I'm starting to see the limitations of the old frame, but that doesn't mean they can work with it. I'd love to have seen the land creature (creature land?) in an interpretation of the old frame.
That said, I need more DAs so this will help make it more affordable.
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HR Analyst. Gamer. Activist | Fearless, and forthright | Aggro-control is a mindset. Elspeth and Jhoira rock my world.
What is the limitation you're referring to? I assume you mean the hypothetical of printing Dryad Arbor in old border? It would probably have a line of text that says "Dryad Arbor counts as a green creature" much like Mirri, cat warrior reminding us that she counts as a cat warrior.
What is the limitation you're referring to? I assume you people the hypothetical of printing Dryad Arbor in old border? It would probably have a line of text that says "Dryad Arbor counts as a green creature" much like Mirri, cat warrior reminding us that she counts as a cat warrior.
I imagine its the space for remainder/rules text in the box. After a certain amount you have to shrink the font compared to the modern card which has a bit more space overall so the text stays the same size over the entire card. Its why more verbose cards in magics past have smaller text which can be hard for some players to read but are much more easier to read if they get redone in modern card stock/frame.
What is the limitation you're referring to? I assume you people the hypothetical of printing Dryad Arbor in old border? It would probably have a line of text that says "Dryad Arbor counts as a green creature" much like Mirri, cat warrior reminding us that she counts as a cat warrior.
Not restricted to this card in particular but rather the frames for "specialty" card types like enchantment creatures (Courser of Kruphix). That hasn't been designed in the older frame and it would've been an interesting test to see how versatile and flexible that old frame is.
But for the DA, yeah it could've worked fine in the old frame.
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HR Analyst. Gamer. Activist | Fearless, and forthright | Aggro-control is a mindset. Elspeth and Jhoira rock my world.
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The undisputed monarch of rules issues shows up today with the card you play to make it and its rules complexities go away.
Source: Simone Trimarchi
also i just don't like field of ruin
Draft my Ravnica Remastered Cube!
(W/U)(B/R)GForm of Progenitus, Shape of a Scrubland
BRGJund Tokens with Prossh, the Magic Dragon Foil
URGAnimar, the RUG CleanerFoil
RRRFeldon of the Third Path 2.0 Foil
BG(B/G)Not Another Meren DeckFoil
UR(U/R)Mizzix, Y Control and X Burn Spells
(W/U)(B/R)GHarold Ramos - The 35 Foot Long Twinkie (In +1/+1 counters)
UB(U/B)Dragonlord Silumgar
That said, I need more DAs so this will help make it more affordable.
HR Analyst. Gamer. Activist | Fearless, and forthright | Aggro-control is a mindset.
Elspeth and Jhoira rock my world.
GWUBRDraft my Old Border Nostalgia Cube! and/or The Little Pauper Cube That Could!RBUWG
Modern:WDeath & TaxesW | RUGRUG DelverRUG
I imagine its the space for remainder/rules text in the box. After a certain amount you have to shrink the font compared to the modern card which has a bit more space overall so the text stays the same size over the entire card. Its why more verbose cards in magics past have smaller text which can be hard for some players to read but are much more easier to read if they get redone in modern card stock/frame.
Not restricted to this card in particular but rather the frames for "specialty" card types like enchantment creatures (Courser of Kruphix). That hasn't been designed in the older frame and it would've been an interesting test to see how versatile and flexible that old frame is.
But for the DA, yeah it could've worked fine in the old frame.
HR Analyst. Gamer. Activist | Fearless, and forthright | Aggro-control is a mindset.
Elspeth and Jhoira rock my world.