Hmm, the flavor text on Miner's Bane mentions Dwarves. Have they been mentioned any time in recent years? I know there was speculation about them being a returning tribe soon, possibly in Khans.
If dwarves actually turn up in Tarkir I will ***** myself and then buy playsets of every one. PLEASE WOTC!!!!
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Casual Decks WRBoros Aggro (Glorious knights of badassery) RBRakdos Bloodthirst (Undercosted waves of fat s***) URIzzet Talrand/Pyromancer (b/c I hate you) GRGruul Ramp and Stomp (SO FAT. SO FAST. RAWRRR) GBGolgari Birthing Pod (b/c you wanted a challenge. I did warn you this BS is banned though) BWOrzhov Lifegain Aggro (Removal for dayzzz) WGSelesnya Tribal Golem-splicers/token (meh. Needs more upgrades. Perhaps switching to bant?) WUAzorius Flicker (b/c I wanna annoy the f*** outta you) GUSimic Evolve Aggro (Aggro takes a journey to the weird side of the color pie) BUDimir Control (b/c I wanna peel your skin off and flay you within an inch of life before I kill you) URWJeskai Ascendency Tokens (MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA) RWBMardu Warriors (Butcher is da bomb) GU Simic Morph (slow as s*** but oh so fun) WBGAbzan Dredge-animator (PURE EVIL) GWHexproof Aggro (Deal with it. Lemme guess, you cant?)
EDH Decks UBRNekusar (Multiplayer MONSTA. 1v1 Klutz) GRB Prossh (Set up engines. WRECK FACE) GEzuri (Hey so I heard you liked Elves...) UTalrand (Counter. Cantrip. Counter. Cantrip. Repeat till opponents die-- possibly of boredom)
Tiny leaders WUDaxos (basic 3/1 fliers do basic s***. Also Daxos) RWAnax and Cymede (Heroic weenie beats)
Standard RRMONO RED AGGRO (RAWWWRRRR!!!!) WUHeroic Aggro (Easy mode beatstick)
Invasive Species is EXACTLY what I've been waiting for. It's what the GU flicker needs to actually have green be relevant to the flicker plan with Peel from Reality. It's far less clunky than having to hope the thing survives until my upkeep and/or losing my creature because everything else I had was killed.
Between Invasive Species and the reprinting of Roaring Primadox I feel that there will be a subtheme of flickering in M15. I mean wouldn't they just reprint Centaur Courser otherwise?
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Casual Decks WRBoros Aggro (Glorious knights of badassery) RBRakdos Bloodthirst (Undercosted waves of fat s***) URIzzet Talrand/Pyromancer (b/c I hate you) GRGruul Ramp and Stomp (SO FAT. SO FAST. RAWRRR) GBGolgari Birthing Pod (b/c you wanted a challenge. I did warn you this BS is banned though) BWOrzhov Lifegain Aggro (Removal for dayzzz) WGSelesnya Tribal Golem-splicers/token (meh. Needs more upgrades. Perhaps switching to bant?) WUAzorius Flicker (b/c I wanna annoy the f*** outta you) GUSimic Evolve Aggro (Aggro takes a journey to the weird side of the color pie) BUDimir Control (b/c I wanna peel your skin off and flay you within an inch of life before I kill you) URWJeskai Ascendency Tokens (MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA) RWBMardu Warriors (Butcher is da bomb) GU Simic Morph (slow as s*** but oh so fun) WBGAbzan Dredge-animator (PURE EVIL) GWHexproof Aggro (Deal with it. Lemme guess, you cant?)
