Interestingly - I think this will actually cause the legends Sylvan Library to increase in value - as people discover how amazing the card is, and how AWFUL the art is on this new one, and how amazing the old one is - I think we can expect sylvan library(LGN) to be actually profiting from this.
Is the art on Sylvan Library depicting Reki, from Kamigawa? I doubt it. Good selection though.
Although I am pleased with the Worldly Tutor reprint finally, I am not here for that art. Don't like Yisan, and pretty bored with the whole Garuuk, Vivan, Yisan, every Green mage ever, obsession with the same typical land creatures. Would have been amazing to get a Kiora themed Worldly Tutor. She literally travels worlds tutoring for sea creatures.
If we ever get a Commander Collection Blue, I hope it has an oceanic themed Sol Ring like the forest Sol Ring here. Could even be a Sol Ring lost as treasure on a shipwreck!
Honestly not feeling this due to the art. Seedborn Muse being Azusa themed was cool. Otherwise, ehh. I had high hopes for a Worldly Tutor reprint but that art is so ugly.
Ugh I wish Azusa, Reki, Dosan, Nylea, or so many other Legends could have been on Worldly Tutor instead. But mostly I wanted Kiora. Ah well. Can't win 'em all.
My disappointment is immeasurable. Sol Ring and Command Tower being in this feels like theft. It’s not 8 green cards, it’s 6. Don’t care that their art is ever so slightly “green themed”.
Command Tower just has a green light emanating from the same spot in the typical art. Neat? You’re not playing command tower in your mono-green deck typical anyway and if the deck isn’t monogreen then why do you need a green themed command tower?
IMO, a card that taps for two colorless is only ever so slightly less out of place in this kind of collection because at least you’ll play it in your green deck...
Of the remaining 6 actually green cards, Worldly Tutor, Seedborn Muse, and Sylvan Library are actually interesting but I’m not a fan of the art on any of them so they feel disappointing as well. Wizards has just been missing the damn point lately or I’m no longer the target audience. Or both.
I'm alarmed to feel so uninterested as well. It's strange how most of this year has been a major miss for me. Theros so far has literally been the only set of interest for me.
My disappointment is immeasurable. Sol Ring and Command Tower being in this feels like theft. It’s not 8 green cards, it’s 6. Don’t care that their art is ever so slightly “green themed”.
Command Tower just has a green light emanating from the same spot in the typical art. Neat? You’re not playing command tower in your mono-green deck typical anyway and if the deck isn’t monogreen then why do you need a green themed command tower?
IMO, a card that taps for two colorless is only ever so slightly less out of place in this kind of collection because at least you’ll play it in your green deck...
Of the remaining 6 actually green cards, Worldly Tutor, Seedborn Muse, and Sylvan Library are actually interesting but I’m not a fan of the art on any of them so they feel disappointing as well. Wizards has just been missing the damn point lately or I’m no longer the target audience. Or both.
It’s not really altogether different from the recent spate of SL drops, for whatever that’s worth; apart from the art, the cards in Every Dog Has Its Day have nothing to do with dogs. This will actually be the first premium product since Terese Nielsen’s SDCC alternate art ‘walkers to garner my interest (and earn my money), even though I’m only interested in half the cards - including the ones you take issue with.
Now seeing those pictures blown up, I reaaaaally hate the art. Freyalise looks like Nick Fury crossdressing in green - all the rugged femininity of the original is gone. Bane of Progress is so cluttered, and the artifact critter looks like it was an afterthought. Sylvan library is a complete disconnect (why isn't that chord of calling or even shamanic revelation?). The art is fine - it just doesn't say library - Reki, is some sort of Homer-esque storyteller if I understand correctly. It would be like having a picture of a Ral Zarek on Fiery Confluence. The command tower is alright, considering the competition is mediocre - but a terrible missed opportunity to actually embrace the forest theme - it literally is a tower with green lights in a wooded region. If I were designing it, I would have done some Avatar movie style tree-tower. Worldly tutor is a very difficult concept to transform into art - so that and the sol ring are the two actual hits of the bunch to me, with seedborn muse getting an honorable mention for being a completely acceptable art that equally and differently depicts a seedborn muse.
