Well, it's 4 mana (and tapping a creature) to get your first 1/1 fish. The suggestion this could be modern playable is hilarious. Yeah, this is on-par with ragavan, bowmaster and company. You pay 4 for a fish, they pay 4 for a ring.
Well, it's 4 mana (and tapping a creature) to get your first 1/1 fish. The suggestion this could be modern playable is hilarious. Yeah, this is on-par with ragavan, bowmaster and company. You pay 4 for a fish, they pay 4 for a ring.
Urza's Saga tutors for all kinds of 0-1-mana questionables in the maindeck such as Shadowspear (equip cost is nearly prohibitive), Spellbombs (they admittedly do hose when they're good), Pithing Needle (I commonly kick it out of the maindeck, it's that narrow), and Springleaf Drum (OK early-game, bad late-game). This Fishing Pole's equip use case is likely like Springleaf Drum, but it's much better late-game.
Springleaf drum does not need to be equipped. Comparing to shadowspear... are you serious? That's the Swiss army knife of equipments, being played not only in modern but a staple of Canadian highlander. But hey, there might be a weird combo with stuff that makes equipping cost zero and/or intruder alarm-like cards, but that's not a deck that exists. Hammer will not trade its hammer for a fish.
I guess 3 mana elf + this + intruder alarm gives you infinite fishes. Too bad they all die to orcish bowmasters, isn't it?
Week combo: Plaguemaw Beast or Xavier Sal, Infested Captain Intruder Alarm
- Get 2 bait counters onto the rod and equip rod to one of the creatures above
- When euipped untaps, you'll remove 1 bait counter and get the fish
- intruder alarm triggers
- activate the tap/sac/proliferate in response (sac the fish); stack the triggers to get infinite tap/sac/proliferate
Not sure if the OOO is quite right for that to work
Well, it's 4 mana (and tapping a creature) to get your first 1/1 fish. The suggestion this could be modern playable is hilarious. Yeah, this is on-par with ragavan, bowmaster and company. You pay 4 for a fish, they pay 4 for a ring.
Urza's Saga tutors for all kinds of 0-1-mana questionables in the maindeck such as Shadowspear (equip cost is nearly prohibitive), Spellbombs (they admittedly do hose when they're good), Pithing Needle (I commonly kick it out of the maindeck, it's that narrow), and Springleaf Drum (OK early-game, bad late-game). This Fishing Pole's equip use case is likely like Springleaf Drum, but it's much better late-game.
You say that Shadowspear's equip cost is "nearly prohibitive," even though Fishing Pole's equip cost is literally the same? If you have 2 mana to make a Construct with your Saga, then you have 2 mana to equip a Shadowspear to it on the following turn. Furthermore, you think giving +1/+1, lifelink, and trample to your ever-growing Construct token is worse than... *checks notes* tapping it to create a 1/1 Fish?
Running Saga allows you to run a decent suite of silver-bullet 1-ofs without overly sacrificing your draw quality. Yes, Needle is narrow enough that you commonly board it out, but how many game 1s have you won because you had a Needle in the deck to find with Saga? Saying you commonly board it (or any other Saga target) out because it's not universally applicable is a non-argument. Using your own logic, you shouldn't even run Fishing Pole either, since paying 3 mana and tapping a creature every turn to make a 1/1 on the following turn is going to be relevant in fewer situations than shutting off a key activated ability, turning a creature into a Birds of Paradise, or finding an Unsummon that can also be a cantrip.
The only place I see this card is in the sideboard of a Limited pool.
The problem with defining this format by what is "fun" is that everyone seems to define fun as what they don't lose to. If you keep losing to easily answered cards, that means you should improve your deck. If you don't want to improve your deck, then you should come to peace with the idea that you are going to lose because you chose to not interact with better strategies.
Huh, it taps the creature AND itself. Good teaching point there about Equipment not tapping. Nice to see Magic has its fishing minigame now.
Magic already has a fishing minigame. It's called Dandân:
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Jesus Christ, Who Is God Revealed In The Flesh, Bless America.
"Restriction breeds creativity." - Sheldon Menery on EDH / Commander in Magic: The Gathering
"I'd much rather prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." - Anonymous
"Most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution." - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
"Every life decision is always a risk / reward proposition." - Sanjay Gupta
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Urza's Saga tutors for this, so this just might be Modern-playable with enough creatures that don't want to attack.
Like Survivors?
Urza's Saga tutors for all kinds of 0-1-mana questionables in the maindeck such as Shadowspear (equip cost is nearly prohibitive), Spellbombs (they admittedly do hose when they're good), Pithing Needle (I commonly kick it out of the maindeck, it's that narrow), and Springleaf Drum (OK early-game, bad late-game). This Fishing Pole's equip use case is likely like Springleaf Drum, but it's much better late-game.
I guess 3 mana elf + this + intruder alarm gives you infinite fishes. Too bad they all die to orcish bowmasters, isn't it?
Plaguemaw Beast or Xavier Sal, Infested Captain
Intruder Alarm
- Get 2 bait counters onto the rod and equip rod to one of the creatures above
- When euipped untaps, you'll remove 1 bait counter and get the fish
- intruder alarm triggers
- activate the tap/sac/proliferate in response (sac the fish); stack the triggers to get infinite tap/sac/proliferate
Not sure if the OOO is quite right for that to work
You say that Shadowspear's equip cost is "nearly prohibitive," even though Fishing Pole's equip cost is literally the same? If you have 2 mana to make a Construct with your Saga, then you have 2 mana to equip a Shadowspear to it on the following turn. Furthermore, you think giving +1/+1, lifelink, and trample to your ever-growing Construct token is worse than... *checks notes* tapping it to create a 1/1 Fish?
Running Saga allows you to run a decent suite of silver-bullet 1-ofs without overly sacrificing your draw quality. Yes, Needle is narrow enough that you commonly board it out, but how many game 1s have you won because you had a Needle in the deck to find with Saga? Saying you commonly board it (or any other Saga target) out because it's not universally applicable is a non-argument. Using your own logic, you shouldn't even run Fishing Pole either, since paying 3 mana and tapping a creature every turn to make a 1/1 on the following turn is going to be relevant in fewer situations than shutting off a key activated ability, turning a creature into a Birds of Paradise, or finding an Unsummon that can also be a cantrip.
The only place I see this card is in the sideboard of a Limited pool.
"Restriction breeds creativity." - Sheldon Menery on EDH / Commander in Magic: The Gathering
"I'd much rather prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." - Anonymous
"Most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution." - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
"Every life decision is always a risk / reward proposition." - Sanjay Gupta