I don't think someone should be a real administrator with responsibility in a community if they aren't at least reading most of the posts on the forum. Having a few administrators who are lower-key members of the community are fine if they're for the purpose of protecting against flooding and what-not, but anyone who is in charge of the community and making major decisions should be part of the community. It's obviously not possible to read every post on such a large community, but on the smaller community I admin, I actually read every post, and reply if applicable. On such a large forum, that's obviously not possible, but I don't understand how one can administrate a community that they aren't a part of. How can one possibly understand the opinions behind administrative decisions if you don't go into the community and ask them oneself? How can one possibly make a decision on what is best for the community without at least having the frame of reference of knowing what the community is?
Um, it was a joke. A fairly obvious one.
My feelings are very much the same as yours. To the point where I think that administrators shouldn't be the best posters in the community, but the best versed in the community and the way it operates. A mod should be liked. I mean, honestly, a mod who isn't liked by the community has failed his job. A mod is a tool of the community, and there should be very few, if any, arbitrary guuidelines which they have to follow that make them look less favorable in the eyes of the community. This is why, for example, R_E is a great admin whereas S_S is not. R_E got people to like him by being nice and helpul, as well as providing a valuable service to the community. S_S got people to tolerate him by banning those who didn't. R_E posts and replies, where as S_S commands and argues. There's a distinct difference in philosophy between the two. R_E is a tool of the community, and S_S is a power-hungry tool of his own desires.
Private Mod Note
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I have no extendo-sig. Sorry, I'm just not vain enough to think someone will click on it.
If you want to see blacklisted, I can show you blacklisted. It would not be funny. Just remember this - right now I'm allowed the words "MtG Salvation" and a link in people's sigs. You piss me off one more time, I will throw both of those into total lockdown on the site. You came to my site and started cursing and spamming, I didn't come here and do it.
Remember this: at it's peak time, Salvation doesn't have 25% of the users news has. Salvation NEEDS News. News does NOT need Salvation.
Now, if you're a good, smart admin, you'll leave this one alone. I'm almost calmed down over the situation - don't rile me back up.
Yep. Congratulations. You got your site blacklisted with that one.
The color of the list in your mind that our site is on is of trivial note at best to the community. The efforts being undertaken here are with a single purpose: To remove the disgusting sledge that is you from the well oiled machine that is our community. The fact that such a miserable failure as yourself has come into such power is a fluke at best, and the fact that you abuse it is nigh surprising. You've managed to destroy an entire website with your complacency, and now, upon realizing your error, you have overcorrected, becoming a despot, forcing us to do what you wish. We are not your puppets, we do not carry the burden of your strings. Your drama is not ours to play out. We have our own lives, and if you want to go Napoleon over at MTGNews, have fun. However, if you wish to come here and fight on even ground, please realize that this is a battle of wits and a battle of community strength, and on both fronts you come unarmed. You've failed us all miserably before, why should we not expect to fail your pathetic test of double standards? We are not you and we care not what you think. Feel free to put us on whatever color list you want, we are above the elementray level at which most people care if someone says something nasty, and if you are not, it is not our problem to deal with, nor is this the proper arena in which it should be dealt with in.
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I have no extendo-sig. Sorry, I'm just not vain enough to think someone will click on it.
Kuberr, I just wanted to say that I think you're a great administrator so far. I don't object to you using the word "********" if you think it's necessary, because this is your board. Perhaps it should be a "mature rating" or PG16 type setting, I don't know, but I'm not going to try and berate you for using that word.
Plasik, be careful, or people (carpo? Denver?) will accuse you of calling me "God" and thinking in "black and white" and not being objective enough. Thanks, though. I wasn't a perfect admin. I never asked for the job. I was pushed into rumor mill mod, I was randomly selected by DG (pretty much) to be a global, and by some kind of default I ended up as acting admin in the good old days. I grew into the position. I think most of what you say is true. One thing I did lack was an interest in "forum politics". I rarely followed the "who hates who" and "who's joining who's clan" stuff on News. It just became really unimportant to me. When something would happen, like an incident or big flame war or something, I'd have to ask a moderator who was more "connected" to explain it to me, so I could make a decision about what to do. If I was more involved in the drama in the first place, I wouldn't have had to rely on others to help me. But overall, I was pretty connected and involved in most aspects of forum life, and hope to continue to be.
subs, what do you mean by "blacklisted". Do you mean that MTG Salvation is "an enemy" of MTGnews, or something? I've never seen the term used in this context before.
