Wow. Cra-zee-pants. Like Etherium Sculptor and Grand Architect had some sort of beautiful baby. I'm not sure what or if enables anything particularly awesome in Modern or Legacy (I doubt it), but he is absolutely made of awesome in EDH and casual.
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Sufferer of EDHD
Commander - Currently Playing: RCRDaretti: Superfriends Forever RCR WGBDoran: Ent-mootWBG GGGMultani: Group Bear HugGGG GB(B/G)The Gitrog Monster: Dredgefall DurdleGB(B/G) RGWGahiji, the Honored Group Hug MonsterRGW UB(U/B)Yuriko, Ninja Trinket AggroUB(U/B) WUBRGAtogatog: Assembling a OHKOWUBRG
Better get the water and the Miracle Gro, cause that's the most obvious PLANT card I've seen.
Nope, Khans is pretty clearly not artifact based. This is partially just a good flavor design to take advantage of convoke while it's here, and also plays into UR's artifact theme, which is just one of the five enemy paired themes inserted for limited depth.
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I primarily play limited, so most of my spoiler season comments view cards through that lens.
This is insane, and awesome! Convoke is a relatively fair mechanic, due to tapping out with it, at least until you bring in things like vigilance or mass untapping spells. If we get some monster artifact creatures in Standard that are good immediately (unlike the colossus and soul, which need their abilities to be activated to be worthwhile) this guy could be the cornerstone of a deck.
I get the feeling he really wants to be played with some of those thopter token and myr token generator cards in some formats.
Affinity doesn't need him, most of their stuff is cheap enough anyway. Same for Tempered Steel.
In standard, he makes Soul of New Phyrexia better. Could find a home in Mono-Blue Devotion, enabling a really fast Obelisk of Urd to prevent Master of Waves-less blowouts.
I want to find a combo in Modern with him and Intruder Alarm.
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Level 1 Judge
"I hope to have such a death... lying in triumph atop the broken bodies of those who slew me..."
You don't call "dying to removal" if the removal is more expensive in resources than the creature. If you have to spend BG (Abrupt Decay), or W + basic land (PtE) to remove a 1G, that is not "dying to removal". Strictly speaking Goyf dies to removal, but actually your removal is dying to Goyf.
Not sure if Double Convoke is redondant for Obelisk of Urd.
Anyway. Cool artifact to cast with convoke : Colosus of Akros, Soul of Phyrexia, Phyrexian Revoker, Volatile Rig
Cool UG Creature to help Engineer : Prophet of Kruphix, Kruphix God.
Telling it now UG Artifact Painland will be a thing next Standard.
Modern: UUUBlue Man Group
Legacy: UWBMiracles
Edh: UUUThassa Control WWWHokori Stax GGGJolrael, Empress of Land Stompy BBBGriselbrand French List RBGShattergang(Super Villians) RWGHazezon Flicker UBRMarchesa Aggro URGMaelstom Wanderer (Maelstorm)
Not sure if Double Convoke is redondant for Obelisk of Urd.
Anyway. Cool artifact to cast with convoke : Colosus of Akros, Soul of Phyrexia, Phyrexian Revoker, Volatile Rig
Cool UG Creature to help Engineer : Prophet of Kruphix, Kruphix God.
Telling it now UG Artifact Painland will be a thing next Standard.
Unfortunately Colossus of Akros isn't that useful without enough actual mana to use the ability. Still, this is an awesome card.
I somehow find it tragic when an attacking Traveling Philosopher gets blocked by another Traveling Philosopher, which normally results in two dead philosophers. Shouldn't they just sit aside and start discussing?
"This is really exciting, so much to find out about, so much to look forward to, I'm quite dizzy with anticipation . . . Or is it the wind? There really is a lot of that now, isn't there? And wow! Hey! What's this thing suddenly coming toward me very fast? Very, very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide-sounding name like . . . ow . . . ound . . . round . . . ground! That's it! That's a good name- ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me? Hello Ground!"
Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the Sprouting Phytohydra as it fell was Oh no, not again.
Creature - Vedalken Artificer
Artifact spells you cast have convoke.
RCRDaretti: Superfriends Forever RCR
WGBDoran: Ent-mootWBG
GGGMultani: Group Bear HugGGG
GB(B/G)The Gitrog Monster: Dredgefall DurdleGB(B/G)
RGWGahiji, the Honored Group Hug MonsterRGW
UB(U/B)Yuriko, Ninja Trinket AggroUB(U/B)
WUBRGAtogatog: Assembling a OHKOWUBRG
"There are no two words in the English language more harmful than 'good job'." -Terrance Fletcher, Whiplash (2014)
Nope, Khans is pretty clearly not artifact based. This is partially just a good flavor design to take advantage of convoke while it's here, and also plays into UR's artifact theme, which is just one of the five enemy paired themes inserted for limited depth.
Interested in Custom Card Creation.
My Cube:Cardinal Custom Cube
A custom version of a third modern masters: MM2019
(filter->rarity to see in set rarity).
Actually, artifacts is the U/R draft archetype in M15.
Pucatrade with me!
(Signature courtesy of Argetlam of Hakai Studios
He needs to be called Scotty and to know how to cuss when his captain tries to change the laws of physics.
I think the great thing is that they actually work pretty well together.
I get the feeling he really wants to be played with some of those thopter token and myr token generator cards in some formats.
Affinity doesn't need him, most of their stuff is cheap enough anyway. Same for Tempered Steel.
In standard, he makes Soul of New Phyrexia better. Could find a home in Mono-Blue Devotion, enabling a really fast Obelisk of Urd to prevent Master of Waves-less blowouts.
I want to find a combo in Modern with him and Intruder Alarm.
"I hope to have such a death... lying in triumph atop the broken bodies of those who slew me..."
Anyway. Cool artifact to cast with convoke : Colosus of Akros, Soul of Phyrexia, Phyrexian Revoker, Volatile Rig
Cool UG Creature to help Engineer : Prophet of Kruphix, Kruphix God.
Telling it now UG Artifact Painland will be a thing next Standard.
Nah. Blue artifacts almost always gets some support.
Great card, by the way. Early Soul of Phyrexia in Blue Devotion could be a thing.
Playtesting | Karador, Ghost Chieftain | Narset, Enlightened Master | Ephara, God of the Polis
Established | Gahiji, Honored One | Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker | Opal-Eye, Konda's Yojimbo | Rubinia Soulsinger
Retired | Medomai the Ageless | Diaochan, Artful Beauty
1000% this.
Also, this is grand architect 5-8 for me in Blue Man Group in modern. Holy smokes i'm excited.
Draft it Here!
UUUBlue Man Group
UUUThassa Control
WWWHokori Stax
GGGJolrael, Empress of Land Stompy
BBBGriselbrand French List
RBGShattergang(Super Villians)
RWGHazezon Flicker
UBRMarchesa Aggro
URGMaelstom Wanderer (Maelstorm)
You can't tap a creature twice any more than you can tap a land twice.
Unfortunately Colossus of Akros isn't that useful without enough actual mana to use the ability. Still, this is an awesome card.
Storm Crow is strictly worse than Seacoast Drake.
heartless summoning too probably
702.50b Multiple instances of convoke on the same spell are redundant.