I wish my 4/4s with haste and first strike that acted as Goblin Warchiefs were better and didn't die to instants and overshadowed all other 4 drops in the format. And that they had evasion too, and some way to dodge wrath effects.
Wow, compare ability to Titanic Ultimatum. First strike and lifelink were also some of the best parts of Baneslayer Angel of cores past. Impressed for my purposes, also love the art.
A solid finisher. Swinging with an 8/8 vigilance, first strike, lifelink and the rest of your team seems good. Just hate to see him removed after committing that mana.
Looks like a very solid 5 drop, until you realise it costs 6.
Compare this to Deadbridge Goliath, which sees no play. The front end is better but only half a mana to one mana better, the graveyard effect is about the same power level as the Goliath's.
I Like it. balanced nicely against other souls once the untap occurs for both...(can kill Green, Blue and Black, dies to/trades with red, bounces with new phyrexian soul at a life gain)
Definite theme developing in standard of building up your innocuous creatures to be a significant force… (so many army-wide buffs)
While it is better than most of the Souls, that is not saying much.
This cycle of Mythics means I won't be buying a box of this core set any time soon...
Why? every core set has garbage mythics in it, and a few of these might see standard (read price driving) play if the format is slow enough, and most will see some amount of play in EDH.
This one seems pretty good lots of midrange decks out there right now that could put him as a 2 of. Looks like we got three decent to good Souls (Theros, Chandalar and New Phyrexia) green one is kinda meh and the other two just ug....
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SonofaBith - Wizards was so excited about making the packaging for Modern Masters 2 recyclable, they decided to make most of the rares and all but 1 of the UC's recycle-bin ready too. Convenient!
I like the souls personally. I enjoy the flavor each one has giving insight to its own plane. Standard staples? Maybe, maybe not. They will all see play in EDH though, that's for sure.
Yeah, I don't think any of them have much promise for Standard.
The black one at least has some EDH potential. None of them are too exciting played "fairly" as actual 6-drops, and the black one is the only one that strikes me as working in an "unfair" approach, as an ideal card advantage tool for self-mill strategies. I'll definitely be trying it out in my Mimeoplasm deck right away.
The artifact one might have some EDH applications too, but I think it's being a bit overrated; it's easier to justify 5 mana for filling your hand with threats than for a purely reactive anti-removal effect.
By virtue of it being Theros, I want it. Ahh more Theros themed cards. So happy with this. It's art is amazing, the effect is pretty good, the theme is on point. I was so sad Theros ended but now I can get this!
4WW: creatures you control get +2/+2 and first strike and lifelink until end of turn
4WW, exile Soul of Theros from your graveyard: creatures you control get +2/+2 and first strike and lifelink until end of turn
My current decks!
Storm Crow is strictly worse than Seacoast Drake.
Still, in EDH, this thing is bonkers.
This cycle of Mythics means I won't be buying a box of this core set any time soon...
Compare this to Deadbridge Goliath, which sees no play. The front end is better but only half a mana to one mana better, the graveyard effect is about the same power level as the Goliath's.
$2 mythic medium term.
except for artifact guy in bg dredge (in standard)
Definite theme developing in standard of building up your innocuous creatures to be a significant force… (so many army-wide buffs)
Altered Art Cards! | Commissions currently Closed
Why? every core set has garbage mythics in it, and a few of these might see standard (read price driving) play if the format is slow enough, and most will see some amount of play in EDH.
GW Rhys the Redeemed EDH
RUGAnimar, Soul of Elements EDH
WBRAlesha, Who Smiles at Death EDH
The black one at least has some EDH potential. None of them are too exciting played "fairly" as actual 6-drops, and the black one is the only one that strikes me as working in an "unfair" approach, as an ideal card advantage tool for self-mill strategies. I'll definitely be trying it out in my Mimeoplasm deck right away.
The artifact one might have some EDH applications too, but I think it's being a bit overrated; it's easier to justify 5 mana for filling your hand with threats than for a purely reactive anti-removal effect.
Many thanks to DNC at Heroes of the Plane Studios
Mechanically, worse than SoNP.
Your mods are terrified of me.
|| UW Jace, Vyn's Prodigy UW || UG Kenessos, Priest of Thassa (feat. Arixmethes) UG ||
Cards I still want to see created:
|| Olantin, Lost City || Pavios and Thanasis || Choryu ||