Kaust: are you.... are you serious?! a 2 cmc commander that can cheat a morph cost?! Krosan Cloudscraper is gonna spike mega hard if that's not a reprint.
Mirko: thats a nice surveil matters commandre also.... i knew it i knew it the new "finality" countrs thing allows more broken reanimate mechanics.
Morska: Woooow thast commander number 7 that has the "infinite hand size" word (incase people missed it especially the professor, Gavin explains why its a fish and not a merfolk)
Nelly broc...:WAIT WAIT WAIT! wizards failed to mention or I missed that Bell Borca, Spectral Sergeant had a daughter.. and for abilties Uuuuugh im gonna to groan when i see this commander (but truthfully your better off using Marisi, Breaker of the Coil as the commander you will add G) to the deck.)
Damn, Vedalken Fish... i can't believe wizard trolled us so hard
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How i feel about competitive players and casual players in EDH: The competitive are german tourists, the casual are italian tourists, both in a italian beach. The italians asking themselves "why are the germans here?" make a legitimate question, the answer is because the beach is beautiful, no matter the country you came from. The italians wanting to ban the germans are dumb, because if the germans pay for their stay and follow the rules like everyone else, they have the right to be in the beach. Hovewer, if the germans started to ask themselves "why are the italians here?"... they would be dumb as hell.
Kaust: are you.... are you serious?! a 2 cmc commander that can cheat a morph cost?! Krosan Cloudscraper is gonna spike mega hard if that's not a reprint.
Oh wow, a vanilla 13/13 in a multiplayer 40 life format that can be blocked even against a 0/1 token, that die to Terror and has even a downside upkeep ability...if this is scary in your meta, you better not see my decks, you would literally sh*t yourself for what I blink with Aminatou.
I mean Kaust can be super-scary with the right cards (especially with Manifested cards), but yours is not an impressive example with nowadays standards. the Krosan thing gonna stay at 0.30 cents as usual, don't worry.
Kaust: are you.... are you serious?! a 2 cmc commander that can cheat a morph cost?! Krosan Cloudscraper is gonna spike mega hard if that's not a reprint.
Nelly Borca is awesome. First of all, the name. Second of all, I love the flavor - she's just running around screaming "YOU DID IT!!" at confused people. Like she's actually a really bad detective but I love her for it!
As for the card itself? I like. Goad tribal can be fun, and she'd be a good role player in my Queen Marchesa politics/goad/monarch deck too.
Nelly broc...:WAIT WAIT WAIT! wizards failed to mention or I missed that Bell Borca, Spectral Sergeant had a daughter.. and for abilties Uuuuugh im gonna to groan when i see this commander (but truthfully your better off using Marisi, Breaker of the Coil as the commander you will add G) to the deck.)
Given what we know, he most probably did NOT have any progeny Can be a relative, though, a grand-grand-grand....grand-niece or something.
Fun fact: In the vein of Slavic inspired names, Morska means literally "marine", or "sea"(adjective)in Czech (mořská) and Polish.
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100% Vorthos Spike and Storyline Expert
Former Fact Prospector of the Greek Alliance.
Let this great clan rest in peace (2001-2011)
Kaust: are you.... are you serious?! a 2 cmc commander that can cheat a morph cost?! Krosan Cloudscraper is gonna spike mega hard if that's not a reprint.
Oh wow, a vanilla 13/13 in a multiplayer 40 life format that can be blocked even against a 0/1 token, that die to Terror and has even a downside upkeep ability...if this is scary in your meta, you better not see my decks, you would literally sh*t yourself for what I blink with Aminatou.
I mean Kaust can be super-scary with the right cards (especially with Manifested cards), but yours is not an impressive example with nowadays standards. the Krosan thing gonna stay at 0.30 cents as usual, don't worry.
Yes. it's a 3 card "combo" and still, the only thing it does IF resolves is just to burn a bit the players. Totally unimpressive. Your standards of what is "powerful" in this format are very, very low, let me tell you. Seems you have no idea people usually go infinite in some way or another in EDH.
