Threads posted in the rumor mill proper will now use prefixes. All rumor threads can have the proper prefix attached when creating or editing a thread. Prefixes must be made by the admin staff before they can be used in the rumor mill. Users are highly encouraged to select the proper tag for the thread if there is one. Users may not remove a tag that has been added to properly label a thread.
Prefixes are also searchable. Want to remember what you said about a card? You can now search for the proper prefix and find the thread you are looking for with much more ease. At this time however, we do not plan on retroactively applying tags to all threads in the rumor mill.
A quick guide to properly tagging threads :
[ARCH] = Archenemy
[COMM] = Commander
[DOTP] = Duels of the Planeswalkers
[GTC] = Gatecrash
[DD] = Duel Decks
[DGM] = Dragon's Maze
[FTV] = From the Vault
[ISD] = Innistrad
[Judge] = Judge
[M13] = Magic 2013
[M14] = Magic 2014
[MTGO] = Magic Online
New Info = For sets and products without a prefix yet
[PCH] = Planechase
[Promo] = Promos
[RTR] = Return to Ravnica
[THS] = Theros
If you have any suggestions or improvements on the tags we have already implemented or would like to suggest a new tag we may have overlooked, please PM a mod. Also, please report any problems you have with adding or viewing them as well.
Prefixes are also searchable. Want to remember what you said about a card? You can now search for the proper prefix and find the thread you are looking for with much more ease. At this time however, we do not plan on retroactively applying tags to all threads in the rumor mill.
A quick guide to properly tagging threads :
[ARCH] = Archenemy
[COMM] = Commander
[DOTP] = Duels of the Planeswalkers
[GTC] = Gatecrash
[DD] = Duel Decks
[DGM] = Dragon's Maze
[FTV] = From the Vault
[ISD] = Innistrad
[Judge] = Judge
[M13] = Magic 2013
[M14] = Magic 2014
[MTGO] = Magic Online
New Info = For sets and products without a prefix yet
[PCH] = Planechase
[Promo] = Promos
[RTR] = Return to Ravnica
[THS] = Theros
If you have any suggestions or improvements on the tags we have already implemented or would like to suggest a new tag we may have overlooked, please PM a mod. Also, please report any problems you have with adding or viewing them as well.
This will be updated as new prefixes are added.
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