EDH Decks UBRNekusar (Multiplayer MONSTA. 1v1 Klutz) GRB Prossh (Set up engines. WRECK FACE) GEzuri (Hey so I heard you liked Elves...) UTalrand (Counter. Cantrip. Counter. Cantrip. Repeat till opponents die-- possibly of boredom)
Tiny leaders WUDaxos (basic 3/1 fliers do basic s***. Also Daxos) RWAnax and Cymede (Heroic weenie beats)
Standard RRMONO RED AGGRO (RAWWWRRRR!!!!) WUHeroic Aggro (Easy mode beatstick)
Between Invasive Species and the reprinting of Roaring Primadox I feel that there will be a subtheme of flickering in M15. I mean wouldn't they just reprint Centaur Courser otherwise?
I thought that was obvious when we found out that Peel from Reality was getting reprinted and the ETB Naturalize creature was spoiled.
Invasive Species, plus Primadox is coming back! I hope we see some fun ETB creatures so I can try running a primadox deck again. The last one I made actually turned out to be pretty good, but most of the cards that made it good, besides the engine (Primadox) are gone now.
I am way more excited about Invasive Species than any other card spoiled so far. The fact that this is a common pretty much guarantees that the thing it's enabling will be a significant theme in draft, and I am really stoked about drafting "UG bounce your own stuff" all summer long.
Hmm, the flavor text on Miner's Bane mentions Dwarves. Have they been mentioned any time in recent years? I know there was speculation about them being a returning tribe soon, possibly in Khans.
Hmm, I like the sound of that idea. Don't dwarves tend to have abilities that interact with lands?
I might just be chasing shadows, but I'm seeing more hints for land interactions in M15 which might be a preview of things to come this fall. The new Nissa is all about interacting with lands and the Darksteel Citadel reprint is an ideal host for most positive effects that you might want to attach to a land.
I an listening to the Silmarillion just now; "Of Aule an Yavanna"
-But should I not destroy the work, of my presumption?
And the dwarves shrank from the hammer, and were afraid, and they bowed doen their heads and begged for mercy.
-Dost thou not see that these things have now a life of their own and speak of their own voices?
Black Cat may see play in a Waste Not discard deck ...
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Modern: RW R/W Burn WB B/W TokensXU MonuU Tron // UWX UW Tron R GoblinsW Soul SistersRWG Small ZooWUR WUR Geist/Control/Kiki-Resto Combo/NahiriUR Splinter Twin (90% Japanese)/ Grixis TwinRUB UR Delver / Grixis Delver UR Blue MoonBWU Ad NauseamWDeath and TaxesRUB Grixis ControlUMerfolksX Affinity RGB Living End UR Storm/PiF Combo RGX R/G TRON GWU Bant Eldrazi BW Eldrazi and Taxes RUBGoryos Vengeance UB Faeries Legacy:BRx Renimator Playing right now:Standard: Jeskai Control Modern; GoryosVengeance/UBFaeries/Affinity Legacy: BRx Reanimator Pauper: UR Drake (banned) Commander: Merieke Ri Berit Esper
Miner's Bane is clearly a reference to the Balrog in Moria (Durin's Bane, was his nickname), the ancient evil unearthed by the dwarves' greed, mining deeply into the Misty Mountains. It is even black and red, a reference to it being a "creature of shadow and fire".
I'm calling it right now- worst rare in the set. Even good limited players will find better bombs at common and uncommon no sweat. Worst. Episode. Ever.
I really do predict this to be our worst rare in set award winner. I'd be happier opening a jar of eyeballs, so I think anything worse is highly unlikely. This card wont just have zero constructed potential, but not be significantly better than a mass of ghouls in a draft.
What I find interesting about Miner's Bane is a few things.
#1: The name Miner's Bane.
#2: It references Dwarves in its flavor text, which has been awhile since they were mentioned in Shadowmoor block.
#3: Although it is a guest card, the creator of Minecraft submitted Aggressive Mining.
Combined with the fact that Nissa seems very land focused... Garrisons and possibly Dwarves?
Hmm, the flavor text on Miner's Bane mentions Dwarves. Have they been mentioned any time in recent years? I know there was speculation about them being a returning tribe soon, possibly in Khans.
