Time to make some wishes and educated guesses here.
Snapcaster Mage
Noose Constrictor
Vexing Devil
Faithless Looting (again, this time with og art)
Emrakul 2.0 (now that we have a colorless retro frame)
These are the first cards that come to my mind. What do you expect?
Also, big question mark: Will they go for double faced cards here?
I think there are some picture of the packaging of the booster out there already. Looks like Griselbrand and Avacyn will be there. I could be wrong because the main colour of the package is red but from the stance it looks like double face card avacyn to me.
BR Rivaz of the Claw (Dragon Reanimator)[Retro Frame] UB Yuriko, The Tiger's Shadow (Ninja Tribal) WUB Urza, Chief Artificer [Retro Frame] U Svyelun of Sea and Sky [Retro Frame] R Krenko, Mob Boss WBGThalia and The Gitrog Monster - work in progress
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Snapcaster Mage
Noose Constrictor
Vexing Devil
Faithless Looting (again, this time with og art)
Emrakul 2.0 (now that we have a colorless retro frame)
These are the first cards that come to my mind. What do you expect?
Also, big question mark: Will they go for double faced cards here?
And meld is in here so it will be interesting to see if those 6 cards (if all here) will have retro frame or not
Balefire Dragon
Tormenting Voice
Reforge The Soul
in the beautiful old frame.
UB Yuriko, The Tiger's Shadow (Ninja Tribal)
WUB Urza, Chief Artificer [Retro Frame]
U Svyelun of Sea and Sky [Retro Frame]
R Krenko, Mob Boss
WBGThalia and The Gitrog Monster - work in progress