Ha nice, one of my favorite cards ever got a reprint. Might have to dust off my playset and have a whirl. Never thought I'd actually be able to play with them in a competitive deck again. Wizards, THANK YOU! Now if only you could reprint Captain of the Watch so I could play with both of them again!
You played JESUS?!?! I heard none of his guys stay in the graveyard, and once you think you have him beat he ALWAYS comes back to win within three turns. I like...WORSHIP him.
This is a core set, right? Maybe I'm too used to Theros block, but the power level here seems pretty high overall.
Not really, it's just that White is the most splashed color and as a result the power of White tends to be head and shoulders above all the other colors. It happens in every block and set - White gets some ridiculously necessary and pertinent card that makes all the decks rotate around it.
I really wish they hadn't reprinted this. Especially in Core - Modern Masters, fine, whatever, but this is going to make Soldier cards shoot up in price, as well as Brimaz. Ugh. White's strong enough with all the damage negation and exile effects and dozens of tokens, could you have not spared us this?
Yeah, I could see something coming together. You don't get a trigger from Brimaz, but he's still pretty good. Snarecaster and Lavinia can keep an opponent from blocking, giving you a chance to get the trigger multiple times.
How could they not foresee the problems that this card would bring with it? It's a three mana cheat-on-a-stick. Impossibly overpowered for what it does, plus it's a decent body. It lacks haste, but who cares when you can take soldier card that's a T5 or T6 drop and just slam it down and beat your opponent's face in?
Has the potential to be good, but it doesn't synergize very well with the best soldier at the moment (Brimaz).
If you get Brimaz off of this guy you get an additional 1/1 thats untapped (vigilance) so you will still have a chump blocker. Sure you wont get the additional effect but thats not really bad for what your getting. Your not even paying from brimaz so you can play an additional thing after you attack too.
Has the potential to be good, but it doesn't synergize very well with the best soldier at the moment (Brimaz).
If you get Brimaz off of this guy you get an additional 1/1 thats untapped (vigilance) so you will still have a chump blocker. Sure you wont get the additional effect but thats not really bad for what your getting. Your not even paying from brimaz so you can play an additional thing after you attack too.
His trigger doesn't activate. Nor does battalion and he is tapped when he comes into play.
Is there a difference between "attacking" and "attacks"?
Alright, thanks for the explanation, didn't realize that it had to be declared itself. I guess the synergy does kinda suck there then - still a decent card though.
I can see him in a Bant deck that combos him with Aqueous Form and the strongest soldier cards in GWB. Even if we don't get a big soldier in the range of 5/5 or above, he's still a very strong card for what he does.
Alright, thanks for the explanation, didn't realize that it had to be declared itself. I guess the synergy does kinda suck there then - still a decent card though.
It's AMAZING with Captain of the Watch, but the chance of getting both of them in white rare slots in the same core set is pretty much nil.
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Check out the thread for my cube if you have the time, and tell me how terrible it is.
Generals meant to be drafted first in a single pack of 6 cards.
And here is the actual cube, meant to be drafted in 4 regular sized packs. (60 card decks)
When a creature is put into play attacking, it never actually performs the action of attacking. First a creature must attack (this is where effetcs like Brimaz's will trigger), and then it is considered to be attacking for the rest of combat. Captain insert a creature into combat already in this state. So yeah, no trigger for Brimaz.
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I am seriously considering a Soldier Tribal deck With Obelisk of Urd, Mutavault, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, and a bunch of other Soldier.
Edit: Spark Trooper is a soldier ...hmmmm
"What does MtheW stand for? The world may never know."
ugggghhh tribballl...
My 180 Modern Bordered Only Cube
Kresh the Bloodbraided-Jund Aggro
Karador, Ghost Chieftain-Abzan Midrange
Kangee, Aerie Keeper-Bird Tribal
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death-Warrior Tribal
Sydri, Galvanic Genius-Gepetto's Combo Workshop
Melek, Izzet Paragon-Izzet Mad Science
Omnath, Locus of Rage-Land/Elemental Tribal
Avacyn, Angel of Hope-The Church of Avacyn (Innistrad Flavor)
Brion Stoutarm
Daxos of Meletis
Varolz, the Scar-Striped
Narset, Enlightened Master
Damia, Sage of Stone
Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts
Titania, Protector of Argoth
Dakkon Blackblade
Roon of the Hidden Realm
Mayael the Anima
Grenzo, Dungeon Warden
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Gaddock Teeg
Rhys the Redeemed
Melira Pod - Modern
Loxodon Smiter
Lavinia of the Tenth
Brimaz, King of Oreskos
Precinct Captain
Spark Trooper
Tajic, Blade of the Legion
Just to name others that he can slam down on turn 4. That's pretty neat.
Not really, it's just that White is the most splashed color and as a result the power of White tends to be head and shoulders above all the other colors. It happens in every block and set - White gets some ridiculously necessary and pertinent card that makes all the decks rotate around it.
I really wish they hadn't reprinted this. Especially in Core - Modern Masters, fine, whatever, but this is going to make Soldier cards shoot up in price, as well as Brimaz. Ugh. White's strong enough with all the damage negation and exile effects and dozens of tokens, could you have not spared us this?
Yeah, I could see something coming together. You don't get a trigger from Brimaz, but he's still pretty good. Snarecaster and Lavinia can keep an opponent from blocking, giving you a chance to get the trigger multiple times.
Melira Pod - Modern
Is there a difference between "attacking" and "attacks"?
Melira Pod - Modern
Actually, an old Kithkin from Lorwyn-Shadowmoor block... and a great card it was. I am happy to see it's return.
Melira Pod - Modern
It's AMAZING with Captain of the Watch, but the chance of getting both of them in white rare slots in the same core set is pretty much nil.
Generals meant to be drafted first in a single pack of 6 cards.
And here is the actual cube, meant to be drafted in 4 regular sized packs. (60 card decks)