I am trying to formulate a deck that features Omniscience as the star of the deck. But since it can't be my commander I am trying to find the perfect commander to house it. The only lead I have is that I want to incorporate Recycle and/or Null Profusion as well as Flood of Tears. Therefore it must have green or black or both.
The first commander I thought of was Kruphix, God of Horizons because he helps me ramp up to cast big spells, draw big amounts of cards, and of course cast Omniscience itself. BUT, no black... and tutors would be helpful.
You are almost certainly going to want white because all the enchantment matters cards are white. Idyllic TutorEnlightened TutorAcademy Rector and since you are playing based on Omniscience you are going to want to find it every time. Green is the next best color for finding and using enchantments with cards like Commune with the Gods and it has Recycle as you mentioned or black has the best general tutors with Vampiric or the like. If you want a generic enchantment deck subtheme I would go with Bant or if you just want a combo deck Esper.
If you have one, eureka Is good to cheat omniscience into play. show and tell can be good too!
If I were you though, I’d make sure you have an actual wincon somewhere. It’s easy to have a decent way to cheat omniscience into play, but without an actual wincon, it’s gonna feel like you had just fizzled out. I did that once with my zedruu deck.
it ends up making you the archenemy if th e table, and it’s not very fun. Just saying.
You are almost certainly going to want white because all the enchantment matters cards are white. Idyllic TutorEnlightened TutorAcademy Rector and since you are playing based on Omniscience you are going to want to find it every time. Green is the next best color for finding and using enchantments with cards like Commune with the Gods and it has Recycle as you mentioned or black has the best general tutors with Vampiric or the like. If you want a generic enchantment deck subtheme I would go with Bant or if you just want a combo deck Esper.
White DOES have all the enchantment tutors so that would def be good, but black has general tutors which could be arguably better depending on the board state.
If you have one, eureka Is good to cheat omniscience into play. show and tell can be good too!
If I were you though, I’d make sure you have an actual wincon somewhere. It’s easy to have a decent way to cheat omniscience into play, but without an actual wincon, it’s gonna feel like you had just fizzled out. I did that once with my zedruu deck.
it ends up making you the archenemy if th e table, and it’s not very fun. Just saying.
As for wincons, I am thinking of just having my deck setup to where if I cast the whole thing I'll win, but in order to cast my whole deck the main problem would be running into lands. So I was thinking of running cards like Mana Severance and Trench Gorger that way I can Omniscience + Recycle my entire deck out. Also Abundance is good for getting around lands as well.
I think you need to narrow what you are looking for a bit.
How are you puting Omniscience into play - hardcast it, cheat with Academy Rector / Lost Auramancers? If Omniscience is your primary way of winning the game you need reliable ways of tutoring for it and/or putting it into play. This means you need blue and white. Additional tutors might be provided by black. Green would add just some utility and ramp (but that can be done with mana rocks). If you want you can get to four colors if you use partners for your commanders.
You said that you want to cast your whole deck, but how do you get access to it? Null Profusion and Recycle can do that but you can brick on too many lands. I would consider Futuresight effects to get more consistency. So think about including Futuresight, Magus of the Future, Sensei's Divining Top, Dream Halls (backup Omniscience, but works well with Enter the Infinite), Necropotence (excellent on its own and allows for milling lands from top of library for 1 life), Mind over Matter (draws whole library and/or wins the game with permanents that draw card when tapped like Temple Bell). Enter the Infinite was aleady mentioned.
As for fun interactions with Omniscience you can try Petals of Insight. With some small restrictions you stack you library and draw three cards you choose from it - get Fururesight, Mana Severance, cast them and proceed to casting the rest of library. It's also infinite storm but that's just a cherry on top (put Aetherflux Reservoir and Venser, Shaper Savant in your deck to have alternative storm win condition if you want).
Thanks for the great response! I feel like white should be in the deck because it loves enchantments too much to not be. I do need to acquire an academy rector. But I do have a Dream Halls which I am including because I agree, it is a secondary Omniscience. I have all the other cards you mentioned except for petals of insight, I feel it's good enough to put in, even just get a chunk of cards out of the way.
