Kiego had a long day working with the plants, trying to perfect his latest development. Genetic engineering was nothing new to him, but this strain of plant was very unusual. It was normally effortless for Kiego to understand and warp the plants, but this one offered resistance. It was oddly puzzling as an adept but incredibly fascinating as a botanist. Perhaps the most intriguing thing about this plant is that whenever the young Botanist was near it, Rasaguas was nowhere to be found.
Yay! You really created a fun world here, and I coudln't wait to play it. I hope the quick changes I made to Kiego a few days ago didn't affect too much
"Hmmm..." This species of plant was especially puzzling. The fact that Rasaguas seemed to avoid it just added to it's mystique. Rasaguas had always been a mystery to Kiego, the botanist had only met a few wood adepts who had expierienced simmilar phenomena.
Kiego took his hands away from the plant and started to write notes in on a sheet of paper, marking a diagram with notes, and times. He decided to try to take his energy inward, and focus on one particular part of the plant. Breathing in deep, the wood adept hovered his hands above one particular bud, trying to make the plant bloom.
The plant surged with the energy summoned by the young botanist but resisted changing its natural course. Keigo could nearly hear the plant's protest, dissenting against the outside world. It seemed as though this rare and unique plant was not going to do anything it was told to do unless nature itself was the one giving the instructions.
Kiego sighed as he took some more notes on the diagram. Leaning back in his seat, he looked up to the ceiling pondering his thoughts. Maybe he needed a break, maybe a short walk, or a snack break. He got out of his seat, stretched his arms to the sky, and walked around a bit, trying to energize himself after hours of sitting.
The scent of his sanctuary filled the air. It was humid but relaxing as the smells and senses of all the plants blended together. This, after all, was where he felt most comfortable. In this sanctuary, he could not only work on his profession but also escape the outside world. Every plant emitted life as the accendo in the room flowed through him and invigorated him.
Kiego breathed deeply, letting the aura of the sanctuary envelope him. He had grown up around plants all his life, and although he tried hard to resist, he eventually found himself becoming a Wood adept. Kiego then moved over to the window to get a glimpse of the outside world.
It was unusually busy outside. The speech had made the entire nation abuzz with rumours and activity. It seemed everywhere he looked, people were moving. All walks of life existed but as they walked to and fro, they all seemed to have one thing on their mind: war. With some chagrin, Kiego noticed that none of them seemed to notice his garden (or any other plants for that matter).
Kiego understood the need for war, he just knew that it wasn't for him. So many years of creating life had made him hate taking it away. Kiego wandered what his parents had thought of the speech. Getting his coat, Kiego decided it may be about time to pay them a visit.
Are there phones? If not I'll change it to whatever magical communication device.
OOC: He would be in his own room at the school. It would be the lab that students would come to do projects in but not the one he teaches in.
Everyone was going their own separate ways as he saw students, adults and businesspeople alike swept into the eddy of the foot traffic. It was hard not to notice the variety of people, but Kiego had a predilection for spotting women that he could tell at first glance were 'plant people'.
Kiego considered 'plant people' those individuals that could appreciate beauty in their everyday lives, in other words, they stop every once in a while to smell the roses. Leaving the school behind him, Kiego went out into the street, watching the people whizz by him.
It was the familiar hustle of people on their way to something, all looking as if they had something to do or another place to go. There was the odd person who walked slowly, looking around and watching people, much like Kiego was doing now. Those kinds of people, the ones who slowed down and enjoyed their surroundings, were the ones that Kiego found most interesting.
Kiego smiled a little as these select few passed him. Maybe every once in a while he would nod to them; a small shared moment between observers. As he walked, his thoughts drifted to his parents. Last time he had talked to both of them had been around a month ago, so he was relatively eager to see them again.
The walk was short and pleasant in good conditions for plants. Out of habit, Kiego glanced at his parent's plants as he made his way to their door. Each plant was alive but wilted in a way that they had been tended to out of obligation rather than the passion he gave his plants. It was odd to see them this way, a sure sign that something wasn't right with his parents.
A mixture of curiosity and suspicion welled up inside Kiego as he saw these poor, wilted plants. Even though his parents were busy individuals, and loyal servants of the government, they had both always take out the time to tend to the garden. Hopefully, thought Kiego, all this means is that my parents have been a little more busy as of late, and nothing too serious. As the though graced his mind, Kiego knocked on his parents' door hoping that they would answer.
His mother answered the door and her face lit up in a true matriarchal way, "Kiego! I didn't expect to see you!" She ushered him into the home of his childhood, "come in, baby."
"Hey Mom, it's been a little while," Kiego said as he gave her a greeting hug. Kiego was immediately overcome by the sights and smells of his childhood home. Lilac and ginger permeated throughout the house, and the walls were dark cool colors that had always relaxed Kiego when he was a child.
