Do you experience any error message when clicking on the "OK" button in Option Menu ? Do you have an error message before modifying the preferences ? Did you modify the name of any folders in the Vault folder ?
I used to run the program on XP SP3 and I never encountered such an issue...
I definitely want to find why it's not working properly on your system.
Do you experience any error message when clicking on the "OK" button in Option Menu ? Do you have an error message before modifying the preferences ? Did you modify the name of any folders in the Vault folder ?
I used to run the program on XP SP3 and I never encountered such an issue...
I definitely want to find why it's not working properly on your system.
Hahaha, that might explain something. There is no "OK" button within the Options Menu itself, I've always had to close it via the top right 'x' button. Also there are two settings folders, one at C:\Program Files\The Vault\games\Magic the Gathering\data\settings and the other at C:\Program Files\The Vault\data\settings. All of the settings files are inside the games\...\settings folder and the other one is primarily empty except for a 'FP_WindowSize.cfg'. Oh, didn't change any of the folder names myself, let the install program handle it completely.
I've tinkered with a number of MTG programs now and this is the first obvious flaws I've encountered that weren't consistent on other people's machines.
One other thing, I peeked inside the cards.xml and found the three-digit code for each of the set directories but I see many of them are only two digits. Based upon my research I can only assume you are using the codes supplied by as opposed to which I find semi-confusing. Certainly the three-digit ones fail in one regard (COM isn't allowed in Windows as a folder name though I discovered a work around), but I was under the impression the three-digit ones were more accurate/used by Wizards of the Coast themselves. Any clarification, or the option to switch to the three-digit ones would be appreciated. Thanks again for all your hard work and let me know if I can help compile a list or something.
Slight edit: It seems the codes come in two and three digit, so I've been working to set them up properly. Still I hope to find the reason behind that missing OK button. ^^
Love the program. It's exactly what I was looking for. I do have a couple things I'd love to see though (or if the program does this, some guidance as to how):
1. A column in collection view that displays the number of each card currently assigned to linked decks.
2. When exporting to HTML, have the prices export as well.
Did you check if the saved file is 0 octet?? I am pretty sure the collection is correcly saved...
You may encounter a problem during opening... Pretty weird! May you please upload the collection so that I can investigate what goes wrong with it? I recently modified something in the opening subroutine, which could likely cause issues with some specific cards.
Even though has an average price for the sorin vs tibalt decks I don't seem to get a price update in The Vault. Try as I might I can't figure it out.
I'm having a couple of odd issues with The Vault. I began putting my collection in over the weekend. I got a decent chunk of it done and decided to stop. I saved it and went on my way. When I came back, I noticed that it didn't save a lot of my entries. I re-entered one, saved, and re-opened, and it was fine then. However, now the "Number of cards" and "Number of different cards" is incorrect. It only shows Number of cards: 4 and Number of different cards: 1. I then entered another card, saved, and exited. It saved the changes, but now shows "5" and "2" for the counts.
For giggles, I tried changing the sort option from "By color" to "Alphabetical". This throws an exception error: "There is no row at position -1". I'm assuming my .tvc file is messed up somehow?
Here's a link to a ZIP that contains my .tvc file:
I'm going to be adding some 5200 cards to this in the next few days, with a few thousand more possibly in the weeks after that, up to a total of about 53,000. I really like the idea that I can track what I have, and this interface is appealing to me for the most part, so I'm hoping that these small "glitches" are uncommon :). Before this weekend, I did a test entry, saved, and exited, and the collection was blank when I went back... the .tvc file was 0kb, so The Vault just didn't save that time (of note, to "save" I exited the app and said "yes" to the pop-up asking to save, I did not do File - > Save Collection).
I have not been able to get card scans to show up. How do I get them to work please?
Have you downloaded all of the card scans? Double check your settings under The Vault then as well and make sure everything is correct. It took me about 10 mins of messing around before I got it to work.
I'm having a couple of odd issues with The Vault. I began putting my collection in over the weekend. I got a decent chunk of it done and decided to stop. I saved it and went on my way. When I came back, I noticed that it didn't save a lot of my entries. I re-entered one, saved, and re-opened, and it was fine then. However, now the "Number of cards" and "Number of different cards" is incorrect. It only shows Number of cards: 4 and Number of different cards: 1. I then entered another card, saved, and exited. It saved the changes, but now shows "5" and "2" for the counts.
