keep in mind it is a shot that bypass protection, IMO i prefer it to 2/2 body and mostly important thing it kick away snapcaster mage AND the spell he flashback.
Of course, You can't Karakas Brutal Expulsion back to your hand either.
I think it's clearly worse than Cryptic, Electrolyze, and Venser. It still might be OK since devoid does make it pretty sweet tech against Etched Champion. I'm not sure it actually does enough for four mana in modern. Cryptic can feel clunky at times, and the power level of that card is off the charts in comparison.
These all seem absurd, especially Brutal Explosion. Explosion is probably Modern-playable.
Idk about that. It's got to fight for slots with Cryptic in most decks it would be useful for at 4cmc, and very few things ever win that fight. It's an amazing tempo play if they have something you can kill, but not being able to burn the other player means there will be times where the second mode is irrelevant, a problem cryptic never really has.
That said it's possible this could be cryptic #5 and 6 in a deck that wants it, but I'm not sure there are any right now. Maybe Blue Moon if that's still a thing? I'm not sure twin can handle more 4cmc and I don't think delver needs it. It is a lot easier on the mana base than cryptic, though, which is maybe enough to give it a shot since grixis builds have been more popular than straight up UR lately.
Does anyone with a preview card NOT hype the hell out of their card?
There's hype and then there's overhype. Just look at what he did with Jace, the Living Guildpact to name one recent example. He knowingly, blatantly artifically inflated the price by overhyping the card, and now in 2015 I still haven't seen the monster he promised us he was going to be.
I wonder if Brutal Expulsion can be bounce itself back to hand, in which case you have an buyback per se, I lke from beyond, but I hope theres a card that helps support the processors, they still need stronger support.
I wonder if Brutal Expulsion can be bounce itself back to hand, in which case you have an buyback per se, I lke from beyond, but I hope theres a card that helps support the processors, they still need stronger support.
Momir Vig, Simic Visionary
Melek, Izzet Paragon
Oona, Queen of the Fae
Bruna, Light of Alabaster
Gisela, Blade of Goldnight
Rhys the Redeemed
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
Sen Triplets
The Mimeoplasm WUBRGSliver OverlordGRBUW WUBRGSliver Hivelord(Superfriends)GRBUW
Brutal Expulsion is like the new modern staple in UR control kkk
From Beyond will be an EDH favorite : Tutor for the Titans
Firebird is just ok , probably will se play in mono red standard
keep in mind it is a shot that bypass protection, IMO i prefer it to 2/2 body and mostly important thing it kick away snapcaster mage AND the spell he flashback.
Of course, You can't Karakas Brutal Expulsion back to your hand either.
I think it's clearly worse than Cryptic, Electrolyze, and Venser. It still might be OK since devoid does make it pretty sweet tech against Etched Champion. I'm not sure it actually does enough for four mana in modern. Cryptic can feel clunky at times, and the power level of that card is off the charts in comparison.
Karakas might make Venser better in Legacy, but it doesn't matter in Modern. I'd say that Expulsion is better than Venser in Modern, and depending on the meta, it could be better than Electrolyze.
I think Brutal Expulsion is a great tempo card rather than a control card. It has decent versatility, although it is slightly expensive. I don't expect to see it more than a 1-of in mainboards unless being colorless becomes relevant, or countering uncounterable spells also becomes relevant.
Considering I play UWr Geist, a tempo deck that often gets to 4 mana I think this is a great tempo play on turn 4. Bounce a blocker (Tasigur/Gurmag/goyf) and destroy a smaller critter (mana dorks, kitchen finks, snapcasters, delvers) and swing with your threat. Cryptic Command is great but it doesn't deal with 2 permanents although tap all, draw a card could sometimes be better depending on the situation. I think it might just depend on where the meta is headed in terms of Modern. I would have played it in so many decks if it was 3cmc but at 4cmc it might see some amount of play. I'll still snap up a playset early in case this card ever spikes.
For standard, it seems like a high power level card but the question is will it slot into a viable deck? I don't see it making any decks viable by itself.
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Check out some Magic Gameplay and Commentary videos here, including Modern Grixis, Jeskai, and Esper videos as well as some Standard and Drafts too: My YouTube Channel!
I can't see why people dislike Brutal Expulsion. Venser, Shaper Savant is an excellent card. This is like a Venser that kills a creature instead of producing a 2/2 and it gets around protection from colors and can get flashed back with Jace or Snapcaster Mage.
I don't dislike it personally, I think its very cool and quite good, just disagree with it being put on a level with Cryptic Command that's all.
This same thing happened with the comparison between tarmogoyf and tasigur during spoiler season. You have to put yourself in someone's 'card evaluation shoes' and see what specifically they mean--in that example, and in this one (explusion=command), its only a partial comparison used for frame of reference. Tasigur is a great comparison to goyf--it serves the same role and does it arguably better in non-BGx decks that want the effect and can support it.
This card is *like* cryptic and venser. Its not better, but the comparison is relevant and this card does do some select important things that cryptic cant.
