Hello everyone, I was looking to acquire some fetches for Modern and Commander decks when I thought that I might as well get some Legacy cards together and hop over here while I'm at it. What do you think of this decklist? (I don't have any duals yet and the sideboard is incomplete (mainly because I don't know what the deck's bad matchups are!) )
Way too many tutor targets. Only a handful of creatures are actually good to GSZ for. You're also taking too much damage from your lands, don't play Shocks, the blowout with Wasteland is too high. If you can't play a 3 color then play straight GB. There's some good GB lists out there right now. They're every bit as powerful as a 3 color list, and more consistent. You can probably start a decent GB list with 1 Tomb, 1 Bayou. That first Bayou is pretty important though.
On your PW's, Nic Fit generally wants PW's that can fight on the board. Nissa, Vital Force is great but there hasn't really been a good Liliana yet. If you want another walker Garruk Relentless can be ok.
Here's the list I was playing until the SDT ban. I took 3rd in a 12 round paper league with it (the league allowed proxies, so everyone was playing an optimally build deck), and then 1st in a 10 rounder. Sorry, I don't have the SB offhand.
That deck has worked well for me, and good news for your budget, I don't think the Dark Depths plan is that good anymore.
But, that's a list with SDT's, since the banning I've tried out a few various options with them. Sylvan Library works well enough but the life loss tends to be bad, I think it can only work with a lifegain focused deck (Kitchen Finks, Siege Rhino, Thragtusk curve) which pushes out Nissa and a lot of the random CA like Tracker.
Another thing I've been messing with right now are some Junk builds. Siege Rhino and Stoneforge Mystic. I want to revisit my Ranger of Eos strategy as well, but haven't devoted any time to it yet.
Out of the ones I have built, here's some post SDT lists:
How do people ever have the capacity to get these 3-5 mana creatures out? They can just be killed by swords or force of will or any number of efficient spells, assuming you survive long enough to get them out.
Just a quick question to you Nic Fit-ers. I am interested in the Nyx Fit deck- BGW with the Explorer/Cabal engine onto the Academy rector enchantment shell. If anyone has any lists or has tried it please pm me or answer below.
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Hey there everyone! New to the forums, and newish to Nic Fit, but I went 4-0 yesterday at a 32-person event (that people generally take seriously enough, since its credit in prizes and not packs), and am really excited to talk about my list.
This was week 3 of me showing up with 4x Veteran Explorer in my deck. The first week, I was on full-brew mode, and play a Turbo Death Cloud deck with 4x Cloud and 4x Cull the Week. It went OK - 2-2 but with some luck involved.
Week 2 I brought in a slightly more traditional Nic Fit, still with Death Cloud though, instead of Pernicious Deed. That went less good. But by now, I started really loving using GSZ to fetch out Thragtusk, and I was hooked.
So finally, this week, I bought all the real Nic Fit pieces, including Pernicious Deed. Little did I know that card literally makes the deck.
Game 1 he messed up - I caballed his Burning Wish, then he tried to go off... and forgot he didn't have the Wish anymore. Woops!
Game 2 we traded some discard, then I found a GSZ for Gaddock Teeg. Game!
Round 2 vs UR Delver Burn Prowess... Deck
Game 1 I had a slow hand on the draw and he absolutely murdered me - delver into swifty into burn my face to death.
Game 2 I had the push for his swifty turn 1, then on my turn 2, I did the Cabal / Vet Explorer thing, into Grim Flayer. he had to use a Bolt for the flayer. Follow up flayer had Delirium on, and he couldn't handle that one. Eventually got a Thragtusk too.
Game 3 Was unfortunate for my opponent. His T2 Delver failed to naturally flip and then got eaten by Liliana the Last Hope. I found a Scavenging Ooze and went to town, getting way out of range.
Round 3 vs Dredge
Game 1 he went pretty hard turn 1 with LED's and Faithless Looting. The saving grace is he took too long to find Dread Return. I managed to stabilize at 2 life, with an active death rite. At some point I needed to top deck a Deed to kill all the zombie tokens, which I did. Death rite kept eating the Ichorid's. When he found Dread, death rite kept it on lockdown. He did have a second Dread Return, but it happened to be in the bottom 2 cards of his library, and he had to naturally draw it with no way to bin it. Grim Flayer gets credit as a good blocker during this game. Close win...
