I was very worried about the rotation of Cyclonic Rift, but this seems like a very nice replacement. Not exactly the same (only hits creatures), but has definite benefits over the Rift (cheaper (vs. overloaded) and puts the creatures INTO the deck). I love it.
I agree, hope this isn't our "wrath" for a while, but I really do like the card. Seems like it could lead to a frustrated opponent, but we all know that giving opponents choices is not always the best...
Edit: Visited Big Magic last year while I was in Tokyo....awesome shop with some really good deals. Cool that they are getting their own spoilers now.
Def playable but is easily outclassed by any wrath effect due to them being able to get back Mistcutter, etc. Still might be playable along with one as a 1 or 2 of.
When I first read this, I missed the part that said top. I thought it said the opponent chooses to put them on the bottom. "That's it? Either they put it on the bottom or nothing happens? Lame." Then I noticed top or bottom and realized how damn good this card actually is.
I agree, hope this isn't our "wrath" for a while, but I really do like the card. Seems like it could lead to a frustrated opponent, but we all know that giving opponents choices is not always the best...
Edit: Visited Big Magic last year while I was in Tokyo....awesome shop with some really good deals. Cool that they are getting their own spoilers now.
Top or bottom of library doesn't matter much. If they pick top, we know what they are drawing for the next turn or beyond. If they pick bottom, the creature is gone and isn't going to come back for the rest of the game.
I agree, hope this isn't our "wrath" for a while, but I really do like the card. Seems like it could lead to a frustrated opponent, but we all know that giving opponents choices is not always the best...
Edit: Visited Big Magic last year while I was in Tokyo....awesome shop with some really good deals. Cool that they are getting their own spoilers now.
Top or bottom of library doesn't matter much. If they pick top, we know what they are drawing for the next turn or beyond. If they pick bottom, the creature is gone and isn't going to come back for the rest of the game.
That's true. I'm not up with standard enough to know if there are shenanigans that can be had from stacking the top of the deck...especially now that there is a focus on scry. Anyway, I'm super pumped about this card....I love tempo and this is just a blowout. Pair with rev and some counters and it's mean.
HOLY !#@^#&$I#^&^!#!!! My jaw just hit the floor! That tempo is... omg guys I love this core set.
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Casual Decks WRBoros Aggro (Glorious knights of badassery) RBRakdos Bloodthirst (Undercosted waves of fat s***) URIzzet Talrand/Pyromancer (b/c I hate you) GRGruul Ramp and Stomp (SO FAT. SO FAST. RAWRRR) GBGolgari Birthing Pod (b/c you wanted a challenge. I did warn you this BS is banned though) BWOrzhov Lifegain Aggro (Removal for dayzzz) WGSelesnya Tribal Golem-splicers/token (meh. Needs more upgrades. Perhaps switching to bant?) WUAzorius Flicker (b/c I wanna annoy the f*** outta you) GUSimic Evolve Aggro (Aggro takes a journey to the weird side of the color pie) BUDimir Control (b/c I wanna peel your skin off and flay you within an inch of life before I kill you) URWJeskai Ascendency Tokens (MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA) RWBMardu Warriors (Butcher is da bomb) GU Simic Morph (slow as s*** but oh so fun) WBGAbzan Dredge-animator (PURE EVIL) GWHexproof Aggro (Deal with it. Lemme guess, you cant?)
EDH Decks UBRNekusar (Multiplayer MONSTA. 1v1 Klutz) GRB Prossh (Set up engines. WRECK FACE) GEzuri (Hey so I heard you liked Elves...) UTalrand (Counter. Cantrip. Counter. Cantrip. Repeat till opponents die-- possibly of boredom)
Tiny leaders WUDaxos (basic 3/1 fliers do basic s***. Also Daxos) RWAnax and Cymede (Heroic weenie beats)
Standard RRMONO RED AGGRO (RAWWWRRRR!!!!) WUHeroic Aggro (Easy mode beatstick)
Soooooooo is everyone skipping the "attacking" part, or?
Yeah I think they are, this card isn't a better Evacuation. It is still not a bad sideboard option against aggro decks, since the assumption is they swing out every turn to kill control ASAP.
Revelation decks will be stupid-powerful until the rotation...
I really don't think control wants or needs this atm. after you played your verdict t4, theres not much left that aether spiral could affect. Cyclonic rift is so much better until rotation.
I'm SO SICK of the "too strong for Standard" argument. It's the new "Dies to removal". We can have a two mana 4/4 with a zillion abilities, but we can't just have Accumulated Knowledge. Makes sense.
Great EDH card! This is also going to be an absolute monster in the Two Headed Giant sealed pre-release event I always do. That's a serious upgrade from Aetherize.