For giggles, I tried changing the sort option from "By color" to "Alphabetical". This throws an exception error: "There is no row at position -1". I'm assuming my .tvc file is messed up somehow?
Here's a link to a ZIP that contains my .tvc file:
I'm going to be adding some 5200 cards to this in the next few days, with a few thousand more possibly in the weeks after that, up to a total of about 53,000. I really like the idea that I can track what I have, and this interface is appealing to me for the most part, so I'm hoping that these small "glitches" are uncommon :). Before this weekend, I did a test entry, saved, and exited, and the collection was blank when I went back... the .tvc file was 0kb, so The Vault just didn't save that time (of note, to "save" I exited the app and said "yes" to the pop-up asking to save, I did not do File - > Save Collection).
Your file is corrupted. The cumul part of the file, to populate the cumulated data grid is almost absent. that's why the cumulated data grid is no more synchronized with the comprehensive data grid.
Please retry to create and save the collection with the last version 0.5b. I fixed some bugs in the section building for collections linked to the sorting, especially if the alphabetical sort is performed using non-english languages. Tell me if you still encounter the issue.
Your file is corrupted. The cumul part of the file, to populate the cumulated data grid is almost absent. that's why the cumulated data grid is no more synchronized with the comprehensive data grid.
Please retry to create and save the collection with the last version 0.5b. I fixed some bugs in the section building for collections linked to the sorting, especially if the alphabetical sort is performed using non-english languages. Tell me if you still encounter the issue.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I will download 0.5b and use it.
I just had an issue this morning with a collection actually. I have 1306 cards entered. Some of them, (for example, slaughterhorn), if I have 3 NM and one EX condition from the same set, save, and go back in, the entier slaughterhorn entry ends up missing. It seems to be worse if I just hit "save" versus "save as" and do an overwrite, but it happens I'll say 75% of the time.
Starting tomorrow, I'll be entering about another 4,000 cards over the next few days and will report anything I find then.
One last suggestion - the drop down on the first screen - make it just a select drop-down, rather than a text entry box. Personally, I find it easier to click the drop down box, rather than having to click the little arrow.
One work around I have found is that if I have a corrupted collection and want to fix it easily... I just create a new blank one, then do an "import collection". After doing that, it seems to be fine, for a bit.
I almost wonder if it would be better to use a SQL DB (MS SQL Express, SQL Lite or similar)? Seems that might curve some of the corruption, and allow you more flexibility in the program - rather than write calculated data (such as total cards) to the DB/file, you can just do SELECT COUNT(*) statements.
Have you downloaded all of the card scans? Double check your settings under The Vault then as well and make sure everything is correct. It took me about 10 mins of messing around before I got it to work.
Hi Selta,
Yes I have downloaded all the card scans with a different tool and have them stored as such:
Do I have to have all the card scans in the same directory?
To answer the last question, no. Under the Option menu, card scans submenu, you need to put all the right settings in. You'll have to set the scan directory to /drive_letter/Magic/Full/, and checkmark the "setcode-named directory for each set". Then, make sure you have "by name" selected in the card nomenclature.
After that, you'll likely need to re-name all of your folders. So if you have, say:
/drive_letter/Magic/Full/Gatecrash/Act of Treason.jpg
You will need to change the "gatecrash" part to the set code, in this case GTC, so it'd end up looking like:
/drive_letter/Magic/Full/GTC/Act of Treason.jpg
And so on, for each of the sets. Once you do that, the scans should show up - they work for me, except cards with Æ in them for some reason (like Ætherize).
This is because special ASCII symbols have been replaced — in the process searching for scan files — by basic ASCII symbol, as for MWS, to avoid local environment issues. I know people on Russian Windows XP encountering problems due to special symbol such as á, ş, æ etc.
Hence :
Æ --> AE
æ --> ae
à --> a
á --> a
and so on.