Hmmmm I second this as well... Dwarves seem white and/or red in nature. Having a bane seems fitting. Also, cue Aggressive Mining.
Pucatrade with me!
(Signature courtesy of Argetlam of Hakai Studios
I enjoy how Miner's Bane references Dwarves. There has not been one in Magic for a really long time. I hope this is a hint at dwarves in Tarkir.
WRBoros Aggro (Glorious knights of badassery)
RBRakdos Bloodthirst (Undercosted waves of fat s***)
URIzzet Talrand/Pyromancer (b/c I hate you)
GRGruul Ramp and Stomp (SO FAT. SO FAST. RAWRRR)
GBGolgari Birthing Pod (b/c you wanted a challenge. I did warn you this BS is banned though)
BWOrzhov Lifegain Aggro (Removal for dayzzz)
WGSelesnya Tribal Golem-splicers/token (meh. Needs more upgrades. Perhaps switching to bant?)
WUAzorius Flicker (b/c I wanna annoy the f*** outta you)
GUSimic Evolve Aggro (Aggro takes a journey to the weird side of the color pie)
BUDimir Control (b/c I wanna peel your skin off and flay you within an inch of life before I kill you)
URWJeskai Ascendency Tokens (MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
RWBMardu Warriors (Butcher is da bomb)
GU Simic Morph (slow as s*** but oh so fun)
WBGAbzan Dredge-animator (PURE EVIL)
GWHexproof Aggro (Deal with it. Lemme guess, you cant?)
EDH Decks
UBRNekusar (Multiplayer MONSTA. 1v1 Klutz)
GRB Prossh (Set up engines. WRECK FACE)
GEzuri (Hey so I heard you liked Elves...)
UTalrand (Counter. Cantrip. Counter. Cantrip. Repeat till opponents die-- possibly of boredom)
Tiny leaders
WUDaxos (basic 3/1 fliers do basic s***. Also Daxos)
RWAnax and Cymede (Heroic weenie beats)
WUHeroic Aggro (Easy mode beatstick)
I have mixed feelings about this....
Older Magic as a Board Game: Panglacial Wurm , Mill
WRBoros Aggro (Glorious knights of badassery)
RBRakdos Bloodthirst (Undercosted waves of fat s***)
URIzzet Talrand/Pyromancer (b/c I hate you)
GRGruul Ramp and Stomp (SO FAT. SO FAST. RAWRRR)
GBGolgari Birthing Pod (b/c you wanted a challenge. I did warn you this BS is banned though)
BWOrzhov Lifegain Aggro (Removal for dayzzz)
WGSelesnya Tribal Golem-splicers/token (meh. Needs more upgrades. Perhaps switching to bant?)
WUAzorius Flicker (b/c I wanna annoy the f*** outta you)
GUSimic Evolve Aggro (Aggro takes a journey to the weird side of the color pie)
BUDimir Control (b/c I wanna peel your skin off and flay you within an inch of life before I kill you)
URWJeskai Ascendency Tokens (MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
RWBMardu Warriors (Butcher is da bomb)
GU Simic Morph (slow as s*** but oh so fun)
WBGAbzan Dredge-animator (PURE EVIL)
GWHexproof Aggro (Deal with it. Lemme guess, you cant?)
EDH Decks
UBRNekusar (Multiplayer MONSTA. 1v1 Klutz)
GRB Prossh (Set up engines. WRECK FACE)
GEzuri (Hey so I heard you liked Elves...)
UTalrand (Counter. Cantrip. Counter. Cantrip. Repeat till opponents die-- possibly of boredom)
Tiny leaders
WUDaxos (basic 3/1 fliers do basic s***. Also Daxos)
RWAnax and Cymede (Heroic weenie beats)
WUHeroic Aggro (Easy mode beatstick)
Older Magic as a Board Game: Panglacial Wurm , Mill
CommanderEDH Decks:CommanderEDH DecksWULavinia of the Blinking TenthUW RGURiku the Epic Experimenter’s StormUGR UBRThrax and his Super FriendsRBU RWUZedruu the Hard HeartedUWR
WBU Zur the UnstoppableUBW
Also the Paragon cycle is giving me a khans vibe
I do like its interaction with Constellation though.
