Our second deck is the Family Matters precon. It's an URW offpsring deck with a base power 1 subtheme. Leading the brood with Zinnia, Valley's Voice is a dashing marigold knight, alongside his new mousy friend Elspeth, Sun's Champion. Decklist is here, and more details on the precon is here.
Arthur: oh my gosh! This is just a straight up worse version of Winota, Joiner of Forces and that’s a Cedh/kill on sight leveled commander the difference is regardless of creatures you do the dig and you bounce the chosen one (and can be outside human)
Jacked rabbit: ok hat right there gets my vote of the greatest pun name ever! And on card play note…we have are first ever Universe beyond mechanic that’s now canon in the magic universe. The ravenous mechanic came from the tyranids in the warhammer 40k precons
Murmuration: ok the storm bird teaser and this is beautiful for my Garth one-eye deck you get a crow for storm count (I wonder if the token will have the mana value or not. 1U for reference.)
Talent of the deck: ok this is a really cool future sight effect level 2 turns on the casting one spell, and as for level 3… oh ho ho Gonti, Canny Acquisitor players are gonna be very happy to use this for level 3
Polly***: ah contestant number three for the dockside extortionist/teferi's protection card of the decks. This just straight up draws you cards if they cast lower value spells thr key here is it has evolve so this will inflate like a balloon in commander. (Even faster with proliferate, and counter doublers/adders)
Instigator: ok that’s the offspring creature that's a red noncreature common it’s just nothing more than impact tremors on a creature. Gavin this doesn't count as a teaser we have 5 other creatures that do the same thing
the polly*** is pretty much the new esper sentinel 2.0 in EDH
EDIT: I am really censored just for spelling the card name? really? who's the idiot that made the censorship system?
Change your settings if it disturbs you so much idiot.
Now explain to me why I am an idiot, since I didn't obviously made this fallacious censorship, so can't be my fault lol. Perhaps you feel so butthurt because you're the genius that made it?
the polly*** is pretty much the new esper sentinel 2.0 in EDH
EDIT: I am really censored just for spelling the card name? really? who's the idiot that made the censorship system?
Change your settings if it disturbs you so much idiot.
Now explain to me why I am an idiot, since I didn't obviously made this fallacious censorship, so can't be my fault lol. Perhaps you feel so butthurt because you're the genius that made it?
How is complaining about something entirely within your power to change not idiotic?
How is complaining about something entirely within your power to change not idiotic?
Because nobody told me that before and 99,99% of all forums in existence usually doesnt have any way to remove the censorship by yourself (or at least I never saw one before) so I taken for granted that wasnt possible, so good to know this site makes an exception and I will never complain again don't worry.
Am I the only one finding amusing that polly*** gets censored but not butthurt?
Also, given that spells CMC have to be less than polly*** default 1 power, not quite esper sentinel level of annoyance. If you can grow the frog quickly, that is another matter, but sentinel ca start to tax cards on turn 1.
EDIT: I am really censored just for spelling the card name? really? who's the idiot that made the censorship system?
Change your settings if it disturbs you so much idiot.
Jacked rabbit:
Murmuration: ok the storm bird teaser and this is beautiful for my Garth one-eye deck you get a crow for storm count (I wonder if the token will have the mana value or not. 1U for reference.)
Talent of the deck: ok this is a really cool future sight effect level 2 turns on the casting one spell, and as for level 3… oh ho ho Gonti, Canny Acquisitor players are gonna be very happy to use this for level 3
Polly***: ah contestant number three for the dockside extortionist/teferi's protection card of the decks. This just straight up draws you cards if they cast lower value spells thr key here is it has evolve so this will inflate like a balloon in commander. (Even faster with proliferate, and counter doublers/adders)
Instigator: ok that’s the offspring creature that's a red noncreature common it’s just nothing more than impact tremors on a creature. Gavin this doesn't count as a teaser we have 5 other creatures that do the same thing
and the most known one Purphoros, God of the Forge
calamity of cinders: oh wow that’s a really powerful boardwipe your definitely only using your creatures to cast this one so it’s one sided
and for a reprint highlight: holy cow! The precon has luminous broodmoth as a reprint! Will it be the imagen critters art or Ikoria art?
Now explain to me why I am an idiot, since I didn't obviously made this fallacious censorship, so can't be my fault lol. Perhaps you feel so butthurt because you're the genius that made it?
Emille, Seven-Sting Dancer Shalin Nariya
How is complaining about something entirely within your power to change not idiotic?
Because nobody told me that before and 99,99% of all forums in existence usually doesnt have any way to remove the censorship by yourself (or at least I never saw one before) so I taken for granted that wasnt possible, so good to know this site makes an exception and I will never complain again don't worry.
Also, given that spells CMC have to be less than polly*** default 1 power, not quite esper sentinel level of annoyance. If you can grow the frog quickly, that is another matter, but sentinel ca start to tax cards on turn 1.
If you're just using it as a board clear, Temporal Firestorm is not rotating.