Game 2... My hand was 4x Lands, Surgical and Spellbomb. I won because he couldn't do anything.
Round 4 vs Junk
I forget Game 1, but I think he had deathrite shamans and they killed me.
Game 2 he played right into a Pernicious deed, which I did for 5 getting a Batterskull. We were top-deck mode after that, and I found a Library fairly quick to filter and put away the game. Thragtusk won it.
Game 3, again I had an amazing deed that I worked very hard to set up. It involved making a bunch of awkward plays, including Golgari Charming my own Vet Explorer when he Swords it (it killed nothing on his side)... getting me to exactly 6 mana. I also had a Thrun in play. His board was 2x Swords (GB and UR), Jitte, 2x Stoneforge, 1x Bob, 1x Deathrite Shaman. He attacked me down to 6, I had to discard my Nissa Vital Force, and keep my last card in hand... Pernicious Deed. Untap, slam it, do it for 3, wipe his whole board. Unfortunately, he found another Bob, and the game kept grinding. I found Nissa, Vastwood Seer, immediately flip her, and proceed to play the value game. I kill the bob... keep ticking Nissa up to 7, and ultimate her. You can look up her ultimate because you don't know what it does. Hell, I didn't. Anyways, it wins the game.
Hey all, I play a ton of Abzan Company in modern so I'm familiar with creature toolbox decks, but I'm totally new to legacy. After doing some research, Nic Fit looks like a really awesome deck for me to get into the format with.
I'm wondering: is there an accepted stock list at the moment? The primer seems a bit dated, and I'm having some trouble finding info for the post-ban meta. I'm also curious if any lists are still running Birthing Pod and Recurring Nightmare -- I realize they're probably too slow to keep up with all the combo, but the sheer value of the Eternal Witness loops those cards open up sounds hilarious to me.
I've been playing an Abzan Pod list for the past 2 weeks, revising it along the way, and have been doing fairly well with it. I've yet to play against what I imagine would be some of the worst matchups, Lands and Death and Taxes.
My initial version had no infinite combo at all, and one finding that surprised me from playing the deck is that there were quite a few times where I did wish I had a combo, specifically grindy matchups where players are in topdeck mode and the board is stalled with no good attacks. I think Melira, Sylvok Outcast and Spike Feeder and are too situational to be worth including, but having the option of comboing with Archangel of Thune, Varolz, the Scar-Striped, Kitchen Finks, and optionally Murderous Redcap is very reasonable since each card is quite good its own. Death by Jace, the Mind Sculptor ultimate is quite common so infinite life is often not enough to win. Besides resetting persist creatures and enabling the combos, Varolz, the Scar-Striped also serves the purpose of breaking board stalls the fair way by scavenging onto a hexproof threat like Sigarda, Host of Herons, or Carnage Tyrant. The trample on Carnage Tyrant is noticeably relevant since a Sigarda, Host of Herons can be completely held back by a single Baleful Strix.
Gaddock Teeg is an obvious nombo, but I have found him too important to have against combo matchups to cut him from the maindeck. Sanctum Prelate was originally in the maindeck but I moved it to the board because it is difficult to cast with the mana base, although I'm still not sure if moving it to the sideboard is correct.
So I didn't actually realize this deck would be considered "Nic Fit"; I just wanted a G stompy build so that I could basically play Sneak & Breach but with Green instead of Red. However, after letting my friend borrow it to great results, he returned it, stating, "This is a great Nic Fit deck!" So...I guess here I am now, posting my list.
Gameplan is to push out Explorers and Arbors to ramp into Natural Order for Progenitus or Worldspine Wurm. Green Sun sometimes grabs our 5- or 6-drops but is mostly useful for ramping by snagging either Dryads, Explorers (when we have Cabal Therapy), or Rofellos for massive gains. Counterspells and prison are our biggest enemies when playing this deck, so there's plenty of side hate for both. Overall, it's a solid toolbox-y deck that makes your opponents cry when you have a 6-drop on T3 that they can't interact with. Originally, Kodama of the North Tree was in Grothama's slot, but I've found some neat tech by attacking with something like Ghalta and letting Ghalta eat Grothama. If there's too much downside, Grothama can be replaced either by Gigantosaur or Kodama again, but for now, it seems fine in that role.