If you want to see blacklisted, I can show you blacklisted. It would not be funny. Just remember this - right now I'm allowed the words "MtG Salvation" and a link in people's sigs. You piss me off one more time, I will throw both of those into total lockdown on the site. You came to my site and started cursing and spamming, I didn't come here and do it.
Remember this: at it's peak time, Salvation doesn't have 25% of the users news has. Salvation NEEDS News. News does NOT need Salvation.
Now, if you're a good, smart admin, you'll leave this one alone. I'm almost calmed down over the situation - don't rile me back up.
Over half the users here came here when you had links to this site banned. Also I doubt MTGnews had over a thousand users in it's first 4 days. Also, people are coming here because we're giving them things that you said you would but didn't. You've really not got much on me, to be honest. You think you do, but you don't. We don't need links to MTGnews to get users here, that was made blatantly obvious when hundreds of users showed up while you still had a lock down on any links that linked to here. You're really full of it, I hope you realize that.
Of course they did. It's called spam raids. And while I know you are taking a "public" stance against them, I beleive fully in my heart that you, behind the scenes, promoting and helping anyone who wanted to do it.
I'll be honest - from that perspective, you're an incredible businessman. I give you credit. From a personal standpoint, I hate your guts and you should hope to never meet me face-to-face as it would not turn out good for you.
On a professional level, though, you didn't do anything that any other smart businessman wouldn't have done. You found an opening and you capitalized on it. It's was sneakly, low-down, nasty, dirty, and downright vile what you orchestrated. But, frankly, quite effective.
I wouldn't apologize for them if I were you. You did what you needed to do to promote your site. The business world is mean - opportuity doesn't come everyday. Only on the first day of the year, it seems.
If you want to see blacklisted, I can show you blacklisted. It would not be funny. Just remember this - right now I'm allowed the words "MtG Salvation" and a link in people's sigs. You piss me off one more time, I will throw both of those into total lockdown on the site.
Thanks for the explanation.
I welcome you to "black list" this website on MTGnews. If by your definition that means that you won't allow anyone to mention it whatsoever, big deal? We function as a group - a team. Friends, companions... fellow players, collectors, designers, judges, buyers, sellers, and traders. We network on email, message programs, and even by phone and in person. You can block and censor people from saying "the" if you want, and it won't make a difference to us. The community is gone from MTGnews. I'm sorry, but you have lost. We haven't moved to try to destroy you. We moved because you nearly destroyed us.
Quote from SubSpirit »
Remember this: at it's peak time, Salvation doesn't have 25% of the users news has. Salvation NEEDS News. News does NOT need Salvation.
I don't know what you mean by "peak time" but I suspect you're referring to numbers of members currently viewing the forum. Today when I looked, mid afternoon (early evening on the other coast), there were almost 300 people viewing Salvation, and just over 200 viewing News. Salvation doesn't need News, and News doesn't need Salvation. You're thinking about it incorrectly. Salvation is News minus you.
If you want to see blacklisted, I can show you blacklisted. It would not be funny. Just remember this - right now I'm allowed the words "MtG Salvation" and a link in people's sigs. You piss me off one more time, I will throw both of those into total lockdown on the site. You came to my site and started cursing and spamming, I didn't come here and do it.
Remember this: at it's peak time, Salvation doesn't have 25% of the users news has. Salvation NEEDS News. News does NOT need Salvation.
Now, if you're a good, smart admin, you'll leave this one alone. I'm almost calmed down over the situation - don't rile me back up.
