This will make it feel sort of a little bit like creatures with lifelink have doublestrike.
They could have at least given this lifelink itself, though. 4/5 for 7cmc that relies on other cards to be playable seems not that great. You don't really want to have to fill your deck with cards that are all about lifegain in the hopes that you end up with synergy if this is in play, but if you don't do that, there's no way this is going to be that good.
Not even a 5/5. I'd think Lifelink would be in line for this, but nope.
Kinda upset, I made a Black/White Legendary creature in the Custom Forums with this ability. Made for a cool commander. Unfortunately this is printed so my version will probably never see play.
What a terribly designed card. It costs a million mana and doesn't trigger its own ability? That just feels bad, even if half the other cards in the set make you gain life or something.
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Knowledge is power, money is power, time is money, you are actually gaining time by reading my posts
Whenever you gain life target opponent loses that much life 4/5
With that cost would have been cool if he also had lifelink
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And yeah, it would have been cool as a legendary creature.
They could have at least given this lifelink itself, though. 4/5 for 7cmc that relies on other cards to be playable seems not that great. You don't really want to have to fill your deck with cards that are all about lifegain in the hopes that you end up with synergy if this is in play, but if you don't do that, there's no way this is going to be that good.
Kinda upset, I made a Black/White Legendary creature in the Custom Forums with this ability. Made for a cool commander. Unfortunately this is printed so my version will probably never see play.
Dunes of Zairo
Innistrad - The Darkest Night
A Community Set
Commander: Allies & Adversaries
Nothing so far has got me excited for this set.
"There are no two words in the English language more harmful than 'good job'." -Terrance Fletcher, Whiplash (2014)
They should have gave this card lifelink and haste. Then that would be a Defiant Bloodlord.
Useable. Lifelink on this guy would be ridiculous.
That said, I'm quite happy getting Sanguine Bond on a creature.
R Norin the Wary: I've Got a Bad Feeling About This
UG Thrasios & Kydele: Knowledge is Power
RG Borborygmos Enraged: The Breaking of the World
BG The Gitrog Monster: All Glory to the Hypnotoad
WUR Zedruu the Greathearted: Endless Possibilities, One Outcome
WBG Karador, Ghost Chieftain: What's Dead May Never Die
Turn your junk into something great with PucaTrade!
Or at least Lifelink. Then it could justify me spending 7 mana on a creature without any form of protection!
^ I hate to be that guy but we all know it's true! Nobody wants to.
Dunes of Zairo
Innistrad - The Darkest Night
A Community Set
Commander: Allies & Adversaries
Knowledge is power, money is power, time is money, you are actually gaining time by reading my posts
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