This strategy is pretty fun to pilot if you're familiar with the deck and don't spend an eternity resolving everything. I've played it to death using jhoira of the ghitu. Backup wincon can also be anarchist variant cards + riptide laboratory + timewalks. Opponents will complain, even tho this is hardly a competitive strategy, especially with kefnit turns being an option now.
Now I absolutely do love recycle and null profusion. Unfortunately the best enablers for those cards was paradox engine. Now they don't really play well and cost far too much for even most casual storm decks to consider. If you really want to explore those two cards then possibly a deck built around insanely low cmc aggressive creatures and go aggro, or perhaps an artifact trick deck running all if the helm of awakening sort of cards.
Off the wall commander suggestion: Rasputin Dreamweaver. He lends himself to a big mana Azorius deck, and you can hardcast Omniscience the turn after you cast him. White lets you run Rector and Idyllic Tutor. His mana lets you cheat out the big things you'd be trying to get with Omniscience.
Thanks for the suggestions. I was just thinking about Proteus Staff, if i have no creatures in my deck I can put my deck in any order and put all lands on the bottom, then I can recycle my whole deck without running into lands. I could just use the staff on my commander or maybe a token i control, or maybe a creature i've gained control of.
I love the suggestion for rasputin dreamwever, super flavorful. BUT i do really want to use recycle and or null profusion so maybe he can go in the 99 rather than the commander spot.
But there are problems with Dream Halls that needs to be stressed.
Firstly it's symmetric - it allows opponents to play instant speed interaction for free. Not much can be done here except playing effects like Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir or Grand Abolisher.
Secondly it's card disadvantage - to go off the way you can with Omniscience + Null Profusion / Recycle means you need either draw effects giving you card advantage or at least both Null Profusion and Recycle in play (still not great as you can brick on colorless cards).
If you want to use Null Profusion and Recycle to win then maybe using draw7s (the ones that don't shuffle) and cards like and Careful Consideration would be reliable way to achieve this - first sift through library for big enchantments dumping them into graveyard and then "reanimating" them with Replenish effects. This way you can exchange them temporarily for new cards from library until you find your means of winning. This allows stuff like reanimating Academy Rector with Necromancy at instant speed to start your turn with Omniscience in play. This also fits into taking-turns strategy suggested by Macabre - dump timewalk effects into graveyard to later on start the chain by reanimating or just playing Archaeomancer-type cards and continue looping them.
Man-lands and token producers are good way to abuse Proteus Staff if you go that route.
I realized that was not mentioned yet - Show and Tell can be used to cheat Omniscience into play.
The only right answer is Illuna, Apex of Wishes. Use cards like Mystical Tutor, Long-Term Plans, Personal Tutor and Merchant Scrtoll to tutor for Omniscience. Use very few permanents and play it as a Spell-Slinger deck. Cards like Expropriate, Overflowing insight, Insurrection, etc. (basically all the powerful and expensive sorceries/instants) And let your oponents watch you play Magic the Gathering for 20 minutes until you find the win.
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The first commander I thought of was Kruphix, God of Horizons because he helps me ramp up to cast big spells, draw big amounts of cards, and of course cast Omniscience itself. BUT, no black... and tutors would be helpful.
Damia, Sage of Stone maybe because the draw is great but she is a bit slow.
I also thought Muldrotha, the Gravetide could be good in case Omniscience is in the graveyard.
Yarok, the Desecrated could also be good depending on what's in the deck.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Synergies?
If I were you though, I’d make sure you have an actual wincon somewhere. It’s easy to have a decent way to cheat omniscience into play, but without an actual wincon, it’s gonna feel like you had just fizzled out. I did that once with my zedruu deck.
it ends up making you the archenemy if th e table, and it’s not very fun. Just saying.
Legacy - Solidarity - mono U aggro - burn - Imperial Painter - Strawberry Shortcake - Bluuzards - bom
White DOES have all the enchantment tutors so that would def be good, but black has general tutors which could be arguably better depending on the board state.
As for wincons, I am thinking of just having my deck setup to where if I cast the whole thing I'll win, but in order to cast my whole deck the main problem would be running into lands. So I was thinking of running cards like Mana Severance and Trench Gorger that way I can Omniscience + Recycle my entire deck out. Also Abundance is good for getting around lands as well.
I do want to appease my Timmy/Johnny side, so I am still looking for big ridiculous plays.