Now seeing those pictures blown up, I reaaaaally hate the art. Freyalise looks like Nick Fury crossdressing in green - all the rugged femininity of the original is gone. Bane of Progress is so cluttered, and the artifact critter looks like it was an afterthought. Sylvan library is a complete disconnect (why isn't that chord of calling or even shamanic revelation?). The art is fine - it just doesn't say library - Reki, is some sort of Homer-esque storyteller if I understand correctly. It would be like having a picture of a Ral Zarek on Fiery Confluence. The command tower is alright, considering the competition is mediocre - but a terrible missed opportunity to actually embrace the forest theme - it literally is a tower with green lights in a wooded region. If I were designing it, I would have done some Avatar movie style tree-tower. Worldly tutor is a very difficult concept to transform into art - so that and the sol ring are the two actual hits of the bunch to me, with seedborn muse getting an honorable mention for being a completely acceptable art that equally and differently depicts a seedborn muse.
I’ll bite: what is ‘rugged femininity’ supposed to look like, in objective terms?
Its as if we're being punished because they waited too long to reprint sylvan library and worldly tutor.
To make up for their high value they included not just two lower value cards, but two cards that arent even green.
Sol ring couldve easily been any mana dork. Bop, fyndhorn elves, priest of titania, theyd all have fit here. Fyndhorn elves with new art wouldve been absolutely fantastic here honestly since the only nonfoil printing is from ice age and looks awful. Instead we get sol ring, a card some green decks dont even run. An artifact, where green hates on artifacts.
Command tower has also been printed into the ground. I dont think it was appropriate to put a land in here at all given that all the highly playable greencentric ones are on the reserved list, plus - lands arent green cards. This spot wouldve been better suited to a ramp spell, natures lore being prime here given its dramatic rise in popularity. If a land was absolutely necessary... ******* dryad arbor, which wouldve been absolutely perfect
The rest of the selections are pretty good, though personally im getting really tired of seeing seedborn muse when they dont know what else to print and i find most of the art here to be cast off trash.
Damn... I wonder if I can get opponents to agree to Garruk being the “commander” of my casual Garruk Tribal deck,
because I *want* that Command Tower in the deck!
The other cards are good choices too, aside from Omnath.
Now seeing those pictures blown up, I reaaaaally hate the art. Freyalise looks like Nick Fury crossdressing in green - all the rugged femininity of the original is gone. Bane of Progress is so cluttered, and the artifact critter looks like it was an afterthought. Sylvan library is a complete disconnect (why isn't that chord of calling or even shamanic revelation?). The art is fine - it just doesn't say library - Reki, is some sort of Homer-esque storyteller if I understand correctly. It would be like having a picture of a Ral Zarek on Fiery Confluence. The command tower is alright, considering the competition is mediocre - but a terrible missed opportunity to actually embrace the forest theme - it literally is a tower with green lights in a wooded region. If I were designing it, I would have done some Avatar movie style tree-tower. Worldly tutor is a very difficult concept to transform into art - so that and the sol ring are the two actual hits of the bunch to me, with seedborn muse getting an honorable mention for being a completely acceptable art that equally and differently depicts a seedborn muse.
I’ll bite: what is ‘rugged femininity’ supposed to look like, in objective terms?
Perhaps I should have said rugged but still feminine - something on the order of GI Jane Demi Moore, Black widow from marvel movies or Eowyn from lord of the rings - an attractive woman who you would not want to get on her bad side. For them to take a female elf, a race that is already portrayed as having softer (more feminine) features and make her look androgynous- with the most defining feature of her femininity being a dress just doesn't do it for me. I am not saying she needs to be some oversexualized Elektra, or some over-endowed Akroma but this revision loses a lot of the charm that I felt was potrayed in other renditions of Freyalise (besides the planeswalker, Pernicious Deed, Planeswalker's Favor)
(This better not mean both versions are WPN exclusive)
The Spellbooks have always been WPN exclusives, and this one's been announced as WPN exclusive since we first heard of them. Of all the possible distributors of this thing, they really needed the extra revenue. Important note that the all-foil version is only available for WPN Premium stores (no idea what that means).
