots of good cards to counter your opponent's ability to thwart your plan every card does dilute the pool slightly. Are you really planning on siding in 12 blue hating cards, or are you just hoping for flexibility? I rarely have sided in/out more than 6x cards at a time.
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Hmmmm. I'm not sure. Try a different shuffling technique? Otherwise, you could always playtest games and see how it goes if you mulligan into a hand where you have your Belcher or other win-condition and not enough mana. I hate doing this, but the few times I've tried it, it worked against the right deck. You just "draw-go" a turn or two - you're opponent usually just assumes you were too scared to mulligan more and took an explosive hand that is lacking a land... until you draw that much needed Lotus Petal, Chrome Mox, or what-have-you and start comboing.
Otherwise - it's just the luck (or bad luck) of the shuffle I suppose. I don't suggest my aforementioned strategy to a lot of people - I just like being risky if I get crappy hands against Goblins, Affinity, and even a few decks like Enchantress or Maverick if it's game 1 and they didn't put out a specific hate card for us.
I think any hand with 5 or more with this deck can go off pretty well on turn 2. 4-card hands are the death of us though.
5 cards can still be okay, like:
Lotus Petal > Rite of Flame > Rite of Flame > Belcher > LED
Land Grant > Tinder Wall > Pyretic Ritual > Desperate Ritual > Empty the Warrens
^ I usually consider E.t.W. "game-winning" if it's 12 or mroe, but having to mulligan down to 5 and being able to put 10 power on board is still good for being 5 cards. It gets better obviously if it's game 2 and we're on the Draw (we typically win game 1) - sometimes we take a shaky 5-cards and that draw turns it into a game-winning 6 cards.
Legacy love.
Modern: WUBRG Infect
Legacy: WUBRG Belcher
5 Color control, aggro and combo. Taste the Rainbow!
Fair point. The only match-up that I've felt you had to go all-out is Esper Stoneblade. Kind of hard to do pre-board without Xantid Swarm and Pyroblast, but if/when you manage to fight through the counterspells - storming for 8-10 against Esper can be risky. I've had a few games where they can block and prevent a few damage; They manage their resources good enough where the early-game Batterskull begins to negate our damage enough where they can stabilize (Goblin War Strike is useful in these situations).
Legacy love.
Modern: WUBRG Infect
Legacy: WUBRG Belcher
5 Color control, aggro and combo. Taste the Rainbow!
WGriffinsW (pauper)
U/thopter comboU/ (peasant)
:symbg:Moosebite:symbg: (peasant)
RGobo tokensR (peasant)
R slide R (peasant)
Modern: WUBRG Infect
Legacy: WUBRG Belcher
5 Color control, aggro and combo. Taste the Rainbow!
Modern: WUBRG Infect
Legacy: WUBRG Belcher
5 Color control, aggro and combo. Taste the Rainbow!
I've been riding Elves pretty hard lately in Legacy, but I have Belcher ready-to-go for SCG Kansas City in late March. I love Elves and it's well-positioned in the wide-scope of the Legacy format, whereas Belcher is weak against the top decks right now (BUG, Esper Stoneblade, etc.)
The thing is, I live in the midwest. If I know anything about the midwest, it's that 1) we like red, and 2) we like to turn creatures sideways. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a decent amount of Jund, RUG, Goblins, and Burn decks in KC.
I may just go and scout out the scene as much as possible and decide on point. Damn my love for crazy combo decks!
Legacy love.
On thesource, using chancellor of the annex was suggested as it counters the first turn thoughtseize and force of will on the play. Leyline of sanctity was also mentioned as an option. My idea was noxious revival. The issue I have with both white spells is you will never be able to cast either without manamorphose. Topdecking them makes for a dead draw, where revival can be used regardless. Thoughts?
Modern: WUBRG Infect
Legacy: WUBRG Belcher
5 Color control, aggro and combo. Taste the Rainbow!
Compost (?), I see it somewhat like Carpet of Flowers, and it might be worth a little testing as a 2-3 of in discard heavy metas.
I'm not big on the Chancellor, Noxious Revival seems like a better choice since it can be cast for free to build up storm count. Leyline is nice, but more or less dead unless you have it in your opening hand.
My experience has been that I've outrun most discard based strategies, usually losing 1 of the 3 games, but maybe I've just been lucky.
I used to play Stomping Ground before acquiring Taiga and I can't think of a game where the 2 life points were the deciding factor one way or the other. If you don't have the budget for Taiga right now try it out and pick up the dual later when you get the money for it.
