Indeed. We already know that Tarkir's main theme is the lack of dragons, and presumably dragons come back in the last set. After so many sets where dragons were basically forced into sets because of their popularity (e.g. Moonveil Dragon, Utvara Hellkite, etc.), this will be quite refreshing!
Crucible of Fire is almost certainly not a competitive card, but you have to love it. With the new border and awesome Sarkhan flavor text this is a sweet reprint.
In between Crucible of Fire, the other dragons printed in the core set, and the Khans of Tarkir banner line, "Become a warlord and embody the power of the infamous dragons at the Khans of Tarkir" I think dragons will appear in Khans of Tarkir and not just after it. I could be wrong though. Anyways, awesome find.
Crucible sounds perfect for the upcoming expansion. Even though I've been playing this game for over a decade and I'm almost 30, dragons still get me a little excited inside.
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Quote from Galspanic »
If someone is playing Icy Manipulator against you, you've already won.
I can't link posts yet but I will say sorry for the sarcastic reply to what I thought was a sarcastic reply to my post.
Yeah just now realized he was a moderator and most mods I have seen for sites aren't sarcastic unless they personally know the person. I do apologize and thank you for the thank yous. I don't post on much outside Ponychan where I know almost everyone that posts lol
I can say for sure, the effort is very much appreciated, cheers.
That said, these aren't particulary exciting spoilers on their own. Crucible of Fire is a huge casual fan favorite though, so that's always appreciated among the tabletop crowd. And who knows what it'll do with Tarkir. That equipment is rather meh, I can see budget Kemba lists in EDH slot it in somewhere, but other then that, meh. The frog has potentional to be the new Sanctuary Cat as far as Useless Yet Loved cards go, though it's no cat, obviously.
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My Commander decks:
Chandra, Torch of Defiance - Oops! All Chandras. Prime Speaker Zegana - Draw for Power. Pir & Toothy - Counterpalooza. Arcades, the Strategist - Another Brick in the Wall. Zacama, Primal Calamity - Calamity of Double Mana. Edgar Markov - Vampires Don't Die. Child of Alara - Dreamcrusher.
Has crucible been good even once? I mean unless there are dragon tokens (maybe Sarkhan) or very aggresively costed dragons it seems more like a win-more card to me. Never played with it in T2.
You don't call "dying to removal" if the removal is more expensive in resources than the creature. If you have to spend BG (Abrupt Decay), or W + basic land (PtE) to remove a 1G, that is not "dying to removal". Strictly speaking Goyf dies to removal, but actually your removal is dying to Goyf.
The Plate seems expensive for what it does. Certainly it's no Loxodon Warhammer
The Familiar is just another vanilla 2/3 for 2C.
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Guessing that it hints to 2nd or 3rd set of Khans of Tarkir-block, when the dragons are brought back and there shall be much fire.
Cubetutor Peasant'ish-Funbox
Project: Khans of Tarkir Cube (cubetutor)
Dunes of Zairo
Innistrad - The Darkest Night
A Community Set
Commander: Allies & Adversaries
Crucible of Fire is almost certainly not a competitive card, but you have to love it. With the new border and awesome Sarkhan flavor text this is a sweet reprint.
Thanks so much for the info. Rumormongers like you are what make our site tick.
As am I: Thank you.
Currently Playing:
Legacy: Something U/W Controlish
EDH Cube
Hypercube! A New EDH Deck Every Week(ish)!
Why is Crucible of Fire ridiculous? WotC is just setting up for what may just be a tribal theme for the fall block.
Cruicible is a reprint, it's nothing too exciting. $1 rare reprinted.
Although, it is nice to see it in standard with Mutavault, Mwuahaha.
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Yeah just now realized he was a moderator and most mods I have seen for sites aren't sarcastic unless they personally know the person. I do apologize and thank you for the thank yous. I don't post on much outside Ponychan where I know almost everyone that posts lol
Once again sorry.
That said, these aren't particulary exciting spoilers on their own. Crucible of Fire is a huge casual fan favorite though, so that's always appreciated among the tabletop crowd. And who knows what it'll do with Tarkir. That equipment is rather meh, I can see budget Kemba lists in EDH slot it in somewhere, but other then that, meh. The frog has potentional to be the new Sanctuary Cat as far as Useless Yet Loved cards go, though it's no cat, obviously.
A 2/3 Toad? Man that must be some huge mistake...
UR Melek, Izzet ParagonUR, B Shirei, Shizo's CaretakerB, R Jaya Ballard, Task MageR,RW Tajic, Blade of the LegionRW, UB Lazav, Dimir MastermindUB, UB Circu, Dimir LobotomistUB, RWU Zedruu the GreatheartedRWU, GUBThe MimeoplasmGUB, UGExperiment Kraj UG, WDarien, King of KjeldorW, BMarrow-GnawerB, WBGKarador, Ghost ChieftainWBG, UTeferi, Temporal ArchmageU, GWUDerevi, Empyrial TacticianGWU, RDaretti, Scrap SavantR, UTalrand, Sky SummonerU, GEzuri, Renegade LeaderG, WUBRGReaper KingWUBRG, RGXenagos, God of RevelsRG, CKozilek, Butcher of TruthC, WUBRGGeneral TazriWUBRG, GTitania, Protector of ArgothG
That funny, innocent looking land that seems to do everything.
Look at it, all fat, croaking and cool.
Another catch for my flavor deck. Screw Commander.
-A friend's first impression of Ancestral Recall
10/10, I tapped.