We still haven't seen any Angels however... I wonder if they got wiped out or if WotC is holding on to them? What happened to Iona in the story? Can we expect a new version of her?
Angels realized that their goddess Emeria was in fact Emrakul and suffered fatal crisis of faith.
Brutal Expulsion looks like it could be a viable alternative to Cryptic Command in any UR decks such as twin. The other cards all seem pretty cool too.
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Modern UBG B/U/G control BBB MBC WUR Control WWW Prison RRR Goblins
Legacy BBB Pox UBG B/U/G Control UWU StoneBlade UW Miracle Control
All great cards. The good spoilers have begun! Brutal explosion "secretly" has three modes since bouncing a creature and spell is entirely different. What a great card. The green accelerant + tutor in one package has potential. The bird is good yet balanced. It's late game relentless reach for mono red.
Edit: is brutal expulsion playable in splinter twin? It gets around uncounterable of abrupt decay... and bounce or burn somewhat relevant stuff.
Brutal Explosion is alright. I expect it will see play in standard, but Brutal Expulsion doesn't seem to be the type of card that will make it into other formats. From Beyond makes me happy.
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All your base are belong to us!
RIP Batman guy. I hope somebody picks up the slack now that you are gone. Sick children need their Batman.
These all seem absurd, especially Brutal Explosion. Explosion is probably Modern-playable.
Expulsion is modern playable I think--the UR archetype's weaknesses lessen and lessen every set. Between it and roast UR is starting to be able to do everything.
It bounces Emrakul/remands abrupt decay, kills etched champion. It's gonna go somewhere.
Brutal Expulsion is gross... Like a bit too much IMO.
That's because it's probably the 3rd interesting card they've spoiled from the entire set so far. A lot of the cards are ***** versions of previous cards. The spoils today were nice, except for the phoenix - if they are going to keep print mythic phoenix cards, they should attempt to make them playable. I'd take bloodghast at mythic over it.
Brutal Expulsion looks like it could be a viable alternative to Cryptic Command in any UR decks such as twin. The other cards all seem pretty cool too.
Dang, this has to be the funniest spoiler thread yet!
Try to imagine what playing this card would feel like. What are you possibly doing with it? Remanding and not drawing a card+ Magma spraying... what? A birds? On 4 mana?? Really situational value and really over costed.
Cryptic is literally Always value. ALWAYS.
This... well this is a struggle to even find the value. 4 mana is not the point of your curve where you want... this kinda tempo...
We still haven't seen any Angels however... I wonder if they got wiped out or if WotC is holding on to them? What happened to Iona in the story? Can we expect a new version of her?
Angels realized that their goddess Emeria was in fact Emrakul and suffered fatal crisis of faith.
And there's the UR rare. Assuming a cycle, that just leaves BR, WU, and possibly RG.
Hard to say exactly how good Expulsion will be, especially considering the mixed reactions the Commands in DTK got, but I like the versatility, at least. Fits in with the Herald (just one of them makes this a lot more cost-efficient), can exile something to be Processed later (I quite like using the Red "if it would be put into a graveyard, exile it instead" mechanic on an Eldrazi-supporting card - hopefully we get another burn spell that does the same), solid tempo play. It's also rather bad against the Eldrazi and their on-cast triggers, so there's that to watch out for. Alternatively, as someone said earlier, you can use it to bounce your own Eldrazi and reap the benefits of that on-cast trigger again, though I'm not sure what cards are worth recasting for those abilities while not being enough to end the game once already on the field. Also has the Unsummon utility of saving a creature from destruction or exile.