Concerning the pictures, you also have to be careful about the alternative number: different cards may in a single set have the same name (this is particularly true for basic lands). Thus, I suggest you to name the cards — when alternative versions exist — as Card_Name[alt separator mark]Card_Alteration.full.jpg. By default [alt separator mark] is an empty string. For basic lands, you get Island1.full.jpg, Island2.full.jpg etc.
To avoid all those issues, the simplest way to get scan is to have them named by multiverseID (which I get from Gatherer Extractor).
Please also note you can choose a different nomenclature/format/folder/cropping for Token settings.
@ Selta : Did you try 0.5b? Do you still have problems with saving your collection?
@ Selta : Did you try 0.5b? Do you still have problems with saving your collection?
I have it downloaded and installed, but haven't had hardly anytime to use it yet. It's looking like I won't get to more organizing until maybe this weekend. I will definitely let you know what I find
Thanks in advance, Selta. Any help to track, find, and correct this bug is welcome. This problem has never been reported by users except you, and is likely due to a recent modification in the section building process. Dispite my comprehensive beta-test, I do not identify this bug because it seems to be really correlated to a specific combination of sorters you're using to organize the collection and the language you selected for alphabetical sorting.
However, I consider the bug severity as high, because it can potentially corrupt all the collections of users created with previous versions of The Vault, which would be dramatic.
Sounds good to me. I will definitely keep you up to date with anything I find. For my next set of cards I'm entering (roughly 4000) I'll be starting a new collection, and then just adding the two collections together. You'll definitely hear from me if there are any issues, though at this point I'm finding it hard to place blame on the program.
chaudakh - I actually had some free time tonight to start, so I entered between 550 and 600 cards into a new collection. I was saving periodically as I was working, and made sure to save prior to exiting. I exited The Vault and went back in, and re-opened the new collection. When I did, I only had a small handful of cards and the totals were showing 0 again. I opened the XML in notepad and it looks like most (if not all) of my entries are still there, the file just got corrupted somehow along the way.
Here's a copy of the collection:
I hope it'd be possible for you to "fix" it and send it to me somehow. I have about 90 minutes into that collection and would rather not lose that time if possible
I did not get any errors or anything during use. Simply started a brand new collection, entered a bunch of cards (was saving periodically) and went to re-open and noticed most cards are missing.
the file seems correct. A problem seems to occur when opening collection. Mzy you please tell me what sorter you are using and which language for alphabetical sorting?
In addition, may you please do the following test: Please go to /magic the gathering/data/settings. Create a new folder named temp_save and cut paste all the cfg files into it. You'll get all the default settings when running The Vault. Run The Vault and try to open the collection. Does it work?
You can restore all your settings by cut paste all the cfg files from temp_save back to settings.
the file seems correct. A problem seems to occur when opening collection. Mzy you please tell me what sorter you are using and which language for alphabetical sorting?
In addition, may you please do the following test: Please go to /magic the gathering/data/settings. Create a new folder named temp_save and cut paste all the cfg files into it. You'll get all the default settings when running The Vault. Run The Vault and try to open the collection. Does it work?
You can restore all your settings by cut paste all the cfg files from temp_save back to settings.
I am using two sorts. Sort 1 is set to "color", Sort 2 is set to "alphabetical". Sort 3 and 4 are set to none. All of my language settings are set to English. I do currently have a Japanese card in this collection, and will have Chinese ones as well once it's done. I wonder if it's the mixed languages?
I did the test as requested. I moved the files from the settings folder, opened The Vault and tried to open the collection. However, no change. The totals at the top still show zeros, and the only cards that show in the collection are the Land cards I entered last night - 73 of them.
I did a further test, and tried changing the sort 2. I tried to change it from "alphabetical" to "none" and got the same exception error as before; "There is no row at position -1". Here's more details for you:
************** Exception Text **************
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: There is no row at position -1.
