I did get in contact with RK Post and he said that he can't really make it to the forums regulary, but he can answer e-mails. So what I am going to do is let you ask questions, and say commments, and I will e-mail them to him about every 10-15 questions/comments. He said he can almost for sure respond to that overnight and I will then post the answers on this thread.
So treat this like a regular Q&A thread.
Contact Information
E-mail-postrk***@aol.com (remove***)
Shipping Address*-
rk post
12120 204th Ave Ct E
Sumner, WA 98390
*When you plan on getting cards signed by RK Post, please e-mail him beforehand so you can make sure he is still at this address and and to let him know how many cards are coming his way. Please also remember to include a SASE** with your cards!
[Q]- How do you get your concepts for the cards? Obviously, you get
art descriptions, but what's the first thing you do with that?
[A]-We also get an illustrated art bible that sets out how general settings, critters, races, characters, etc look. Makes things much easier at times. Sometimes is very little reference and I just have to pull stuff out my behind. Thumbnailing things out makes it much easier.
[Q]-Where did you develop your unique style of art, and at what age
did you begin developing it?
[A]-Hmmmmm...I have been drawing since a wee child and always had an interest in fantasy and the trippier side of things. In high school it was a lot tighter...using pen and ink and drawing constantly.
[Q]-Which illustrators did you draw inspiration from?
[A]-Hmmmm, tricky one. I like most of my contemporaries like Brom, Kev Walker, Mark Zug, Mike Sutfin, Chris Moeller.....but then I also gather stuff from film, anime, and off topic sources.
[Q]-How did you decide that doing artworks was gonna be your career?
Or Did you stumble into this frame of work? Also if this wasn't gonna
be your career what career were you trying to go for?
[A]-I first tried being a veterinarian, but had the common sense to change up after on semester. I moved to graphic design and got through my junior year and came to the self realization that I hated it. Fortunately I was taking illustration on the side. From there I had a great professor that was doing this kind of work and pointed me in this general direction.
[Q]-How did you get involved with WotC? Did they come to you or did
you have to prove yourself for them?
[A]-By chance and not by proving myself. I was a staff illustrator for TSR and they bought us. They did keep me employed though....
[Q]-Where did you recieve your art education, and for how long?
[A]-Tricky one. I have a BFA from Northern Illinois....that took about 8 years to get. Going to school half time, working full time, and supporting a family. The BFA is worthless though. I taught myself to paint in oils and use digital media well after graduation.
[Q]-Do you, or ever plan to, learn how to play magic? As you must have
some understanding for the game as you illstrate it have you ever
though to learn how to play?
[A]-A basic understanding. I have played Starter a few times and haven't really had the time to play since.
[Q]-Which color do you feel most comfortable painting for?
[A]-Interesting! Never been asked that....and it seems like a basic question. Reds are fun! I have a hard time working greens in.
[Q]-What's your favorite art that you've drawn for MTG?
[A]-Short list...Unmask, Lightning Angel, Avatar of Hope, and... hmmmm.. I liked the way that the two Emissaries turn out from Darksteel.
[Q]-what is the wierdest thing a fan has ever asked you to sign
[A]-Hmmmmmm...besides body parts? ;P Wallets, loose pieces of paper, cards that weren't mine.....heck, I have seen a lot, but hopefully I am not done.
[Q]-What is the piece you're most proud of, and which one has been the
most difficult?
[A]-In terms of Magic, Unmask is probably my fave. Avatar of Will was a terd....bigass painting with about a week to crunch him out. Hell in a basket.
[Q]-Do you have any art that you wished turned out better? I.E., that
didn't turn out the way you pictured it mentally?
[A]-Hoo hell yeah! Sometimes the opposite happens too. You want the long list? Heck there are things about the Avatar of Woe that bugs me that I would like to rework. Don't get me started on Morphling.
[Q]-How did you come into your own style?
[A]-Still figuring that one out. It is a mishmash of things that I have seen and admired and tried to put my own tastes into it. If it doesn't keep changing and adapting...put a fork in me.