2011: Best Mafia Performance (Individual) - Best Newcomer
2012: Best (False?) Role Claim - Worst Town Performance (Group) - Best Mafia Performance (Group) - Best SK Performance - Best Overall Player
2013: Best Non-SK Neutral Performance
2014: Best Town Performance (Individual) - Best Town Performance (Group) - Most Interesting Role - Best Game - Best Overall Player
2015: Worst Mafia Performance (Group) - Best Read
2016: Best Town Performance (Group) - Best Town Player - Best Overall Player
I don't intend to be super competitive, but I've been thinking about the old school engine of Squandered Resources and Natural Balance with a suite of 5 drops including Titania, Protector of Argoth and The Gitrog Monster. I figured since Nic Fit (I used to play it years ago) fairly easily supports 5 drop creatures and Resources/Balance operates somewhat similarly to Cabal Therapy/Veteran Explorer perhaps a mashup could work.
There are some Christmas-land lines like
T1: Forest, Veteran Explorer
T2: Swamp, Diabolic Intent (Find Natural Balance or Squandered Resources), Forest, Swamp, Squandered Resources
T3: float GGBB, sac to float GGBB. Natural Balance get 5 basics untapped, The Gitrog Monster, sac a land to float another mana and draw a card, Protector of Aragoth, return land, sac lands to draw+make a 5/3+float mana either on your turn or opponents end step.
T4: Attack with all the 5/3s
The Gitrog Monster + Raven's Crime + Dakmor Salvage can annihilate the opponents hand. You pitch the Salvage to Ravens Crime then use Gitrogs draw to dredge the Salvage to repeat.
World Shaper brings a ton of lands back once you run out or just need a lot because The Gitrog Monster leaves you with a ton of card advantage and you want to cast those cards.
Assassin's Trophy is pretty insane given Natural Balance and Veteran's Explorer are already giving opponents basics. Already going to be testing this really different version of Nic Fit so I figured I'd try a fun of Lotus Vale which could draw 2 or make 2 5/3's if it's played after the late game creatures. Something like the following line could happen I guess?
1. Forest
2. Swamp + Squandered Resources
3. Nature's Balance, use 3 of the five lands to make mana then sac 2 (or 3) of the tapped lands to cast (or GSZ) Gitrog or Titania then land drop Lotus Vale for turn draw 2 or make two 5/3 for turn, then you have GGG or BBB + sac option for additional plays (Another Natural Balance?! lol).
I don't know, thought about it for a while yesterday and bought the cards and figured I'd post for some ideas. My other current legacy decks are also worth less than $400 and are Budget Elves (no Gaea's Craddle) and Manaless Dredge. I figure this should be at least on power level with those two, and therefore perhaps worth sharing.
I got the cards and sleeved them up to essentially gold fish against manaless dredge, and had an insane turn two. Much more explosive potential than I initially realized although things have to line up correctly. I had Veteran Explorer turn one, then turn two was Diabolic intent, then Squandered Resources off the explorer's lands. Then sac 4 to get 5 from Natural Balance cast The Gitrog Monster sacd five (draw 5) floating 1 and casting Natural Balance getting five, continuing to float mana and the five lands to Green Sun's Zenith into World Shaper, then sac'd the 5 lands and cast Recurring Nightmare with 3 floating, sac'd the World Shaper for the Veteran Explorer and returned 14ish lands and then with the ability to repeat the Recurring Nightmare loop for World Shaper I can draw and cast my entire deck at will, which involves Raven's Crime + Dakmor Salvage (Gitrog Draw to Dredge Dakmor back, and triggering on it hitting the grave as well as when sac swamps for black to cast Ravens Crime) to remove their hand, Eternal Witness getting back Assassin's Trophy to destroy all of opponent's permanents, and Scavenging Ooze to exile their graveyard, as well as make as many 5/3 elementals as I want to attack with next turn with Titania, Protector of Argoth. Insane and obviously won't happen frequently and is poor to go for against a deck with counters, but absolutely insane power and speed out of a Nic Fit shell.
