I miss the 0/1's, and the first awakening zone............ Oh well at least they are pretty to look at, I just hope we get some early game scion cards.
4 mana for... magma spray that hits walkers and an bounce akin to original Venser... Meh? So.. I am lucky if I can get any card advantage out of this, least of all tempo advantage.. at 4 mana I just wanna be doing better things. Look at A certain UW command that doesn't see play... and this.. eww.. Maybe at uncommon? 4 mana for this is not where I wanna be in a tempo U/R deck. I'll take electralyze thank you... Or at least jilt? Which.. wasn't a rare...
The new awakening zone is a neat design. Possibly standard playable, we shall see.
Momir Vig, Simic Visionary Melek, Izzet Paragon Oona, Queen of the Fae Bruna, Light of Alabaster Gisela, Blade of Goldnight Rhys the Redeemed Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord Sen Triplets The Mimeoplasm WUBRGSliver OverlordGRBUW WUBRGSliver Hivelord(Superfriends)GRBUW
This From Beyond is way better than the other spoiler had us think... and it is colorless, is it still too much to want ancient stirings to play with this
Inner Vorthos going crazy over From Beyond - HPL story reference and ties in functionality as well, WANT ALL OF THEM!
Brutal Expulsion can find some roon in my Zedruu deck too, this set is so, so solid. Already signed up for two prereleases, might do more.
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The "Crazy One", playing casual magic and occasionally dipping his toes into regular play since 1994.
Currently focusing on Pre-Modern (Mono-Black Discard Control) and Modern (Azorious Control, Temur Rhinos).
Find me at the Wizard's Tower in Ottawa every second Saturday afternoons.
Brutal Expulsion seems OK. I wouldn't be surprised if I end up playing the card in some number. It definitely doesn't look like a modern card, but I guess it's as close as standard will get to Electrolyze / Venser, Shaper Savant.
The moment it has haste it becomes standard viable. Excellent creature that fire bird. I'm not sure what it will take for that not to see play.
Im just sad brutal expulsion cannot hit face. It is a rare cost a mana more and you don't even know if it is better than electrolyze. Pretty weak.
How many scions do you want for your money? As many as I want wih Paradox Haze! Paradox haze allows one to get more bang for thier buck. I like these cards and can see them being played
We still haven't seen any Angels however... I wonder if they got wiped out or if WotC is holding on to them? What happened to Iona in the story? Can we expect a new version of her?
Don't like the Phoenix because it attacks every turn and 6 mana isn't where any decent aggro decks wants to be without flooding badly.
The Eldrazi cards are great. Brutal Expulsion is right on the border of being modern playable. A bounce spell with Magma Spray attached? Perhaps sideboard for metas where Auriok Champion is a massive pain in the backside for Grixis Delver.
The green card (mana cost) is just busted. Where's the drawback? Surely you lose life or sacrifice creatures or only get triggers when you play creature spells? Right? Isn't that the template now for the last 5 years?
Brutal Expulsion is gross... Like a bit too much IMO. The card is Mana Efficient, Unique, and has 3 modes and you can choose two of them. This can even be used to Return your own Spell to your hand in the narrow use that has. Dealing 2 to a creature isn't the biggest game but that's a one Mana effect and then you add in exile which is going to matter a lot in this new standard Meaning worst come to worst a Blue/Red list can bounce and pillar against a Red Aggro list.
If this card isn't mained in any deck that can cast it then it will definitely be a good sideboard option especially against decks that want to run Jace, Soulfire, Mentor, any 2 Toughness or an unbuffed Hangarback Walker.
Outside of Standard this card costs 1 mana too much to be perfect. If it had a bolt attached or could go to the face it'd be a Standard Staple. Now remember this is devoid... Which matters a whole ***** ton. Herald of Kozilek makes it cheaper and some of the mana cost can be substituted for Eldrazi Scion tokens... I wouldn't put it in against Green based lists because they go too big too fast but against most other things this card always has a good purpose.
The Firebird is quite good but I wish it could block.
The From Beyond article mentioned 1 or 2 drop elf... If he meant for standard then we are in business. But From Beyond is amazing Dropping that turn 3 fuels any Sac effects you ever want to run in your deck ever... Follow up a turn 3 From Beyond with a Turn 4 Sidisi, Undead Vizier and sac the Scion for any card in your deck. Or just drop Smothering Abomination and begin the engine of drawing more cards than necessary. Or cast a 6 drop. And when your opponent cast's Dromoka's Command sac your From Beyond if you have the 2 Mana. I'm so Nervicited...