[Q]-Why does your name appear in no capitals on Magic cards?
[A]-I am a big poo and try to make things as difficult as possible.
[Q]-Where do you draw the line when us nerds approach you with
insanely high piles of cards that they wish you to sign? I never
thought to ask for anything more than a favorite card or playset
signed, but then I noticed kids in line (at various signings) with
entire boxes stacked with 15-20 copies of multiple cards, and wondered
how much that annoyed or thrilled you =)
[A]-I like to please. I just ask that if there is a healthy line, break the stack down a little and go through the line again. It keeps things moving. I generally overstay my welcome and sign everything and then some. It doesn't annoy me in the bit.
[Q]-What is your favorite thing to draw/ what do you like to show most
in a card and how do you desplay such energy in a painting? oh... and
how big of canvas -sp?- do you use?
[A]-I like women....sorry if it so obvious. ;P Energy can be puzzler for me....something that I actually have to think about and sketch a few thumbnails before I get something that I am relatively happy with. I use oils on masonate....the average size for original card art is 11x14, but usually go bigger for the nicer ones. The biggest ever was Jeska at 20x24, though she wasn't the biggest painting ever.
[Q]-Do you know your cover artwork for the novel The Brother's War?
Well, I was just wondering, is the woman on the back who's obviously
in dispair suposed to be Tocasia, who's mourning the fact that her two
Students have wrecked the world with what they've done? Or is it
somebody else?
[A]- Don't remember! Sorry about that.....long time ago and never read the book.
One thing to check out on rk post's site ... he sells artist proofs for $5 each, and for (I think) $10 will draw a neat b&w portrait on the back. Occasionally you'll see one on eBay -- the example I saw was an Avatar of Woe artist proof, and on the back was a face portrait of the Avatar in black ink, shaded with gold and silver metallic. SO COOL.
Probably the next Magic art purchase I make will be a similarly customized Vulshok Sorcerer.
He is also a very nice guy. I just wish they'd give him more red commissions. I *love* his work, but most of the stuff he paints will never end up in one of my decks.
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
This is my Jackal Pup. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My Jackal Pup is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My Jackal Pup without me is useless. Without my Jackal Pup, I am useless. I must tap my Jackal Pup true. I must tap faster than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must beat him down before he beats me down. I will.
How did you decide that doing artworks was gonna be your career? Or Did you stumble into this frame of work? Also if this wasn't gonna be your career what career were you trying to go for?
(I know its 3 questions but I think they are so closely tied to each other that it could be done as one answer)
Do you, or ever plan to, learn how to play magic? As you must have some understanding for the game as you illstrate it have you ever though to learn how to play?
What is the piece you're most proud of, and which one has been the most difficult?
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I know the perfect guy for the third faction:
"When you show up to the Mirrodin Besieged Prerelease, you'll be asked to choose a faction: Mirran, Phyrexian, or Jaded A-Hole" Aaron Forsythe, on Twitter
Everything changes, nothing remains without a change - Buddha
Lies! -I'm Buffy Summers, town tracker. I used my ability on you and saw that you didn't use any abilities before the game started. My flavor is I was sucked through a mysterious space-time portal and I'm here to kill all the vampires, and my tracking ability is a combination of my Slayer and Native American skills.
Where do you draw the line when us nerds approach you with insanely high piles of cards that they wish you to sign? I never thought to ask for anything more than a favorite card or playset signed, but then I noticed kids in line (at various signings) with entire boxes stacked with 15-20 copies of multiple cards, and wondered how much that annoyed or thrilled you =)
~Das Fu
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
~In the beginning, there was nothing, which exploded.~ Fu's Cab - Retired! ||| Trade thread dead for now; returning soon! One day I will alt. art my Jace, The Mind Sculptors into 'Mentok! The Mind Takers!' Quotes
Quote from Magikeeper »
Mr. Fu, your leaving of MTGnews' humor forum killed it. KILLLED IT!