Hi guys, I'm relatively new to MTG, been playing Modern online for a few years. I'm pretty keen to give Legacy a go, and since I play Rock in Modern, I like the look of Nic Fit. Thing is, it's taken years to understand the intricacies of the game in Modern, mostly how to play against each other archetype, and especially how to sideboard against them - this is the trickiest bit, the rest is just playing the game. The Modern forums on here have fantastic sideboard guides, I'm wondering, is there something similar that I can read for Nic Fit in Legacy. This primer and some others I've found online are great, but for noobs like me nothing beats a straight up sideboard guide.
In Legacy, many SBs have the same cards (according to common colors they play), since you have to fight big families of archetypes. Nic Fit is known to be able to grind control and midrange decks, but struggle VS combo decks because no Force of Will nor Chalice (which are the 2 main ways to prevent combo from taking over the format). Some blue variants run FoW though. There are variants that run their own combo (Scapeshift, Arena / Academy Rector, Natural Order, etc...), but not a single variant let players agree on a consensus.
If you want to pilot a more competitive Rock deck, you can try Sultai Midrange / 4C Midrange (which can be considered as Grixis Green though). Maverick and Abzan / 4C Loam are also good in a similar vein.
In Legacy, I like to cut the performing decks as :
Jace 25% (Miracles, Stoneblade, Grixis)
Daze 18% (Delver, Infect)
Chalice 16% (Eldrazi, Big Red)
Vial 10% (D&T, Goblins)
Loam 8% (Lands, Turbo Depths)
Griseldad 8% (S&T, Rea)
LED 7% (Storm, Dredge)
Other 8%
A few cards overlap (like Merfolk which plays Chalice, Vial and daze), but overall that list gives clear groups, and is a reasonable tool to figure out how to build a SB and correctly switch cards in between games.
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Pioneer - A bunch of stuff Modern - Humans Legacy - Grixis Phoenix / Death & Taxes
Hey, thanks for the advice Nic Fit looks like a lot of fun, so I think I'll play it at least for for now while I get a feel for the Legacy format. I can put together a 'Golgari Fit' deck pretty inexpensively.
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Way too many tutor targets. Only a handful of creatures are actually good to GSZ for. You're also taking too much damage from your lands, don't play Shocks, the blowout with Wasteland is too high. If you can't play a 3 color then play straight GB. There's some good GB lists out there right now. They're every bit as powerful as a 3 color list, and more consistent. You can probably start a decent GB list with 1 Tomb, 1 Bayou. That first Bayou is pretty important though.
On your PW's, Nic Fit generally wants PW's that can fight on the board. Nissa, Vital Force is great but there hasn't really been a good Liliana yet. If you want another walker Garruk Relentless can be ok.
Here's the list I was playing until the SDT ban. I took 3rd in a 12 round paper league with it (the league allowed proxies, so everyone was playing an optimally build deck), and then 1st in a 10 rounder. Sorry, I don't have the SB offhand.
4 Verdant Catacombs
4 Windswept Heath
2 Bayou
1 Bojuka Bog
1 Dryad Arbor
5 Forest
2 Swamp
1 Cavern of Souls
1 Phyrexian Tower
1 Volrath's Stronghold
1 Maze of Ith
Creatures 17
4 Veteran Explorer
2 Deathrite Shaman
1 Strangleroot Geist
4 Dark Confidant
2 Tireless Tracker
1 Eternal Witness
1 Courser of Kruphix
1 Meren of Clan Nel Toth
1 Master of the Wild Hunt
2 Nissa, Vital Force
Spells 19
4 Green Sun's Zenith
4 Cabal Therapy
2 Crop Rotation
2 Diabolic Edict
3 Abrupt Decay
2 Pernicious Deed
2 Sensei's Divining Top
3 Dark Depths
2 Thespian's Stage
1 Karakas
1 Treetop Village
1 Crop Rotation
1 Sensei's Divining Top
2 Lost Legacy
2 Deathrite Shaman
1 Carpet of Flowers
1 Sakura-Tribe Elder
That deck has worked well for me, and good news for your budget, I don't think the Dark Depths plan is that good anymore.