I can't see why people dislike Brutal Expulsion. Venser, Shaper Savant is an excellent card. This is like a Venser that kills a creature instead of producing a 2/2 and it gets around protection from colors and can get flashed back with Jace or Snapcaster Mage.
Because there are people who like to act like big shots and compare new cards to old ones and act like wise men in doing so. That or they desperately attempt to look cool by complaining about the ratein terms of mana "bounce a spell and deal 2 for four just isn't good enough". History and the game's evolution has consistently proven those posters as complete posers however, they just never bring up how awful they are at everything except netdecking.
"Pshh, this isn't as good as card X from 8 years ago, it is for the plebe and I laugh at them"
People saying it's on the level of Cryptic Command are going overboard though.
All three of these cards look playable. Brutal Expulsion is all kinds of value, Akoum Phoenix is a decent midgame beater that can help get through late game damage if you start flooding out, and From Beyond is a solid Eldrazi ramp card that also has one of the best names in the set (and let's be honest, lots of the Eldrazi card names so far are pretty freaking rad). Nice way to end week one.
Brutal is going to see play in Standard, but will find itself quickly weeded out of Modern. I suspect it'll be tested and found lacking.
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These days, some wizards are finding they have a little too much deck left at the end of their $$$.
MTG finance guy- follow me on Twitter@RichArschmann or RichardArschmann on Reddit
from beyond is kinda nice. i think 4 mana is ok to make it balanced and not to strong.
the phoenix... yea its just another phoenix. not sure if its worth mythic level. doesnt really feel like it.
the izzet spell is ok, but not so good as some think. yes it has nice effects but for 4 mana i dont really wanna just bounce the spell back on some1's hand, i wanna counter it for good. ok you can bounce a creature, but unless its a token, it will come back and when it has ETB effects its a bad bounce.
2 damage is ok, but again, not for 4 mana. it should at least be able to hit a player too. and 2 dmg to a planeswalker aint that great also.
in my eyes, combining 2 1 and 2 mana spells to a 4 mana spell, doesnt make it a good 4 mana spell. if it were 3, yes! playable! but 4 mana makes this card to bad.
it will just to rarely kill a planeswalker or relevant creature, and the first effect just buys you a little time for to much mana. so not worth it.
Fun fact: 2 damage is enough to kill 9 of the 13 'walkers in Standard if they minus when they ETB (10 if Ugin wants to exile a dragonor two).
I think Brutal Expulsion is a great tempo card rather than a control card. It has decent versatility, although it is slightly expensive. I don't expect to see it more than a 1-of in mainboards unless being colorless becomes relevant, or countering uncounterable spells also becomes relevant.
Considering I play UWr Geist, a tempo deck that often gets to 4 mana I think this is a great tempo play on turn 4. Bounce a blocker (Tasigur/Gurmag/goyf) and destroy a smaller critter (mana dorks, kitchen finks, snapcasters, delvers) and swing with your threat. Cryptic Command is great but it doesn't deal with 2 permanents although tap all, draw a card could sometimes be better depending on the situation. I think it might just depend on where the meta is headed in terms of Modern. I would have played it in so many decks if it was 3cmc but at 4cmc it might see some amount of play. I'll still snap up a playset early in case this card ever spikes.
For standard, it seems like a high power level card but the question is will it slot into a viable deck? I don't see it making any decks viable by itself.
well wizards sell it as tempo card in article that spoiler it.
IMO vs rock it's a goldmine that bounce decay and simultaneously kill bob
VS living end could be autowin (i'm not sure but i think living end go in the stack with cascade effect and then in response you can bounce it)
VS ZOO you have multiple targets for both spell
VS affinity you can bounce in response to equip a creature and kill an other
VS Twin could be an answer when he go comboing
VS snapcastermage could be really strong tempo effect
AND i'm sure i miss something...this card it's just STRONG.
The problem with most of those is that Venser, Shaper Savant does it with guaranteed extra value. This does do exceptional things that Venser doesn't, like against Abzan value decks running Voice of Resurgence/Kitchen Finks/Murderous Redcap or Affinty's near unbeatable Etched Champion with metalcraft active. Its biggest problem is its cost, which puts it in direct conflict with Cryptic Command and Venser, which it falls short of.
Brutal Expulsion is like the new modern staple in UR control kkk
From Beyond will be an EDH favorite : Tutor for the Titans
Firebird is just ok , probably will se play in mono red standard
The fire bird won't see play in RDW. It sucks. The reanimation cost is way too high and at 4 mana it has to do a hell of a lot. Currently Thunderbreak Regent is just better especially now that Draconic Roar is the only efficient 2 drop burn left after rotation. And after thunderbreak rotates if rdw has to resort to this nonsense it just won't be a deck. How many *****ty phoenixes have we had in the past few years? At least Flamewake Phoenix synergieses with other cards well and has a reasonable casting and reanimation cost.
Small rules question, is a spell defined as a card on the stack or could it be a card in th graveyard?
I am looking at explosion as a twin player and it feels like an easier to cast cryptic that might help deal with some problematic creatures and planes walkers. The biggest thing is easier to cast than cryptic for me, especially in grixis and rug twin.