One qeastion:
What is your favorite thing to draw/ what do you like to show most in a card and how do you desplay such energy in a painting? oh... and how big of canvas -sp?- do you use?
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Brian Tinsman, Set Designer :?mana::snow::snow:
Legendary Creature – Human Designer (MR)
Brian Tinsman, Set Designer can only be cast during the third set of a block.
When Brian Tinsman, Set Designer enters the battlefield, ignore all flavor and mechanics of the first two sets in the block. "Ok so what do we have here... gothic horror? Scrap it. Expand the Devine Vs. Demonic duel deck to 244 cards and print it!"
yay! this is keen... I mean you would think e woulden't have the time for a good ol' Q&A... ace my friend... ace.
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Brian Tinsman, Set Designer :?mana::snow::snow:
Legendary Creature – Human Designer (MR)
Brian Tinsman, Set Designer can only be cast during the third set of a block.
When Brian Tinsman, Set Designer enters the battlefield, ignore all flavor and mechanics of the first two sets in the block. "Ok so what do we have here... gothic horror? Scrap it. Expand the Devine Vs. Demonic duel deck to 244 cards and print it!"
This is not your forum. Do not go stomping around as if it is. Advertising is not allowed here by anyone at all, and I'm pretty sure in the last hour you've done enough to get out ousted for awhile.
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I have no extendo-sig. Sorry, I'm just not vain enough to think someone will click on it.
**This could be advertising everyone watch out;)**
[Q]- How do you get your concepts for the cards? Obviously, you get
art descriptions, but what's the first thing you do with that?
[A]-We also get an illustrated art bible that sets out how general settings, critters, races, characters, etc look. Makes things much easier at times. Sometimes is very little reference and I just have to pull stuff out my behind. Thumbnailing things out makes it much easier.
[Q]-Where did you develop your unique style of art, and at what age
did you begin developing it?
[A]-Hmmmmm...I have been drawing since a wee child and always had an interest in fantasy and the trippier side of things. In high school it was a lot tighter...using pen and ink and drawing constantly.
[Q]-Which illustrators did you draw inspiration from?
[A]-Hmmmm, tricky one. I like most of my contemporaries like Brom, Kev Walker, Mark Zug, Mike Sutfin, Chris Moeller.....but then I also gather stuff from film, anime, and off topic sources.
[Q]-How did you decide that doing artworks was gonna be your career?
Or Did you stumble into this frame of work? Also if this wasn't gonna
be your career what career were you trying to go for?
[A]-I first tried being a veterinarian, but had the common sense to change up after on semester. I moved to graphic design and got through my junior year and came to the self realization that I hated it. Fortunately I was taking illustration on the side. From there I had a great professor that was doing this kind of work and pointed me in this general direction.
[Q]-How did you get involved with WotC? Did they come to you or did
you have to prove yourself for them?
[A]-By chance and not by proving myself. I was a staff illustrator for TSR and they bought us. They did keep me employed though....
[Q]-Where did you recieve your art education, and for how long?
[A]-Tricky one. I have a BFA from Northern Illinois....that took about 8 years to get. Going to school half time, working full time, and supporting a family. The BFA is worthless though. I taught myself to paint in oils and use digital media well after graduation.
[Q]-Do you, or ever plan to, learn how to play magic? As you must have
some understanding for the game as you illstrate it have you ever
though to learn how to play?
[A]-A basic understanding. I have played Starter a few times and haven't really had the time to play since.
[Q]-Which color do you feel most comfortable painting for?
[A]-Interesting! Never been asked that....and it seems like a basic question. Reds are fun! I have a hard time working greens in.
[Q]-What's your favorite art that you've drawn for MTG?
[A]-Short list...Unmask, Lightning Angel, Avatar of Hope, and... hmmmm.. I liked the way that the two Emissaries turn out from Darksteel.