at System.Data.RBTree`1.GetNodeByIndex(Int32 userIndex)
at System.Data.DataRowCollection.get_Item(Int32 index)
at TheVault.Panel_Collection.Reconstruct_Sections()
at TheVault.FenetrePrincipale.Rebuild_Sections()
at TheVault.FenetrePrincipale.ComboBox_Trieur2_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.WmReflectCommand(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18033 built by: FX45RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
The Vault
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 0.5.0
CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/The%20Vault/The%20Vault.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 11.0.50709.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualBasic/v4.0_10.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18033 built by: FX45RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18033 built by: FX45RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18022 built by: FX45RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Runtime.Remoting/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Runtime.Remoting.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18033 built by: FX45RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18033 built by: FX45RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/System.Data/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Data.dll
Assembly Version: 7.0.3300.0
Win32 Version: 7.10.6070
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC/ADODB/7.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/ADODB.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Numerics/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Numerics.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/The%20Vault/AxInterop.OWC11.DLL
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 12.0.4518.1014
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC/Microsoft.Office.Interop.Owc11/
Assembly Version: 7.0.3300.0
Win32 Version: 7.00.9466
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC/MSDATASRC/7.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/MSDATASRC.dll
Unfortunately, I can not reproduce the bug at home. Your file is completely safe. Are you sure you are using 0.5b ?
Yup. The splash screen shows "The Vault 0.v5b" on the bottom left corner. When I go to the ? and into About, it shows 0.5b there as well with (Mar 2013).
Would it be possible for you to re-save the collection and send it to me?
For giggles, I spun up a virtual machine running Vista. I did a complete install of all requirements and The Vault. I tried to load my collection there and it also only has the 73 lands, with counters showing 0. When I change sort, I get the same error.
To find the bug, you need to reproduce it from the original install. By default there are no sorters for collections. Make sure you don't have any files in ./Magic the Gathering/data/settings.
Try to load the collection. Does it work ?
Now close the collection, and try to make the minimal number of moves to reproduce the bug. Setting the first sorter to Alphabetical for example and reload the collection.
From the original install, your collection is loaded perfectly on my computer, as well as on the other install full of custom settings :
To find the bug, you need to reproduce it from the original install. By default there are no sorters for collections. Make sure you don't have any files in ./Magic the Gathering/data/settings.
Try to load the collection. Does it work ?
Now close the collection, and try to make the minimal number of moves to reproduce the bug. Setting the first sorter to Alphabetical for example and reload the collection.
From the original install, your collection is loaded perfectly on my computer, as well as on the other install full of custom settings :
Here are my steps to re-produce. This is on a brand new install, on a brand new virtual machine running Windows Vista.
1) Install .NET 4.1
2) Install Office web Components 11
3) Install The Vault
4) Install Gamepack
5) Open The Vault
6) Select File > Open, then open my TVC
- at this point I see no sort options set, and only 73 cards loaded
7) Change Sort 1 to anything (color, set, alphabetic are ones I tried), and get error I posted above.
I have verified that the Settings folder is 100% empty as well.
One thing I also noticed... I opened the set, and if I edit a card (change qty), I get the same error. I can click "continue" on the error though and it seems to process the change. However, if I save the TVC and attempt to re-open it, I get a "The deck format is invalid!" error message.
Since the collection appears to open fine on your end, I can only assume that it is something on my computers causing this, but what I'm not sure.
I think I'm giving up on this software sadly. It's awesome when it works, but I'm already having trouble with another brand-new collection I just started yesterday. I had almost 400 cards entered and saved for the night. I re-opened it and the counters are showing 0/0, and a whole bunch of cards that I entered are missing, and the totals are showing 0 and 0 again. For example... The Vault doesn't show Chapel Geist in the collection. If I open the TVC file in notepad, I can clearly see two entries for Chapel Geist. When I have it open, and change any sort option (all sort options are "none" right now, as this is a brand new install so far), I get the same -1 error I've posted above. It seems that there is something wrong with open/read function, or maybe save function. I'm not sure which, and can't keep wasting hours trying to figure it out.
I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for new versions and will test them as they come out, but for now, this just isn't stable enough for me to commit to.
I used to run the program on XP SP3 and I never encountered such an issue...
I definitely want to find why it's not working properly on your system.
Hahaha, that might explain something. There is no "OK" button within the Options Menu itself, I've always had to close it via the top right 'x' button. Also there are two settings folders, one at C:\Program Files\The Vault\games\Magic the Gathering\data\settings and the other at C:\Program Files\The Vault\data\settings. All of the settings files are inside the games\...\settings folder and the other one is primarily empty except for a 'FP_WindowSize.cfg'. Oh, didn't change any of the folder names myself, let the install program handle it completely.