We currently have 138 active users logged in. You currently have 181. WHAT YOU SAY? Sure as hell doesn't look like 25%. Check your numbers, scotty boy. You're in a battle you can't win. The best you can hope for is a draw. And yet you stand here and insult us. We are your win condition. If we don't come back to you, you lose. That's it. You should grovel in our presence! You should beg us to come back! You should ive us all $5 store credit! (God knows it would bring your prices to reasonable levels) but no, yo insult us. You sir, have lost, and you know you have. There are barbarians at your gates, sir, and when you allow registering again, you're just gonna let 'em in. I will not engage in such petty discourse, but I assure you that within hours of your registrations coming back online that you will feel the wrath of what you have wrought, and it is NOT pretty. And don't even think you will go down in a hellstorm of glory, because you will be quick to find that not a damned soul on this earth cares for your pathetic plight, and you will not come out of this on top. You ARE the lesser man, and until you realize this, you will always look at live from the perspective of an iguana in front of a speeding truck. It may fail to permeate your head that you have lost, but when your precious money ceases to flow so fast, you'll realize. And allow me to repost what I sent you in a PM. In fact, why not just post the whole damned thing? I FEAR NOT WHAT I SAY, UNLIKE SOME OF US:
Quote from SubSpirit »
Frankly, I don't completely care if I get banned. I don't *have* to be registered to read, which is 99% of what I'm doing here. I have a SN so I can chime in on the rare occasion I feel I should.
Please note: I haven't even TRIED to defend myself here - I'm allowing you guys to freely have a Scott-bashing session - I know you like it.
Originally Posted by Plastik because if you are, why should we give you mercy for banning us?
Nice how you registered to steal from us. Even nicer that you're so dumb you didn't realize you don't have to register to read. And this thread is NOT a rare occasion anymore.
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I have no extendo-sig. Sorry, I'm just not vain enough to think someone will click on it.
The term blacklisted is very simple: If a place grows to such a perspective that it's mere existence is harmful to the community at large, it gains the characteristic of being blacklisted.
That means that it goes into the auto-censors. Anything mentioned about it is censored. Anyone even mentioning it is banned.
MTG Salvation is *NOT* fully blacklisted....yet. Yes, right now you can't post links in messages, but that's theoretically against the rules anyway - we're just enforcing right now.
But, if TNK does not decide to watch his stances, he will push my hand. I can not have a renegade running around that can cause some real rifts and harms within not only the news community, but the mtg community as a whole. My power is limited to only one site, but I will exercise it however needed to insure that there is no further damage done to the community.
Plasik, be careful, or people (carpo? Denver?) will accuse you of calling me "God" and thinking in "black and white" and not being objective enough. Thanks, though. I wasn't a perfect admin. I never asked for the job. I was pushed into rumor mill mod, I was randomly selected by DG (pretty much) to be a global, and by some kind of default I ended up as acting admin in the good old days. I grew into the position. I think most of what you say is true. One thing I did lack was an interest in "forum politics". I rarely followed the "who hates who" and "who's joining who's clan" stuff on News. It just became really unimportant to me. When something would happen, like an incident or big flame war or something, I'd have to ask a moderator who was more "connected" to explain it to me, so I could make a decision about what to do. If I was more involved in the drama in the first place, I wouldn't have had to rely on others to help me. But overall, I was pretty connected and involved in most aspects of forum life, and hope to continue to be.
You were a better mod than he is, and that was the point.
Also, I have stated before and will state again: I did not follow you here. I was actively posting hours before you came and I registered months before.
Also, it has been said before, and I no longer care.
Private Mod Note
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I have no extendo-sig. Sorry, I'm just not vain enough to think someone will click on it.
...spam raids. And while I know you are taking a "public" stance against them, I beleive fully in my heart that you, behind the scenes, promoting and helping anyone who wanted to do it.
I'm not sure who you're talking to, but all I can say is that you're pretty paranoid. There's no hidden group of "Salvation Spamraiders" planning their next attack on News.
Quote from SubSpirit »
I hate your guts and you should hope to never meet me face-to-face as it would not turn out good for you.
Whoever you're talking to, I don't appreciate threats. If you're talking to me, bring it. If you're talking to someone else here, I advise you to retract your threat. I'm somewhat amused that you can't control yourself enough to refrain from threatening the physical safety of someone else on a public forum. You're clearly smart enough to know that this is probably either illegal or treading really thin water.
No, I wasn't threatening you, RE. I'm sure you already know what your fate would be, so I need not even address the matter.
I was talking to TNK.
Quote from rancored_elf »
I'm not sure who you're talking to, but all I can say is that you're pretty paranoid. There's no hidden group of spamraiders planning their next attack on News.