I played with Stomping Ground for the longest time because I saw no reason why not. Our deck is very "all-in" - you either go off soon or you're dead. The 2-life was never relevant in a match. It functions the same way, and can be grabbed by Land Grant. I won plenty of games, matches, and local tournaments with Stomping Ground as my only land.
I only recently acquired a Taiga by trading in bulk of rares I didn't need or care for. Taiga should be the last card you buy for your list; as far as expensive cards go, acquire Lion's Eye Diamond first, then Burning Wish, then Taiga.
Legacy love.
you absolutely can. It seldom matters one way or the other
Modern: WUBRG Infect
Legacy: WUBRG Belcher
5 Color control, aggro and combo. Taste the Rainbow!
4 guttural response
4 leyline of sanctity
4 chancellor of the annex
2 pyroblast
1 empty the warrens
I side in guttural and pyroblast vs blue (obviously), and chancellor comes in against blue on the play. It counters fow for the cost of 1 card, where other options like blast, swarm, guttural essentially use 2 cards, 1 for mana and the card itself. Chancellor will also be playing double duty against Jund on the draw to stop thoughtseize, duress and inquisition. Leyline will also be sided here, as it is free and also serves the same function.
Modern: WUBRG Infect
Legacy: WUBRG Belcher
5 Color control, aggro and combo. Taste the Rainbow!
- To my youngest sister when she was 6.
540 Peasant cube- Gold EditionSomething SpicyThat is a great point. Leyline is also good against high tide and others.
I also did a small amount of testing, but it seems I may adjust my numbers by switching the 4th chancellor for a 3rd pyroblast.
Modern: WUBRG Infect
Legacy: WUBRG Belcher
5 Color control, aggro and combo. Taste the Rainbow!
Again I don't mean to come off as critical or negative here, I just have never had issues with Leylines and I hope that perspective helps. ^.^
Modern: WUBRG Infect
Legacy: WUBRG Belcher
5 Color control, aggro and combo. Taste the Rainbow!
In the end, after duking out for four rounds (the 4th being an additional round the players requested,) I took away second place losing in the “finals” against MUD. This was the top 4 breakdown:
1 Mud
1 Belcher
2 Goblins
The rest of the field was as diverse as it gets. In total there were 3 goblin players, and other decks I saw included omni-tell, UG infect, and twelve post. I wasn’t the only person touting around a “no-land” combo as I saw someone pilot the brand spanking new Balustrade Spy deck. It was tons of fun to watch. It must be completely satisfying to say, “Balustrade Spy trigger” *picks up entire library* “I have no lands in my deck.”
Kapow! Laboratory Maniac got there.
I had my fair share of “I win” moments, which was extremely exhilarating and definitely not found in other formats.
Round 1: Dave, BR agro
As the crowd was fairly crowded, I almost got lost as they were shifting the players around between the tables. In fact, the round had already progressed 2-3 minutes in when I realized the tournament had begun and I was nowhere to be found for my opponent. I quickly sat down across Dave and hastily shuffled up. I win the die roll but I completely brick as I burning wish for empty the warrens but don’t have enough mana to cast it. G2 I had the perfect 7 and fire off the belcher laser for the win. G3 was exceedingly interesting, as since he’s on the play he goes T1 duress and takes my empty the warrens. I’m left with a bunch of mana generating spells and nothing else… but I top deck the burning wish! The goblins bash through dark confidant and goblin guide blockers.
Win 2-1
Round 2: Anderson, goblins
This match plays out very similarly to the first one. Game 1 I mull to 5 and he piledrives me to death, but g2 I am able to explode with 16 of my own goblins. Afterwards Anderson tells me for g3 he tried to aggressively mull into chalice for 0, but never found it, even after mulling to 5. G3 begins with him fetching for a badlands then passing the turn, obviously not what he wanted. My 7 looks extremely promising with some rituals and empty the warrens, but as I’m comboing off I manamorphose straight into a belcher and win on the spot.
Win 2-1
Round 3: Jared, goblins
G1 I am able to use an interaction I actually taught myself simply because I didn’t read about it online and discovered it while goldfishing. After generating a modest storm count, I have a burning wish in hand with an LED in play. As burning wish goes on the stack, I sac the LED in response. This allows me to get 3 mana and discard an empty hand, and upon resolution of burning wish I am able to cast empty the warrens with the 3 mana from LED. Seems like pretty normal stuff for legacy, but I thought it was cool I was able to pull it off myself. G2 It was my turn to mull to 5 and all I can muster are 8 goblins. He lands a goblin sharpshooter and demolishes my small squadron of 1/1 tokens. G3 was one of the most fun I have ever had playing Magic, as on T1 I cast land grant revealing LED, Goblin Charbelcher, Tinder Wall, Elvish spirit guide, Desperate Ritual, and Seething Song. He instantly grabs the match slip to fill it out. Auto-scoop to casting one spell? Yeah, I’ll take it.