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It's like how EVERYONE seems to say "Harbringer of the Tides" instead of "Harbinger of the Tides" - I shudder every time I hear it.
WUBR Breya, Thopter Sculptor
WBR Kaalia, Harbinger of the Apocalypse
WBR Edgar Markov, Bloodline Progenitor
BGW Karador, Reanimator King
GWU Jenara, Asuran Enchantress
URG Riku, Omniscient Wizard
UBG Tasigur, Mind Grinder
UB Grimgrin, Combo-Stitched
GW Rhys, Gilt-Leaf Warrior
B Drana, Defiant Bloodchief
U Baral, Lord of Counterspells
G Azusa, Seeking the Horizon
W Kemba, Kha of the White Sun
C Ulamog, the Mana Glutton
"There are no two words in the English language more harmful than 'good job'." -Terrance Fletcher, Whiplash (2014)
Are Devoid cards with color in the mana cost still considered colorless while in your hand? Will Herald of Kozilek reduce their costs by 1?
CommandExplusion is freaking insane for standard. It moves Jeskai from 2nd tier to a top tier deck almost on its own.The new awakening zone is a neat design. Possibly standard playable, we shall see.
Reprint Stasis!
Control needs more love.
WUBRGSliver OverlordGRBUW
WUBRGSliver Hivelord(Superfriends)GRBUW
The Phoenix is kinda bland, but the other two are great.
It's a good card too. I like From Beyond. Seems very good.
"There are no two words in the English language more harmful than 'good job'." -Terrance Fletcher, Whiplash (2014)
Brutal Expulsion can find some roon in my Zedruu deck too, this set is so, so solid.
Currently focusing on Pre-Modern (Mono-Black Discard Control) and Modern (Azorious Control, Temur Rhinos).
Find me at the Wizard's Tower in Ottawa every second Saturday afternoons.
UR Blue-Red Control
UBR Grixis Control
UWR Jeskai Control
Im just sad brutal expulsion cannot hit face. It is a rare cost a mana more and you don't even know if it is better than electrolyze. Pretty weak.
Was not disappointed! Even the Phoenix seems good
We still haven't seen any Angels however... I wonder if they got wiped out or if WotC is holding on to them? What happened to Iona in the story? Can we expect a new version of her?
Brutal Expulsion seems like it could be unpleasant to play against if not prepared.
Being able to Venser a spell AND nuke a creature is incredible, plus exile means more fuel for our processors. I'm sold.
Don't like the Phoenix because it attacks every turn and 6 mana isn't where any decent aggro decks wants to be without flooding badly.
The Eldrazi cards are great. Brutal Expulsion is right on the border of being modern playable. A bounce spell with Magma Spray attached? Perhaps sideboard for metas where Auriok Champion is a massive pain in the backside for Grixis Delver.
The green card (mana cost) is just busted. Where's the drawback? Surely you lose life or sacrifice creatures or only get triggers when you play creature spells? Right? Isn't that the template now for the last 5 years?
Stay reasonable, be mindful of your expectations and don't feed the trolls.
If this card isn't mained in any deck that can cast it then it will definitely be a good sideboard option especially against decks that want to run Jace, Soulfire, Mentor, any 2 Toughness or an unbuffed Hangarback Walker.
Outside of Standard this card costs 1 mana too much to be perfect. If it had a bolt attached or could go to the face it'd be a Standard Staple. Now remember this is devoid... Which matters a whole ***** ton. Herald of Kozilek makes it cheaper and some of the mana cost can be substituted for Eldrazi Scion tokens... I wouldn't put it in against Green based lists because they go too big too fast but against most other things this card always has a good purpose.
The Firebird is quite good but I wish it could block.
The From Beyond article mentioned 1 or 2 drop elf... If he meant for standard then we are in business. But From Beyond is amazing Dropping that turn 3 fuels any Sac effects you ever want to run in your deck ever... Follow up a turn 3 From Beyond with a Turn 4 Sidisi, Undead Vizier and sac the Scion for any card in your deck. Or just drop Smothering Abomination and begin the engine of drawing more cards than necessary. Or cast a 6 drop. And when your opponent cast's Dromoka's Command sac your From Beyond if you have the 2 Mana. I'm so Nervicited...