How are you puting Omniscience into play - hardcast it, cheat with Academy Rector / Lost Auramancers? If Omniscience is your primary way of winning the game you need reliable ways of tutoring for it and/or putting it into play. This means you need blue and white. Additional tutors might be provided by black. Green would add just some utility and ramp (but that can be done with mana rocks). If you want you can get to four colors if you use partners for your commanders.
You said that you want to cast your whole deck, but how do you get access to it? Null Profusion and Recycle can do that but you can brick on too many lands. I would consider Futuresight effects to get more consistency. So think about including Futuresight, Magus of the Future, Sensei's Divining Top, Dream Halls (backup Omniscience, but works well with Enter the Infinite), Necropotence (excellent on its own and allows for milling lands from top of library for 1 life), Mind over Matter (draws whole library and/or wins the game with permanents that draw card when tapped like Temple Bell). Enter the Infinite was aleady mentioned.
As for fun interactions with Omniscience you can try Petals of Insight. With some small restrictions you stack you library and draw three cards you choose from it - get Fururesight, Mana Severance, cast them and proceed to casting the rest of library. It's also infinite storm but that's just a cherry on top (put Aetherflux Reservoir and Venser, Shaper Savant in your deck to have alternative storm win condition if you want).
Once omni is in play then just keep casting draw7s until you either find timestream navigator + hasty boots, beacon of tomorrows, or labman.
This strategy is pretty fun to pilot if you're familiar with the deck and don't spend an eternity resolving everything. I've played it to death using jhoira of the ghitu. Backup wincon can also be anarchist variant cards + riptide laboratory + timewalks. Opponents will complain, even tho this is hardly a competitive strategy, especially with kefnit turns being an option now.
Now I absolutely do love recycle and null profusion. Unfortunately the best enablers for those cards was paradox engine. Now they don't really play well and cost far too much for even most casual storm decks to consider. If you really want to explore those two cards then possibly a deck built around insanely low cmc aggressive creatures and go aggro, or perhaps an artifact trick deck running all if the helm of awakening sort of cards.
Links to my most current deck lists;
Primary EDH; Rakka Mar Token Perfection, Crosis Mnemonic Betrayal, Cromat Villainous, Judith Gravestorm, Rakdos Empty Storm, Exava Artifacts, Bant Trash, & Fumiko Voltron!
EDH kept at home; Ruzzian Isset & Rakdos LoR!
EDH (nostalgic/pimp/retired) in storage;
Latulla Burns, Akroma Smash, Jeska Voltron, Rakdos Storm, Bladewing Darghans, Lyzolda Worldgorger, Xantcha Steals your Heart, Jori Storm, Wydwen Permission, Gwendlyn Paradox, Jeleva Warps, & Sigarda Brick!
Legacy Showanimator and High Tide!
But there are problems with Dream Halls that needs to be stressed.
Firstly it's symmetric - it allows opponents to play instant speed interaction for free. Not much can be done here except playing effects like Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir or Grand Abolisher.
Secondly it's card disadvantage - to go off the way you can with Omniscience + Null Profusion / Recycle means you need either draw effects giving you card advantage or at least both Null Profusion and Recycle in play (still not great as you can brick on colorless cards).
If you want to use Null Profusion and Recycle to win then maybe using draw7s (the ones that don't shuffle) and cards like and Careful Consideration would be reliable way to achieve this - first sift through library for big enchantments dumping them into graveyard and then "reanimating" them with Replenish effects. This way you can exchange them temporarily for new cards from library until you find your means of winning. This allows stuff like reanimating Academy Rector with Necromancy at instant speed to start your turn with Omniscience in play. This also fits into taking-turns strategy suggested by Macabre - dump timewalk effects into graveyard to later on start the chain by reanimating or just playing Archaeomancer-type cards and continue looping them.
Man-lands and token producers are good way to abuse Proteus Staff if you go that route.
I realized that was not mentioned yet - Show and Tell can be used to cheat Omniscience into play.
Complately forgot about this - Mystic Sanctuary can be used in similar fashion with Moonfolk creatures. For example cast Timewalk, play Mystic Sanctuary putting Timewalk on top of library, bounce Mystic Sanctuary with Meloku the clouded Mirror, go to next turn, repeat. This locks you out from drawing cards so Uyo, Silent Prophet might be better.