Quote from Wolfman about lack of Conspiracy spoilers-
"I'd say this about guarantees that it won't be up till this Friday, but considering the current track record, the ETA is now probably two weeks after the set has been out."
Quote from Sirius_B
Speak for yourself, if drawing *****-headed wurms makes social justice warriors cry I'll make it my favorite hobby.
Elegant, and a nice card. Compare to Altar's Reap. Sorcery weakens it quite a bit obviously, but in G? Quite nice with Nissa, Worldwaker---sacrifice a +1'd land to draw four cards. Being able to sacrifice, say, a Boon Satyr and then play more cards that turn seems decent. We'll see how much difference that mana cost makes.
For the lols, Hunter's Prowess, attack, then Life's Legacy. With Polukranos.
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Quote from Skullum »
that's not what happened at all. kamahl stabbed phage, akroma, and some old lady and they became korona. then korona got stabbed by her "prophets" and kamahl got drunk with a mutant centaur
I like it; 2 mana makes this a lot more attractive. I'm not sure how good it is, and I suspect that you need to be exploiting it in some way for it to be really good (temporary pumps, death triggers, Threaten effects, something like that). That might end up limiting it to being a niche casual/EDH card (would have had a lot stronger shot at Standard as an instant, of course), but I still like it.
I like this very much. I have greater good in my EDH for Prossh and this will be a great addition. As someone said earlier, it does pair well with bestow creatures
Hahaha! Now I'm suddenly hoping I eventually draft both of these cards so I can pull that off. It would be so trollishly fun!
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Casual Decks WRBoros Aggro (Glorious knights of badassery) RBRakdos Bloodthirst (Undercosted waves of fat s***) URIzzet Talrand/Pyromancer (b/c I hate you) GRGruul Ramp and Stomp (SO FAT. SO FAST. RAWRRR) GBGolgari Birthing Pod (b/c you wanted a challenge. I did warn you this BS is banned though) BWOrzhov Lifegain Aggro (Removal for dayzzz) WGSelesnya Tribal Golem-splicers/token (meh. Needs more upgrades. Perhaps switching to bant?) WUAzorius Flicker (b/c I wanna annoy the f*** outta you) GUSimic Evolve Aggro (Aggro takes a journey to the weird side of the color pie) BUDimir Control (b/c I wanna peel your skin off and flay you within an inch of life before I kill you) URWJeskai Ascendency Tokens (MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA) RWBMardu Warriors (Butcher is da bomb) GU Simic Morph (slow as s*** but oh so fun) WBGAbzan Dredge-animator (PURE EVIL) GWHexproof Aggro (Deal with it. Lemme guess, you cant?)
EDH Decks UBRNekusar (Multiplayer MONSTA. 1v1 Klutz) GRB Prossh (Set up engines. WRECK FACE) GEzuri (Hey so I heard you liked Elves...) UTalrand (Counter. Cantrip. Counter. Cantrip. Repeat till opponents die-- possibly of boredom)
Tiny leaders WUDaxos (basic 3/1 fliers do basic s***. Also Daxos) RWAnax and Cymede (Heroic weenie beats)
Standard RRMONO RED AGGRO (RAWWWRRRR!!!!) WUHeroic Aggro (Easy mode beatstick)
I dislike cards that have sacrificing a creature as part of the cost. It is better against spot removal, but much worse against counterspells.
Could be a decent sideboard card in standard G/W and Naya against monoblack or monored. Puny 2/1 creatures can be turned into something bigger. Voice of Resurgence turns it into a 3 for 1, although I still don't like losing the counterspell protection.
Does this work with Hero of Leina Tower? Gx draw x cards could be nice.
I really wish this had been pushed a bit more and was an instant. Would it really have been that powerful Wizards? Then it would have been interesting with Isochron Scepter
Wonder is Khans has a heavy graveyard based (sub?)theme. I could see this as a great engine for some kind of deck that lose to sac stuff for value, because currently this seems pretty bad for a rare.
As is I don't really see myself playing this in a green deck. MAYBE as a 1-of but even then...
I hate to repeat myself but man, I really REALLY wish this had been an instant spell. Would have made it a ton better and wouldn't have been broken.