Whoever you're talking to, I don't appreciate threats. If you're talking to me, bring it. If you're talking to someone else here, I advise you to retract your threat. I'm somewhat amused that you can't control yourself enough to refrain from threatening the physical safety of someone else on a public forum. You're clearly smart enough to know that this is probably either illegal or treading really thin water.
No, I wasn't threatening you, RE. I'm sure you already know what your fate would be, so I need not even address the matter.
I was talking to TNK.
dude, if this really is scott, just stop, you aren't helping your position or creditibility any. You probably aren't gonna sway many (if any) of the members here, and especially not if you continue to act like this. Im not saying any of this as an attack or insult, im just trying to do what is best for both communities. If you want to talk to someone speficially from these boards, PM or IM them, it will save everyone the frustrations.
This is starting to get disgusting on both sides. R_E and TNK, you guys are sounding really smug right now, and it isn't becomming. S_S isn't in the right, but he's desperate and at least is open in his offense. You guys are just sitting there making snide remarks, and it's not helping. I realize you are both being publicly dissed, but take it a little more cooly.
S_S, seriously, I just want you to sit back for a second, and tell me truthfully WHY it is WRONG for people to CITE THEIR SOURCES on your board? Whether it is you or your mods I do not know, but SOMEONE is deleting posts/editing posts with any refference to where they got the cards from, EVEN IF THERE IS NO URL OR LINK.
Just so you know, wether this is the internet or not, a threat is a threat, and you can get in deep trouble for threatening someones life. Geeze, and you said I was bad for using the word "********." What a hypocrite.
Just so you know, wether this is the internet or not, a threat is a threat, and you can get in deep trouble for threatening someones life. Geeze, and you said I was bad...
I'm sorry TNK, but grow up, get over it, swallow your pride and be the bigger the man.
This is starting to get disgusting on both sides. R_E and TNK, you guys are sounding really smug right now, and it isn't becomming. S_S isn't in the right, but he's desperate and at least is open in his offense. You guys are just sitting there making snide remarks, and it's not helping. I realize you are both being publicly dissed, but take it a little more cooly.
Alright, thanks for the reality check. I can't see anywhere that I was smug or snide, but if you prefer me to be quiet, I will.
I'm going to get my eBay work done. Anyone can msg me on AIM if they want. Sorry if I came across badly.
i realize i could edit this into my last post, but i hate doing that, especially after someone else has posted after me.
I realize TNK that you are only 18, so a little immaturity slips through, but you are "in charge" of an online community and you need to start acting like you are. No more of this snide, flippant responses to scott, just ignore scott (if it really is him) and forget about it. Let it go. Show everyone you are right about him by letting him act like a complete tool while you act like a responsible, mature adult
Sorry if you find it insulting that someone just a year older than you is giving you this advice.
The term blacklisted is very simple: If a place grows to such a perspective that it's mere existence is harmful to the community at large, it gains the characteristic of being blacklisted.
That means that it goes into the auto-censors. Anything mentioned about it is censored. Anyone even mentioning it is banned.
MTG Salvation is *NOT* fully blacklisted....yet. Yes, right now you can't post links in messages, but that's theoretically against the rules anyway - we're just enforcing right now.
But, if TNK does not decide to watch his stances, he will push my hand. I can not have a renegade running around that can cause some real rifts and harms within not only the news community, but the mtg community as a whole. My power is limited to only one site, but I will exercise it however needed to insure that there is no further damage done to the community.
So you blacklisted yourself, rigt? Because you DO realize that you're a massive throbbing wound in the ass of the community, and we can't heal until you're gone.
And also, the community is here now, sir. Your community, if you can call it that, is all people looking at your stolen rumors or people engaged in activity at both sites, neither of which do you personally warrant or deserve.
Private Mod Note
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I have no extendo-sig. Sorry, I'm just not vain enough to think someone will click on it.
(..talking to TNK...)From a personal standpoint, I hate your guts and you should hope to never meet me face-to-face as it would not turn out good for you.
Wow. I've seen some pretty rough arguments and flamings throughout years on the net, people calling people nazis, whatever, but this is the first actual physical threat I witness, so I'm rather flabbergasted right now.
Don't get me wrong Sub (*if* that's you, obviously), I don't know you (nor R_E, for that matter) personally or online, and while I don't visit 'News anymore, mostly since almost all the posters whose posts I enjoyed reading are now here, and morally I stand more on this side of the story than on yours, I don't wish you any harm or anything...