[Q]-what is the wierdest thing a fan has ever asked you to sign
[A]-Hmmmmmm...besides body parts? ;P Wallets, loose pieces of paper, cards that weren't mine.....heck, I have seen a lot, but hopefully I am not done.
[Q]-What is the piece you're most proud of, and which one has been the
most difficult?
[A]-In terms of Magic, Unmask is probably my fave. Avatar of Will was a terd....bigass painting with about a week to crunch him out. Hell in a basket.
[Q]-Do you have any art that you wished turned out better? I.E., that
didn't turn out the way you pictured it mentally?
[A]-Hoo hell yeah! Sometimes the opposite happens too. You want the long list? Heck there are things about the Avatar of Woe that bugs me that I would like to rework. Don't get me started on Morphling.
[Q]-How did you come into your own style?
[A]-Still figuring that one out. It is a mishmash of things that I have seen and admired and tried to put my own tastes into it. If it doesn't keep changing and adapting...put a fork in me.
[Q]-Why does your name appear in no capitals on Magic cards?
[A]-I am a big poo and try to make things as difficult as possible.
[Q]-Where do you draw the line when us nerds approach you with
insanely high piles of cards that they wish you to sign? I never
thought to ask for anything more than a favorite card or playset
signed, but then I noticed kids in line (at various signings) with
entire boxes stacked with 15-20 copies of multiple cards, and wondered
how much that annoyed or thrilled you =)
[A]-I like to please. I just ask that if there is a healthy line, break the stack down a little and go through the line again. It keeps things moving. I generally overstay my welcome and sign everything and then some. It doesn't annoy me in the bit.
[Q]-What is your favorite thing to draw/ what do you like to show most
in a card and how do you desplay such energy in a painting? oh... and
how big of canvas -sp?- do you use?
[A]-I like women....sorry if it so obvious. ;P Energy can be puzzler for me....something that I actually have to think about and sketch a few thumbnails before I get something that I am relatively happy with. I use oils on masonate....the average size for original card art is 11x14, but usually go bigger for the nicer ones. The biggest ever was Jeska at 20x24, though she wasn't the biggest painting ever.
[Q]-Do you know your cover artwork for the novel The Brother's War?
Well, I was just wondering, is the woman on the back who's obviously
in dispair suposed to be Tocasia, who's mourning the fact that her two
Students have wrecked the world with what they've done? Or is it
somebody else?
[A]- Don't remember! Sorry about that.....long time ago and never read the book.
I did get in contact with RK Post and he said that he can't really make it to the forums regulary, but he can answer e-mails. So what I am going to do is let you ask questions, and say commments, and I will e-mail them to him about every 10-15 questions/comments. He said he can almost for sure respond to that overnight and I will then post the answers on this thread.
So treat this like a regular Q&A thread.
E-mail-postrk***@aol.com (remove***)
Shipping Address*-
rk post
12120 204th Ave Ct E
Sumner, WA 98390
*When you plan on getting cards signed by RK Post, please e-mail him beforehand so you can make sure he is still at this address and and to let him know how many cards are coming his way. Please also remember to include a SASE** with your cards!
**Saddressed Already Stamped Envelope
You can find his work here-
RK Post MTG Artwork
Website #1
Website #2
[Q]- How do you get your concepts for the cards? Obviously, you get
art descriptions, but what's the first thing you do with that?
[A]-We also get an illustrated art bible that sets out how general settings, critters, races, characters, etc look. Makes things much easier at times. Sometimes is very little reference and I just have to pull stuff out my behind. Thumbnailing things out makes it much easier.
[Q]-Where did you develop your unique style of art, and at what age
did you begin developing it?
[A]-Hmmmmm...I have been drawing since a wee child and always had an interest in fantasy and the trippier side of things. In high school it was a lot tighter...using pen and ink and drawing constantly.
[Q]-Which illustrators did you draw inspiration from?
[A]-Hmmmm, tricky one. I like most of my contemporaries like Brom, Kev Walker, Mark Zug, Mike Sutfin, Chris Moeller.....but then I also gather stuff from film, anime, and off topic sources.
