I don't know if this is an error on Wizards part, but I took a look around the site and found deck lists for m15's intro decks and clash packs. Links below
*edit* To add some speculation, it seems that there may be a subtheme of walls in the next set, with what appears to be Juggernaut coming back, as well as aforementioned Wall of Mulch returning, and Siege Dragon in M15.
Prophet of Kruphix, Temple of Mystery, and Nykthos....that clash pack is kinda tempting. Though, hopefully they will just make the prices of those singles crash, cuz i could use some prophets and temples, but don't care about the other stuff enough to buy the pack unless for significantly under msrp.
edit: i guess it depends on what the other non-listed rares end up being.
Darksteel Citadel and Shrapnel Blast make me wonder if this is an early version of the lists that they just used to test the new decklist format. Those seem way too powerful for the same core set.
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Hey all... I'm retired, not dead. Check out what I'm doing these days (and beg me to come back if you want):
Some strange reprints there. I can't believe they would reprint Darksteel Citadel...but I hope they're true. I need a foil Restock and it's fairly expensive.
There must've been a glitch because now the page sez "You are not authorized to access this page." (for the Intro Decks, that is) Info must not be public knowledge. Good find before they caught it. We have more to go on now.
Sniffnoy, thanks for recording all of the info before we all got shutout. There is enough of us as witnesses to put all of the cards in the spoiler as official reprints. BUT, we do not have their official numbers in, so we can only speculate where they go in the names & numbers crunch.
Can Darksteel Citadel be hinting at something for the Fall set?
The best news to come from this: If Hornet Queen is really in a set provided in boosters, we finally get token cards for it.
Hopefully tokens are exempt from the new framing style
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Real Men Play Aggro
R Heartless Hidetsugu R Godo, Bandit Warlord G Kamahl, Fist of Krosa B Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker RG Thromok the Insatiable WUBRG Scion of the Ur-Dragon
The problem with defining this format by what is "fun" is that everyone seems to define fun as what they don't lose to. If you keep losing to easily answered cards, that means you should improve your deck. If you don't want to improve your deck, then you should come to peace with the idea that you are going to lose because you chose to not interact with better strategies.
Edit: If the lists are correct, it proves convoke is the returning mechanic as the last intro deck contains siege wurm, gather courage, and devouring light
Also interesting is that clash packs have 6 premium alternate art cards.
- Main Cube
- No Brains, All Feelings Cube
708th at Grand Prix: Toronto 2013
Modern: U/R Delver, RUG Scapeshift, Pod
Standard: Jeskai Tempo
Legacy: Dredge, Burn
Pauper: Mono-U Delver
EDH: Ghave, Token Master
*edit* To add some speculation, it seems that there may be a subtheme of walls in the next set, with what appears to be Juggernaut coming back, as well as aforementioned Wall of Mulch returning, and Siege Dragon in M15.
Wall of Essence
Child of Night
Accursed Spirit
Solemn Offering
Mass Calcify
Illusory Angel
Peel from Reality
Turn to Frog
Torch Fiend
Gargoyle Sentinel
Clear a Path
Stab Wound
Caustic Tar
Heat Ray
Bronze Sable
Wall of Frost
Hoarding Dragon
Darksteel Citadel
Shrapnel Blast
Selfless Cathar
Wall of Mulch
Siege Wurm
Hornet Queen
Gather Courage
Raise the Alarm
Devouring Light
EDIT much later: Oops, I missed Stormtide Leviathan!
edit: i guess it depends on what the other non-listed rares end up being.
https://twitch.tv/annorax10 (classic retro speedruns & occasional MTGO/MTGA screwaround streams)
https://twitch.tv/SwiftorCasino (yes, my team and I run live dealer games for the baldman using his channel points as chips)
|One Red Mountain - A adventure in MTG Trading|
Caustic Tar for mono B
Pucatrade with me!
(Signature courtesy of Argetlam of Hakai Studios
That seems to be the case, yes.
- Main Cube
- No Brains, All Feelings Cube
Also, they take pains to put in more artifacts into the set, although I'm not too happy about the Staffs returning...