But, still, I have to say, if it had been me that had been clearly threatened like that (and if you were living in canada like me), I'd be talking to my lawyer right now. You can't just go and tell people to "stay away from you - or else..." That's just bad form, man, and, might I add, ESPECIALLY in a thread where you're trying to appear like less of a bad guy than you're currently percieved to be.
Oh, and going on with another post like that:
No, I wasn't threatening you, RE. (...)I was talking to TNK.
in which you confirm that you were indeed threatening TNK, doesnt strike me as being very wise, either.
You may be a good businessman, but I'm beginning to think you might not be that much of a... people's person, am I right?
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yes, that's a pepsi manipulator - it taps for bubbly caffeinated fun!
How do we even know that SubSpirit on this forum is the same person as Subterranean_Spirit on MTGNews forum?
If it's an imposter, they did their homework. They talk and act (and react) exactly as Scott did since the moment I met him last August. Considering very few people have had more than one or two chances to see him post publicly before now, I'd say only JeffVondruska and myself and a few other select people are qualified to impersonate him this well.
EDIT: That, and the fact that he just "blacklisted" the word SALVATION over at MTGnews, just as he threatened to do in his posts here in this thread.
Um, it was a joke. A fairly obvious one.
My feelings are very much the same as yours. To the point where I think that administrators shouldn't be the best posters in the community, but the best versed in the community and the way it operates. A mod should be liked. I mean, honestly, a mod who isn't liked by the community has failed his job. A mod is a tool of the community, and there should be very few, if any, arbitrary guuidelines which they have to follow that make them look less favorable in the eyes of the community. This is why, for example, R_E is a great admin whereas S_S is not. R_E got people to like him by being nice and helpul, as well as providing a valuable service to the community. S_S got people to tolerate him by banning those who didn't. R_E posts and replies, where as S_S commands and argues. There's a distinct difference in philosophy between the two. R_E is a tool of the community, and S_S is a power-hungry tool of his own desires.
I have no extendo-sig. Sorry, I'm just not vain enough to think someone will click on it.
Remember this: at it's peak time, Salvation doesn't have 25% of the users news has. Salvation NEEDS News. News does NOT need Salvation.
Now, if you're a good, smart admin, you'll leave this one alone. I'm almost calmed down over the situation - don't rile me back up.
Sub_S, all I want is for you to give your Mods, and self, some writen SET (not changing) of rules. For goodness sake.
The color of the list in your mind that our site is on is of trivial note at best to the community. The efforts being undertaken here are with a single purpose: To remove the disgusting sledge that is you from the well oiled machine that is our community. The fact that such a miserable failure as yourself has come into such power is a fluke at best, and the fact that you abuse it is nigh surprising. You've managed to destroy an entire website with your complacency, and now, upon realizing your error, you have overcorrected, becoming a despot, forcing us to do what you wish. We are not your puppets, we do not carry the burden of your strings. Your drama is not ours to play out. We have our own lives, and if you want to go Napoleon over at MTGNews, have fun. However, if you wish to come here and fight on even ground, please realize that this is a battle of wits and a battle of community strength, and on both fronts you come unarmed. You've failed us all miserably before, why should we not expect to fail your pathetic test of double standards? We are not you and we care not what you think. Feel free to put us on whatever color list you want, we are above the elementray level at which most people care if someone says something nasty, and if you are not, it is not our problem to deal with, nor is this the proper arena in which it should be dealt with in.
I have no extendo-sig. Sorry, I'm just not vain enough to think someone will click on it.
Plasik, be careful, or people (carpo? Denver?) will accuse you of calling me "God" and thinking in "black and white" and not being objective enough. Thanks, though. I wasn't a perfect admin. I never asked for the job. I was pushed into rumor mill mod, I was randomly selected by DG (pretty much) to be a global, and by some kind of default I ended up as acting admin in the good old days. I grew into the position. I think most of what you say is true. One thing I did lack was an interest in "forum politics". I rarely followed the "who hates who" and "who's joining who's clan" stuff on News. It just became really unimportant to me. When something would happen, like an incident or big flame war or something, I'd have to ask a moderator who was more "connected" to explain it to me, so I could make a decision about what to do. If I was more involved in the drama in the first place, I wouldn't have had to rely on others to help me. But overall, I was pretty connected and involved in most aspects of forum life, and hope to continue to be.
subs, what do you mean by "blacklisted". Do you mean that MTG Salvation is "an enemy" of MTGnews, or something? I've never seen the term used in this context before.
