Wonderful! My favourite Chandra returns. When the time comes to making a new Chandra please please please don't let her first ability be "+1 Deal 1 Damage to Target Creature or Player." It gets a little dull after a while.
I'm ok with that. I only ever managed to get my hands on one copy because she was pretty pricey for a long time. Hopefully this reprint knocks her down to the $5 range. Then I'll pick up a few more just for collection purposes.
damn, as a modern player i was waiting the rotation to drop the price...
as least they are not reprinting the shocklands in M15...right??
A second printing still doubles supply which will drop the price.
You can never really go wrong with waiting a year on core set reprints. Either they rotate and drop in value or they reprint and drop in value.
as an economist, its an empirical exercise if at the end prices go up or down
i sucks at playing, but make some money selling things, and trust me, t2 demand really makes prices go up more than the supply side makes them down (reprinting), just let see how drop mutavault prices 6 month after m14 rotates.
damn, as a modern player i was waiting the rotation to drop the price...
as least they are not reprinting the shocklands in M15...right??
A second printing still doubles supply which will drop the price.
You can never really go wrong with waiting a year on core set reprints. Either they rotate and drop in value or they reprint and drop in value.
as an economist, its an empirical exercise if at the end prices go up or down
i sucks at playing, but make some money selling things, and trust me, t2 demand really makes prices go up more than the supply side makes them down (reprinting), just let see how drop mutavault prices 6 month after m14 rotates.
But the demand for Chandra doesn't change between the M14 and M15 printings (unless we get a super popular deck using several copies of her). At the same time however the supply doubles. I didn't say they'll go down to the same price, I said they'll go down. If you want an example of price changes check out what happened to the Titans.
I'm totally NOT a fan of the new Planeswalker frames - new one looks so bulky, inelegant. Art space shrunk, frames for name and type made unnecessarily thick.
I'm fine with M15 frames for ordinary cards but somehow can't stand the new Planeswalker one. I'm so ocd about this thing, is it just me?
Glad to have her back, it took 4 tries (the 1st 3 being between mediocre and horrible) to make a good version of Chandra so i'm glad she gets a 2nd year.
Exciting, glad that the more playable chandra returns.
Dega midrange 1-0
CommanderEDH Decks:CommanderEDH DecksWULavinia of the Blinking TenthUW RGURiku the Epic Experimenter’s StormUGR UBRThrax and his Super FriendsRBU RWUZedruu the Hard HeartedUWR
WBU Zur the UnstoppableUBW
Pucatrade with me!
(Signature courtesy of Argetlam of Hakai Studios
Well, maybe M14 Garruk?
But anyway, nice to see it's official. Chandra, Pyromaster is one of my favorites.
The Rack
Venser, the Sojourner Control
as least they are not reprinting the shocklands in M15...right??
Are you joking? Reprinting the shocklands reduced there price by almost half going by Tcgplayer mid pricing.
Dega midrange 1-0
A second printing still doubles supply which will drop the price.
You can never really go wrong with waiting a year on core set reprints. Either they rotate and drop in value or they reprint and drop in value.
as an economist, its an empirical exercise if at the end prices go up or down
i sucks at playing, but make some money selling things, and trust me, t2 demand really makes prices go up more than the supply side makes them down (reprinting), just let see how drop mutavault prices 6 month after m14 rotates.
But the demand for Chandra doesn't change between the M14 and M15 printings (unless we get a super popular deck using several copies of her). At the same time however the supply doubles. I didn't say they'll go down to the same price, I said they'll go down. If you want an example of price changes check out what happened to the Titans.
I'm fine with M15 frames for ordinary cards but somehow can't stand the new Planeswalker one. I'm so ocd about this thing, is it just me?
Machius proudly supports R_E's right to Rumour!
UR Melek, Izzet ParagonUR, B Shirei, Shizo's CaretakerB, R Jaya Ballard, Task MageR,RW Tajic, Blade of the LegionRW, UB Lazav, Dimir MastermindUB, UB Circu, Dimir LobotomistUB, RWU Zedruu the GreatheartedRWU, GUBThe MimeoplasmGUB, UGExperiment Kraj UG, WDarien, King of KjeldorW, BMarrow-GnawerB, WBGKarador, Ghost ChieftainWBG, UTeferi, Temporal ArchmageU, GWUDerevi, Empyrial TacticianGWU, RDaretti, Scrap SavantR, UTalrand, Sky SummonerU, GEzuri, Renegade LeaderG, WUBRGReaper KingWUBRG, RGXenagos, God of RevelsRG, CKozilek, Butcher of TruthC, WUBRGGeneral TazriWUBRG, GTitania, Protector of ArgothG
Looks like the art is a bit zoomed in as well, making the details more apparent, but fewer of them.
They weren't gonna take Reds first good walker away after one season.
Actually, that sounds exactly like something WotC would do...
Never got my hands on Ms. Pyromaster so now that she might become more affordable, will definitely make sure to grab a couple of copies