Once again, really hate the "Designed by..." flavor text.
As for the card itself, I kinda like it. It's got some Avarice Totem flair, sorta, and it might be decent in some Votron builds, not sure if it makes the cut in Lazav though tbqh.
"Dies" specifically means when this/a creature goes to the graveyard.
If you choose to put your Commander in the command zone instead, he never goes there.
You don't call "dying to removal" if the removal is more expensive in resources than the creature. If you have to spend BG (Abrupt Decay), or W + basic land (PtE) to remove a 1G, that is not "dying to removal". Strictly speaking Goyf dies to removal, but actually your removal is dying to Goyf.
Power level wise, basically always weaker than Coercive Portal (a much better 'draw every upkeep' effect) and most similar to Staff of Nin.
Coercive Portal would *probably* be good in Standard (and fringe in Modern) if it was legal so this card is weaker than that. Staff of Nin has been fringe in many formats.
That is a really bad card. It could have done without the opponent gaining control of it clause. If it didn't have that last bit it might me playable but no. Is the magic world going start stepping back into fairly costed things? I hope so..... but probably not.
Without that text, it would just be an upgrade on Staff of Nin. Not a strict upgrade, but a generally superior card in any deck with a moderate number of creatures. Paying 6 at once is harder than paying 4 now and 2 later.
"Dies" specifically means when this/a creature goes to the graveyard.
If you choose to put your Commander in the command zone instead, he never goes there.
That's why Child of Alara doesn't trigger, ect.
So this means if my commander "dies" and goes back into the command zone, I can still keep the amulet on my side of the field?
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"I don't need to have the perfect plan. My foe just has to have an imperfect one."
Core Sets are a perfect time to not spend too much on MtG
Interesting thought.
Did you know M14 had a higher expected value than Theros & Born of the God when the next set was released?
Meaning, M14 had a higher EV than Theros when BotG was released and a higher EV than BotG when JOU released.
Here is the link to the site.
Seems like it would have been a perfect fit for Conspiracy!
I find myself saying that about a lot of the rares spoiled so far.
As for the card itself, I kinda like it. It's got some Avarice Totem flair, sorta, and it might be decent in some Votron builds, not sure if it makes the cut in Lazav though tbqh.
UBBreya's Toybox (Competitive, Combo)WR
RGodzilla, King of the MonstersG
-Retired Decks-
UBLazav, Dimir Mastermind (Competitive, UB Voltron/Control)UB
"Knowledge is such a burden. Release it. Release all your fears to me."
—Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
Why won't the ability trigger? I'm genuinely curious to know
[Commander] Rafiq of the Many (Tier 1)
[Commander] Marchesa, the Black Rose (Tier 1)
[Commander] Five Color Artifacts (Tier 2)
I want 10!
Agreed. I usually try and crack a few packs of each new set, just for fun, but I think I'll sit this one out.
If you choose to put your Commander in the command zone instead, he never goes there.
That's why Child of Alara doesn't trigger, ect.
-A friend's first impression of Ancestral Recall
10/10, I tapped.
That is Awesome.
Coercive Portal would *probably* be good in Standard (and fringe in Modern) if it was legal so this card is weaker than that. Staff of Nin has been fringe in many formats.
kind of needed more power than just vigilance... lifelink or first strike... 4 mana is a bit much.
It is good in R and W and RW EDH though card draw is a premium there.
Pioneer:UR Pheonix
Modern:U Mono U Tron
GB Glissa, the traitor: Army of Cans
UW Dragonlord Ojutai: Dragonlord NOjutai
UWGDerevi, Empyrial Tactician "you cannot fight the storm"
R Zirilan of the claw. The solution to every problem is dragons
UB Etrata, the Silencer Cloning assassination
Peasant cube: Cards I own
Without that text, it would just be an upgrade on Staff of Nin. Not a strict upgrade, but a generally superior card in any deck with a moderate number of creatures. Paying 6 at once is harder than paying 4 now and 2 later.
So this means if my commander "dies" and goes back into the command zone, I can still keep the amulet on my side of the field?
[Commander] Rafiq of the Many (Tier 1)
[Commander] Marchesa, the Black Rose (Tier 1)
[Commander] Five Color Artifacts (Tier 2)
UR Melek, Izzet ParagonUR, B Shirei, Shizo's CaretakerB, R Jaya Ballard, Task MageR,RW Tajic, Blade of the LegionRW, UB Lazav, Dimir MastermindUB, UB Circu, Dimir LobotomistUB, RWU Zedruu the GreatheartedRWU, GUBThe MimeoplasmGUB, UGExperiment Kraj UG, WDarien, King of KjeldorW, BMarrow-GnawerB, WBGKarador, Ghost ChieftainWBG, UTeferi, Temporal ArchmageU, GWUDerevi, Empyrial TacticianGWU, RDaretti, Scrap SavantR, UTalrand, Sky SummonerU, GEzuri, Renegade LeaderG, WUBRGReaper KingWUBRG, RGXenagos, God of RevelsRG, CKozilek, Butcher of TruthC, WUBRGGeneral TazriWUBRG, GTitania, Protector of ArgothG
Interesting thought.
Did you know M14 had a higher expected value than Theros & Born of the God when the next set was released?
Meaning, M14 had a higher EV than Theros when BotG was released and a higher EV than BotG when JOU released.
Same held true for M13, as well.
That's not a shock to everyone amirite??? lol
UR Melek, Izzet ParagonUR, B Shirei, Shizo's CaretakerB, R Jaya Ballard, Task MageR,RW Tajic, Blade of the LegionRW, UB Lazav, Dimir MastermindUB, UB Circu, Dimir LobotomistUB, RWU Zedruu the GreatheartedRWU, GUBThe MimeoplasmGUB, UGExperiment Kraj UG, WDarien, King of KjeldorW, BMarrow-GnawerB, WBGKarador, Ghost ChieftainWBG, UTeferi, Temporal ArchmageU, GWUDerevi, Empyrial TacticianGWU, RDaretti, Scrap SavantR, UTalrand, Sky SummonerU, GEzuri, Renegade LeaderG, WUBRGReaper KingWUBRG, RGXenagos, God of RevelsRG, CKozilek, Butcher of TruthC, WUBRGGeneral TazriWUBRG, GTitania, Protector of ArgothG