[Q]-How did you decide that doing artworks was gonna be your career?
Or Did you stumble into this frame of work? Also if this wasn't gonna
be your career what career were you trying to go for?
[A]-I first tried being a veterinarian, but had the common sense to change up after on semester. I moved to graphic design and got through my junior year and came to the self realization that I hated it. Fortunately I was taking illustration on the side. From there I had a great professor that was doing this kind of work and pointed me in this general direction.
[Q]-How did you get involved with WotC? Did they come to you or did
you have to prove yourself for them?
[A]-By chance and not by proving myself. I was a staff illustrator for TSR and they bought us. They did keep me employed though....
[Q]-Where did you recieve your art education, and for how long?
[A]-Tricky one. I have a BFA from Northern Illinois....that took about 8 years to get. Going to school half time, working full time, and supporting a family. The BFA is worthless though. I taught myself to paint in oils and use digital media well after graduation.
[Q]-Do you, or ever plan to, learn how to play magic? As you must have
some understanding for the game as you illstrate it have you ever
though to learn how to play?
[A]-A basic understanding. I have played Starter a few times and haven't really had the time to play since.
[Q]-Which color do you feel most comfortable painting for?
[A]-Interesting! Never been asked that....and it seems like a basic question. Reds are fun! I have a hard time working greens in.
[Q]-What's your favorite art that you've drawn for MTG?
[A]-Short list...Unmask, Lightning Angel, Avatar of Hope, and... hmmmm.. I liked the way that the two Emissaries turn out from Darksteel.
[Q]-what is the wierdest thing a fan has ever asked you to sign
[A]-Hmmmmmm...besides body parts? ;P Wallets, loose pieces of paper, cards that weren't mine.....heck, I have seen a lot, but hopefully I am not done.
[Q]-What is the piece you're most proud of, and which one has been the
most difficult?
[A]-In terms of Magic, Unmask is probably my fave. Avatar of Will was a terd....bigass painting with about a week to crunch him out. Hell in a basket.
[Q]-Do you have any art that you wished turned out better? I.E., that
didn't turn out the way you pictured it mentally?
[A]-Hoo hell yeah! Sometimes the opposite happens too. You want the long list? Heck there are things about the Avatar of Woe that bugs me that I would like to rework. Don't get me started on Morphling.
[Q]-How did you come into your own style?
[A]-Still figuring that one out. It is a mishmash of things that I have seen and admired and tried to put my own tastes into it. If it doesn't keep changing and adapting...put a fork in me.
[Q]-Why does your name appear in no capitals on Magic cards?
[A]-I am a big poo and try to make things as difficult as possible.
[Q]-Where do you draw the line when us nerds approach you with
insanely high piles of cards that they wish you to sign? I never
thought to ask for anything more than a favorite card or playset
signed, but then I noticed kids in line (at various signings) with
entire boxes stacked with 15-20 copies of multiple cards, and wondered
how much that annoyed or thrilled you =)
[A]-I like to please. I just ask that if there is a healthy line, break the stack down a little and go through the line again. It keeps things moving. I generally overstay my welcome and sign everything and then some. It doesn't annoy me in the bit.
[Q]-What is your favorite thing to draw/ what do you like to show most
in a card and how do you desplay such energy in a painting? oh... and
how big of canvas -sp?- do you use?
[A]-I like women....sorry if it so obvious. ;P Energy can be puzzler for me....something that I actually have to think about and sketch a few thumbnails before I get something that I am relatively happy with. I use oils on masonate....the average size for original card art is 11x14, but usually go bigger for the nicer ones. The biggest ever was Jeska at 20x24, though she wasn't the biggest painting ever.
[Q]-Do you know your cover artwork for the novel The Brother's War?
Well, I was just wondering, is the woman on the back who's obviously
in dispair suposed to be Tocasia, who's mourning the fact that her two
Students have wrecked the world with what they've done? Or is it
somebody else?