I've tinkered with a number of MTG programs now and this is the first obvious flaws I've encountered that weren't consistent on other people's machines.
One other thing, I peeked inside the cards.xml and found the three-digit code for each of the set directories but I see many of them are only two digits. Based upon my research I can only assume you are using the codes supplied by as opposed to which I find semi-confusing. Certainly the three-digit ones fail in one regard (COM isn't allowed in Windows as a folder name though I discovered a work around), but I was under the impression the three-digit ones were more accurate/used by Wizards of the Coast themselves. Any clarification, or the option to switch to the three-digit ones would be appreciated. Thanks again for all your hard work and let me know if I can help compile a list or something.
Slight edit: It seems the codes come in two and three digit, so I've been working to set them up properly. Still I hope to find the reason behind that missing OK button. ^^
1. A column in collection view that displays the number of each card currently assigned to linked decks.
2. When exporting to HTML, have the prices export as well.
You may encounter a problem during opening... Pretty weird! May you please upload the collection so that I can investigate what goes wrong with it? I recently modified something in the opening subroutine, which could likely cause issues with some specific cards.
For giggles, I tried changing the sort option from "By color" to "Alphabetical". This throws an exception error: "There is no row at position -1". I'm assuming my .tvc file is messed up somehow?
Here's a link to a ZIP that contains my .tvc file:
I'm going to be adding some 5200 cards to this in the next few days, with a few thousand more possibly in the weeks after that, up to a total of about 53,000. I really like the idea that I can track what I have, and this interface is appealing to me for the most part, so I'm hoping that these small "glitches" are uncommon :). Before this weekend, I did a test entry, saved, and exited, and the collection was blank when I went back... the .tvc file was 0kb, so The Vault just didn't save that time (of note, to "save" I exited the app and said "yes" to the pop-up asking to save, I did not do File - > Save Collection).
Thank you for sharing this tool with us.
I have not been able to get card scans to show up. How do I get them to work please?
Have you downloaded all of the card scans? Double check your settings under The Vault then as well and make sure everything is correct. It took me about 10 mins of messing around before I got it to work.
Your file is corrupted. The cumul part of the file, to populate the cumulated data grid is almost absent. that's why the cumulated data grid is no more synchronized with the comprehensive data grid.
Please retry to create and save the collection with the last version 0.5b. I fixed some bugs in the section building for collections linked to the sorting, especially if the alphabetical sort is performed using non-english languages. Tell me if you still encounter the issue.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I will download 0.5b and use it.
I just had an issue this morning with a collection actually. I have 1306 cards entered. Some of them, (for example, slaughterhorn), if I have 3 NM and one EX condition from the same set, save, and go back in, the entier slaughterhorn entry ends up missing. It seems to be worse if I just hit "save" versus "save as" and do an overwrite, but it happens I'll say 75% of the time.
Starting tomorrow, I'll be entering about another 4,000 cards over the next few days and will report anything I find then.
One last suggestion - the drop down on the first screen - make it just a select drop-down, rather than a text entry box. Personally, I find it easier to click the drop down box, rather than having to click the little arrow.
One work around I have found is that if I have a corrupted collection and want to fix it easily... I just create a new blank one, then do an "import collection". After doing that, it seems to be fine, for a bit.
I almost wonder if it would be better to use a SQL DB (MS SQL Express, SQL Lite or similar)? Seems that might curve some of the corruption, and allow you more flexibility in the program - rather than write calculated data (such as total cards) to the DB/file, you can just do SELECT COUNT(*) statements.
Hi Selta,
Yes I have downloaded all the card scans with a different tool and have them stored as such:
Do I have to have all the card scans in the same directory?
To answer the last question, no. Under the Option menu, card scans submenu, you need to put all the right settings in. You'll have to set the scan directory to /drive_letter/Magic/Full/, and checkmark the "setcode-named directory for each set". Then, make sure you have "by name" selected in the card nomenclature.
After that, you'll likely need to re-name all of your folders. So if you have, say:
/drive_letter/Magic/Full/Gatecrash/Act of Treason.jpg
You will need to change the "gatecrash" part to the set code, in this case GTC, so it'd end up looking like:
/drive_letter/Magic/Full/GTC/Act of Treason.jpg
And so on, for each of the sets. Once you do that, the scans should show up - they work for me, except cards with Æ in them for some reason (like Ætherize).