UR Melek, Izzet ParagonUR, B Shirei, Shizo's CaretakerB, R Jaya Ballard, Task MageR,RW Tajic, Blade of the LegionRW, UB Lazav, Dimir MastermindUB, UB Circu, Dimir LobotomistUB, RWU Zedruu the GreatheartedRWU, GUBThe MimeoplasmGUB, UGExperiment Kraj UG, WDarien, King of KjeldorW, BMarrow-GnawerB, WBGKarador, Ghost ChieftainWBG, UTeferi, Temporal ArchmageU, GWUDerevi, Empyrial TacticianGWU, RDaretti, Scrap SavantR, UTalrand, Sky SummonerU, GEzuri, Renegade LeaderG, WUBRGReaper KingWUBRG, RGXenagos, God of RevelsRG, CKozilek, Butcher of TruthC, WUBRGGeneral TazriWUBRG, GTitania, Protector of ArgothG
11-3-1 @ GP Copenhagen: Top Stories of Grand Prix Copenhagen
Sniffnoy, thanks for recording all of the info before we all got shutout. There is enough of us as witnesses to put all of the cards in the spoiler as official reprints. BUT, we do not have their official numbers in, so we can only speculate where they go in the names & numbers crunch.
Can Darksteel Citadel be hinting at something for the Fall set?
3 Soulmender
1 Kinsbaile Skirmisher
1 Wall of Essence
2 Child of Night
1 Accursed Spirit
1 Tireless Missionaries
1 Solemn Offering
1 Mass Calcify
1 Staff of the Death Magus
1 Staff of the Sun Magus
1 Divine Favor
12 Plains
13 Swamp
Intro Pack Hit The Ground Running
1 Illusory Angel
2 Roaring Primadox
1 Stormtide Leviathan
1 Restock
1 Negate
2 Peel from Reality
1 Turn to Frog
1 Plummet
13 Island
12 Forest
Intro Pack Infernal Intervention
3 Typhoid Rats
2 Torch Fiend
2 Gargoyle Sentinel
2 Goblin Roughrider
1 Wall of Fire
1 Gravedigger
1 Zof Shade
1 Thundering Giant
1 Cone of Flame
2 Lightning Strike
2 Heat Ray
1 Stab Wound
1 Caustic Tar
13 Mountain
Intro Pack Dragon's Hoard
2 Ornithopter
3 Bronze Sable
2 Welkin Tern
1 Rummaging Goblin
1 Wall of Frost
2 Juggernaut
1 Hoarding Dragon
1 Shrapnel Blast
1 Staff of the Flame Magus
1 Staff of the Mind Magus
1 Darksteel Citadel
12 Island
Intro Pack Will Of The Masses
2 Selfless Cathar
1 Wall of Mulch
2 Midnight Guard
2 Siege Wurm
1 Hornet Queen
1 Gather Courage
1 Naturalize
1 Titanic Growth
3 Raise the Alarm
2 Devouring Light
12 Plains
Clash Pack Fate
2 Leafcrown Dryad
2 Omenspeaker
3 Vaporkin
2 Nimbus Naiad
2 Horizon Chimera
1 Prognostic Sphinx
1 Prophet of Kruphix
1 Horizon Scholar
1 Curse of the Swine
2 Negate
2 Griptide
1 Temple of Mystery
7 Forest
17 Island
Clash Pack Fury
4 Elvish Mystic
2 Voyaging Satyr
1 Nessian Courser
2 Ill-Tempered Cyclops
1 Arbor Colossus
2 Nemesis of Mortals
2 Plummet
1 Boulderfall
1 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
9 Mountain
15 Forest
Decklists that we got written out for viewing if anyone cares what went where.
RWUAmerica TempoUWR
& More...
URXGrixis/Tarmo/Tempo TwinURX
Hopefully tokens are exempt from the new framing style
Real Men Play Aggro
R Heartless Hidetsugu
R Godo, Bandit Warlord
G Kamahl, Fist of Krosa
B Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker
RG Thromok the Insatiable
WUBRG Scion of the Ur-Dragon
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