Evan Erwin posted it on Twitter. Not sure of his source. Pretty amazing anthem that might help create some tribal decktypes. Mono green centaurs anyone?
I love it! This feels like a really good use of artifact convoke. Not a lot of artifact effects are useful in creature-heavy strategies in all five colors.
I've tried making G/W centaurs right now. It only worked when I added a couple Archangel of Thunes as a curve-topper (turns out lots of recurring lifegain through courser and Centaur Healer makes her really good!) but this is too slow for them. I could see white weenie soldiers (with Raise the Alarm being back) or Gobbos.
This is it, I have solved the upcoming Standard format. I must now go in hiding to avoid the Wizards of the Coast agents who will want me dead for ruining their game. I fear this might be my last post on this forum. Farewell, friends.
this looks super fun with master of waves. just tap all your tokens to boost them and keep them alive even without the master. I also dig the art, sweet card overall.
I'm SO SICK of the "too strong for Standard" argument. It's the new "Dies to removal". We can have a two mana 4/4 with a zillion abilities, but we can't just have Accumulated Knowledge. Makes sense.
Hmmm, with raise the Alarm being reprinted in M15, I see the rise of token decks in Standard possible, even tribal decks are good with some good goblins coming around in M15. In Modern turn 3 or 4 anthem which gives +2/+2 is very nice on my books. The fact that it costs 6 makes it immune to Abrupt Decay, also with Convoke you can cast a Spectral procession or Lingering Souls or any token producing card then tap them on the SAME turn to play this is pure value IMO.
#1 - What's the dumbest idea you ever had?
#2 - 15/15 for 15?
#1 - Make it dumber
#2 - Give it protection from removal and counter?
#1 - DUMBER!
#2 - Add Timewalk?
#2 - It destroys everything when it attacks.... And wait, I have a friend who plays mill decks... I want to beat him too.
#1 - Excellent! Recess is over, go back and learn sex-ed with the other 6th graders.
I think Spirit Tokens and Soldiers are the most likely for standard. Both are white though, and I'm not sure if this is better than Dictate of Heliod. I think it is better, but the surprise aspect of the Dictate has value.
This is exactly the kind of card I like to see spoiled. It immediately gives me thoughts on decks to build, some to change, and it even goes deep enough to effect modern. Maybe it will turn out to not be good enough, but I like it when cards have that maybe they will maybe they won't feel.
I'm surprised no one mentioned Obelisk of Turd jokes. Hell, it even looks like one.
Pretty good synergy with tribal, by the way. If it makes any impact in standard, it will be on a token deck.
Monowhite heroic... hm, Phalanx Leader is a soldier. Favored Hoplite is a soldier. Fabled Hero is a soldier. Hero of Iroas is a soldier. Tokens from Launch the Fleet are soldiers.
Awesome when WotC pushes Tribal. I hope this means that the next block will have tribal card support like Lorwyn did (highly unlikely, but one can wish, right?)... or at least tribes in general.
That's a pretty nice tribal deck enabler and coupled with Hall of Triumph it gives non-white tribal decks access to multiple anthem effects. Centaurs, Goblins, Humans, Slivers, there are many potential options. So while it may not quite get there and end up as "Obelisk of Turd" with this power level it's also potentially going to be "O-bsurd" in the right decks.
I like it and it makes me wounder why soo much anthems in Standard? WHF there is like 5 paragons in M15 (also didn't have seem them all cary banners), 2 white enchantents in THS block, 1 artfact (colorless)(and they making hall a promo easily to get) in THS Block, 3 creature specific in THS block, A planeswalker that has it as a ultimate in THS block , This thing in M15...
its like there will 12 and 1 pseudo Anthem effects in the next season WTF creature combat and armies in Khans? or perhaps is just a thing to make M15 theme more evident?
Also convoke as the M15 returning mechanic...
Next Standard is Anthem Centric...