The Phoenix gives me bad memories of Flame-Wreathed Phoenix. They're not actually that similar aside from P/T and mana cost, but the knee-jerk reaction is still there. Of course, this always has Haste, and it can recur even when sent straight to the 'yard from the library, and recurs better in general, and...yeah. It's better at being a Phoenix. The recursion cost seems steep for my tastes (I've never really played with pay-to-recur Phoenixes, not sure how to judge them), but if you're dropping a land in the late-game, particularly in Red, it's usually because you drew it instead of a spell that you could spend mana on, so it shouldn't matter too much. The cost does mean it doesn't necessarily fit in a deck with other self-recurrers like Bloodsoaked Champion and Flamewake Phoenix, though.
The tutor effect on From Beyond might make the card, honestly. Even as a topdeck in the late-game, it can still just function as a 6-mana Eldrazi tutor. Or, alternatively, if it was on the battlefield for a few turns already, you can crack it end-step and the Scions it generated already will help fuel the card you tutor for. Not quite sure if the Scion-generation function is fast enough at 4 mana, but it's not a bad card. And the name is perfectly Eldrazi, so that doesn't hurt.
Brutal Expulsion looks like it could be a viable alternative to Cryptic Command in any UR decks such as twin. The other cards all seem pretty cool too.
Dang, this has to be the funniest spoiler thread yet!
Try to imagine what playing this card would feel like. What are you possibly doing with it? Remanding and not drawing a card+ Magma spraying... what? A birds? On 4 mana?? Really situational value and really over costed.
Cryptic is literally Always value. ALWAYS.
This... well this is a struggle to even find the value. 4 mana is not the point of your curve where you want... this kinda tempo...
I'm not necessarily sold on this being Cryptic level in Modern, but 2 damage hits a lot of stuff in that format (hence why Kolaghan's Command is good). Killing a Birds is a good start, but this also exiles any Hatebear, Finks, Snapcaster, any Goblin, anything in Affinity (even a Metalcraft Champion!), etc. And hey, tack on a Lightning Bolt and exile Tasigur and his buddies while you're at it.
And don't forget, you don't have to use the Remand mode. Bounce+kill has always been good. See Barrin's Spite or Far // Away.
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Formerly Angrypossum over at the now-defunct WotC forums.
These all seem absurd, especially Brutal Explosion. Explosion is probably Modern-playable.
Expulsion is modern playable I think--the UR archetype's weaknesses lessen and lessen every set. Between it and roast UR is starting to be able to do everything.
It bounces Emrakul/remands abrupt decay, kills etched champion. It's gonna go somewhere.
Oh, good one. That alone might make it see some modern play.
Yeah, but magma spray does those things.. (not the champion, which admittedly is.. "cool").. and isn't played because it doesn't do nearly enough, Now add 3 mana to that and worse veneer bounce?... sounds reals bad
Kolaghans Command is good because it always does something and in almost every situation that something is value. Like going for the face and making them discard. At 3 mana instant speed thats the worse case scenario and its still passable in a control deck. 4 mana is WAAAAY beyond the point of playability. In a tempo deck you want to hold open 1-3 mana and be able to cast possibly more then one spell.. Not tap out for this or leave open 4 mana or even play your 4th land.... This is a huge mana investment for very poor gains.
I can't see why people dislike Brutal Expulsion. Venser, Shaper Savant is an excellent card. This is like a Venser that kills a creature instead of producing a 2/2 and it gets around protection from colors and can get flashed back with Jace or Snapcaster Mage.
I just read LSV article, and I couldn't help noticing that his decklist contains a slew of M15 and Theros cards... there is no way brutal expulsion can live with these. Oh well. I guess Wizards editors didn't notice.
Expulsion's effect is comparable to Remand in most ways, at twice the mana. That makes it probably a playable Standard card but it's not gonna be a Modern staple.
The Phoenix is also costed for Standard. Haste is super nice, and this is a good mana sink for games where aggressive red decks flood out. This will be a plausible 2-of in red decks if 1) aggressive red decks can be a thing, and 2) if flying is effective evasion.