"Thank you WotC! Blue needed more ways to remove creature threats at instant speed. We had always dreamed of cards that could be named things like Evacuate or Aetherize... or even Cyclonic Rift. Now that we finally have one of these cards, we hope to finally see more in the future.
With Great Sarcasm And Much Snickering,
Niv-Mizzet and Nekusar"
COMMANDER DECKS Gishath, Sun's Avatar Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind Surrak Presents: Snow-where to Run (A Temur Production) Zurgo - Mardu Warrior Tribal Gisa and Geralf Jhoira's Artifacts
This card is great for control in the current standard meta. Maybe not main deck, but definitely sideboard. Completely gets around boros/golgari charms, which definitely have been hurting me lately.
Private Mod Note
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Modern: UWR Breach, UWB Esper control
Legacy: UW RiP/Helm, UR Sneak and Show
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3UU - Rare
For each attacking creature, its owner chooses to put it on the top or bottom of his or her deck.
Spoiler from one of the major magic shops in Japan, Big Magic.
The card can be seen at 0:37 in this video:
It's got more than 10 different strategies you can choose from.
Comment about it here.
Dunes of Zairo
Innistrad - The Darkest Night
A Community Set
Commander: Allies & Adversaries
Dunes of Zairo
Innistrad - The Darkest Night
A Community Set
Commander: Allies & Adversaries
Edit: Visited Big Magic last year while I was in Tokyo....awesome shop with some really good deals. Cool that they are getting their own spoilers now.
Top or bottom of library doesn't matter much. If they pick top, we know what they are drawing for the next turn or beyond. If they pick bottom, the creature is gone and isn't going to come back for the rest of the game.
Revelation decks will be stupid-powerful until the rotation...
That's true. I'm not up with standard enough to know if there are shenanigans that can be had from stacking the top of the deck...especially now that there is a focus on scry. Anyway, I'm super pumped about this card....I love tempo and this is just a blowout. Pair with rev and some counters and it's mean.
Why would this mean no 4 mana wrath effect?
WRBoros Aggro (Glorious knights of badassery)
RBRakdos Bloodthirst (Undercosted waves of fat s***)
URIzzet Talrand/Pyromancer (b/c I hate you)
GRGruul Ramp and Stomp (SO FAT. SO FAST. RAWRRR)
GBGolgari Birthing Pod (b/c you wanted a challenge. I did warn you this BS is banned though)
BWOrzhov Lifegain Aggro (Removal for dayzzz)
WGSelesnya Tribal Golem-splicers/token (meh. Needs more upgrades. Perhaps switching to bant?)
WUAzorius Flicker (b/c I wanna annoy the f*** outta you)
GUSimic Evolve Aggro (Aggro takes a journey to the weird side of the color pie)
BUDimir Control (b/c I wanna peel your skin off and flay you within an inch of life before I kill you)
URWJeskai Ascendency Tokens (MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
RWBMardu Warriors (Butcher is da bomb)
GU Simic Morph (slow as s*** but oh so fun)
WBGAbzan Dredge-animator (PURE EVIL)
GWHexproof Aggro (Deal with it. Lemme guess, you cant?)
EDH Decks
UBRNekusar (Multiplayer MONSTA. 1v1 Klutz)
GRB Prossh (Set up engines. WRECK FACE)
GEzuri (Hey so I heard you liked Elves...)
UTalrand (Counter. Cantrip. Counter. Cantrip. Repeat till opponents die-- possibly of boredom)
Tiny leaders
WUDaxos (basic 3/1 fliers do basic s***. Also Daxos)
RWAnax and Cymede (Heroic weenie beats)
WUHeroic Aggro (Easy mode beatstick)
Yeah I think they are, this card isn't a better Evacuation. It is still not a bad sideboard option against aggro decks, since the assumption is they swing out every turn to kill control ASAP.
I Stream MTGO on Twitch: broodwarjc
I also post recordings of those streams on Youtube: broodwarjcavidgamer
Standard Deck:
Modern Deck:
I really don't think control wants or needs this atm. after you played your verdict t4, theres not much left that aether spiral could affect. Cyclonic rift is so much better until rotation.
Dunes of Zairo
Innistrad - The Darkest Night
A Community Set
Commander: Allies & Adversaries
...ITS GONE!!!
My clients would like to release a statment:
"Thank you WotC! Blue needed more ways to remove creature threats at instant speed. We had always dreamed of cards that could be named things like Evacuate or Aetherize... or even Cyclonic Rift. Now that we finally have one of these cards, we hope to finally see more in the future.
With Great Sarcasm And Much Snickering,Sincerely,
Niv-Mizzet and Nekusar"
Legacy: UW RiP/Helm, UR Sneak and Show