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Current Decks
No idea because my favorite decks keep getting banned or having the rules changed against them
GBDark DepthsBG
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I know right? They're not going to spoil a card and say "meh it's alright". I can't believe people are surprised that they're hyping their cards lol
Dunes of Zairo
Innistrad - The Darkest Night
A Community Set
Commander: Allies & Adversaries
Of course, You can't Karakas Brutal Expulsion back to your hand either.
I think it's clearly worse than Cryptic, Electrolyze, and Venser. It still might be OK since devoid does make it pretty sweet tech against Etched Champion. I'm not sure it actually does enough for four mana in modern. Cryptic can feel clunky at times, and the power level of that card is off the charts in comparison.
UR Blue-Red Control
UBR Grixis Control
UWR Jeskai Control
Chandra's Phoenix saw plenty of play.
Cōnservātum album delenda est.
That said it's possible this could be cryptic #5 and 6 in a deck that wants it, but I'm not sure there are any right now. Maybe Blue Moon if that's still a thing? I'm not sure twin can handle more 4cmc and I don't think delver needs it. It is a lot easier on the mana base than cryptic, though, which is maybe enough to give it a shot since grixis builds have been more popular than straight up UR lately.
There's hype and then there's overhype. Just look at what he did with Jace, the Living Guildpact to name one recent example. He knowingly, blatantly artifically inflated the price by overhyping the card, and now in 2015 I still haven't seen the monster he promised us he was going to be.
Thanks to DNC from Heroes of the Plane Studios for the sig
Check my Pauper Cube!
Those UR cards are looking great! If expulsion was 3 mana it would have been busted but at 4 seems decent since u can choose both.
Many thanks to DNC at Heroes of the Plane Studios
Spells can't target themselves.
Reprint Stasis!
Control needs more love.
Momir Vig, Simic Visionary
Melek, Izzet Paragon
Oona, Queen of the Fae
Bruna, Light of Alabaster
Gisela, Blade of Goldnight
Rhys the Redeemed
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
Sen Triplets
The Mimeoplasm
WUBRGSliver OverlordGRBUW
WUBRGSliver Hivelord(Superfriends)GRBUW
From Beyond will be an EDH favorite : Tutor for the Titans
Firebird is just ok , probably will se play in mono red standard
Karakas might make Venser better in Legacy, but it doesn't matter in Modern. I'd say that Expulsion is better than Venser in Modern, and depending on the meta, it could be better than Electrolyze.
Storm Crow is strictly worse than Seacoast Drake.
Considering I play UWr Geist, a tempo deck that often gets to 4 mana I think this is a great tempo play on turn 4. Bounce a blocker (Tasigur/Gurmag/goyf) and destroy a smaller critter (mana dorks, kitchen finks, snapcasters, delvers) and swing with your threat. Cryptic Command is great but it doesn't deal with 2 permanents although tap all, draw a card could sometimes be better depending on the situation. I think it might just depend on where the meta is headed in terms of Modern. I would have played it in so many decks if it was 3cmc but at 4cmc it might see some amount of play. I'll still snap up a playset early in case this card ever spikes.
For standard, it seems like a high power level card but the question is will it slot into a viable deck? I don't see it making any decks viable by itself.
Not more than once.
This same thing happened with the comparison between tarmogoyf and tasigur during spoiler season. You have to put yourself in someone's 'card evaluation shoes' and see what specifically they mean--in that example, and in this one (explusion=command), its only a partial comparison used for frame of reference. Tasigur is a great comparison to goyf--it serves the same role and does it arguably better in non-BGx decks that want the effect and can support it.
This card is *like* cryptic and venser. Its not better, but the comparison is relevant and this card does do some select important things that cryptic cant.
Because there are people who like to act like big shots and compare new cards to old ones and act like wise men in doing so. That or they desperately attempt to look cool by complaining about the ratein terms of mana "bounce a spell and deal 2 for four just isn't good enough". History and the game's evolution has consistently proven those posters as complete posers however, they just never bring up how awful they are at everything except netdecking.
"Pshh, this isn't as good as card X from 8 years ago, it is for the plebe and I laugh at them"
People saying it's on the level of Cryptic Command are going overboard though.
Devoid works in all zones, including exile and "outside the game."
MTG finance guy- follow me on Twitter@RichArschmann or RichardArschmann on Reddit
Fun fact: 2 damage is enough to kill 9 of the 13 'walkers in Standard if they minus when they ETB (10 if Ugin wants to exile a dragon or two).
The fire bird won't see play in RDW. It sucks. The reanimation cost is way too high and at 4 mana it has to do a hell of a lot. Currently Thunderbreak Regent is just better especially now that Draconic Roar is the only efficient 2 drop burn left after rotation. And after thunderbreak rotates if rdw has to resort to this nonsense it just won't be a deck. How many *****ty phoenixes have we had in the past few years? At least Flamewake Phoenix synergieses with other cards well and has a reasonable casting and reanimation cost.
I am looking at explosion as a twin player and it feels like an easier to cast cryptic that might help deal with some problematic creatures and planes walkers. The biggest thing is easier to cast than cryptic for me, especially in grixis and rug twin.