Perhaps I should have said rugged but still feminine - something on the order of GI Jane Demi Moore, Black widow from marvel movies or Eowyn from lord of the rings - an attractive woman who you would not want to get on her bad side. For them to take a female elf, a race that is already portrayed as having softer (more feminine) features and make her look androgynous- with the most defining feature of her femininity being a dress just doesn't do it for me. I am not saying she needs to be some oversexualized Elektra, or some over-endowed Akroma but this revision loses a lot of the charm that I felt was potrayed in other renditions of Freyalise (besides the planeswalker, Pernicious Deed, Planeswalker's Favor)
I think it's safe, as a general principle, for us to admit that there's no inherent link between the actual definition of 'feminine' and the subjective nature of attractiveness. I also think it's safe, as a matter of precedence, to admit that elves as a race frequently straddle the line between masculine and feminine - to borrow from your examples, Freyalise more distinctly (and, perhaps, appropriately) resembles Captain Marvel than any other super hero I can conceive of off the top of my head, and Legolas doesn't exactly resonate with any modern conception of masculinity, at least not aesthetically. You'll notice that attractiveness, by any metric, does not enter into either comparison. I'd also like to point out the broader spectrum of relative androgyny across popular elven figures, from Peter Pan to Puck (and by extension, Oko), who are often portrayed by members of the opposite sex. We can disagree about whether the term elven implies either femininity or androgyny, I suppose, but ultimately I think it's most important that we stop assigning value to human and human-like beings (real or imagined) based on their perceived attractiveness alone.
Meet the eight cards from Commander Collection: Green. We have Worldly Tutor, Sylvan Library, Omnath, Locus of Mana. Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury, Seedborn Muse, Bane of Progress, and Commander Collection perennials Sol Ring and Command Tower. Price tag TBA.
EDIT: There will be an all-foil and a no-foil version of this product. Relase will be on December 4Full announcement article now up on the mothership.
Even though worldly tutor is a much more valuable card to reprint than chord of calling, I'm still shocked that art isn't cord. He's playing chords!
Also: we now know what 2 cards out of each of these future commander collections will be: a sol ring and command tower each themed to that color.
and reminder every commander collection it’s speculating the 6 cards
because sol ring And command tower Are by default all collections
Although I am pleased with the Worldly Tutor reprint finally, I am not here for that art. Don't like Yisan, and pretty bored with the whole Garuuk, Vivan, Yisan, every Green mage ever, obsession with the same typical land creatures. Would have been amazing to get a Kiora themed Worldly Tutor. She literally travels worlds tutoring for sea creatures.
If we ever get a Commander Collection Blue, I hope it has an oceanic themed Sol Ring like the forest Sol Ring here. Could even be a Sol Ring lost as treasure on a shipwreck!
Honestly not feeling this due to the art. Seedborn Muse being Azusa themed was cool. Otherwise, ehh. I had high hopes for a Worldly Tutor reprint but that art is so ugly.
|| UW Jace, Vyn's Prodigy UW || UG Kenessos, Priest of Thassa (feat. Arixmethes) UG ||
Cards I still want to see created:
|| Olantin, Lost City || Pavios and Thanasis || Choryu ||
Alright, so I want one
Ugh I wish Azusa, Reki, Dosan, Nylea, or so many other Legends could have been on Worldly Tutor instead. But mostly I wanted Kiora. Ah well. Can't win 'em all.
|| UW Jace, Vyn's Prodigy UW || UG Kenessos, Priest of Thassa (feat. Arixmethes) UG ||
Cards I still want to see created:
|| Olantin, Lost City || Pavios and Thanasis || Choryu ||
Command Tower just has a green light emanating from the same spot in the typical art. Neat? You’re not playing command tower in your mono-green deck typical anyway and if the deck isn’t monogreen then why do you need a green themed command tower?
IMO, a card that taps for two colorless is only ever so slightly less out of place in this kind of collection because at least you’ll play it in your green deck...
Of the remaining 6 actually green cards, Worldly Tutor, Seedborn Muse, and Sylvan Library are actually interesting but I’m not a fan of the art on any of them so they feel disappointing as well. Wizards has just been missing the damn point lately or I’m no longer the target audience. Or both.