Over half the users here came here when you had links to this site banned. Also I doubt MTGnews had over a thousand users in it's first 4 days. Also, people are coming here because we're giving them things that you said you would but didn't. You've really not got much on me, to be honest. You think you do, but you don't. We don't need links to MTGnews to get users here, that was made blatantly obvious when hundreds of users showed up while you still had a lock down on any links that linked to here. You're really full of it, I hope you realize that.
(Also known as Xenphire)
I'll be honest - from that perspective, you're an incredible businessman. I give you credit. From a personal standpoint, I hate your guts and you should hope to never meet me face-to-face as it would not turn out good for you.
On a professional level, though, you didn't do anything that any other smart businessman wouldn't have done. You found an opening and you capitalized on it. It's was sneakly, low-down, nasty, dirty, and downright vile what you orchestrated. But, frankly, quite effective.
I wouldn't apologize for them if I were you. You did what you needed to do to promote your site. The business world is mean - opportuity doesn't come everyday. Only on the first day of the year, it seems.
Thanks for the explanation.
I welcome you to "black list" this website on MTGnews. If by your definition that means that you won't allow anyone to mention it whatsoever, big deal? We function as a group - a team. Friends, companions... fellow players, collectors, designers, judges, buyers, sellers, and traders. We network on email, message programs, and even by phone and in person. You can block and censor people from saying "the" if you want, and it won't make a difference to us. The community is gone from MTGnews. I'm sorry, but you have lost. We haven't moved to try to destroy you. We moved because you nearly destroyed us.
I don't know what you mean by "peak time" but I suspect you're referring to numbers of members currently viewing the forum. Today when I looked, mid afternoon (early evening on the other coast), there were almost 300 people viewing Salvation, and just over 200 viewing News. Salvation doesn't need News, and News doesn't need Salvation. You're thinking about it incorrectly. Salvation is News minus you.
We currently have 138 active users logged in. You currently have 181. WHAT YOU SAY? Sure as hell doesn't look like 25%. Check your numbers, scotty boy. You're in a battle you can't win. The best you can hope for is a draw. And yet you stand here and insult us. We are your win condition. If we don't come back to you, you lose. That's it. You should grovel in our presence! You should beg us to come back! You should ive us all $5 store credit! (God knows it would bring your prices to reasonable levels) but no, yo insult us. You sir, have lost, and you know you have. There are barbarians at your gates, sir, and when you allow registering again, you're just gonna let 'em in. I will not engage in such petty discourse, but I assure you that within hours of your registrations coming back online that you will feel the wrath of what you have wrought, and it is NOT pretty. And don't even think you will go down in a hellstorm of glory, because you will be quick to find that not a damned soul on this earth cares for your pathetic plight, and you will not come out of this on top. You ARE the lesser man, and until you realize this, you will always look at live from the perspective of an iguana in front of a speeding truck. It may fail to permeate your head that you have lost, but when your precious money ceases to flow so fast, you'll realize. And allow me to repost what I sent you in a PM. In fact, why not just post the whole damned thing? I FEAR NOT WHAT I SAY, UNLIKE SOME OF US:
Nice how you registered to steal from us. Even nicer that you're so dumb you didn't realize you don't have to register to read. And this thread is NOT a rare occasion anymore.
I have no extendo-sig. Sorry, I'm just not vain enough to think someone will click on it.
We've used 3.7gb of bandwith in 13 hours. I really doubt MTGnews will be doing that anytime soon with the way you run things.
(Also known as Xenphire)
That means that it goes into the auto-censors. Anything mentioned about it is censored. Anyone even mentioning it is banned.
MTG Salvation is *NOT* fully blacklisted....yet. Yes, right now you can't post links in messages, but that's theoretically against the rules anyway - we're just enforcing right now.
But, if TNK does not decide to watch his stances, he will push my hand. I can not have a renegade running around that can cause some real rifts and harms within not only the news community, but the mtg community as a whole. My power is limited to only one site, but I will exercise it however needed to insure that there is no further damage done to the community.
