Finally, the tokens of the set. The main set includes 12 tokens, 1 emblem and 1 double-sided helper card. Outside of the helper card, these cards can appear in any double-sided configuration in Play and Collector Boosters, with the latter containing them in foil, and mixed in with tokens from the precons. Said precon tokens can be seen in their respective threads,
Well I do like the set, and good cards for commander and some formats as usual.
however I might have some good news for team “I hope Aetherdrift flops” people this set doesn't feel as good compared to the ones in 2022-2024 (previous years)
1. The power level in this feels much lower compared to the sets from before in 2023 to 2024, especially when you compare to Bloomburrow and Duskmourn, (maybe even since kaldheim)
2. They made the classic mistake of Favorism in this set, for art flavor they definitely focused on Amonkhet far more compared to Avishkar (Kaladesh) and Muraganda In my opinion, second for gameplay archtype . amonkhet, the sharks, the goblins, the voyagers, and maybe Duskmourn got more power in their archetypes compared to others (art as well).
3. The Rat Fink showcase is easily their worst showcase style art yet, heck I recall previous arts similar to that done and it’s much better compared to what’s in this set
4. This was not the best idea but they let the secret lair team artist's do the special guest cards and those don't serve too much justice either with the rat fink showcase (some arts are good though)
now with that out of the way let’s get to the highlights of the rest
Guidelight: wow is that usuable in artifact matters decks outside limited? It can get enormous with evasion
Mono white legend (sundial): well sadly it got the short straw of the worse one, but if your a older player vanillia creatures, with this stat line at that mana value was quite common and powerful back in the day, and second the key for this card is team voyagers because it’s a artifact creature so it helps affinity archtype
Memory guardian: aaaand Somber Hoverguard is never gonna be used again, this is two toughness larger than that
Skyray: the sea creature team are really getting spicy cards this gets pretty big know how often discarding is in formats
Skycrash: whoa! That actually a nice budget option for a removal in commander you can cycle it if usueless in the commander game
Quickwelder: man affinity and artifact matters gets a bunch of love in this set
Gearsewrcher Serpent: welcome back and awesome to see be reworded to affinity like the surveil cards did.
Magmakin Artillerist: … Why on earths name did they make a common rarity Glint-Horn Buccaneer, it’s literally another one! but the attack ability is replaced with cycling instead, and the cost is even better it’s 2R instead of 1RR!
Thunderhead gunner: man again the sea creatures really getting spicy stuff, and wow I can tell by the mouth with no teeth I think this is a whale shark.
matrix: ok that gonna be spicy in in vehicle or/and Mount matters commander decks that’s the first card that can get around crew/mount cost's this will make it eons easier to attack with Shorikai, Genesis Engine. (Even though most people don't)
Tortoise: wow! That’s very very tempting for my flicker deck if I’m behind on mana in lands and since when do defenders have bigger power than the butt?
Unmoored Ego by itself was insufficient for being able to derail your opponent's plan in a timely manner. Ancient Vendetta doubles your chances from 4 to 8; throw in some other hand disruption, some countermagic, some removal/sweepers, and a finisher like Silumgar or The Scarab God--there could be something there.
edit/add: oh, and I noticed that Engine Rat is also a zombie--that is relevant, and also has deathtouch for only 1 mana.
Well I do like the set, and good cards for commander and some formats as usual.
however I might have some good news for team “I hope Aetherdrift flops” people this set doesn't feel as good compared to the ones in 2022-2024 (previous years)
1. The power level in this feels much lower compared to the sets from before in 2023 to 2024, especially when you compare to Bloomburrow and Duskmourn, (maybe even since kaldheim)
2. They made the classic mistake of Favorism in this set, for art flavor they definitely focused on Amonkhet far more compared to Avishkar (Kaladesh) and Muraganda In my opinion, second for gameplay archtype . amonkhet, the sharks, the goblins, the voyagers, and maybe Duskmourn got more power in their archetypes compared to others (art as well).
3. The Rat Fink showcase is easily their worst showcase style art yet, heck I recall previous arts similar to that done and it’s much better compared to what’s in this set
4. This was not the best idea but they let the secret lair team artist's do the special guest cards and those don't serve too much justice either with the rat fink showcase (some arts are good though)
now with that out of the way let’s get to the highlights of the rest
Guidelight: wow is that usuable in artifact matters decks outside limited? It can get enormous with evasion
Mono white legend (sundial): well sadly it got the short straw of the worse one, but if your a older player vanillia creatures, with this stat line at that mana value was quite common and powerful back in the day, and second the key for this card is team voyagers because it’s a artifact creature so it helps affinity archtype
Memory guardian: aaaand Somber Hoverguard is never gonna be used again, this is two toughness larger than that
Skyray: the sea creature team are really getting spicy cards this gets pretty big know how often discarding is in formats
Skycrash: whoa! That actually a nice budget option for a removal in commander you can cycle it if usueless in the commander game
Quickwelder: man affinity and artifact matters gets a bunch of love in this set
Gearsewrcher Serpent: welcome back and awesome to see be reworded to affinity like the surveil cards did.
Risky shortcut: haha that’s incredible Night's Whisper effect
spin out: welp…goodbye murder you were fun
Magmakin Artillerist:
Thunderhead gunner: man again the sea creatures really getting spicy stuff, and wow I can tell by the mouth with no teeth I think this is a whale shark.
matrix: ok that gonna be spicy in in vehicle or/and Mount matters commander decks that’s the first card that can get around crew/mount cost's this will make it eons easier to attack with Shorikai, Genesis Engine. (Even though most people don't)
Tortoise: wow! That’s very very tempting for my flicker deck if I’m behind on mana in lands and since when do defenders have bigger power than the butt?
edit/add: oh, and I noticed that Engine Rat is also a zombie--that is relevant, and also has deathtouch for only 1 mana.
lotusguard disciple will do a lot of work in limited, in Wx aggro decks. Keep on attacking into blockers and gain life is hard to race.