R Daretti, Scrap Savant
BR Olivia Voldaren
BRG Shattergang Brothers
GUR Riku of Two Reflections
WBG Karador, Ghost Chieftain
WUBRGCommander Decklists - PaperWUBRG
CCCCCommander Decklists - TheorycraftCCCC
Sig Credit: Pegasus Bishop
Maro said there was something old returning in Tarkir... I don't think he meant dwarves, but I'd love to see them too.
Other than that, Invasive Species is kinda cool, it could work in a Roon of the Hidden Realm EDH deck, I suppose.
BG Spanish Inquisition BG
RG Belcher RG
UBRG Necrotic Ooze ComboUBRG
Ha Ha!
B Suicide B
UG Momir Vig, Simic Visionary UG
UR Grand Affinity UR
Tiny Leaders
W Rune-Tail Soul Sisters W
Hmm, I like the sound of that idea. Don't dwarves tend to have abilities that interact with lands?
I might just be chasing shadows, but I'm seeing more hints for land interactions in M15 which might be a preview of things to come this fall. The new Nissa is all about interacting with lands and the Darksteel Citadel reprint is an ideal host for most positive effects that you might want to attach to a land.
Cubetutor Peasant'ish-Funbox
Project: Khans of Tarkir Cube (cubetutor)
RW R/W Burn WB B/W TokensXU MonuU Tron // UWX UW Tron
R GoblinsW Soul SistersRWG Small ZooWUR WUR Geist/Control/Kiki-Resto Combo/NahiriUR Splinter Twin (90% Japanese)/ Grixis TwinRUB UR Delver / Grixis Delver UR Blue MoonBWU Ad NauseamWDeath and TaxesRUB Grixis ControlUMerfolksX Affinity RGB Living End UR Storm/PiF Combo RGX R/G TRON GWU Bant Eldrazi BW Eldrazi and Taxes RUBGoryos Vengeance UB Faeries
Legacy:BRx Renimator
Playing right now: Standard: Jeskai Control Modern; GoryosVengeance/UBFaeries/Affinity Legacy: BRx Reanimator Pauper: UR Drake (banned) Commander: Merieke Ri Berit Esper
#1: The name Miner's Bane.
#2: It references Dwarves in its flavor text, which has been awhile since they were mentioned in Shadowmoor block.
#3: Although it is a guest card, the creator of Minecraft submitted Aggressive Mining.
Combined with the fact that Nissa seems very land focused... Garrisons and possibly Dwarves?
Hmmmm I second this as well... Dwarves seem white and/or red in nature. Having a bane seems fitting. Also, cue Aggressive Mining.
UR Melek, Izzet ParagonUR, B Shirei, Shizo's CaretakerB, R Jaya Ballard, Task MageR,RW Tajic, Blade of the LegionRW, UB Lazav, Dimir MastermindUB, UB Circu, Dimir LobotomistUB, RWU Zedruu the GreatheartedRWU, GUBThe MimeoplasmGUB, UGExperiment Kraj UG, WDarien, King of KjeldorW, BMarrow-GnawerB, WBGKarador, Ghost ChieftainWBG, UTeferi, Temporal ArchmageU, GWUDerevi, Empyrial TacticianGWU, RDaretti, Scrap SavantR, UTalrand, Sky SummonerU, GEzuri, Renegade LeaderG, WUBRGReaper KingWUBRG, RGXenagos, God of RevelsRG, CKozilek, Butcher of TruthC, WUBRGGeneral TazriWUBRG, GTitania, Protector of ArgothG