Epic Experiment is pretty neat, but doesn't play nicely with counter spells (note: it doesn't exactly play badly with them either). Good thing Izzet Charm is modal!
I guess OP wants it to be 'keyworded' like "dies" was. What word would you replace ETB with though?
When Aegis Angel is born?
When Huntmaster of the Fells arrives?
When Kitchen Sphinx lands?
When Faerie Imposter busts in?
When Dread Cacodemon pops in?
When Malfegor shows up?
Epic Experiment is pretty neat, but doesn't play nicely with counter spells (note: it doesn't exactly play badly with them either). Good thing Izzet Charm is modal!
Uness there's that Nivmagus guy there to eat those counterspells...
That 1/2 elemental is gonna be forcefed counterspells off this card.
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I fear I won't have much time to play Magic these days.
I get to watch worlds develop around me.
I get to watch great leaders, terrible oppressors, and trend setters rise and fall.
Limited, Standard, Modern, everything is a different playing field I feel I can observe, but will not actually touch.
I look forward to the stories I will hear.
And more so to the ones I will watch unfold first hand.
Isn't the unknown exciting?
Also it was confirmed that Selesnya Guildgate will be printed, and therefore i think its safe to say that there will be an Azorious Guildgate, Izzet Guildgate, and Rakdos Guildgate
I wish my 4/4s with haste and first strike that acted as Goblin Warchiefs were better and didn't die to instants and overshadowed all other 4 drops in the format. And that they had evasion too, and some way to dodge wrath effects.
Made sense anyway, but if there was any doubt about Nivmagus being bat**** insane well.......that should be laid to rest now. Glad I got someone to quote me that Niv is absurd...though not quite for the reason I expected. o_0
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My Helpdesk: http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?p=7776298#post7776298
My friend's awesome mtg dice: http://www.etsy.com/listing/120956030/magic-the-gathering-mini-d6-dice-set
MTGS egos at their finest.
Thoughts on proxies:
UUWWErayo AffinityWWUU
WWGUEnchantress ControlUGWW
GGBBGlissa MultiplayerBBGG
RRRRKazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs Land DestructionRRRR
BSkithiryx, the Blight DragonB
GAzusa, Lost but SeekingG
Clicking on the Picture will lead you to my Trade Thread
My Decks
WW~Tempered Steel~WW
UU~Azami, Lady of Scrolls~UU
BUG~Damia, Sage of Stone~BUG
WW~Khemba, Kha Ragent~WW
Also that lovely little enchantment is awesome itsself. More burn you for certain spells cards are cool.
Uness there's that Nivmagus guy there to eat those counterspells...
GWUBant EnchantmentsUWG
BR Dos Rakis RB
UW Mill WU
I knew they couldn't keep up with how highly they hyped week one, but meh.
Indianapolis Regionals 2009 (Standard)
Worldwake Gameday (Limited)
See my alters here: http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q16/jimmy2do/Cards/
Pyroconvergence is meh.
UBBreya's Toybox (Competitive, Combo)WR
RGodzilla, King of the MonstersG
-Retired Decks-
UBLazav, Dimir Mastermind (Competitive, UB Voltron/Control)UB
"Knowledge is such a burden. Release it. Release all your fears to me."
—Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
Maybe i'm just not seeing it.
I get to watch great leaders, terrible oppressors, and trend setters rise and fall.
Limited, Standard, Modern, everything is a different playing field I feel I can observe, but will not actually touch.
I look forward to the stories I will hear.
And more so to the ones I will watch unfold first hand.
Isn't the unknown exciting?
Epic Experiment: dear lord, you want me to have to make a Blue/Red EDH deck, don't you? I LOVE this card.
I love it. What a fun card.
Thanks Hero's of the Plane
My current decks!
EDH will never be the same.
Like, just... wow. I want to cast this in some control EDH grixis thing, and hit every freaking goodstuffspell ever. I just love this.
Thank Heroes of the Plane for an awesome banner!
Currently Playing:
GBBG ZombiesBG
Gleemax shall take over the world. Go Gleemax.:D
Made sense anyway, but if there was any doubt about Nivmagus being bat**** insane well.......that should be laid to rest now. Glad I got someone to quote me that Niv is absurd...though not quite for the reason I expected. o_0