I'm alarmed to feel so uninterested as well. It's strange how most of this year has been a major miss for me. Theros so far has literally been the only set of interest for me.
|| UW Jace, Vyn's Prodigy UW || UG Kenessos, Priest of Thassa (feat. Arixmethes) UG ||
Cards I still want to see created:
|| Olantin, Lost City || Pavios and Thanasis || Choryu ||
It’s not really altogether different from the recent spate of SL drops, for whatever that’s worth; apart from the art, the cards in Every Dog Has Its Day have nothing to do with dogs. This will actually be the first premium product since Terese Nielsen’s SDCC alternate art ‘walkers to garner my interest (and earn my money), even though I’m only interested in half the cards - including the ones you take issue with.
I’ll bite: what is ‘rugged femininity’ supposed to look like, in objective terms?
To make up for their high value they included not just two lower value cards, but two cards that arent even green.
Sol ring couldve easily been any mana dork. Bop, fyndhorn elves, priest of titania, theyd all have fit here. Fyndhorn elves with new art wouldve been absolutely fantastic here honestly since the only nonfoil printing is from ice age and looks awful. Instead we get sol ring, a card some green decks dont even run. An artifact, where green hates on artifacts.
Command tower has also been printed into the ground. I dont think it was appropriate to put a land in here at all given that all the highly playable greencentric ones are on the reserved list, plus - lands arent green cards. This spot wouldve been better suited to a ramp spell, natures lore being prime here given its dramatic rise in popularity. If a land was absolutely necessary... ******* dryad arbor, which wouldve been absolutely perfect
The rest of the selections are pretty good, though personally im getting really tired of seeing seedborn muse when they dont know what else to print and i find most of the art here to be cast off trash.
because I *want* that Command Tower in the deck!
The other cards are good choices too, aside from Omnath.
Instead of going back to Kamigawa, they just keep hinting it. >_>
The green/forest themed Commander Tower and Sol Ring are nice, they even quoted Garruk.
Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest WUR Voltron Control
Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun WU Unblockable Mirror Trickery
Ra's al Ghul (Sidar Kondo) and Face-Down Ninjas
Brudiclad, Token Engineer
Vaevictis (VV2) the Dire Lantern
Rona, Disciple of Gix
Tiana the Auror
Ulrich the Politician
Zur the Rebel
Scorpion, Locust, Scarab, Egyptian Gods
O-Kagachi, Mathas, Mairsil
"Non-Tribal" Tribal Generals, Eggs
Perhaps I should have said rugged but still feminine - something on the order of GI Jane Demi Moore, Black widow from marvel movies or Eowyn from lord of the rings - an attractive woman who you would not want to get on her bad side. For them to take a female elf, a race that is already portrayed as having softer (more feminine) features and make her look androgynous- with the most defining feature of her femininity being a dress just doesn't do it for me. I am not saying she needs to be some oversexualized Elektra, or some over-endowed Akroma but this revision loses a lot of the charm that I felt was potrayed in other renditions of Freyalise (besides the planeswalker, Pernicious Deed, Planeswalker's Favor)
(This better not mean both versions are WPN exclusive)
I think it's safe, as a general principle, for us to admit that there's no inherent link between the actual definition of 'feminine' and the subjective nature of attractiveness. I also think it's safe, as a matter of precedence, to admit that elves as a race frequently straddle the line between masculine and feminine - to borrow from your examples, Freyalise more distinctly (and, perhaps, appropriately) resembles Captain Marvel than any other super hero I can conceive of off the top of my head, and Legolas doesn't exactly resonate with any modern conception of masculinity, at least not aesthetically. You'll notice that attractiveness, by any metric, does not enter into either comparison. I'd also like to point out the broader spectrum of relative androgyny across popular elven figures, from Peter Pan to Puck (and by extension, Oko), who are often portrayed by members of the opposite sex. We can disagree about whether the term elven implies either femininity or androgyny, I suppose, but ultimately I think it's most important that we stop assigning value to human and human-like beings (real or imagined) based on their perceived attractiveness alone.