Not every sorcery needs to be an instant, guys... this is totally fine at sorcery. Altar's reap is very fairly costed, no reason to blow it out of the water. This is potentially very powerful, I think.
I dislike cards that have sacrificing a creature as part of the cost. It is better against spot removal, but much worse against counterspells.
Could be a decent sideboard card in standard G/W and Naya against monoblack or monored. Puny 2/1 creatures can be turned into something bigger. Voice of Resurgence turns it into a 3 for 1, although I still don't like losing the counterspell protection.
Does this work with Hero of Leina Tower? Gx draw x cards could be nice.
unfortunately, it didn't
since this one does not target anything
Wizards print good rares, players complain about cash grab. They print underwhelming rares, players complain that the cards suck. They spoil the best cards first, players complain about the insane prices of preorders. They spoil the meh cards first, players complain that this is the worst set ever.
So. I think I understand now.
As far as these forums are concerned, WotC can never do anything good because:
Card that is new and probably good = "pushed"
Card that is new and probably bad = "EDH/casual fodder"
Card that is a reprint = "lazy"
Card that is a better version of an older card = "power creep"
Card that is a weaker version of an older card = "worthless"
Does that about sum things up?
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Pucatrade with me!
(Signature courtesy of Argetlam of Hakai Studios
This would have been so much better as an instant so you could get value in response to a kill spell.
"I'd say this about guarantees that it won't be up till this Friday, but considering the current track record, the ETA is now probably two weeks after the set has been out."
Quote from Sirius_B
Speak for yourself, if drawing *****-headed wurms makes social justice warriors cry I'll make it my favorite hobby.
For the lols, Hunter's Prowess, attack, then Life's Legacy. With Polukranos.
Dega midrange 1-0
Will look forward
WUBRGCommander Decklists - PaperWUBRG
CCCCCommander Decklists - TheorycraftCCCC
Sig Credit: Pegasus Bishop
Hahaha! Now I'm suddenly hoping I eventually draft both of these cards so I can pull that off. It would be so trollishly fun!
WRBoros Aggro (Glorious knights of badassery)
RBRakdos Bloodthirst (Undercosted waves of fat s***)
URIzzet Talrand/Pyromancer (b/c I hate you)
GRGruul Ramp and Stomp (SO FAT. SO FAST. RAWRRR)
GBGolgari Birthing Pod (b/c you wanted a challenge. I did warn you this BS is banned though)
BWOrzhov Lifegain Aggro (Removal for dayzzz)
WGSelesnya Tribal Golem-splicers/token (meh. Needs more upgrades. Perhaps switching to bant?)
WUAzorius Flicker (b/c I wanna annoy the f*** outta you)
GUSimic Evolve Aggro (Aggro takes a journey to the weird side of the color pie)
BUDimir Control (b/c I wanna peel your skin off and flay you within an inch of life before I kill you)
URWJeskai Ascendency Tokens (MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
RWBMardu Warriors (Butcher is da bomb)
GU Simic Morph (slow as s*** but oh so fun)
WBGAbzan Dredge-animator (PURE EVIL)
GWHexproof Aggro (Deal with it. Lemme guess, you cant?)
EDH Decks
UBRNekusar (Multiplayer MONSTA. 1v1 Klutz)
GRB Prossh (Set up engines. WRECK FACE)
GEzuri (Hey so I heard you liked Elves...)
UTalrand (Counter. Cantrip. Counter. Cantrip. Repeat till opponents die-- possibly of boredom)
Tiny leaders
WUDaxos (basic 3/1 fliers do basic s***. Also Daxos)
RWAnax and Cymede (Heroic weenie beats)
WUHeroic Aggro (Easy mode beatstick)
Could be a decent sideboard card in standard G/W and Naya against monoblack or monored. Puny 2/1 creatures can be turned into something bigger. Voice of Resurgence turns it into a 3 for 1, although I still don't like losing the counterspell protection.
Does this work with Hero of Leina Tower? Gx draw x cards could be nice.
I hate to repeat myself but man, I really REALLY wish this had been an instant spell. Would have made it a ton better and wouldn't have been broken.
unfortunately, it didn't
since this one does not target anything
trolling wizards