But, that's a list with SDT's, since the banning I've tried out a few various options with them. Sylvan Library works well enough but the life loss tends to be bad, I think it can only work with a lifegain focused deck (Kitchen Finks, Siege Rhino, Thragtusk curve) which pushes out Nissa and a lot of the random CA like Tracker.
Another thing I've been messing with right now are some Junk builds. Siege Rhino and Stoneforge Mystic. I want to revisit my Ranger of Eos strategy as well, but haven't devoted any time to it yet.
Out of the ones I have built, here's some post SDT lists:
4 Verdant Catacombs
3 Windswept Heath
2 Bayou
1 Savannah
1 Scrubland
1 Bojuka Bog
1 Dryad Arbor
4 Forest
1 Swamp
1 Plains
2 Phyrexian Tower
1 Volrath's Stronghold
1 Maze of Ith
4 Veteran Explorer
2 Deathrite Shaman
3 Dark Confidant
1 Scavenging Ooze
1 Courser of Kruphix
1 Eternal Witness
2 Tireless Tracker
3 Siege Rhino
1 Thragtusk
Spells 20
4 Cabal Therapy
4 Green Sun's Zenith
2 Crop Rotation
1 Path to Exile
1 Swords to Plowshares
1 Fatal Push
2 Abrupt Decay
2 Sylvan Library
1 Vindicate
1 Toxic Deluge
1 Pernicious Deed
4 Verdant Catacombs
4 Windswept Heath
2 Bayou
1 Scrubland
1 Savannah
1 Oboro, Palace in the Clouds
1 Karakas
1 Bojuka Bog
2 Forest
2 Plains
1 Swamp
1 Volrath's Stronghold
1 Phyrexian Tower
1 Dryad Arbor
4 Veteran Explorer
2 Deathrite Shaman
4 Stoneforge Mystic
4 Dark Confidant
4 Tireless Tracker
Spells 20
1 Batterskull
1 Umezawa's Jitte
1 Sword of Fire and Ice
4 Green Sun's Zenith
4 Cabal Therapy
2 Path to Exile
2 Crop Rotation
2 Abrupt Decay
1 Pernicious Deed
1 Toxic Deluge
1 Maelstrom Pulse
This was week 3 of me showing up with 4x Veteran Explorer in my deck. The first week, I was on full-brew mode, and play a Turbo Death Cloud deck with 4x Cloud and 4x Cull the Week. It went OK - 2-2 but with some luck involved.
Week 2 I brought in a slightly more traditional Nic Fit, still with Death Cloud though, instead of Pernicious Deed. That went less good. But by now, I started really loving using GSZ to fetch out Thragtusk, and I was hooked.
So finally, this week, I bought all the real Nic Fit pieces, including Pernicious Deed. Little did I know that card literally makes the deck.
2x Thoughtseize
4x Cabal Therapy
2x Fatal Push
2x Abrupt Decay
2x Traverse the Ulvenwald
3x Green Sun's Zenith
Enchantment (5)
2x Sylvan Library
3x Pernicious Deed
Creatures (12)
4x Veteran Explorer
3x Grim Flayer
1x Deathrite Shaman
1x Fierce Empath
1x Thragtusk
1x Thrun, The Last Troll
1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
1x Emrakul, The Promised End
2x Nihil Spellbomb
Planeswalkers (3)
2x Liliana the Last Hope
1x Nissa, Vital Force
Lands (22)
4x Verdant Catacombs
2x Phyrexian Tower
1x Bayou
1x Dryad Arbor
6x Swamp
8x Forest
2x Pithing Needle
2x Lost Legacy
2x Golgari Charm
1x Reclamation Sage
1x Gaddog Teeg
1x To The slaughter
2x Carpet of Flowers
2x Collective Brutality
2x Surgical Extraction
Here's a breakdown of the rounds:
Round 1 vs TES:
Game 1 he messed up - I caballed his Burning Wish, then he tried to go off... and forgot he didn't have the Wish anymore. Woops!
Game 2 we traded some discard, then I found a GSZ for Gaddock Teeg. Game!
Round 2 vs UR Delver Burn Prowess... Deck
Game 1 I had a slow hand on the draw and he absolutely murdered me - delver into swifty into burn my face to death.
