It's a great back-up plan to the all-in landfall finish or a way to close out games where Countryside Crusher couldn't get there on his own (It even pumps him up in the process!).
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My Black & Silver Cube [360/Peasant/Draft It! EDH Decks: - Reya Dawnbringer // - Mistform Ultimus // - Balthor the Defiled // - Urabrask the Hidden // - Mirri, Cat Warrior
The 5/28/13 random card of the day is Dread Wight. If you know of a combo or decklist involving this card, feel free to share it.
I would probably make a UB deck with cards that force my opponent to spend extra mana like Rhystic Study and Propaganda. Then I would add cards like Alluring Siren to force my opponent to attack.
It would be interesting to make a deck where creatures are forced to attack you via Curse of the Nightly Hunt, and then have bad things happen to your opponent for attacking using something like Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts. Although, that's a really clunky combo. Maybe there's something that works better then Teysa?
The 6/04/13 random card of the day is Forcefield. If you know of a combo or decklist involving this card, feel free to share it.
I would probably combine it with either Urza's Armor or Orim's Prayer to negate that one point of damage.
Hah, great minds think alike...
I'd make it a white agg control deck (or maybe splash blue for Mana Leak and Foresee or other draw). Flying white Agg creatures (1-2 cc), but plan on a normal curve, to leave lots of mana for Forcefield. Going white gives artifact/enchantment tutorage...which is appropriate since noone in real life would have 4 (or even 1?) Forcefield...we'll have to find it.
The 6/24/13 random card of the day is Metamorphose (not Manamorphose). If you know of a combo or decklist involving this card, feel free to share it.
I recommend artifact deck with Isochron Scepter. Use spells and artifacts that can continuous make opponent discard, once they have low or no hand size you can lock them down with Metamorphose on a stick.
The only thing I can see doing is bringing back changelings like Cairn Wanderer and Mirror Entity, along with other dredge cards to fill your graveyard quickly.
I would probably try to use it in a madness deck.
infinite mana and card draw.
and an infinite mana combo... oh yeah, skirge familiar works
Thanks Argentleman;)
WB Teysa token aggroBW (retired)
MAKING (Onmath, Numot, maybe something in Esper)
4x Bloodbraid Elf
4x Countryside Crusher
4x Plated Geopede
4x Wild Mongrel
3x Terravore
4x Magma Jet
4x Scouting Trek
3x Clear the Land
3x Slagstorm
2x Stormbind
11x Forest
10x Mountain
4x Raging Ravine
It's a great back-up plan to the all-in landfall finish or a way to close out games where Countryside Crusher couldn't get there on his own (It even pumps him up in the process!).
EDH Decks:
I would probably make a UB deck with cards that force my opponent to spend extra mana like Rhystic Study and Propaganda. Then I would add cards like Alluring Siren to force my opponent to attack.
Going to the previous card of the day though, your suggestions for Dead Wight remind me of my Poisoned Lands deck.
4 Psychic Venom
4 Contaminated Ground
4 Pooling Venom
The Lock
4 Paralyze
4 Propaganda
2 Rhystic Study
4 Mana Leak
4 Power Sink
The Finish
4 Mana Short
1 Icy Manipulator
2 Mana Web
11 Island
12 Swamp
I would probably try to combine it with something like Blade of the Bloodchief or Sadistic Glee.
I would probably combine it with either Urza's Armor or Orim's Prayer to negate that one point of damage.
Then for good measure, you can use Kamahl, Fist of Krosa or Jolrael, Empress of Beasts to turn their lands into creatures too, which all get blown up by Teysa.
Hmm, a 4 card combo in 4 different colors that needs 7 mana minimum to operate? Yea, I don't see a problem with that!:nod:
Hah, great minds think alike...
I'd make it a white agg control deck (or maybe splash blue for Mana Leak and Foresee or other draw). Flying white Agg creatures (1-2 cc), but plan on a normal curve, to leave lots of mana for Forcefield. Going white gives artifact/enchantment tutorage...which is appropriate since noone in real life would have 4 (or even 1?) Forcefield...we'll have to find it.
14 Plains
4 UW Dual of choice
4 Island
1 CC -7-
4 Whatever that White 1cc flyer is...
3 Enlightened Tutor
4 Stormfront Pegasus
3 Serra Avenger
4 Squadron Hawk
4 Honor of the Pure
4 Mana Leak
4 Orim's Prayer
1 Forcefield
4 CC -4-
4 Guardian Seraph
5 (or 3) CC -4-
4 Mulldrifter
Something like that
Old school group, sometimes more beer than cards. Revised thru Tempest block (and a little of Urza), sorry if I don't know all the new cards
Ye' Olde Schoole Casual Decks: BUReanimate -- GRAggro -- BWPestilence -- G10-land Stompy -- GRElfball -- GWEnchantress -- RAnkh Sligh -- BDiscard -- MUC "Draw-go" -- BRSuicide -- UWSkies -- UHigh Tide Mill -- WWeenie -- UMutated Bombers -- URThe great land-toss -- UB Molasass
Darn you Storm Crow for making the card obsolete!
The 6/11/13 random card of the day is Magma Spray. If you know of a combo or decklist involving this card, feel free to share it.
The card is extremely unimpressive.
Monogreen has Rofellos.
Druid-decks have Werebear.
Has this card seen play outside block-constructed or limited?
These are the decks that I have constructed, and are ready to play:
01. Ankh Sligh to be exact.
The 6/24/13 random card of the day is Metamorphose (not Manamorphose). If you know of a combo or decklist involving this card, feel free to share it.
I recommend artifact deck with Isochron Scepter. Use spells and artifacts that can continuous make opponent discard, once they have low or no hand size you can lock them down with Metamorphose on a stick.
I won't hold my breath :rolleyes:.
The 7/02/13 random card of the day is Ramosian Revivalist. If you know of a combo or decklist involving this card, feel free to share it.
A card like this would definitely need some help from Training Grounds or Heartstone.
The only thing I can see doing is bringing back changelings like Cairn Wanderer and Mirror Entity, along with other dredge cards to fill your graveyard quickly.
Special thanks to Heroes of the Plane Studios for the avatar and Inkfox Aesthetics for the sig.
Vaevictus Asmadi, Creator of [The Spirit of EDH]
EDH Decks
BRGProssh, the Chump-Block DragonBRG
BRGVaevictis Asmadi-Hoarder of ManaBRG