Combat trick with counter for a negative effect, combat trick with counter for a positive effect, creature with mana discount, creature with mana sink. Yeah, these are the commons.
How i feel about competitive players and casual players in EDH: The competitive are german tourists, the casual are italian tourists, both in a italian beach. The italians asking themselves "why are the germans here?" make a legitimate question, the answer is because the beach is beautiful, no matter the country you came from. The italians wanting to ban the germans are dumb, because if the germans pay for their stay and follow the rules like everyone else, they have the right to be in the beach. Hovewer, if the germans started to ask themselves "why are the italians here?"... they would be dumb as hell.
I assume that story moment is before the reveal of him being a sleeper agent. But I suppose "and the best way to protect you, I think, is to make certain that ALL BECOME ONE" is a legit extension of Ajani's philosophy. All become part of the one pride.
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Planar Chaos was not a mistake neither was it random. You might want to look at it again.
[thread=239793][Game] Level Up - Creature[/thread]
I assume that story moment is before the reveal of him being a sleeper agent. But I suppose "and the best way to protect you, I think, is to make certain that ALL BECOME ONE" is a legit extension of Ajani's philosophy. All become part of the one pride.
Yeah, this is definitely pre-sleeper reveal and we know that not all (maybe none) of the sleepers actually know they are sleepers until they are activated now. (We saw in the story his moment of denial/trying to stop the transformation as it was happening :()
You're right though that his natural philosophy can definitely be manipulated into fitting into Phyrexia's goals. Something similar occurred with Tamiyo.
Combat trick with counter for a negative effect, combat trick with counter for a positive effect, creature with mana discount, creature with mana sink. Yeah, these are the commons.
Source: Adam the Gathering
I assume that story moment is before the reveal of him being a sleeper agent. But I suppose "and the best way to protect you, I think, is to make certain that ALL BECOME ONE" is a legit extension of Ajani's philosophy. All become part of the one pride.
Finally a good white villain quote: "So, do I ever re-evaluate my life choices? Never, because I know what I'm doing is a righteous cause."
Factions: Sleeping
Remnants: Valheim
Legendary Journey: Heroes & Planeswalkers
Saga: Shards of Rabiah
Legends: The Elder Dragons
Read up on Red Flags & NWO
Yeah, this is definitely pre-sleeper reveal and we know that not all (maybe none) of the sleepers actually know they are sleepers until they are activated now. (We saw in the story his moment of denial/trying to stop the transformation as it was happening :()
You're right though that his natural philosophy can definitely be manipulated into fitting into Phyrexia's goals. Something similar occurred with Tamiyo.
Stun counters could be good but annoying with proliferate
I used to be a demigod, but now I'm an omnimage