Game 2 I had the push for his swifty turn 1, then on my turn 2, I did the Cabal / Vet Explorer thing, into Grim Flayer. he had to use a Bolt for the flayer. Follow up flayer had Delirium on, and he couldn't handle that one. Eventually got a Thragtusk too.
Game 3 Was unfortunate for my opponent. His T2 Delver failed to naturally flip and then got eaten by Liliana the Last Hope. I found a Scavenging Ooze and went to town, getting way out of range.
Round 3 vs Dredge
Game 1 he went pretty hard turn 1 with LED's and Faithless Looting. The saving grace is he took too long to find Dread Return. I managed to stabilize at 2 life, with an active death rite. At some point I needed to top deck a Deed to kill all the zombie tokens, which I did. Death rite kept eating the Ichorid's. When he found Dread, death rite kept it on lockdown. He did have a second Dread Return, but it happened to be in the bottom 2 cards of his library, and he had to naturally draw it with no way to bin it. Grim Flayer gets credit as a good blocker during this game. Close win...
Game 2... My hand was 4x Lands, Surgical and Spellbomb. I won because he couldn't do anything.
Round 4 vs Junk
I forget Game 1, but I think he had deathrite shamans and they killed me.
Game 2 he played right into a Pernicious deed, which I did for 5 getting a Batterskull. We were top-deck mode after that, and I found a Library fairly quick to filter and put away the game. Thragtusk won it.
Game 3, again I had an amazing deed that I worked very hard to set up. It involved making a bunch of awkward plays, including Golgari Charming my own Vet Explorer when he Swords it (it killed nothing on his side)... getting me to exactly 6 mana. I also had a Thrun in play. His board was 2x Swords (GB and UR), Jitte, 2x Stoneforge, 1x Bob, 1x Deathrite Shaman. He attacked me down to 6, I had to discard my Nissa Vital Force, and keep my last card in hand... Pernicious Deed. Untap, slam it, do it for 3, wipe his whole board. Unfortunately, he found another Bob, and the game kept grinding. I found Nissa, Vastwood Seer, immediately flip her, and proceed to play the value game. I kill the bob... keep ticking Nissa up to 7, and ultimate her. You can look up her ultimate because you don't know what it does. Hell, I didn't. Anyways, it wins the game.
I'm wondering: is there an accepted stock list at the moment? The primer seems a bit dated, and I'm having some trouble finding info for the post-ban meta. I'm also curious if any lists are still running Birthing Pod and Recurring Nightmare -- I realize they're probably too slow to keep up with all the combo, but the sheer value of the Eternal Witness loops those cards open up sounds hilarious to me.
Do you happen to have a list handy? This sounds interesting.
My initial version had no infinite combo at all, and one finding that surprised me from playing the deck is that there were quite a few times where I did wish I had a combo, specifically grindy matchups where players are in topdeck mode and the board is stalled with no good attacks. I think Melira, Sylvok Outcast and Spike Feeder and are too situational to be worth including, but having the option of comboing with Archangel of Thune, Varolz, the Scar-Striped, Kitchen Finks, and optionally Murderous Redcap is very reasonable since each card is quite good its own. Death by Jace, the Mind Sculptor ultimate is quite common so infinite life is often not enough to win. Besides resetting persist creatures and enabling the combos, Varolz, the Scar-Striped also serves the purpose of breaking board stalls the fair way by scavenging onto a hexproof threat like Sigarda, Host of Herons, or Carnage Tyrant. The trample on Carnage Tyrant is noticeably relevant since a Sigarda, Host of Herons can be completely held back by a single Baleful Strix.
Gaddock Teeg is an obvious nombo, but I have found him too important to have against combo matchups to cut him from the maindeck. Sanctum Prelate was originally in the maindeck but I moved it to the board because it is difficult to cast with the mana base, although I'm still not sure if moving it to the sideboard is correct.
