They really like making me feel like a heel for not selling my promo Land Taxes a couple of years ago
A couple of years ago, wouldn't their value have been weakened by the battlebond reprint? I think the price went up a fair bit after its post-battlebond floor. And being a mythic in a set with $15 packs won't shatter its price that much - and your promo should be safe.
Finally, a white mythic, and expensive too. Does anyone still play Ethersworn Canonist outside of Commander decks in artifact-light metas?
(Fun fact: while the standard English Land Tax is $38, the Japanese one is $24. Make of that what you will.)
Source: clotaka1
A couple of years ago, wouldn't their value have been weakened by the battlebond reprint? I think the price went up a fair bit after its post-battlebond floor. And being a mythic in a set with $15 packs won't shatter its price that much - and your promo should be safe.
the Judge Promo used to be just over $100
I guess the value hasn’t *plummeted*, but this card more than any other gives me “keeper’s remorse”.