From Beyond is kind of an interesting cross between Awakening Zone and Bitterblossom. At 4 mana (and no flying, and no tribal Faerie tricks) this is way more fair than Bitterblossom, but that still puts it in a potentially strong spot. The mana acceleration is no joke, especially as it guarantees you something to cast with your mana if the opponent can deal with the 1/1s. This is pretty on par with Mastery of the Unseen in Standard, at the very least, and might enable some really impressive turns after turn 8 or so. This should be a key card in the colorless deck that's shaping up. Here's hoping for some 1- or 2- mana spells with no colored requirements so that the deck can afford to actually run the colorless lands that are the main attraction of the archetype. Every time I see a cheap Devoid card with colored mana requirements, I roll my eyes at the pointless of the mechanic.
I can't see why people dislike Brutal Expulsion. Venser, Shaper Savant is an excellent card. This is like a Venser that kills a creature instead of producing a 2/2 and it gets around protection from colors and can get flashed back with Jace or Snapcaster Mage.
But it should be noted this can only bounce a spell or creature, while Venser can bounce a spell or permanent. Venser can send back artifacts or planeswalkers or enchantments or lands, this can't.
Brutal Expulsion is neat, but I don't think it's Modern playable. The closest comparison is Jilt, which hasn't been playable since its time in Standard.
Some things to keep in mind:
1) This is not a two-for-one. The first mode never provides card advantage, merely tempo.
2) The second mode can't hit players, only creatures/planeswalkers
3) The first mode only hits creatures and spells, not other permanents
The first mode *can* provide card advantage. Either on a token, or an awakened land. Or on an enchanted creature. Or a spell which has an alternate cost, or additional cost (like Fiery Conclusion).
The first mode *can* provide card advantage. Either on a token, or an awakened land. Or on an enchanted creature. Or a spell which has an alternate cost, or additional cost (like Fiery Conclusion).
I will grant you that. The expected usage of it does not provide a two for one, however.
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Angels realized that their goddess Emeria was in fact Emrakul and suffered fatal crisis of faith.
UBG B/U/G control
WUR Control
WWW Prison
RRR Goblins
UBG B/U/G Control
UWU StoneBlade
UW Miracle Control
Edit: is brutal expulsion playable in splinter twin? It gets around uncounterable of abrupt decay... and bounce or burn somewhat relevant stuff.
RIP Batman guy. I hope somebody picks up the slack now that you are gone. Sick children need their Batman.
Expulsion is modern playable I think--the UR archetype's weaknesses lessen and lessen every set. Between it and roast UR is starting to be able to do everything.
It bounces Emrakul/remands abrupt decay, kills etched champion. It's gonna go somewhere.
That's because it's probably the 3rd interesting card they've spoiled from the entire set so far. A lot of the cards are ***** versions of previous cards. The spoils today were nice, except for the phoenix - if they are going to keep print mythic phoenix cards, they should attempt to make them playable. I'd take bloodghast at mythic over it.
Dang, this has to be the funniest spoiler thread yet!
Try to imagine what playing this card would feel like. What are you possibly doing with it? Remanding and not drawing a card+ Magma spraying... what? A birds? On 4 mana?? Really situational value and really over costed.
Cryptic is literally Always value. ALWAYS.
This... well this is a struggle to even find the value. 4 mana is not the point of your curve where you want... this kinda tempo...
Hard to say exactly how good Expulsion will be, especially considering the mixed reactions the Commands in DTK got, but I like the versatility, at least. Fits in with the Herald (just one of them makes this a lot more cost-efficient), can exile something to be Processed later (I quite like using the Red "if it would be put into a graveyard, exile it instead" mechanic on an Eldrazi-supporting card - hopefully we get another burn spell that does the same), solid tempo play. It's also rather bad against the Eldrazi and their on-cast triggers, so there's that to watch out for. Alternatively, as someone said earlier, you can use it to bounce your own Eldrazi and reap the benefits of that on-cast trigger again, though I'm not sure what cards are worth recasting for those abilities while not being enough to end the game once already on the field. Also has the Unsummon utility of saving a creature from destruction or exile.