You were a better mod than he is, and that was the point.
Also, I have stated before and will state again: I did not follow you here. I was actively posting hours before you came and I registered months before.
Also, it has been said before, and I no longer care.
I have no extendo-sig. Sorry, I'm just not vain enough to think someone will click on it.
(Also known as Xenphire)
I'm not sure who you're talking to, but all I can say is that you're pretty paranoid. There's no hidden group of "Salvation Spamraiders" planning their next attack on News.
Whoever you're talking to, I don't appreciate threats. If you're talking to me, bring it. If you're talking to someone else here, I advise you to retract your threat. I'm somewhat amused that you can't control yourself enough to refrain from threatening the physical safety of someone else on a public forum. You're clearly smart enough to know that this is probably either illegal or treading really thin water.
EDIT: Plastik, I was making a joke
No, I wasn't threatening you, RE. I'm sure you already know what your fate would be, so I need not even address the matter.
I was talking to TNK.
Warning for threatening people. - TNK
dude, if this really is scott, just stop, you aren't helping your position or creditibility any. You probably aren't gonna sway many (if any) of the members here, and especially not if you continue to act like this. Im not saying any of this as an attack or insult, im just trying to do what is best for both communities. If you want to talk to someone speficially from these boards, PM or IM them, it will save everyone the frustrations.
S_S, seriously, I just want you to sit back for a second, and tell me truthfully WHY it is WRONG for people to CITE THEIR SOURCES on your board? Whether it is you or your mods I do not know, but SOMEONE is deleting posts/editing posts with any refference to where they got the cards from, EVEN IF THERE IS NO URL OR LINK.
Outline what your rules are. For once. Geez.
(Also known as Xenphire)
I'm sorry TNK, but grow up, get over it, swallow your pride and be the bigger the man.
Alright, thanks for the reality check. I can't see anywhere that I was smug or snide, but if you prefer me to be quiet, I will.
I'm going to get my eBay work done. Anyone can msg me on AIM if they want. Sorry if I came across badly.
I realize TNK that you are only 18, so a little immaturity slips through, but you are "in charge" of an online community and you need to start acting like you are. No more of this snide, flippant responses to scott, just ignore scott (if it really is him) and forget about it. Let it go. Show everyone you are right about him by letting him act like a complete tool while you act like a responsible, mature adult
Sorry if you find it insulting that someone just a year older than you is giving you this advice.
So you blacklisted yourself, rigt? Because you DO realize that you're a massive throbbing wound in the ass of the community, and we can't heal until you're gone.
And also, the community is here now, sir. Your community, if you can call it that, is all people looking at your stolen rumors or people engaged in activity at both sites, neither of which do you personally warrant or deserve.
I have no extendo-sig. Sorry, I'm just not vain enough to think someone will click on it.
ive been trying to say that, but no one wants to listen to me cause apparently im a News spy sent to blame everyone here for news' problems.
Don't get me wrong Sub (*if* that's you, obviously), I don't know you (nor R_E, for that matter) personally or online, and while I don't visit 'News anymore, mostly since almost all the posters whose posts I enjoyed reading are now here, and morally I stand more on this side of the story than on yours, I don't wish you any harm or anything...
But, still, I have to say, if it had been me that had been clearly threatened like that (and if you were living in canada like me), I'd be talking to my lawyer right now. You can't just go and tell people to "stay away from you - or else..." That's just bad form, man, and, might I add, ESPECIALLY in a thread where you're trying to appear like less of a bad guy than you're currently percieved to be.
Oh, and going on with another post like that: in which you confirm that you were indeed threatening TNK, doesnt strike me as being very wise, either.
You may be a good businessman, but I'm beginning to think you might not be that much of a... people's person, am I right?
If it's an imposter, they did their homework. They talk and act (and react) exactly as Scott did since the moment I met him last August. Considering very few people have had more than one or two chances to see him post publicly before now, I'd say only JeffVondruska and myself and a few other select people are qualified to impersonate him this well.
EDIT: That, and the fact that he just "blacklisted" the word SALVATION over at MTGnews, just as he threatened to do in his posts here in this thread.
Coincidence, perhaps?