"Same as usual" she said ambiguously. If Kiego had known anything growing up, there was never a 'usual' in the household. "Dad is out back, I called him but I don't think he heard me. Must have cotton in his ears, I tell you."
"Yeah, that sounds like Dad." Kiego continued to joke. Kiego couldn't help but sense that something was different, but he couldn't put his finger on it. "Mom is your garden know, if it's too much trouble for you guys I can come by after school real quick and do some landscaping."
If something was bothering her, she hid it well, "oh, we've just been busy... it's okay. I'll tell your father to look after those soon enough... don't you worry about us."
"Yeah...Alright, I still think I'm gonna stop by later this week though, the academy received some extra azurri grass seeds, and I think it'll look pretty good outside." Kiego was feeling a little guilty that he had not been visiting more often. "Come on, let's go get Dad."
His mother nodded as they walked out the back door into a yard that Kiego could recall planting seeds of grass and watching them grow instantly with his father's help in. Kiego's dad was on his knees, inspecting a small purple plant as it blew in the wind.
OOC:*slaps forehead* Crud, sorry, Icarus is my Pokemon World character...damn I'm tired.
Seeing his dad working in the backyard reminded him of the days when he was just learning to use Wood Magic, Kiego and his father would spend hours manipulating different kinds of plants.
His father looked up at him. A drop of sweat was rolling down his forehead which looked much more creased than Kiego remembered. Regardless, the old man smiled, "hello, son! I didn't know you were stopping by. How are things at the academy?"
[Left Play Designs][Coffeehouse][DeviantArt]
Winner MTGS Weekly Sig/Banner Contest
Weeks: 37/85/87/94/135/159/160/226
"Hmmm..." This species of plant was especially puzzling. The fact that Rasaguas seemed to avoid it just added to it's mystique. Rasaguas had always been a mystery to Kiego, the botanist had only met a few wood adepts who had expierienced simmilar phenomena.
Kiego took his hands away from the plant and started to write notes in on a sheet of paper, marking a diagram with notes, and times. He decided to try to take his energy inward, and focus on one particular part of the plant. Breathing in deep, the wood adept hovered his hands above one particular bud, trying to make the plant bloom.
[Left Play Designs][Coffeehouse][DeviantArt]
Winner MTGS Weekly Sig/Banner Contest
Weeks: 37/85/87/94/135/159/160/226
[Left Play Designs][Coffeehouse][DeviantArt]
Winner MTGS Weekly Sig/Banner Contest
Weeks: 37/85/87/94/135/159/160/226
[Left Play Designs][Coffeehouse][DeviantArt]
Winner MTGS Weekly Sig/Banner Contest
Weeks: 37/85/87/94/135/159/160/226
[Left Play Designs][Coffeehouse][DeviantArt]
Winner MTGS Weekly Sig/Banner Contest
Weeks: 37/85/87/94/135/159/160/226
Kiego took another quick glance at the window, watching the busy people scurry around.
Everyone was going their own separate ways as he saw students, adults and businesspeople alike swept into the eddy of the foot traffic. It was hard not to notice the variety of people, but Kiego had a predilection for spotting women that he could tell at first glance were 'plant people'.
[Left Play Designs][Coffeehouse][DeviantArt]
Winner MTGS Weekly Sig/Banner Contest
Weeks: 37/85/87/94/135/159/160/226
[Left Play Designs][Coffeehouse][DeviantArt]
Winner MTGS Weekly Sig/Banner Contest
Weeks: 37/85/87/94/135/159/160/226
[Left Play Designs][Coffeehouse][DeviantArt]
Winner MTGS Weekly Sig/Banner Contest
Weeks: 37/85/87/94/135/159/160/226
[Left Play Designs][Coffeehouse][DeviantArt]
Winner MTGS Weekly Sig/Banner Contest
Weeks: 37/85/87/94/135/159/160/226
"How is everything? Is dad around?"
[Left Play Designs][Coffeehouse][DeviantArt]
Winner MTGS Weekly Sig/Banner Contest
Weeks: 37/85/87/94/135/159/160/226
[Left Play Designs][Coffeehouse][DeviantArt]
Winner MTGS Weekly Sig/Banner Contest
Weeks: 37/85/87/94/135/159/160/226
OOC: Icarus?
[Left Play Designs][Coffeehouse][DeviantArt]
Winner MTGS Weekly Sig/Banner Contest
Weeks: 37/85/87/94/135/159/160/226
Seeing his dad working in the backyard reminded him of the days when he was just learning to use Wood Magic, Kiego and his father would spend hours manipulating different kinds of plants.
"Oi, Dad how are you! Hope your not too busy."
[Left Play Designs][Coffeehouse][DeviantArt]
Winner MTGS Weekly Sig/Banner Contest
Weeks: 37/85/87/94/135/159/160/226