oh hi random preview, I guess we have stuff to help deal with both Ori enchantments and the various ones from Tarkir. Pure sideboard if anything, otherwise its a bear for limited.
Momir Vig, Simic Visionary
Melek, Izzet Paragon
Oona, Queen of the Fae
Bruna, Light of Alabaster
Gisela, Blade of Goldnight
Rhys the Redeemed
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
Sen Triplets
The Mimeoplasm WUBRGSliver OverlordGRBUW WUBRGSliver Hivelord(Superfriends)GRBUW
How to use card tags (please use them for everybody's sanity)
[c]Lightning Bolt[/c] -> Lightning Bolt
[c=Lightning Bolt]Apple Pie[/c] -> Apple Pie
Vowels-Only Format Minimum deck size: 60 Maximum number of identical cards: 4 Ban list: Cards whose English names begin with a consonant, Unglued and Unhinged cards, cards involving ante, Ancestral Recall
Outpost Siege can be a bit of a menace these days from Mardu control I guess. I guess there is still a bit of an enchantment theme from Origins with the Starfield of Nyx around. Good utility in the 2 drop spot which can sometimes be hard to fill but 2/2 might not be good enough for main deck play.
Wow, this is such a letdown if you were used to the Sovereign and the Umbra setting the trend for Felidars. I mean, it's not bad, but no life-gain capability is meh.
This is the fourth time they've functionally printed this card. If you wanted to run a playset in your deck, you could have each copy of the playset have a different name, just to screw with people running Cranial Extraction-type effects.
I was hoping for a felidar soverign reference and this was going to be a cute version of it... I am disappointed. Good card however... just not very cute.
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
To the people that say that a card needs to be a higher rarity because of Limited... I hate you guys so much. I present to you with this.
Felidar Cub 1W
Ceature - Cat Beast
Sacrifice ~: Destroy target enchantment
Interested in Custom Card Creation.
My Cube:Cardinal Custom Cube
A custom version of a third modern masters: MM2019
(filter->rarity to see in set rarity).
so, most Felidar cubs don't make it to adulthood
because they die trying to ambush an Enchantment?
Reprint Stasis!
Control needs more love.
Momir Vig, Simic Visionary
Melek, Izzet Paragon
Oona, Queen of the Fae
Bruna, Light of Alabaster
Gisela, Blade of Goldnight
Rhys the Redeemed
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
Sen Triplets
The Mimeoplasm
WUBRGSliver OverlordGRBUW
WUBRGSliver Hivelord(Superfriends)GRBUW
Enchantment creatures have shiny borders. They can't help themselves.
Cubetutor Link
[c]Lightning Bolt[/c] -> Lightning Bolt
[c=Lightning Bolt]Apple Pie[/c] -> Apple Pie
Vowels-Only Format
Minimum deck size: 60
Maximum number of identical cards: 4
Ban list: Cards whose English names begin with a consonant, Unglued and Unhinged cards, cards involving ante, Ancestral Recall
Go-go Femeref Enchantress?
- Main Cube
- No Brains, All Feelings Cube
Don't forget Enchanted Evening
That deck was cool. Brushstrider into Loxodon Smiter with with black for Doom Blade and Hero's Downfall to keep the path clear. Bident of Thassa was rampant back then
Outpost Siege can be a bit of a menace these days from Mardu control I guess. I guess there is still a bit of an enchantment theme from Origins with the Starfield of Nyx around. Good utility in the 2 drop spot which can sometimes be hard to fill but 2/2 might not be good enough for main deck play.
BGURWhiteless Death's ShadowRUGB
GWRUSaheeli BlinkURWG
RGBUGood Ole' DredgeUBGR
URWNarset, Enlightened Time-TravelerWRU
UBRWBreya, Etherium ArchitectWRBU
A Prolific Loser To Blood Moon
It's a 2/2 for 2. It should a solid playable even if enchantments aren't a thing.
UR Blue-Red Control
UBR Grixis Control
UWR Jeskai Control
While this is often true, there are examples of formats where vanilla bears aren't good enough. The most recent one would be M14 Limited, I guess.
Glory Seeker was terrible in ROE. Basically unmaindeckable. That's the whole point of my statement.
Interested in Custom Card Creation.
My Cube:Cardinal Custom Cube
A custom version of a third modern masters: MM2019
(filter->rarity to see in set rarity).