[A]- Don't remember! Sorry about that.....long time ago and never read the book.
Thanks and I hope you enjoy this!
-M Shumate-
Probably the next Magic art purchase I make will be a similarly customized Vulshok Sorcerer.
He is also a very nice guy. I just wish they'd give him more red commissions. I *love* his work, but most of the stuff he paints will never end up in one of my decks.
How did you decide that doing artworks was gonna be your career? Or Did you stumble into this frame of work? Also if this wasn't gonna be your career what career were you trying to go for?
(I know its 3 questions but I think they are so closely tied to each other that it could be done as one answer)
How did you get involved with WotC? Did they come to you or did you have to prove yourself for them?
Also, I'll ask the most obvious question there is, do you have a favorite card that you did the art for?
Evil Chocobo of the Alliance of Rogue Deckers!
A special thanks goes out to the one who loves atogs, thanks for the sig!
Come join Warmachine!!!!!!
Pewter Crack is Evil!
I have Magic ADD.
4th place at CCC&G Pro Tour
Chances of bad hands (<2 or >4 land):
21: 28.9%
22: 27.5%
23: 26.3%
24: 25.5%
25: 25.1%
26: 25.3%
"When you show up to the Mirrodin Besieged Prerelease, you'll be asked to choose a faction: Mirran, Phyrexian, or Jaded A-Hole" Aaron Forsythe, on Twitter
Everything changes, nothing remains without a change - Buddha
Magic Rules Advisor
~Das Fu
~In the beginning, there was nothing, which exploded.~
Fu's Cab - Retired! ||| Trade thread dead for now; returning soon!
One day I will alt. art my Jace, The Mind Sculptors into 'Mentok! The Mind Takers!'
What is your favorite thing to draw/ what do you like to show most in a card and how do you desplay such energy in a painting? oh... and how big of canvas -sp?- do you use?
Legendary Creature – Human Designer (MR)
Brian Tinsman, Set Designer can only be cast during the third set of a block.
When Brian Tinsman, Set Designer enters the battlefield, ignore all flavor and mechanics of the first two sets in the block.
"Ok so what do we have here... gothic horror? Scrap it. Expand the Devine Vs. Demonic duel deck to 244 cards and print it!"
-M Shumate-
Dude.....I don't say these words Often and I never want to BUT It is needed now.
You Are "Awesome"
-M Shumate-
Legendary Creature – Human Designer (MR)
Brian Tinsman, Set Designer can only be cast during the third set of a block.
When Brian Tinsman, Set Designer enters the battlefield, ignore all flavor and mechanics of the first two sets in the block.
"Ok so what do we have here... gothic horror? Scrap it. Expand the Devine Vs. Demonic duel deck to 244 cards and print it!"
This is not your forum. Do not go stomping around as if it is. Advertising is not allowed here by anyone at all, and I'm pretty sure in the last hour you've done enough to get out ousted for awhile.
I have no extendo-sig. Sorry, I'm just not vain enough to think someone will click on it.
[Q]- How do you get your concepts for the cards? Obviously, you get
art descriptions, but what's the first thing you do with that?
[A]-We also get an illustrated art bible that sets out how general settings, critters, races, characters, etc look. Makes things much easier at times. Sometimes is very little reference and I just have to pull stuff out my behind. Thumbnailing things out makes it much easier.
[Q]-Where did you develop your unique style of art, and at what age
did you begin developing it?
[A]-Hmmmmm...I have been drawing since a wee child and always had an interest in fantasy and the trippier side of things. In high school it was a lot tighter...using pen and ink and drawing constantly.
[Q]-Which illustrators did you draw inspiration from?
[A]-Hmmmm, tricky one. I like most of my contemporaries like Brom, Kev Walker, Mark Zug, Mike Sutfin, Chris Moeller.....but then I also gather stuff from film, anime, and off topic sources.
[Q]-How did you decide that doing artworks was gonna be your career?