(you hearded it first )
Clearly best with mass tokens (then you can spare a few to Convoke this, as, of course, that taps them). Dictate of Heliod seems so much better for most applications: instant and all vs. sorcery that taps down guys to be worth it and tribal only.
With Dictate, Spear, AND Hall around, this doesn't seem very good.
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Quote from Skullum »
that's not what happened at all. kamahl stabbed phage, akroma, and some old lady and they became korona. then korona got stabbed by her "prophets" and kamahl got drunk with a mutant centaur
its like there will 12 and 1 pseudo Anthem effects in the next season WTF creature combat and armies in Khans? or perhaps is just a thing to make M15 theme more evident?
Also convoke as the M15 returning mechanic...
Wasn't that just kind of a generally accepted thing? Like, I thought everyone assumed that next set was going to be a really wide set, since it would contrast well with the tall block that we had with Theros, and it makes lots of sense for a plane of constant war.
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Evan Erwin posted it on Twitter. Not sure of his source. Pretty amazing anthem that might help create some tribal decktypes. Mono green centaurs anyone?
R Daretti, Scrap Savant
BR Olivia Voldaren
BRG Shattergang Brothers
GUR Riku of Two Reflections
WBG Karador, Ghost Chieftain
http://www.cubetutor.com/viewcube/13649 - My all foil cube.
Yeah, it seems pretty interesting with Rabblemaster. Come on Wizards, give me a Squirrel-making General already!
Pucatrade with me!
(Signature courtesy of Argetlam of Hakai Studios
Turn 2 : Land, Ornithopter, Ornithopter, Ornithopter, Ornithopter, Obelisk of Urd
This is it, I have solved the upcoming Standard format. I must now go in hiding to avoid the Wizards of the Coast agents who will want me dead for ruining their game. I fear this might be my last post on this forum. Farewell, friends.
1 Brimaz, King of Oreskos
1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion
1 Raise the Alarm
1 Launch the Fleet
Turn 1 - Soldier of the Pantheon or Favored Hoplite
Turn 2 - Raise the Alarm
Turn 3 - Raise the Alarm + 1 mana left then Convoke 5/6 Obelisk of Urd
Turn 4 - You can attack with 4 tokens (3/3) plus 1 or 2 creature (4/1) or (3/4). You have 3/4mana to cast Brimaz as a 5/6.
turn 2 frostburn weird
turn 3 tassa
turn 4 master of waves, make 5 token, tap 6 creature for this
will mono U rise again???
Dega midrange 1-0
Turdjokes. Hell, it even looks like one.Pretty good synergy with tribal, by the way. If it makes any impact in standard, it will be on a token deck.
special thanks to sentimentgx4 for the sig
Well, that's certainly interesting.
Also..still not a fan of the change to reminder text.
UBBreya's Toybox (Competitive, Combo)WR
RGodzilla, King of the MonstersG
-Retired Decks-
UBLazav, Dimir Mastermind (Competitive, UB Voltron/Control)UB
"Knowledge is such a burden. Release it. Release all your fears to me."
—Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
Machius proudly supports R_E's right to Rumour!
My custom sets:
Caeia Block (Released - Beta)
Generals of Dareth (In Design)
I like it and it makes me wounder why soo much anthems in Standard? WHF there is like 5 paragons in M15 (also didn't have seem them all cary banners), 2 white enchantents in THS block, 1 artfact (colorless)(and they making hall a promo easily to get) in THS Block, 3 creature specific in THS block, A planeswalker that has it as a ultimate in THS block , This thing in M15...
its like there will 12 and 1 pseudo Anthem effects in the next season WTF creature combat and armies in Khans? or perhaps is just a thing to make M15 theme more evident?
Also convoke as the M15 returning mechanic...
Next Standard is Anthem Centric...
(you hearded it first
With Dictate, Spear, AND Hall around, this doesn't seem very good.
Wasn't that just kind of a generally accepted thing? Like, I thought everyone assumed that next set was going to be a really wide set, since it would contrast well with the tall block that we had with Theros, and it makes lots of sense for a plane of constant war.