4 Veteran Explorer
3 Voice of Resurgence
3 Deathrite Shaman
1 Carnage Tyrant
1 Gaddock Teeg
1 Kitchen Finks
1 Meren of Clan Nel Toth
1 Murderous Redcap
1 Orzhov Pontiff
1 Ravenous Chupacabra
1 Reclamation Sage
1 Renegade Rallier
1 Restoration Angel
1 Scavenging Ooze
1 Siege Rhino
1 Sin Collector
1 Thragtusk
1 Varolz, the Scar-Striped
1 Archangel of Thune
4 Cabal Therapy
4 Green Sun's Zenith
4 Birthing Pod
2 Bayou
1 Dryad Arbor
3 Forest
1 Marsh Flats
1 Phyrexian Tower
2 Plains
1 Savannah
1 Scrubland
2 Swamp
4 Verdant Catacombs
4 Windswept Heath
2 Abrupt Decay
1 Acidic Slime
1 Aven Mindcensor
1 Fleshbag Marauder
1 Kambal, Consul of Allocation
1 Lifebane Zombie
1 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
1 Phyrexian Revoker
1 Pithing Needle
1 Sanctum Prelate
1 Sigarda, Host of Herons
3 Surgical Extraction
WURUWr Stoneblade
WRGNaya Zoo Company
2 Dryad Arbor
4 Veteran Explorer
2 Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary
1 Eternal Witness
1 Leovold, Emissary of Trest
1 Grothama, All-Devouring
1 Titania, Protector of Argoth
1 Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
4 Carnage Tyrant
1 Hornet Queen
1 Woodfall Primus
1 Progenitus
1 Worldspine Wurm
1 Ghalta, Primal Hunger
4 Cabal Therapy
4 Green Sun's Zenith
4 Natural Order
2 Sylvan Library
4 Garruk, Caller of Beasts
4 Bayou
1 Taiga
1 Tropical Island
4 Verdant Catacombs
4 Wooded Foothills
6 Forest
2 Reclamation Sage
1 Bane of Progress
2 Damping Sphere
2 Toxic Deluge
3 Carpet of Flowers
1 Krosan Grip
2 Summoning Trap
2 Surgical Extraction
Gameplan is to push out Explorers and Arbors to ramp into Natural Order for Progenitus or Worldspine Wurm. Green Sun sometimes grabs our 5- or 6-drops but is mostly useful for ramping by snagging either Dryads, Explorers (when we have Cabal Therapy), or Rofellos for massive gains. Counterspells and prison are our biggest enemies when playing this deck, so there's plenty of side hate for both. Overall, it's a solid toolbox-y deck that makes your opponents cry when you have a 6-drop on T3 that they can't interact with. Originally, Kodama of the North Tree was in Grothama's slot, but I've found some neat tech by attacking with something like Ghalta and letting Ghalta eat Grothama. If there's too much downside, Grothama can be replaced either by Gigantosaur or Kodama again, but for now, it seems fine in that role.
If you guys have any questions, let me know.
{мы, тьма}
2012: Best (False?) Role Claim - Worst Town Performance (Group) - Best Mafia Performance (Group) - Best SK Performance - Best Overall Player
2013: Best Non-SK Neutral Performance
2014: Best Town Performance (Individual) - Best Town Performance (Group) - Most Interesting Role - Best Game - Best Overall Player
2015: Worst Mafia Performance (Group) - Best Read
2016: Best Town Performance (Group) - Best Town Player - Best Overall Player
1 Scavenging Ooze
1 Eternal Witness
1 World Shaper
3 The Gitrog Monster
1 Titania, Protector of Argoth
2 Raven's Crime
4 Cabal Therapy
3 Green Sun's Zenith
1 Diabolic Intent
2 Assassin's Trophy
1 Garruk Relentless
4 Natural Balance
4 Squandered Resources
3 Pernicious Deed
1 Recurring Nightmare
1 Phyrexian Tower
1 Dakmor Salvage
1 Lotus Vale
10 Forest
9 Swamp
I don't intend to be super competitive, but I've been thinking about the old school engine of Squandered Resources and Natural Balance with a suite of 5 drops including Titania, Protector of Argoth and The Gitrog Monster. I figured since Nic Fit (I used to play it years ago) fairly easily supports 5 drop creatures and Resources/Balance operates somewhat similarly to Cabal Therapy/Veteran Explorer perhaps a mashup could work.