Or Did you stumble into this frame of work? Also if this wasn't gonna
be your career what career were you trying to go for?
[A]-I first tried being a veterinarian, but had the common sense to change up after on semester. I moved to graphic design and got through my junior year and came to the self realization that I hated it. Fortunately I was taking illustration on the side. From there I had a great professor that was doing this kind of work and pointed me in this general direction.
[Q]-How did you get involved with WotC? Did they come to you or did
you have to prove yourself for them?
[A]-By chance and not by proving myself. I was a staff illustrator for TSR and they bought us. They did keep me employed though....
[Q]-Where did you recieve your art education, and for how long?
[A]-Tricky one. I have a BFA from Northern Illinois....that took about 8 years to get. Going to school half time, working full time, and supporting a family. The BFA is worthless though. I taught myself to paint in oils and use digital media well after graduation.
[Q]-Do you, or ever plan to, learn how to play magic? As you must have
some understanding for the game as you illstrate it have you ever
though to learn how to play?
[A]-A basic understanding. I have played Starter a few times and haven't really had the time to play since.
[Q]-Which color do you feel most comfortable painting for?
[A]-Interesting! Never been asked that....and it seems like a basic question. Reds are fun! I have a hard time working greens in.
[Q]-What's your favorite art that you've drawn for MTG?
[A]-Short list...Unmask, Lightning Angel, Avatar of Hope, and... hmmmm.. I liked the way that the two Emissaries turn out from Darksteel.
[Q]-what is the wierdest thing a fan has ever asked you to sign
[A]-Hmmmmmm...besides body parts? ;P Wallets, loose pieces of paper, cards that weren't mine.....heck, I have seen a lot, but hopefully I am not done.
[Q]-What is the piece you're most proud of, and which one has been the
most difficult?
[A]-In terms of Magic, Unmask is probably my fave. Avatar of Will was a terd....bigass painting with about a week to crunch him out. Hell in a basket.
[Q]-Do you have any art that you wished turned out better? I.E., that
didn't turn out the way you pictured it mentally?
[A]-Hoo hell yeah! Sometimes the opposite happens too. You want the long list? Heck there are things about the Avatar of Woe that bugs me that I would like to rework. Don't get me started on Morphling.
[Q]-How did you come into your own style?
[A]-Still figuring that one out. It is a mishmash of things that I have seen and admired and tried to put my own tastes into it. If it doesn't keep changing and adapting...put a fork in me.
[Q]-Why does your name appear in no capitals on Magic cards?
[A]-I am a big poo and try to make things as difficult as possible.
[Q]-Where do you draw the line when us nerds approach you with
insanely high piles of cards that they wish you to sign? I never
thought to ask for anything more than a favorite card or playset
signed, but then I noticed kids in line (at various signings) with
entire boxes stacked with 15-20 copies of multiple cards, and wondered
how much that annoyed or thrilled you =)
[A]-I like to please. I just ask that if there is a healthy line, break the stack down a little and go through the line again. It keeps things moving. I generally overstay my welcome and sign everything and then some. It doesn't annoy me in the bit.
[Q]-What is your favorite thing to draw/ what do you like to show most
in a card and how do you desplay such energy in a painting? oh... and
how big of canvas -sp?- do you use?
[A]-I like women....sorry if it so obvious. ;P Energy can be puzzler for me....something that I actually have to think about and sketch a few thumbnails before I get something that I am relatively happy with. I use oils on masonate....the average size for original card art is 11x14, but usually go bigger for the nicer ones. The biggest ever was Jeska at 20x24, though she wasn't the biggest painting ever.
[Q]-Do you know your cover artwork for the novel The Brother's War?
Well, I was just wondering, is the woman on the back who's obviously
in dispair suposed to be Tocasia, who's mourning the fact that her two
Students have wrecked the world with what they've done? Or is it
somebody else?
[A]- Don't remember! Sorry about that.....long time ago and never read the book.