Generator Servant is actually pretty awesome: since it's got a decent body for its price you either attack with it or bring in something bigger and still get an attack with that. Can't imagine it won't see Constructed play, definitely in Standard but also possibly in older formats if they can find the right creatures to pair with it.
I actually quite like Generator servant. Decent body early on, and can ramp into something big the next turn (Turn 3 Stormbreath seems good for mono-red).
the elemental is fine and makes me wounder if it is playable.
Also :
Wizards what are you smoking why are you dunbing the hive that much? really? a 5/5? this is a **** to the sliver's noble lineage ... Its like the Ret-rd-- son of the queen (I learned evolution theory with mrs. Garrison )
I really love how the art blends the two style slivers, sorta showing the "missing link" between M14 slivers and old stye slivers.
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“There are no weak Jews. I am descended from those who wrestle angels and kill giants. We were chosen by God. You were chosen by a pathetic little man who can't seem to grow a full mustache"
"You can tell how dumb someone is by how they use Mary Sue"
Generator Servant is actually pretty awesome: since it's got a decent body for its price you either attack with it or bring in something bigger and still get an attack with that. Can't imagine it won't see Constructed play, definitely in Standard but also possibly in older formats if they can find the right creatures to pair with it.
Generator Servant is also awesome. This has to be the best core set in years.
Storm Crow is strictly worse than Seacoast Drake.
GWUB 4C Gifts Control
GWU Derevi
BGW Ghave
BUG Muldrotha
Tiny Leaders:
BGW Doran
BGU Leovold
the elemental is fine and makes me wounder if it is playable.
Also :
Wizards what are you smoking why are you dunbing the hive that much? really? a 5/5? this is a **** to the sliver's noble lineage ... Its like the Ret-rd-- son of the queen (I learned evolution theory with mrs. Garrison )
Playmat, please.
GX Tron XG
UR Phoenix RU
GG Freyalise High Tide GG
UR Parun Counterspells RU
BB Yawgmoth Token Storm BB
WB Pestilence BW
RGWMayael the AnimaRGW
UBRMarchesa, the Black RoseUBR
Modern Decks
Thread | Draft
it's a good thing they just made a sliver land that fixes your mana and lets you make slivers as well
I really hope its one of the playmats for M15. Badass art is badass
Exactly. We have yet to have a sliver legend that makes sliver tokens or searches up slivers. Such an idea would be such a breath of fresh air.
Wait a second...
It says in the article that it was too powerful at 7/7 and that sliverless Control decks were playing him as a win condition then.
Storm Crow is strictly worse than Seacoast Drake.
Also BOO POWER DOWNGRADE BOO ALL THE OTHER 5 COLOR SLIVERS WERE 7/7's. Okay, that was my only rant.
RBUGrixis Tutelage
BR Devoid Beatdown
B 8 Rack
0 Dredge
RBBladewing's Zombie Dragons
BUGRW Sliver Legion's Overrun
That elemental is going to see play. Where at and how? No idea. But someone will use him to do something crazy and I love that.
Edit: just noticed the elemental is a common. That's crazy for a common.
I really love how the art blends the two style slivers, sorta showing the "missing link" between M14 slivers and old stye slivers.
"You can tell how dumb someone is by how they use Mary Sue"