Given what we know, he most probably did NOT have any progeny Can be a relative, though, a grand-grand-grand....grand-niece or something.
Eh not even that many greats as Ravnica humans are naturally longer living and its been maybe less then a 100 or so years since the first Ravnica block story.
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“There are no weak Jews. I am descended from those who wrestle angels and kill giants. We were chosen by God. You were chosen by a pathetic little man who can't seem to grow a full mustache"
"You can tell how dumb someone is by how they use Mary Sue"
Anyway the Kaust deck easy guess's on reprints (besides in general stuff like sol ring, cultivate, beast within, also excluding cards from the MKM set that will appear in this)
Nelly broc...:WAIT WAIT WAIT! wizards failed to mention or I missed that Bell Borca, Spectral Sergeant had a daughter.. and for abilties Uuuuugh im gonna to groan when i see this commander (but truthfully your better off using Marisi, Breaker of the Coil as the commander you will add G) to the deck.)
Given what we know, he most probably did NOT have any progeny Can be a relative, though, a grand-grand-grand....grand-niece or something.
Fun fact: In the vein of Slavic inspired names, Morska means literally "marine", or "sea"(adjective)in Czech (mořská) and Polish.
Heh, so she is not a grandsomething niece, but..just a niece
Quote from = Legends of MKM article »
Nelly is also the niece of Bell Borca, a Boros sergeant best known for having solved his own murder after he died. She grew up listening to tales of his death and subsequent investigations, which inspired her to join the Boros Legion as well
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100% Vorthos Spike and Storyline Expert
Former Fact Prospector of the Greek Alliance.
Let this great clan rest in peace (2001-2011)
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Source: Weekly MTG
Mirko: thats a nice surveil matters commandre also.... i knew it i knew it the new "finality" countrs thing allows more broken reanimate mechanics.
Morska: Woooow thast commander number 7 that has the "infinite hand size" word (incase people missed it especially the professor, Gavin explains why its a fish and not a merfolk)
Nelly broc...:WAIT WAIT WAIT! wizards failed to mention or I missed that Bell Borca, Spectral Sergeant had a daughter.. and for abilties Uuuuugh im gonna to groan when i see this commander (but truthfully your better off using Marisi, Breaker of the Coil as the commander you will add G) to the deck.)
Oh wow, a vanilla 13/13 in a multiplayer 40 life format that can be blocked even against a 0/1 token, that die to Terror and has even a downside upkeep ability...if this is scary in your meta, you better not see my decks, you would literally sh*t yourself for what I blink with Aminatou.
I mean Kaust can be super-scary with the right cards (especially with Manifested cards), but yours is not an impressive example with nowadays standards. the Krosan thing gonna stay at 0.30 cents as usual, don't worry.
Cheating manifested cards is a thing too.
As for the card itself? I like. Goad tribal can be fun, and she'd be a good role player in my Queen Marchesa politics/goad/monarch deck too.
Given what we know, he most probably did NOT have any progeny
Fun fact: In the vein of Slavic inspired names, Morska means literally "marine", or "sea"(adjective)in Czech (mořská) and Polish.
Let this great clan rest in peace (2001-2011)
still sure on the claim?
Yes. it's a 3 card "combo" and still, the only thing it does IF resolves is just to burn a bit the players. Totally unimpressive. Your standards of what is "powerful" in this format are very, very low, let me tell you. Seems you have no idea people usually go infinite in some way or another in EDH.
Eh not even that many greats as Ravnica humans are naturally longer living and its been maybe less then a 100 or so years since the first Ravnica block story.
"You can tell how dumb someone is by how they use Mary Sue"
Zoetic Cavern
Scroll of Fate
Dream Chisel
Heh, so she is not a grandsomething niece, but..just a niece
Let this great clan rest in peace (2001-2011)