That is absolutely disgusting!!! Stealing a password, hacking in to block you from your account w/out banning you. It's despicable. That is way over the line (not that what he's been up to has been on the right side of the line either). This is like a brand new line he's crossed.
I know most people will hate this thread, but I'm sorry!:p I hear how people want to get away from MTG News, and become their OWN community. This forum isn't getting rid of MTG News, its still there, people are still going, S_S is still getting what he wants.
Like you'd know, you presumptious fool.*
Truth is, no one knows whether MTGNews will be vanquished, or how big it will be, or if S_S will get what he wants. The reason this community was founded is because all of those are reasonably uncertain, and some people wanted to try to alter events more towards their liking. Whether they succeed or not is for time to tell, but I think that fighting for what you believe in, regardless of the outcome, is of significant ethical worth.
*I understand this is, technically, a flame. But I think any mod would agree that the shear raw accuracy of the words justifies their use.
Spock is not portrayed correctly. If Vulcans are above petty emotions, what motivates him to join the most elite starship crew in the galaxy? I, on the other hand, have transcended the weakness of emotion and achieved a blissful lack of caring. Apathy is my strength, our strength, which prevents us from being all-to-human. In this spirit, may Meh be with you, always.
I'm not sure on the exact legality of what S_S did to R_E's account, e-mail, etc. but if it is a topic of worry, I'm pretty sure you can just post a complaint in court, R_E. You can say that this person has your information, and that you would like for him to relinquish access, or at the very least delete all of it. I don't know, but you might be able to make a pretty solid case about it, maybe get a court order so that he doesn't recieve e-mails intended to go to you.
- people don't know what happened... they're showing up and asking why News is dying, and why this place is here... this forum provides information
- people are not "over it" yet, and need somewhere to read and post about it... if this wasn't here, those kind of posts would be all over the forums!
- I get asked about twice a minute on AIM "what happened... I'm so confused, what is Salvation and what happened at News?"..... if I have to refer those people to Misetings to get their info, that'd suck
- News (S_S in particular) is censoring people and not letting them talk about this huge injury in the community. If we do the same, we're just as bad. This needs to be a time of healing.
I say we avoid flaming people, including S_S, and use this forum as a chance to heal, and let people know the truth. When it's not needed anymore, posts will die down, and that'll be the signal to close the forum and put it into the archives.
Efforts are underway to get all the posts from this forum back (they were accidentally deleted during the move).
I think that sums it up perfectly. I know I came back to news towards the tail end of the situation and had to piece my way through info to figure out what to do. Eventually I wound up here and was thinking about IMing Elf myself until I saw him here. I especially agree with the last statement made by R_E. We should avoid being inflamatory and heal while we form our new community. Let our actions show them that we are above the situation raising us above the status of victims, but rather victors.:D This forum subgroup most definitely has a purpose, but hopefully one that won't be necissary forever.
i played in a tournament on fridcay. i played affintiy to a sedond place finish. vial lis broken i wonws many games son th3e poever oif it.
Unless i am mistaken Oxidize, V Shaman and E Witness are showing up in just as many decks and warping the metagame as much as Affinity. They should just ban all of Mirrodin block. Onslaught was always the best block ever. I had a U/W Cleric wizard deck that couldnt be beat.
One of the reasons put forth for the changing of RE's account (and which I think is probably valid considering some of the dumb ideas that have been put forth in re to News) is to prevent anyone else from using it to do something stupid. And seeing how most of those things would be injurious to News, I think it's probably their right to protect it. And I think we'd all go to the cops if it went any further than that. We all have our little pettinesses but I would hope that it would end there -- and that's for anyone involved.
edit: and since it seems like all of the threads I posted in have disappeared, I'm outties -- if anything needs my attention, feel free to send me an email.
One of the reasons put forth for the changing of RE's account (and which I think is probably valid considering some of the dumb ideas that have been put forth in re to News) is to prevent anyone else from using it to do something stupid. And seeing how most of those things would be injurious to News, I think it's probably their right to protect it. And I think we'd all go to the cops if it went any further than that. We all have our little pettinesses but I would hope that it would end there -- and that's for anyone involved.
edit: and since it seems like all of the threads I posted in have disappeared, I'm outties -- if anything needs my attention, feel free to send me an email.
They still exist, they're just at the old site.
And it's just as easy now as it was before for someone to brutefore R_E's password.
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I have no extendo-sig. Sorry, I'm just not vain enough to think someone will click on it.
Not exactly. I think he changed the address to his, then told News to "send this user his password by email", then logged in as me, changed my password, and then changed my email back to mine.
I can't log in - password doesn't work. Apparently I'm not banned, but I can't log in, change my settings, etc.
I've changed all my passwords that were shared with MTGnews, since I think he has that password. ARrrrrrg.
I somewhat doubt he would change it back. Cause you could then log in.
I think it's cool how all the login information is supposed to be a private thing that you're not supposed to be able to just recieve at will and that's it's encoded in the forums so that mods can randomly steal passwords and whatnot... And S_S develops a scheme where he takes R_E's email address off, gets his password, and changes it... all things that are supposed to be strictly confidential.
This whole ordeal is strictly retarded.
Not exactly. I think he changed the address to his, then told News to "send this user his password by email", then logged in as me, changed my password, and then changed my email back to mine.
I can't log in - password doesn't work. Apparently I'm not banned, but I can't log in, change my settings, etc.
I've changed all my passwords that were shared with MTGnews, since I think he has that password. ARrrrrrg.
I don't believe that even the forum administrators can view passwords, as they are typically encrypted upon being saved to the database (in an unecryptable format), so I doubt he has your password.
Like you'd know, you presumptious fool.*
Truth is, no one knows whether MTGNews will be vanquished, or how big it will be, or if S_S will get what he wants. The reason this community was founded is because all of those are reasonably uncertain, and some people wanted to try to alter events more towards their liking. Whether they succeed or not is for time to tell, but I think that fighting for what you believe in, regardless of the outcome, is of significant ethical worth.
*I understand this is, technically, a flame. But I think any mod would agree that the shear raw accuracy of the words justifies their use.
Spock is not portrayed correctly. If Vulcans are above petty emotions, what motivates him to join the most elite starship crew in the galaxy? I, on the other hand, have transcended the weakness of emotion and achieved a blissful lack of caring. Apathy is my strength, our strength, which prevents us from being all-to-human. In this spirit, may Meh be with you, always.
I think that sums it up perfectly. I know I came back to news towards the tail end of the situation and had to piece my way through info to figure out what to do. Eventually I wound up here and was thinking about IMing Elf myself until I saw him here. I especially agree with the last statement made by R_E. We should avoid being inflamatory and heal while we form our new community. Let our actions show them that we are above the situation raising us above the status of victims, but rather victors.:D This forum subgroup most definitely has a purpose, but hopefully one that won't be necissary forever.
behold the wisdom of slidegob
edit: and since it seems like all of the threads I posted in have disappeared, I'm outties -- if anything needs my attention, feel free to send me an email.
They still exist, they're just at the old site.
And it's just as easy now as it was before for someone to brutefore R_E's password.
I have no extendo-sig. Sorry, I'm just not vain enough to think someone will click on it.
I somewhat doubt he would change it back. Cause you could then log in.
This whole ordeal is strictly retarded.
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He was banned earlier. He should have stayed banned, thats all.
The real reason, in my mind, is for S_S to pick up any rumor PMs R_E might be getting.
Thats a good question.