Win 2-1
Round 4: Daniel, MUD
Daniel actually came here with his brother and had to play him round 1, which he found annoying since he plays with him already back at their house. Daniel was also an incredibly nice guy, having that true aura of being laid-back. I mull to 5 on the play, and I do the very odd thing of merely passing the turn without doing anything. On t3 I go for burning wish for empty and get 10 goblin tokens, but on his turn he slams down a Platinum Emperion from a Metal worker. I eventually draw into enough mana and another burning wish to find Hull Breach from my sideboard, but the turn I kill off the Emperion he kills me with a lodestone golem and some goblin Wielders. I’m thinking I should have left 1 back to block.
G2 was surprisingly interactive for a match between a t1 combo deck and a big mana artifact deck. My 7 looks like it will get me there, as I stick a t1 belcher but don’t have enough mana to activate it right away. I do have a Taiga in play with a tinder wall in hand, so my chances look good. Daniel casually mentions that his hand is truly atrocious, but he draws, plays a cavern of souls… and cast pithing needle naming goblin charbelcher!!! On my turn I draw an elvish spirit guide! Oh the irony. The following turns (10 more or less) are intricate draw goes where he has an active goblin wielder and I’m looking for outs. I eventually get an LED into play and try again to burning wish for hull breach, since he had a chalice on 1 so I thought shattering spree wouldn’t cut it (turns out the copies still go through the chalice.) Doesn’t really matter, as my only source of second mana is a lotus petal and as I go to kill the pithing needle he switches my belcher for the 0 mana rock.
Overall, I had tons of fun playing legacy, particularly the crowd of people playing it had a completely different mindset than the droves of standard players. One interesting observation I had was that most people were equipped with legacy staples, most importantly fetch lands, but people were actually playing Return to Ravnica shock lands in addition to that. I find this to be a cool substitute as by the looks of it people did have original dual lands, but perhaps not a playset so were filling out the later incarnation of dual lands.
Right now, I’m going to get ready for the next local tournament coming up in a few weeks, thanks for reading.
I will be playing my list this Sunday in Cincinnati. Will anybody else be attending?
Modern: WUBRG Infect
Legacy: WUBRG Belcher
5 Color control, aggro and combo. Taste the Rainbow!
That's the 2nd time that guy has done it:
10th and 13th with the same deck in a space of a couple of months. Well done!
Legacy love.
That person must dodge blue like a champ or has some super cool technique to battle counter spells.
Living End Combo
Combo Elves
Forgemaster Combo
High Tide
UnLEDed Dredge
Olivia Voldaren
Sigarda, Host of Herons
Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer
Jhoira of the Ghitu
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
Edric, Spymaster of Trest
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
Rosheen Meanderer
Ghost Council of Orzhova
Vela the Night-Clad
I've been tinkering with Elves lately; love the deck, but not sure I fully grasp it's match-ups and correct lines of play, so Belcher may be taken to SCG Kansas City in a few weeks.
I'm not sure how I feel about my sideboard right now; our maindeck is obviously great against aggro and other combo decks, so I figured the SB should be dedicated more towards the blue decks.
Also, Pyroclasm vs Cave-In. Your thoughts? I went with Pyroclasm for now. I figured 'Clasm goes around Gaddock Teeg and they don't 2-for-1 me.
4 Lion's Eye Diamond
4 Lotus Petal
4 Chrome Mox
4 Rite of Flame
4 Land Grant
4 Pyretic Ritual
4 Desperate Ritual
4 Manamorphose
4 Elvish Spirit Guide
4 Simian Spirit Guide
4 Tinder Wall
4 Burning Wish
4 Goblin Charbelcher
3 Empty the Warrens
1 Empty the Warrens
1 Pyroclasm
1 Goblin War Strike
4 Pyroblast
2 Carpet of Flowers
2 Xantid Swarm
4 Autumn's Veil
Figured I'd go heavy on the "cannot play spells" cards. Xantid Swarm is vulnerable to Esper Stoneblade as it can be countered or killed (Swords, Vindicate, etc.) so I figured having a full pack of Autumn's Veil's was good.
Legacy love.