So, I was searching the Youtube and there were three videos from the MTG channel (links will be posted below) and in the interviews with MaRo he confirmed a few ideas that had been posted in the 'Speculation' Thread:
1) There will be a theme of the number 13. (This had assumed, but when he talks about Ludevic's Monstrocity he confirms that there will the subtheme of the number 13)
2) All of the Green and Red double-faced cards are Werewolves. (Does this hold for the new Garruk?)
3) All the Werewolves are Green or Red double-faced cards. Thus, we have a finite number of Werewolves: 13. (Just from counting the number of double-faced Green and red cards from the checklist)
4) All of the Werewolves have the same check to see whether it is night or day. (Human-> Werewolf requires no spells to have been played last turn, Werewolf-> Human requires 2 or more)
5) There is 1 mythic for each of the 'monsters' (Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, Ghosts)
Other Important Notes:
6) Courtesy of wildfire393: "Also in the third part of the interview, the guy mentions "Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde" and "Possessed Little Girl who turns into something horrible" as additional transformation tropes they wanted to hit. Looking at the checklist, these probably correspond to Cloistered Youth and Civilized Scholar."
So, this is my first real post so please let me know if this is in the wrong forum...
Also in the third part of the interview, the guy mentions "Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde" and "Possessed Little Girl who turns into something horrible" as additional transformation tropes they wanted to hit. Looking at the checklist, these probably correspond to Cloistered Youth and Civilized Scholar.
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Good links, and it was good to have some confirmation to the speculated Jeykll/Hyde cards. Personally I can't wait to see the possessed little girl, it has always been a favorite trope of mine, very little can be as creepy as that in my book...
2) All of the Green and Red double-faced cards are Werewolves.
OK, I was on board for the flip cards, but this is TOTALLY lame. Really wanted more variety there.
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you can generally tell the easiest road to victory by how many players congregate on it; and the road of counterspells/control has been the freeway of choice in magic for quite some time.
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What I find offensive is not that Wizards is endeavoring to make the game more accessible, but the attitudes of elitists who act as though no one of any age should show their face in the Magic public without first having mastery over the complexities of the game.
It's only the R/G that are werewolfs, though. We have already seen a black bat that turns into a vampire at will (for 2BB) and a blue egg than hatchs a big monster. So there IS variety there.
Edit: and, btw, this are NOT flip cards. Those are from Kamigawa. This are double faced cards.
Right, but 13 of the 20 cards are R/G and thus werewolves (well, also garruk). Black gets two total double cards, white also gets two, and blue gets three. That means there are only 5 non-werewolves (at least in this first set) that are unspoiled.
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And we allready know Vampire mythic. It's that legendary lady that pings stuff, pumps herself (for cheap AND at once! I love her for casual!) and steals stuff for a whoppin' 4RBB which is a bit too much for standard. But she's flavourfull like hell! So I wanna one for cheap penny or two.
Oww and for humans, it is the lunarch, which loses a lot when you peek at the Vampire lady heh.
So what else are they gonna do for Werewolves? I mean its an important tribe...they can't have 13...
Remember it's not a "tribal" block. There are prominent tribes because in a horror themed block it makes sense thematically to have lots of Vampires and Werewolves, but the tribes themselves are not the major focus.
I like how the werewolves turn at the same time also how its something that is far more random than the other cards we've seen. the vampires and ludevics science project are cards you have to work to change. vampires can change into bats and visa versa, the science project i feel is a bit lazy design, basically like a level up card, but i love the flavor text on it. werewolves don't have control over when they change, they can set themselves up so that they are in a safe or otherwise ideal spot when they expect to change, but others can get in their way and try to change that. the werewolf flip mechanic is very interactive and will be a lot of fun, especially in multiplayer. i just wish howlpack alpha was more along the lines of verdant force, and didn't give the +1/+1 to the tokens, or only made them during opponents upkeeps, this way it could be almost identical in duels, but far more interactive in multiplayer.
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1) There will be a theme of the number 13. (This had assumed, but when he talks about Ludevic's Monstrocity he confirms that there will the subtheme of the number 13)
2) All of the Green and Red double-faced cards are Werewolves. (Does this hold for the new Garruk?)
3) All the Werewolves are Green or Red double-faced cards. Thus, we have a finite number of Werewolves: 13. (Just from counting the number of double-faced Green and red cards from the checklist)
4) All of the Werewolves have the same check to see whether it is night or day. (Human-> Werewolf requires no spells to have been played last turn, Werewolf-> Human requires 2 or more)
5) There is 1 mythic for each of the 'monsters' (Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, Ghosts)
Other Important Notes:
6) Courtesy of wildfire393: "Also in the third part of the interview, the guy mentions "Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde" and "Possessed Little Girl who turns into something horrible" as additional transformation tropes they wanted to hit. Looking at the checklist, these probably correspond to Cloistered Youth and Civilized Scholar."
So, this is my first real post so please let me know if this is in the wrong forum...
Links to videos:
Link to cubetutor:
Interesting about all the R/G cards being werewolves.... can't help but wonder with Garruk...
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OK, I was on board for the flip cards, but this is TOTALLY lame. Really wanted more variety there.
Will Wolves be prominent?
Thanks Hero's of the Plane
Well, you need to understand that its easier if the triggers are all similar. Having several different triggers to keep in mind can be burdensome.
I'm sure you can think of something by yourself.
These are flip cards — you flip them over when they transform.
They're just not Flip Cards.
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Right, but 13 of the 20 cards are R/G and thus werewolves (well, also garruk). Black gets two total double cards, white also gets two, and blue gets three. That means there are only 5 non-werewolves (at least in this first set) that are unspoiled.
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Oww and for humans, it is the lunarch, which loses a lot when you peek at the Vampire lady heh.
EDIT: I missed it, he is. For some reason all the G's ran together.
Take another look: "Garruk Relentless" is there under the green for 3G.
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His other pic is not wolflike at all.
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Edit: Too Slow
Remember it's not a "tribal" block. There are prominent tribes because in a horror themed block it makes sense thematically to have lots of Vampires and Werewolves, but the tribes themselves are not the major focus.
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Yup. Though to be fair, now Humans and Werewolves are no longer completely different races.
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