The Phoenix gives me bad memories of Flame-Wreathed Phoenix. They're not actually that similar aside from P/T and mana cost, but the knee-jerk reaction is still there. Of course, this always has Haste, and it can recur even when sent straight to the 'yard from the library, and recurs better in general, and...yeah. It's better at being a Phoenix. The recursion cost seems steep for my tastes (I've never really played with pay-to-recur Phoenixes, not sure how to judge them), but if you're dropping a land in the late-game, particularly in Red, it's usually because you drew it instead of a spell that you could spend mana on, so it shouldn't matter too much. The cost does mean it doesn't necessarily fit in a deck with other self-recurrers like Bloodsoaked Champion and Flamewake Phoenix, though.
The tutor effect on From Beyond might make the card, honestly. Even as a topdeck in the late-game, it can still just function as a 6-mana Eldrazi tutor. Or, alternatively, if it was on the battlefield for a few turns already, you can crack it end-step and the Scions it generated already will help fuel the card you tutor for. Not quite sure if the Scion-generation function is fast enough at 4 mana, but it's not a bad card. And the name is perfectly Eldrazi, so that doesn't hurt.
I'm not necessarily sold on this being Cryptic level in Modern, but 2 damage hits a lot of stuff in that format (hence why Kolaghan's Command is good). Killing a Birds is a good start, but this also exiles any Hatebear, Finks, Snapcaster, any Goblin, anything in Affinity (even a Metalcraft Champion!), etc. And hey, tack on a Lightning Bolt and exile Tasigur and his buddies while you're at it.
And don't forget, you don't have to use the Remand mode. Bounce+kill has always been good. See Barrin's Spite or Far // Away.
Oh, good one. That alone might make it see some modern play.
UR Blue-Red Control
UBR Grixis Control
UWR Jeskai Control
Shard Phoenix.
Kolaghans Command is good because it always does something and in almost every situation that something is value. Like going for the face and making them discard. At 3 mana instant speed thats the worse case scenario and its still passable in a control deck. 4 mana is WAAAAY beyond the point of playability. In a tempo deck you want to hold open 1-3 mana and be able to cast possibly more then one spell.. Not tap out for this or leave open 4 mana or even play your 4th land.... This is a huge mana investment for very poor gains.
Storm Crow is strictly worse than Seacoast Drake.
The Phoenix is also costed for Standard. Haste is super nice, and this is a good mana sink for games where aggressive red decks flood out. This will be a plausible 2-of in red decks if 1) aggressive red decks can be a thing, and 2) if flying is effective evasion.
From Beyond is kind of an interesting cross between Awakening Zone and Bitterblossom. At 4 mana (and no flying, and no tribal Faerie tricks) this is way more fair than Bitterblossom, but that still puts it in a potentially strong spot. The mana acceleration is no joke, especially as it guarantees you something to cast with your mana if the opponent can deal with the 1/1s. This is pretty on par with Mastery of the Unseen in Standard, at the very least, and might enable some really impressive turns after turn 8 or so. This should be a key card in the colorless deck that's shaping up. Here's hoping for some 1- or 2- mana spells with no colored requirements so that the deck can afford to actually run the colorless lands that are the main attraction of the archetype. Every time I see a cheap Devoid card with colored mana requirements, I roll my eyes at the pointless of the mechanic.
But it should be noted this can only bounce a spell or creature, while Venser can bounce a spell or permanent. Venser can send back artifacts or planeswalkers or enchantments or lands, this can't.
Thanks to DNC from Heroes of the Plane Studios for the sig
Check my Pauper Cube!
Cuz that's what he's paid to do.
The first mode *can* provide card advantage. Either on a token, or an awakened land. Or on an enchanted creature. Or a spell which has an alternate cost, or additional cost (like Fiery Conclusion).
Custom Set
I will grant you that. The expected usage of it does not provide a two for one, however.
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