Hence :
Æ --> AE
æ --> ae
à --> a
á --> a
and so on.
Concerning the pictures, you also have to be careful about the alternative number: different cards may in a single set have the same name (this is particularly true for basic lands). Thus, I suggest you to name the cards — when alternative versions exist — as Card_Name[alt separator mark]Card_Alteration.full.jpg. By default [alt separator mark] is an empty string. For basic lands, you get Island1.full.jpg, Island2.full.jpg etc.
To avoid all those issues, the simplest way to get scan is to have them named by multiverseID (which I get from Gatherer Extractor).
Please also note you can choose a different nomenclature/format/folder/cropping for Token settings.
@ Selta : Did you try 0.5b? Do you still have problems with saving your collection?
I have it downloaded and installed, but haven't had hardly anytime to use it yet. It's looking like I won't get to more organizing until maybe this weekend. I will definitely let you know what I find
However, I consider the bug severity as high, because it can potentially corrupt all the collections of users created with previous versions of The Vault, which would be dramatic.
Here's a copy of the collection:
I hope it'd be possible for you to "fix" it and send it to me somehow. I have about 90 minutes into that collection and would rather not lose that time if possible
I did not get any errors or anything during use. Simply started a brand new collection, entered a bunch of cards (was saving periodically) and went to re-open and noticed most cards are missing.
the file seems correct. A problem seems to occur when opening collection. Mzy you please tell me what sorter you are using and which language for alphabetical sorting?
In addition, may you please do the following test: Please go to /magic the gathering/data/settings. Create a new folder named temp_save and cut paste all the cfg files into it. You'll get all the default settings when running The Vault. Run The Vault and try to open the collection. Does it work?
You can restore all your settings by cut paste all the cfg files from temp_save back to settings.
I am using two sorts. Sort 1 is set to "color", Sort 2 is set to "alphabetical". Sort 3 and 4 are set to none. All of my language settings are set to English. I do currently have a Japanese card in this collection, and will have Chinese ones as well once it's done. I wonder if it's the mixed languages?
I did the test as requested. I moved the files from the settings folder, opened The Vault and tried to open the collection. However, no change. The totals at the top still show zeros, and the only cards that show in the collection are the Land cards I entered last night - 73 of them.
I did a further test, and tried changing the sort 2. I tried to change it from "alphabetical" to "none" and got the same exception error as before; "There is no row at position -1". Here's more details for you:
Yup. The splash screen shows "The Vault 0.v5b" on the bottom left corner. When I go to the ? and into About, it shows 0.5b there as well with (Mar 2013).
Would it be possible for you to re-save the collection and send it to me?
For giggles, I spun up a virtual machine running Vista. I did a complete install of all requirements and The Vault. I tried to load my collection there and it also only has the 73 lands, with counters showing 0. When I change sort, I get the same error.
Try to load the collection. Does it work ?
Now close the collection, and try to make the minimal number of moves to reproduce the bug. Setting the first sorter to Alphabetical for example and reload the collection.
From the original install, your collection is loaded perfectly on my computer, as well as on the other install full of custom settings :
Here are my steps to re-produce. This is on a brand new install, on a brand new virtual machine running Windows Vista.
1) Install .NET 4.1
2) Install Office web Components 11
3) Install The Vault
4) Install Gamepack
5) Open The Vault
6) Select File > Open, then open my TVC
- at this point I see no sort options set, and only 73 cards loaded
7) Change Sort 1 to anything (color, set, alphabetic are ones I tried), and get error I posted above.
I have verified that the Settings folder is 100% empty as well.
One thing I also noticed... I opened the set, and if I edit a card (change qty), I get the same error. I can click "continue" on the error though and it seems to process the change. However, if I save the TVC and attempt to re-open it, I get a "The deck format is invalid!" error message.
Since the collection appears to open fine on your end, I can only assume that it is something on my computers causing this, but what I'm not sure.
I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for new versions and will test them as they come out, but for now, this just isn't stable enough for me to commit to.