With so many sets releasing these days, it's difficult to keep track of everything. Here is a schedule for when the upcoming sets are releasing, pre-releasing, and running spoiler articles in the coming months. Note that some of these dates are projected and subject to change if Wizards changes their release schedule:
Guilds of Ravnica
Previews Start: September 10, 2018
Prerelease: September 29-30, 2018
Release Date: October 5, 2018
Spellslinger Starter Kit
Release Date: October 5, 2018
Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kits
Release Date: November 2, 2018
Magic Game Night
Release Date: November 16, 2018
Magic Gift Pack 2018
Release Date: November 16, 2018
Ravnica Allegiance
Release Date: January ?, 2019
Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kits
Release Date: February ?, 2019
It looks as though SOI spoilers are starting this week?
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EDH GWSelvala and the Return to HumanityGW UWDragonlord Ojutai, Control's Elder DragonUW UBGTasigur, the God-Pharaoh's Gift to EDHUBG UBRNicol Bolas and his SuperfriendsPawnsUBR
Modern UWUW Control/Midrange/Bad JundUW WUBRGHumansWUBRG BGMidrangeBG
It looks as though SOI spoilers are starting this week?
Negative. MaRo has confirmed that the "regular" Mothership spoilers start next week. Yesterday's Mechanics article is likely the only Mothership spoilers we'll get this week, though we may see some more third party spoils in the next few days.
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Currently Playing:
Legacy: Something U/W Controlish EDH Cube
Hypercube! A New EDH Deck Every Week(ish)!
Didn't they do this with BFZ do the mechanics article before official spoiler season? It makes sense, the mechanics article always has the largest number of cards spoiled give us a week to really dig into them and what they might mean and it gives the Monday spoilers a little of the spotlight.
Guilds of Ravnica
Previews Start: September 10, 2018
Prerelease: September 29-30, 2018
Release Date: October 5, 2018
Spellslinger Starter Kit
Release Date: October 5, 2018
Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kits
Release Date: November 2, 2018
Magic Game Night
Release Date: November 16, 2018
Magic Gift Pack 2018
Release Date: November 16, 2018
Ravnica Allegiance
Release Date: January ?, 2019
Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kits
Release Date: February ?, 2019
Currently Playing:
Legacy: Something U/W Controlish
EDH Cube
Hypercube! A New EDH Deck Every Week(ish)!
GWSelvala and the Return to HumanityGW
UWDragonlord Ojutai, Control's Elder DragonUW
UBGTasigur, the God-Pharaoh's Gift to EDHUBG
UBRNicol Bolas and his Super
UWUW Control/Midrange/Bad JundUW
Negative. MaRo has confirmed that the "regular" Mothership spoilers start next week. Yesterday's Mechanics article is likely the only Mothership spoilers we'll get this week, though we may see some more third party spoils in the next few days.
Currently Playing:
Legacy: Something U/W Controlish
EDH Cube
Hypercube! A New EDH Deck Every Week(ish)!
Dunes of Zairo
Innistrad - The Darkest Night
A Community Set
Commander: Allies & Adversaries
|| UW Jace, Vyn's Prodigy UW || UG Kenessos, Priest of Thassa (feat. Arixmethes) UG ||
Cards I still want to see created:
|| Olantin, Lost City || Pavios and Thanasis || Choryu ||
I am not sure if the Rules post went up early or if they used it as part of their rollout.
Yes,the normal spoiler season starts next Monday.
We were lucky to get the mechanics article a week in advance.
Let this great clan rest in peace (2001-2011)
Before the glory of Yawgmoth, yes, even this makes sense.
I expect we will have more before spoiler week, maybe not before the weekend though.
RUNIN: Norse mythology set (awaiting further playtesting)
FATE of ALARA: Multicolour factions (currently on hiatus)
Contibutor to the Pyrulea community set
I'm here to tell you that all your set mechanics are bad
Added. I'll figure out the preview schedule and add that as well.
Currently Playing:
Legacy: Something U/W Controlish
EDH Cube
Hypercube! A New EDH Deck Every Week(ish)!
BChainer, Dementia Master(Big Mana/Reanimator)
BRRakdos, The Showstopper (Mass Life Loss/Ramp)
BUThe Scarab God (Zombie Tribal/Control)
BWKarlov of the Ghost Council (Life Gain)
BGJarad, Golgari Lich Lord (Stompy/Dredge)
BRGProssh, Skyraider of Kher (Tokens/Non-infinite Combo)
BChainer, Dementia Master(Big Mana/Reanimator)
BRRakdos, The Showstopper (Mass Life Loss/Ramp)
BUThe Scarab God (Zombie Tribal/Control)
BWKarlov of the Ghost Council (Life Gain)
BGJarad, Golgari Lich Lord (Stompy/Dredge)
BRGProssh, Skyraider of Kher (Tokens/Non-infinite Combo)
Thanks, the schedule has been updated to reflect this.
Currently Playing:
Legacy: Something U/W Controlish
EDH Cube
Hypercube! A New EDH Deck Every Week(ish)!
DracoBall: http://www.mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/casual-related-formats/homebrew-variant-formats/598529-dracoball-updated-3-24-15
Fantastic Fours: http://www.mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/casual-related-formats/homebrew-variant-formats/603605-fantastic-fours
I so hope it will be a multicolored based one.