There are some Christmas-land lines like
T1: Forest, Veteran Explorer
T2: Swamp, Diabolic Intent (Find Natural Balance or Squandered Resources), Forest, Swamp, Squandered Resources
T3: float GGBB, sac to float GGBB. Natural Balance get 5 basics untapped, The Gitrog Monster, sac a land to float another mana and draw a card, Protector of Aragoth, return land, sac lands to draw+make a 5/3+float mana either on your turn or opponents end step.
T4: Attack with all the 5/3s
The Gitrog Monster + Raven's Crime + Dakmor Salvage can annihilate the opponents hand. You pitch the Salvage to Ravens Crime then use Gitrogs draw to dredge the Salvage to repeat.
World Shaper brings a ton of lands back once you run out or just need a lot because The Gitrog Monster leaves you with a ton of card advantage and you want to cast those cards.
Assassin's Trophy is pretty insane given Natural Balance and Veteran's Explorer are already giving opponents basics. Already going to be testing this really different version of Nic Fit so I figured I'd try a fun of Lotus Vale which could draw 2 or make 2 5/3's if it's played after the late game creatures. Something like the following line could happen I guess?
1. Forest
2. Swamp + Squandered Resources
3. Nature's Balance, use 3 of the five lands to make mana then sac 2 (or 3) of the tapped lands to cast (or GSZ) Gitrog or Titania then land drop Lotus Vale for turn draw 2 or make two 5/3 for turn, then you have GGG or BBB + sac option for additional plays (Another Natural Balance?! lol).
I don't know, thought about it for a while yesterday and bought the cards and figured I'd post for some ideas. My other current legacy decks are also worth less than $400 and are Budget Elves (no Gaea's Craddle) and Manaless Dredge. I figure this should be at least on power level with those two, and therefore perhaps worth sharing.
I got the cards and sleeved them up to essentially gold fish against manaless dredge, and had an insane turn two. Much more explosive potential than I initially realized although things have to line up correctly. I had Veteran Explorer turn one, then turn two was Diabolic intent, then Squandered Resources off the explorer's lands. Then sac 4 to get 5 from Natural Balance cast The Gitrog Monster sacd five (draw 5) floating 1 and casting Natural Balance getting five, continuing to float mana and the five lands to Green Sun's Zenith into World Shaper, then sac'd the 5 lands and cast Recurring Nightmare with 3 floating, sac'd the World Shaper for the Veteran Explorer and returned 14ish lands and then with the ability to repeat the Recurring Nightmare loop for World Shaper I can draw and cast my entire deck at will, which involves Raven's Crime + Dakmor Salvage (Gitrog Draw to Dredge Dakmor back, and triggering on it hitting the grave as well as when sac swamps for black to cast Ravens Crime) to remove their hand, Eternal Witness getting back Assassin's Trophy to destroy all of opponent's permanents, and Scavenging Ooze to exile their graveyard, as well as make as many 5/3 elementals as I want to attack with next turn with Titania, Protector of Argoth. Insane and obviously won't happen frequently and is poor to go for against a deck with counters, but absolutely insane power and speed out of a Nic Fit shell.
Have a good read !
In Legacy, many SBs have the same cards (according to common colors they play), since you have to fight big families of archetypes. Nic Fit is known to be able to grind control and midrange decks, but struggle VS combo decks because no Force of Will nor Chalice (which are the 2 main ways to prevent combo from taking over the format). Some blue variants run FoW though. There are variants that run their own combo (Scapeshift, Arena / Academy Rector, Natural Order, etc...), but not a single variant let players agree on a consensus.
If you want to pilot a more competitive Rock deck, you can try Sultai Midrange / 4C Midrange (which can be considered as Grixis Green though). Maverick and Abzan / 4C Loam are also good in a similar vein.
In Legacy, I like to cut the performing decks as :
Jace 25% (Miracles, Stoneblade, Grixis)
Daze 18% (Delver, Infect)
Chalice 16% (Eldrazi, Big Red)
Vial 10% (D&T, Goblins)
Loam 8% (Lands, Turbo Depths)
Griseldad 8% (S&T, Rea)
LED 7% (Storm, Dredge)
Other 8%
A few cards overlap (like Merfolk which plays Chalice, Vial and daze), but overall that list gives clear groups, and is a reasonable tool to figure out how to build a SB and correctly switch cards in between games.